《I Am The Dragon Slayer (Highschool dxd x male reader)》Pact Experience
It is morning in the Occult Research Club.
You walk in, some bandages still present on your body but otherwise you healed up quick.
Upon walking in you see Issei holding a bra in his hands.
Y/n: *Sigh* This guy.
Issei: I'm totally holding a titty hammock!
Just the Issei was hit in the back of the head by a lobster from Koneko.
Koneko: Did ya see anything you like, you big pervert?
He turns around to face her.
Issei: It's not what it looks like.
The curtain that lead to the shower opens revealing Asia in a bath towel. She sees Issei holding onto a bra.
Asia: Hey... is that my bra?
Issei turns around and gasps.
Koneko: I think he's gonna put it on and wear it around.
Asia: Oh, please don't!
Issei: It's not like that!
Issei immediately went to hang it back up
Issei: It just happened to get caught on my face!
You sigh.
Asia: I'm so sorry... I know I'm a visitor here; I really hate being in the way.
Issei: No, it's fine. As a matter of fact, having you around definitely has its perks.
Y/n: Issei, please, I just woke up. It's too early for your crap.
Asia: Well, it won't be for much longer; the president said she'd find me a place to stay before she went to school.
Y/n: That's nice Asia.
Issei: Early morning training?
You were sitting down on the couch with Asia who was help healing the rest of your injuries.
Rias: Your fight with the fallen angels made one thing clear... we need to get you worked up to your peak physical condition, as soon as we possibly can.
Issei: Oh. Great.
Y/n: Didn't you say, you wanted to protect Asia? You have to train so you can get stronger to do it.
Issei: Yeah, I do wanna protect her.
You smiled.
Y/n: Good.
Rias: I'll come pick you up in the morning. Five sound good?
Issei: No... that's nuts.
Y/n: Issei.
You said sternly.
Issei: I mean that sounds fine. Well... I'm off to pass out flyers.
Rias: Perfect, I'll see you soon.
Rias looks at you.
Rias: How's your injuries.
Y/n: Their fine, thanks to Asia. All I need is a good night rest and I'll be back to full strength.
Rias: Glad to hear it. So, Asia.
Asia: Uh... yeah?
Rias: Let's have a chat about. The sleeping arrangements.
Asia: Huh?
Rias: Where would you like to stay?
Asia: Oh, yeah. Um... maybe Issei's house.
Rias smiled.
Rias: Okay. Issei's it is.
Asia: T-Thank you.
Asia was blushing.
Rias: It's no problem, I'm sure Issei won't mind.
You stretch your arms.
Y/n: I hope I don't have to any demon for a while, or anything for that matter.
Rias: I'm sure you won't, you deserve some rest.
Y/n: Anyway, I should get back home. Yui probably wondering where I am.
You stood up.
Rias: Okay.
Y/n: And before I forget, I would like to join you guys in the morning.
Rias: Oh, may I ask why?
Y/n: Obviously to get stronger. That Zedonius guy nearly killed me. So I need to get stronger in case another Demon like that shows up. Plus, I'm doing it so I can protect you guys, gotta keep my promise.
Rias: I see, well your welcome to join, I'm sure Issei won't mind. I'll come get you first, is that okay?
Y/n: Yup, totally fine with me.
Rias: Okay then. See you tomorrow morning.
Y/n: See ya.
You walked out of the door and started to head back home.
You were currently getting dressed for this morning. You decided to wear gray sweatpants and a white shirt.
You walked downstairs to get a bottle of water. You see Yui sitting on the couch watching TV.
Y/n: Since when did you watch TV? Everytime I see you, your always reading a book or something.
Yui: I read all the books in the house, gotta do something to keep me entertained. And what about you? I never seen you up so early. Got plans?
Y/n: You could say that.
You walked over to the fridge and opened it, you grabbed the a water bottle and closed the fridge door.
Y/n: Do you ever go outside?
She looks at you.
Yui: Of course I do. Who else gets food around here.
Y/n: Fair enough. But what I mean is, do you everj go outside and meet new people?
She looks back at the TV ignoring your question.
Y/n: So your just gonna evade my answer.
Yui: I don't need to meet new people. I have you and that's all I need.
You shake your head.
Y/n: C'mon Yui. If you don't go outside your never gonna get a boyfriend.
In a blink of an eye her sword was out, she pointed it at you.
Y/n: I'm guessing that was a sore subject.
Yui: Yeah, it is.
She said sternly.
Y/n: Okay, so I'll just leave, and let you watch--
You looked at the show she was watching.
Y/n: Teen Mom? Why are you watching Teen Mom?
Yui: Just go before I get angry.
Y/n: Okay. Okay. I'll go.
You rub the back of your head and walked outside. You look around for Rias but don't see her.
Y/n: She's not here, maybe she's nearby.
You start sniffing the air looking for Rias's scent. After a few seconds you caught her scent.
Y/n: She's close, I guess I'll just stay put.
You stood there waiting for her. Soon enough she comes into view riding a bicycle. Upon getting you could see she was wearing red tracksuit.
Y/n: You didn't tell me you were coming here on bike.
Rias: It's a nice day to do some cycling.
Y/n: That it is. So I guess I'll just follow you to Issei's house.
Rias: Or. You could cycle and I'll ride shotgun.
Y/n: Okay, I don't see why not.
She gets off the bike and holds for you. You sat on the bicycle and kept it steady for her. Rias sits in the back and wrapped her arms around your waists.
Y/n: You ready?
She nods.
You started peddling while Rias was giving you directions where to go. The sun was just rising.
Y/n: Kinda weird seeing the sun rising. Usually I'm asleep by this time so it's kinda of new experience for me.
Rias: Not much people are up this morning.
Y/n: But it's rather quite nice, I should do this more often.
Rias: So. What's Leonidas like?
This question caught you off guard.
Rias: I'm sorry... I'm rather quite curious about the person he is.
Y/n: Leonidas, he's well... strict when it comes to training. But whenever he's not, he's the most friendly person you can meet. He's prideful, strong and honorable. He taught me how to read and write.
You start chuckling.
Y/n: Him teaching me to write was hell for hin. I remember I keep writing all the letters backwards. He did not enjoy that one bit, but I eventually got it.
You smiled.
Rias: Must've been hard for a Lightning Dragon to teach you all that.
Y/n: Yeah... Lightning Dragon. Anyway are we close?
Rias: Yup, we should be coming up to Issei's house here.
You begun sniffing the air and sure enough you caught Issei's scent inside a house. You decided to bike there.
Rias: I didn't tell you which house he lives in, how did you know which one to go to?
Y/n: I could tell by his scent.
Rias: His scent?
Y/n: Yeah. I could smell people's scent, kinda like a dog. Everyone has their smell.
Rias: What do I smell like.
You slightly blushed.
Y/n: Like Roses... this might sound weird but just smelling your scent... makes me feel nice and relaxed.
Now it was her turn to blush.
Rias: T-Thank you.
Y/n: Let's just get Issei.
Rias: Yeah.
You both got off the bike and walked over to his door.
After retrieving Issei from his house. You and Issei begin to jog while Rias was following you both from behind. Barely even started the jog Issei begun to struggle.
Rias: Anyone ever tell you, you run like a school girl?
Issei: Yes, ma'am! People have been telling me that my whole life!
Rias: No complaining. Come on, pick it up, I know you need some work but you can do better than that!
Issei: I think I'm gonna puke up my ball sac.
You just shake your head.
After a few minutes of jogging. You all reached a park. Issei fell to the ground exhausted. Rias set the bike down and walked beside you.
Rias: So, what'd you think he should do next?
Y/n: Hmm. Probably some pull ups and sit ups.
She nodded.
Rias: Sounds good, but we should probably do some stretches first.
Y/n: Duh. Why I didn't think of that.
You walked over to Issei who was gasping for air.
Y/n: C'mon on Issei. Get up.
Issei; Just... let me... catch my breath.
Y/n: You really are out of shape aren't you.
You decided to do some stretches. After that you did some sit ups.
Finally Issei caught his breath and did some stretches. He looks at you not using a single drop of sweat.
Issei: How are you not sweating right now?!
Y/n: Because I actually take the time to go outside and workout.
After a few seconds, you made Issei do some sit ups.
Rias: Listen. In the world of Devils, intelligence doesn't matter as much as strength. So... you've gotta get strong... in mind and body.
Issei: Sounds good to me!
After the stretches, Issei went to do some push ups with Rias sitting on his back.
Rias: Remember! The stronger you get the more powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the more you can accomplish.
Issei was clearly struggling doing the push ups.
Issei: Yes, ma'am!
You were right next to Issei, doing push ups of your own.
Issei: Three...! Four!
Soon enough he had a perverted look on his face. Rias smacked his butt causing Issei to collapse.
Rias: Don't think I don't know you're having disgusting, sexually charged thoughts about me right now!
Issei: Look, I can't help it, I'm a teenager, if get within ten feet of a hot girl I start thinking about what she looks like naked.
Y/n: Dude. Seriously, it's way too early for this.
You sigh as you continued your push ups.
Rias: Speaking of which, I wonder what's keeping her?
Issei: Who? I'm just gonna imagine her naked, too.
You start sniffing the air and caught Asia scent.
Asia: Hey, you guys, I'm here!
You see Asia in the distance running towards the three of you holding a basket.
Asia: So sorry that I'm late... I swear, I won't let it happen again-
She trips and falls down.
Asia: I'm no good at running and talking at the same time.
Issei and Asia were currently sitting down on a bench. Asia hands Issei a flask of water.
Asia: Here you go.
Issei: Thanks a lot.
You were still doing push ups as Rias was sitting on your back. Asia pours Issei some water.
Issei: So, tell me, what are you doing here anyway?
Asia: Oh, Rias asked me if I could come.
Issei: That true?
He asks Rias but she doesn't say anything.
Y/n: Hey, Rias. Could you get off me real quick?
She doesn't respond.
Y/n: Rias?
She snaps out of her thoughts.
Rias: Oh, yeah. Sorry.
She gets off you. You stood up.
Y/n: Rias, is something the matter?
Rias: Now that everybody's here, we should probably go.
She ignores your question.
Issei: Um, go where?
Rias: We're going to your house of course.
All four of you made it back to Issei's house. Upon arriving you see boxes in front of the door.
Issei: Uh... whose boxes are these?
Asia: Yeah, that's all my stuff.
Issei: Yours?
Asia: Apparently, I had more than I thought I did.
Issei: But why did you bring it here? What's going on?
He turns to Rias.
Rias: Well, as of today, Asia's going to be moving in with you and your parents.
Issei: She's what?
Asia: It's very sweet of you to let me.
Rias: When I asked her where she'd like to live, the first thing she said was, 'Issei's house.'
Issei: Hey! Who the hell said I was looking for a roommate?!
Y/n: I don't see the problem Issei. She's just looking for a place to stay.
Issei sighs.
Issei: Fine.
He goes and opens the door to the house. You all walk inside.
Issei: I'm home!
An older man comes out and greets you all.
Gorou: Oh, hey son. I wondered where you went.
Issei: I just went outside and worked out.
Hey notices You, Rias and Asia.
Gorou: Any who are these people. Wait.
He stares at you.
Gorou: Is that guy your trainer.
Y/n: Uh... well actually sir, I'm not Issei's--
Gorou: Honey! Come meet Issei's trainer!
An older comes out of the kitchen.
Miki: Trainer?! You mean our son is becoming a man!
She looks at you and smiles.
Miki: Thank you so much for training our son!
She bows to you.
Y/n: H-Hey. I'm not his trainer.
Your words fall onto deaf ears.
Gorou: And who are these lovely ladies.
You sigh.
Rias: Right, my name is Rias Gremory and I like to talk to you about something.
All of you were currently sitting on the couches. Rias told them about Asia staying and they were shocked.
Gorou: Uh, sorry, what was your name again, was it Asia?
He pronounces Asia name wrong.
Asia: Close, it's Asia.
She corrects him.
Gorou: Right,uh, listen Asia, surely there's a better long-term living situation than moving in with us.
Asia looks at the ground smiling.
Asia: The thing is, I owe your son and I need to pay him back.
Issei was surprised by this comment.
Gorou: Owe him?
Asia: Yeah. I came to this town all by myself, and I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for Issei...
She looks at Issei parents.
Asia: He took care of me, and now, if it's okay, I'd like to have the chance to take care of him.
Issei slightly blushes.
Issei: Wow... that's so nice.
Asia: But if it puts you out in any way, I can go somewhere else.
Miki: Ohh! Darling, we're not saying you can't stay here, and lord knows we have the room, it's just the thing is... Issei...
Gorou: Issei is an abnormally horny child. He's a pervert and he's not to be trusted.
Miki: Well put.
You nod in agreement. Issei was taken aback.
Issei: Come on, Dad, how can you say that about your own son?!
Rias chimes in.
Rias: In addition to room and board, there's something else she can get out of living here with you... she can learn to be a good wife.
This shocks everyone as you all stare at Rias.
All: She can learn what?
Gorou: All these years, I never thought we'd actually find someone willing to sleep with this big link and give us some grandchildren!
Issei: Dad!
Miki: Maybe a marriage will get rid of his unhealthy obsession with the porngraphy!
Issei: Mom, you're killing me!
Asia puts a her hands together.
Asia: I'm sure you both know this... but I wanted to say that your son is a great guy.
Miki: Well, isn't she cute as a button?!
Gorou: Sure is...!
He turns to Rias.
Gorou: Miss Rias, we would love to take in Asia, and let her live with our pervert son. This may be his only chance.
Rias closes her eyes and smiles.
Rias: Thank you very much for your kindness mister and misses Hyoudou. I guess that settles it.
Issei: Uh, just cuz everyone's talking about marriage, doesn't mean we're really doing it. Right?
Her smiles fade away and she has a sad look on her face.
Y/n: Hey, are you okay?
She doesn't say anything. She stands up.
Rias: Mr and Mrs Hyoudou, we'll be on our way now.
She bows and walks towards the front door.
Y/n: Y-Yeah, it was... nice seeing you two.
Gorou and Miki: Thank you for training our son!
Y/n: S-Sure thing. Anyway see you tomorrow Issei.
Issei: See you man.
You follow Rias outside. You see she was going to teleport back to the ORC.
Y/n:(Thoughts) She seems sad. Maybe I could try to cheer her up.
Y/n: Rias! Wait!
She stops and looks at you. You walk over to the bike and sat on it.
Y/n: Wanna come over to my house? I can cook us some eggs.
Rias looked surprised.
Rias: You can cook?
Y/n: Just eggs.
You said sheepishly. Rias smiles.
Rias: Sure.
Rias walks over and sits on the back, wrapping her arms around your waist. You started peddling to your house, both of you silent.
After a few minutes, you make it to your house. You park the bike outside your house. You both walk over to the front door. You opened the door and let her in.
Y/n: Sit down and enjoy yourself.
Rias: Thank you.
Rias sits down.
You walk over to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs and a pan. You preheated the stove and waited for it to warm up.
Yui: Y/n? Is that you?
Yui walks downstairs and sees Rias on the couch. Rias smiles at Yui.
Rias: Hello again. How's your morning.
Yui: I-it's good. How's yours?
Rias: It's getting better.
Rias smiles. Yui was completely shocked.
Yui: That's good. Say where's my son at?
Rias: He's in the kitchen.
Yui: Thanks.
Yui slowly walked to the kitchen, when she sees you she immediately grabs you.
Yui: What is the heiress of Gremory doing at out house?!
Y/n: Ack!
She starts shaking you violently.
Y/n: I can explain!
She let's you go and crossed her arms.
Y/n: She looked sad and I was tryna to cheer her up.
Yui: By cooking her eggs?
Y/n: Y-Yeah...
She sighs.
Yui: Let me do it before you burn our house down. Now out of my kitchen.
She pushes you out of the kitchen.
Y/n: Hey!
Yui: Go entertain our guest.
She walks back into the kitchen. You sighed and walked over to Rias.
Rias: I'm guessing from all the yelling you're not the one cooking eggs anymore.
Y/n: Yeah.
You sound defeated. Rias smiles gratefully at you.
Rias: It's the thought that count.
Y/n: I guess.
You both stayed silent.
Rias: Can I hear another story.
Y/n: Story?
Rias: About you and Leonidas.
This surprises you.
Rias: You don't have to if you don't want to.
You quickly shaked your head and smiled.
Y/n: I don't mind one bit.
You begun talking about some of the adventures you had with Leonidas. A few minutes later, Yui comes into the living room with eggs.
Yui: Here you go.
Rias: Thank you.
Rias takes the eggs.
Yui: I know better than letting this young man into the kitchen.
Yui starts to laugh.
Y/n: Hey! That was one time.
Yui: And don't get me started about his motion sickness. I don't know why he can ride bicycles just fine, but everytime he gets in a car, he flops right down to the ground like a fish.
Y/n: YUI!!!
Rias chuckles.
Rias: I'm guessing that's a weakness for Dragon Slayers?
Yui looks surprised.
Yui: Wait. You know he's a Dragon Slayer?
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