《I Am The Dragon Slayer (Highschool dxd x male reader)》Riser Phoenix
Leonidas: It's about time! What took you so long?!
Y/n: Sorry! He was faster than I expected.
You were on top of a mountain with Leonidas who had been waiting for you. You were dragging a dead boar that you had killed.
Y/n: I can't wait for you to cook this thing!
You gave him one of your smiles. Leonidas shakes his head.
Leonidas: I'm not gonna be the one to cook it.
Y/n: Huh? But who will?
He points at you.
Leonidas: You'll do it.
You were surprised but nodded.
Y/n: Okay! All I'm gonna need is some sticks and we'll have ourselves some fire!
You turned around and was about to run down the mountain.
Leonidas: Hold it boy.
Y/n: Huh? But why?!
Leonidas: I said you do it.
What he said surprised you, you lowered your head in shame.
Y/n: I tried Leo, but I just can't do it. I tried to use Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, but I just can't get it down.
Leonidas: I trained you to use my power. You could use Lightning just like me. If you can use Lightning then you can use Fire!
Y/n: I TRIED!!!
Leonidas gasps by your sudden outburst. Tears started to fall from your eyes.
Y/n: I really tried, but I can't use fire. Every time I tried to eat fire, it just burns my mouth. Maybe I can't use more than one element.
Leonidas started to pat your head with his index finger.
Leonidas: Don't worry, I know your doing your best, all you need is a catalyst, try eating someone else's fire, you can't eat mine cause your not strong enough. But one day, I know you can do it.
Y/n: Okay! I'll do my best, for you Leonidas! I promise!
(Flashback End)
You felt someone poking your face, you opened your eyes and saw Lexie awake staring at you. You got up and rubbed your eyes.
Y/n: What time is it?
You let out a yawn.
Lexie: Almost time for school. I can't believe you, sleeping on someone else's couch.
Y/n: Relax, I'm sure Rias was fine with it. Speaking of Rias, where is she?
Lexie: She went to take a shower, she told me to wake you up.
Y/n: Okay.
You stood up and stretched your arms.
Lexie: When she gets out of the shower, I want you to take one! You understand!
Y/n: Huh?!
Lexie: I can smell you from upstairs! When's the last time you took a shower?
Y/n: Uhhhhh.
Lexie sighs. Just then Rias entered the room drying her hair with a towel. She notices you up.
Rias: Oh, good morning Y/n. How was your sleep?
Y/n: It was alright, sorry that I crashed on your couch.
You rub the back of your head in embarrassment
Lexie: Now that she's out of the shower, it's time for you to get in there!
Lexie shoves a towel and fresh set of clothes in your arms and pushes you into the shower
Y/n: Hey! Stop being so pushy!
Lexie: Stop your whining! Hurry up and take a shower!
Y/n: Okay! Okay! Mom! Sheesh.
You took off your clothes and threw them outside in the living room. You turn on the shower and started to wash your body. You quickly realized something.
Y/n: Hey. Uhhhh. I don't have any shampoo.
Rias: You can use mine.
Y/n: Y-you sure?
Rias: I insist.
With permission, you decided to use the shampoo in Rias's shower. You let out a contented sigh. After a few minutes, you get out of the shower wearing a fresh pair of clothes.
Y/n: Man! That was refreshing. I feel like a new man!
Lexie: Great. Now that you took a shower, it's time for you to go to school.
Y/n: Huh?!
You looked at Lexie surprised.
Rias: She's right Y/n. It's almost time for school.
Y/n: It is?
Rias: If we don't wanna be late we should get going. Come.
Rias heads to the door and you followed. You shield your eyes from sun. You see Rias already walked towards the school. Picking up the pace, you walked beside her towards the school.
Rias: Y/n, can I ask you something?
Y/n: Huh? Oh, yeah go ahead.
Rias stops walking, making you stop as well.
Rias: What do you think about marriage?
Y/n: Marriage?
You were surprised by her question. You put your hand on your chin in thought.
Y/n: I think it's something special. To be with the person you love for the rest of your lives.
Rias: I see.
She resumed to walk. You watched her walking father and father from you.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Rias. What's wrong with you?
You were currently sitting in class, you paid little attention to class. Your thoughts on Rias and her behavior the last few days.
Teacher: Mr. L/n!
Your thoughts were interrupted by the Teacher who yelled your name.
Y/n: Y-Yes!
The Teacher just rubbed the bridges of their nose.
Teacher: It's about time you answered. I called your name about five times.
Y/n: Sorry.
The Teacher just sighed and asked you a question, which you answered. Your thoughts return back on Rias. You felt your eyes slowly start to close, pretty soon your were asleep.
You were running towards Leonidas who was staring at the sky. You both were currently sitting on top a mountain.
Y/n: Leo!
Leonidas turned his attention to your happy face, you grabbed hold one of his fingers.
Leonidas: What is it?
Y/n: Watch this!
You face towards the mountains and took a huge breath.
Y/n: Lightning Dragon:Roar!
A tiny puff of lightning comes out of your mouth. You looked at Leonidas.
Y/n: How was that?
Leonidas just laughs.
Leonidas: You call that a Roar? Here I'll show you what a real Roar is.
Leonidas looks at one of the mountains and took a deep breath.
Leonidas: Lightning Dragon: Roar!
He unleashed a powerful breath attack at the mountain. The attack hits the mountain completely destroying it.
Y/n: I thought we weren't supposed to destroy mountains?
Leonidas: It okay to go a little overboard sometimes.
He nervously responded. Just then the sound of wings can be heard in the distance. You both look and see a Dragon approaching the both of you.
Leonidas: Oh, this is a surprise.
Y/n: Do you know who it is?
Leonidas nodded. Pretty soon the Dragon gets closer. You noticed it's red scales and the scars on its body. It was Igneel.
Y/n: Hey! It's Igneel!
Igneel landed right next to You and Leonidas. You noticed a pink haired boy riding Igneel's back.
Igneel: Leonidas. It's good to see you.
Leonidas: Likewise my friend. I see you have brought your Dragon Slayer here.
Igneel: Yes. I thought it's about time they meet.
The pink haired boy got off and walked towards you.
Natsu: I'm Natsu! Igneel's son.
You were surprised to see another boy.
Y/n: Is he a Dragon Slayer too?
You looked at Leonidas who nodded.
Leonidas: Yes he's just like you to, except he's a Fire Dragon Slayer.
Y/n: Fire?
You looked at Natsu surprised.
Natsu: What are you?
Y/n: Oh, um. I'm a Lightning Dragon Slayer.
Leonidas: Hopefully not for long.
You looked at him annoyed.
Y/n: I'm trying.
Leonidas: If you say so.
Natsu: Hey! I got an idea. Let's walk around and try to hunt something down.
You looked at Leonidas. He nodded. You looked back at Natsu with a smile on your face.
Y/n: Okay! I'm down.
Natsu: Let's go!
You and Natsu both ran down a hill.
Natsu: First one to get a boar wins!
Y/n: Your on!
You and Natsu both grinned at each other as you both ran.
Natsu: I'm all fired up!
(Real World)
You slowly started to wake up and noticed Issei two friends were over at his desk. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. Your thoughts dwell back on Natsu.
Y/n: Haven't thought of you, in a long time. I wonder where you at and what your doing.
You looked over at Issei and his friends and see all of them have a perverted look on their faces.
Y/n:(Thoughts) They're up to something. Maybe I should follow them.
Just as you were about to decide to follow them, a new scent caught your attention.
Y/n: This smell... it's Jin.
You stood up and looked outside, you looked over at the trees and narrowed your eyes.
Y/n:(Thoughts) He's over there.
You walked out of the classroom and walked in the hallway towards the doors leading to outside.
You walked over to the trees were you smelled him and searched for him. After a few minutes of walking around you couldn't find him.
You gave up the search and walked back towards the school.
Y/n: Why were you here, Jin?
You were sitting down on one of the couches right next to Koneko as Lexie in her cat form sat in your lap. You and Lexie both watched Asia heal Issei, who was beaten up by Koneko.
Issei: Owie.
Asia: This looks bad... just gimme a second.
Koneko: No need to rush, Asia.
You nodded in agreement. Rias walks forward towards Issei with her hands on her hips.
Rias: I don't understand how you can be such a boy.
When Asia was done healing Issei he looks back at Rias.
Issei: What? My friends invited me to go, I didn't want to be rude.
Asia: I can help out! If it's that important for you to see nudity... look at me!
Asia grabbed the bottom of her skirt and was about to lift it up. Issei quickly stopped her.
Issei: No!!! Stop, Asia. You've got me all wrong!
Y/n: Don't encourage this perv, Asia.
Koneko: Yes. Please don't.
Koneko nodded in agreement.
Asia: I-If you say so.
Issei grunts.
You picked up Jin scent again, this time he's even closer than before. You motioned Lexie to get off your lap. She did and you stood up gaining everyone's attention.
Issei: Something wrong dude?
Y/n: I'm gonna head home for the night. Sorry, something just came up.
Giving no one any explanation you quickly exited the ORC and took the usual route you walk to when you go home.
Nearing your house you decided to take a left and into an alleyway. You stopped and turned around.
Y/n: I know your here Jin. You might as well come out.
Jin stepped out from behind a building and smirked.
Jin: So you did notice me, huh. I'm impressed. Not bad for a First Generation Dragon Slayer.
Y/n: First Generation?
You looked at him confused. Jin just waved his hand dismissively.
Jin: Another time. I came here to talk to you in private.
Y/n: An alleyway isn't exactly a place where we can discuss something important.
Jin: Then I'll make it quick. I need your help.
You looked at with a straight face for a few seconds and laughed.
Y/n: Oh, Jin that's funny.
Jin: I'm serious.
You looked at his face and noticed is expression. You stop laughing and looked at him confused.
Y/n: What do you mean, help. Your a War God. I'm just a sixteen year old boy.
Jin: A boy with enough power to defeat two powerful demons.
Y/n: Okay Jin, I'll bite. What do you need my help with?
He closed his eyes for a brief moment and opened them.
Jin: I need your help to protect Mio Naruse.
You looked at him surprised.
Jin: Her father recently died and now demons have been gunning for her. I need your help to keep her safe.
Y/n: I don't know Jin. Maybe you should ask someone stronger than me. I'm still in High School.
Jin: I'm not forcing you to do this. But I would appreciate it if you do.
You stood there for a few moments Jin decided to speak.
Jin: How about this I'll give you time to train to prepare yourself. The deadline will be... let's see when you graduate this year.
Y/n: What does she look like?
Jin looked at you surprised. He pulled out a picture from his pocket.
You grabbed the photo from his hand and looked at it. Your eyes widened in surprise. The girl in the photo has red hair and pink eyes. The same girl from your dream.
Jin: I know I'm asking too much from you. But she's--
Y/n: I'm in.
Jin gasps a little taken aback from your answer.
Jin: Really?
Y/n: Yeah. I'm in. When I graduate this year I'll go with you to help protect her.
Jin smiles, he walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
Jin: Thank you.
You just nodded and walked right past him and out of the alley. You continued the path back to your house.
You arrived at the front door of your house and opened it and walked in. Usually Yui would be sitting down but this time she was nowhere to be seen. You sniffed the air and caught her scent in the house.
You made your way upstairs and into your room. You opened the door to your room and walked in. You closed the door behind you, looking around you noticed the whole room was dark but you didn't seem to care. You took off your clothes leaving on your boxes and a white tank top.
You let out a yawn.
Y/n: Sleep sounds good right about now.
Just then a red magic circle appeared in the middle of your room. The whole room lit up red from it, after it died down you see Rias standing in the middle of your room.
Y/n: Hey. You should've told me you were dropping by. I could've made some... I don't know, a snack or something.
You noticed the worried look on her face. She stared at you.
Y/n: Rias. What's wrong?
She pushed you onto your bed.
Y/n: Hey! What was that for?
She climbed on top of you pinning you down on the bed.
Rias: Y/n. Please. You have to take me.
Y/n: Take you where?
Rias: Y/n. I need you to take my virginity... and I need you to do it now.
Y/n: Wh-What?!
She pinned both of your arms with her hands as she stares at you.
Y/n: Rias. What are you--
She got off you and stood up. She started to remove her school blazer and let it drop to the floor. Next she removed her shoes and socks and threw them to the side. Then she moved on to her skirt and undid the strap.
You just watched her in shock due to what was happening. She continued to remove the rest of her clothing.
Y/n:(Thoughts) Wait. She wants to do it with me?! But why?! More importantly, why the rush? Something's not right.
She unbuttoned her shirt and let it drop leaving her in her white underwear.
Rias: Am I not good enough? Do you not want to?
Y/n: Hang on. I didn't say anything. Rias, what's going--
Rias: I've given this a lot of thought, and there's just no other way.
She walks back towards you.
Y/n: No other way for what?
Rias: Once it becomes known that I am ruined, I'll finally be free. You may not be a devil, but your the only person I can think of doing this with.
She climbed atop your legs.
Rias: You, too? I mean, you're a virgin, right?
You slowly nodded your head as Rias she started to undo her bra.
Rias: Neither of us may have much experience with it, but I'm sure we'll figure something out that works.
Rias undid her bra and threw it to the side. Exposing her breasts.
Rias: All you have to do is put yours into mine, right there.
She points in between her legs, you looked to where she was pointing and your heart sped up. She grabs your right hand and sets on one of her breasts.
Rias: Let's start here... I'm a little nervous about it myself.
She blushes. All you could do is just watch, not knowing what to do.
Rias: Y/n.
You were brought back to your senses and took your hand off her breast.
Y/n: No, Rias. We can't do this.
Rias: Does that mean you're choosing to deny me?
Y/n: Deny you? Rias, I'm worried about you.
Rias: There's nothing wrong.
She reaches for your hand once more but you pulled it back. You sat up, your faces inches away from hers.
Y/n: I knew something was wrong with you, I noticed it these past couple of days. I even asked you if you were alright and you lied to my face.
She gasps.
Y/n: Rias. No more lies, please tell me. What's going on with you.
You looked into her eyes.
Y/n: Your my friend Rias and I promised I'd help you. So please, Rias. Let me help you.
Rias: Y/n, I--
A bright light appeared right next to your bed. Thinking it's a threat you quickly flipped Rias over you and behind you.
Lightning crackled throughout your body.
Rias sighed. She put a hand on your shoulder.
Rias: Looks like I was too late.
She brought herself up from the bed.
The light died down and revealed a woman with sliver hair and eyes. She was wearing a maid outfit.
She looked around the room and spotted Rias.
???: Really, Rias, you'd go so low to lose yourself to a lowly human? You realize Sirzerchs is going to be terribly disappointed in you.
Y/n: Sirzerch? Who's that?
You looked at Rias for an answer.
Rias: He's my older brother.
Y/n: You have an older brother?
You said in a surprised tone.
Rias stands up from the bed.
Rias: My virtue is mine to do with as I please. How is it wrong for me to give it to whomever I want? And another thing! How dare you call him a lowly human! I don't care if you're my brother's queen or not.
???: Noted.
The woman goes and picks up Rias's clothes that are on the ground.
???: But... think... you... are the next head of Gremory.
She puts Rias's shirt on and placed it on her shoulders.
???: Have some respect for yourself.
The woman walks towards you and stops.
Grayfia: Pardon the interruption. My name is Grayfia and I am in the service of the Gremory family. We'll get out of your way.
Y/n: Yeah. Okay. Um, it was nice to meet you... Grayfia.
Rias got closer to you and leaned forward, she places a hand on one of your cheeks.
Rias: I'm sorry about this Y/n. I haven't been in my right mind tonight. Let's just forget about this?
Y/n: Y-Yeah.
Grayfia: Y/n? What an interesting name. Tell me Y/n. I know your ain't a normal human, since your aren't freaking out about people magically appearing in your room.
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