《Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun x Male reader insert》[ Season 1 ; Episode 6 ]


(M/N)'s POV

The morning went on like the other days, we chat, we eat, we say our goodbyes...except

"It's finally arrived. The carriage I specially ordered to pick up and send my cute grandsons to school with!" Oji-chan gleefully smiled as he led the carriage towards school

"Oji-chan...are you sure this is okay?" I asked, still shocked by the vehicle

"Of course!~ I want to give the best for my grandsons!~" He answers

"So? How's the ride~?" He asked

"Ah! I-it's great!" Nii-san snapped back to reality

"Humans are wholly our food~!-" We hear students sing the school song outside. We looked out the window to see them flying, some even talking about if humans are real or not...

"Nii-san...are you worried about standing out?" I sweat dropped and faced him

"Y-yeah..." He stuttered and looked at his trembling hands

The carriage slows down and we start to get up, until Opera-san reaches for something under the seat, opens the door, rolls out a long red carpet and makes a VERY large entrance for us...

"This reminds me of something..." I shuddered at the memory

"Iruma-sama and (M/N)-sama has arrived!!!" Opera-san shouted an introduction

The students made way for us and backed a little far from the carpet while Opera-san walked a few steps, and gestures for us to start entering the school.

"Go ahead" Opera-san bowed

"Not "go ahead"!" Nii-san shook his head as sighed

"Iruma-sama! (M/N)-sama!" We turned to see Azz-kun running towards us

"Good morning!" He exclaimed

"Good morning, Azz-kun." I greeted him

"Good morning, Azz-kun. Sorry, for not being able to walk to school with you today..." Nii-san apologised as I nodded

"As expected of you two, it s only befitting to have a wonderful entrance such as that!" Azz-kun clapped his hands in glee, his smile ever so bright that it may even rival Nii-san's...

"So bright early in the morning, so dangerous" I looked away, covering my eyes

I see Clara tripping on the carpet causing it to roll to its original form, with her inside of it...

"I really am mov-" "DON!" The carpet roll hit Azz-kun in his face

"Morning! Iruma-chi, (M/N)-chi!" She looked at us

Azz-kun got back up, lifted the Clara-carpet roll "What are you doing, you bastard?!" shouted and threw her to the side... "DON" only to get hit once more

"Azz-kun...Clara..." Nii-san tried getting their attention "...we should head to class now..." His voice toned down

but the fight got bigger because Clara was stuck in the carpet "Please, give back the carpet" "The carpet!!!" "Stop fooling around!!" Their voices mixed

As we stood there, at the corner of my eye, I could see Oji-chan carrying our bags while walking towards us. I quickly faced him and took both out bags, worried that it may be a hassle for him to carry

"Your bags, you two!~" He shined

"T-thank you, Oji-chan!""Thank you, Oji-chan!" We said as I took both bags

"Oi, the headmaster is carrying their bags!" "Those twins are something else!" I hear some other students whisper

I faced them, I'm guessing they thought they were whispering softly to one another because they were confused on how I heard them

"Geh!" They stumbled backwards

"Honestly..." I sighed

"And-" I faced Oji-chan once more to see him getting something from his pockets

"I've bought phones just for the two of you~! I've already placed them inside your bags~!" He pointed to our bags


"I've also gotten my first smartphone. Although I don't know each of the functions, call me if you have anything to say, Iruma-kun, (M/N)-kun!" He faces the place of where we were only to find out we had already left

"I don't want to stand out any further than that..." Nii-san mumbled as he held his bag over his head, and held my hand dragging me, as we speed-walked away


In the classroom


"Silence." Sensei ordered us to sit straight

"I will be taking attendance. Reply promptly when your name is called."

The attendance went on as usual, but when Nii-san was called- he didn't answer

"...Iruma" "Iruma-sama?" "Nii-san...?" We called out for him, he was stuck in his head till I nudged his arm

"H-here!" He jolted and looked up to see sensei in front of us

"From today, you'll start having lessons with your other teachers. Refrain from having an attitude of not responding whenever they call your name" Sensei reminded

"and not knowing your place and challenging the teachers to a fight!" Sensei glared at Sabnock-kun

"Hn!" He just smiled and raised his thumb

"That is all! Now get ready to transfer to your next class!" And with that sensei left the room

"Iruma-sama, (M/N)-sama..." Azz-kun called

"Hm?" We both faced hiim

"Gee" Clara's face was held to look funny by Azz-kun

"Eh!...What is that?!" Nii-san jolted back, while I stared blankly

"Ah, no, you both have been down since this morning, so..."

"I-is that so?..." I nervously laughed

"Iruma-chi! (M/N)-chi! You want a piggyback ride?" Clara asked as she jumped on Azz-kun's back

"Why are you getting on?!" Azz-kun shook his head in response

"Riding success!"

"Again, why are you on my back?!"

"Hm... you're shorter than Sabro!" Clara poked Azz-kun's cheek and I chukled

"Get down!! The aim is to cheer Iruma-sama up, isn't it?!" The two of them barked until Nii-san stepped in to separate them

"Shall we... head to class?" Nii-san smiled


"Classes here are like the classes back where we came from...but there is also magic involved. Magic is hard to understand...especially since we were never born here in the first place. Thank goodness Oji-chan gave us books for the basics..." I smiled, but my thoughts were cut off when our current teacher starts to speak

"It's nice to meet you, Abnormal Class. Welcome to the botanical tower~" Our next teacher greeted

"Over here, I'll have you study about demon biology. And I'm in charge of this demon biology class, Stolas Suzie" She introduced. The room was filled with large amounts of plants, they were so different to ones in the human world...

"For today, please try to use your magic and make these flowers bloom" She pointed towards the pots in front of each student

"Hold out your hand towards the little special seedling and..."Kuan Kuan" She let her magic flow through her hand, and into the seedling. The plant glowed and grew to a beautiful flower

"Your flower can show the "shape" of your magic. Well everyone, let's get started~" She let us face our respective pots

" "Kuan Kuan" "

" "Kuan Kuan" "

Caim-kun and Agares-kun took their attempts to grow their plants, but nothing happened

"Nothing happened?" Caim-kun looked at his seedling

"You have to imagine the "Complete form" of the plant in your head, in order for it to grow. Try your best~!" Stolas-sensei pointed

"...scholarship students?..." "...top...too?" I heard whispers from above


"Upperclassmen?" I looked at them and Nii-san did the same

"Yes, (M/N)-sama. Because of our ranks being announced, they must've come here to check us..." Azz-kun explained as I hummed in response

"Geh...look, the student council" Shax-kun pointed out

"Even though they don't often go to the underclassmen's area..." Andro-kun

"What are they here for?" Gaap-kun asked

"Foolish question! From bet rank to Demon King, they are here to see Sabnock Sabro! Then I shall show you" Sabnock-kun said with pride

" Kuan Kuan" " He poured magic to the seedling

"Behold this is my flower!" A yellow flower with red eyes and a mouth was presented to us...but it started to eat it's own pot

"What is that flower?! It's starting to eat its own pot!" Nii-san pointed

"I shall name it, "The Destruction God"!!"

"No, it's no good to destroy the flower pot. It's going to die, right?" Andro-kun pointed

"Why?!?!" Sabnock-kun exclaimed

"How crude...This is what true elegance looks like!" Azz-kun smiled, proud of his flower. The flower was burning...

"A-azz-kun is that flower...burning...?" I pointed

"Yes, (M/N)-sama, it is a visual representation of my magic!" Azz-kun gleamed

"Ah..." I looked closer at the flower, its fire dances as the magic flows within it. The flame was calm yet fierce, it was soothing yet dangerous...Overall, the flower was "pretty..." I mumbled

"T-thank you, (M/N)-sama! Though, I believe your flower will be much prettier than mine!" He smiled

"!!!" I twitched "I-i...said that out loud...?"

"How pretty! An "A+"!" Stolas-sensei scored

"Honing art to excellence is what magic is-" *SPLASH* Sabnock-kun drowned the flower with water


"All flowers need water" He gleefully said

"You would put out the fire that is proof of my family's lineage...! Unforgivable!" A small tear pricked the eye of Azz-kun as he threw fireballs at Sabnock-kun

"What a hot tempered fellow! Maybe I shall cool your head as well!" Sabnock-kun took another bucket filled with water

The other classmates cheered the small fight as I looked at my flowerpot

" "Kuan Kuan"...!!!-" *BOOM* I looked up to see Stolas-sensei holding a pot with thick vines popping out, capturing Azz-kun and Sabnock-kun which stops them from hurting each other

"Please leave your fight for after your classes." She scolded

"Now let's take a look at the other flowers" She tilted her head

I looked down at my seedling "What's going on?", the seedling grew a little...but stopped and turned darker each second.

"It's stuck?" I looked closer, it looks like it was pulsating like veins or something...

"That means that it needs time, maybe the seedling is still eating the magic you poured into it. This is normal, do not worry~.Let's give it some time first before it blooms." Stolas-sensei pointed

The flower was filled with gold and jewels with the stems acting like hands holding it

"Can I sell this?" He rubbed the back of his head, smiling

The flower had yellow petals and instead of seeds, it was a spinning roulette wheel. I guess you can say it looked like a sunflower

"This is fun, right?" He smiled

"I-...I don't think I can look at it any longer..." I turned away

"I don't think I can see it..." Andro-kun looked at it...

"If you look at it with your heart, there is nothing you can't see~" Caim-kun applauded his...er- flower...?

Twas a flower with a rolled paper scroll being held by it's purple pistil's

"False flower, never, bears fruits." He spoke

"Is this poetry class now...?" I sweat dropped, and clapped my hands nonetheless

The flower was just leaves, a stem and wind blades... like a dangerous dandelion

"Come close and it will cut you." He held his sword

It looked more like a flower bouquet instead of a singular flower. It was rather...beautifully odd I'd say. The petals looked like pink hearts as well as the light purple leaves hanging from the stems

"It has bloomed rather beautifully" She complimented the flower

It looked like a miniature frozen-waterfall... The blue and light blue "veils" made the flower itself look like precious glass and ice

"My, how cute!" Elizabetta-san complimented Crocell-san's flower

"N-no, it's not...not at all." She shied away

The flower looked literally had the appearance where sheep's wool and a cloud were made as a cushion to sleep on

"Ooh" It looked so soft...but where's Agares-kun?

"Oh...He's up there" I looked up at him sleeping on his own flower


"Everyone's flowers are amazing..."Nii-san looked at each flower in awe

"How about you, Cl-..." I faced Clara but saw a..."uniquely shaped" flower

"Meow!-" The flower tried singing but Clara quickly hid it under her shirt

"J-just now...Something...!" Nii-san stepped closer

"Nothing! There's nothing!" There really was nothing under her shirt because it was in Andro-kun's hands

"Oi! Something weird appeared here!" He jolted

"Meow~~!" It sang?

"What is this?" "The heck?" "It's a mystery..."

"How did you infuse your magic to make the seedling turn into something like that?" Azz-kun asked Clara

"When I bammed it, it went wham and then it banged" Clara hid her face in embarrassment

"I don't think I understood a word you said, and why are you embarrassed?!" Azz-kun barked

"Wasn't it a boom?" Sabnock-kun appeared behind Clara in a snap

"How'd he-"

"(M/N)-chi? Is that your flower?" Clara asked , pointing behind me

"How'd you?!-!!"

"Eh...?" I turned around and looked at my pot

A black flower grew from my pot. It had dark bracts, it looks similar to wings, it had several (small) individual flowers that didn't seem to bloom, and its bracteoles were in a slightly lighter shade of black...It looks quite similar to an orchid.

"That was quick..." I looked closer at the flower

"Well, yes. For something as small as a flower, not a lot of magic is needed." Stolas-sensei leaned closer to the flower

"I-it looks scary..." Nii-san sweat dropped

"Hehe...flowerrrr" I smiled

"hiss" It moved

"!!! Er-..." I was caught off guard. I looked closer at it, and it seemed too dry for it's own good.

"D-do you need water?" I asked

"hiss" It danced a little. I nodded and grabbed a water can and poured slowly and carefully that it won't overflow

"Hisss!" It danced as I poured water

"hehe" It was cute, you have to admit. In the human world, I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. Magic is truly an odd concept...

"What's that?" "Hahaha! It's dancing, how cute!" "Oooh!" I hear my classmates speak

As I finished pouring water, I turned back to put it back where I got it. As I put the can down, I heard gasps. I turned back to see...

"Huh?" I walked back to see my flower touching Azz-kun's, now burning, flower

"What happened?" I asked Clara

"(M/N)-chi! Your flower is so cool!" Clara jumped on my back

"Uhh...what?" I looked at Azz-kun for an explanation

"Well, (M/N)-sama... As you were placing the water can back, some your flower's bracteoles reached out to my flower, and started to burn..." Azz-kun pointed at my flower, which is now retracting it's bracteoles, and his own flower that is now burning similar to before

"...but isn't you magic different from mine?" I faced him

"If it's (M/N)-sama, I believe that his magic surpasses mine!!!" He smiled at me,

"Ack... so bright!!" I looked away

"Ooh~! It seems that the type of flower you have is a "little helper"~!" Stolas-sensei wrote down

"A "little helper"?" I tilted my head in confusion

"As the name suggests, a "little helper" helps around in the greenhouse it lives in. Just as you've seen, it helps in maintaining other plants within the greenhouse it lives in. Judging from its color, it doesn't need sunlight." She shook her hand with one of my flower's bracteole, as if they were having a "handshake".

"Why not?" I asked

" Some "Little Helper" plants don't need what every other plant needs, for one...it seems that all it needs are water and shade..." She looked around for a few seconds

"Why don't you put it over there, under that cactus?" She pointed to the large cactus by the window, it's size gives enough shade for my flower. I walk towards the cactus and place the flower underneath it.

As I walk back, I see Nii-san placing his pot back on the table...He smiled softly, raised his right hand and started to speak

" "Kuan Kuan"!" Nothing happens for a few seconds so I walk up to him and he rubs the back of his head "As if-"

"Eh?" Nii-san looks at the ring on his hand and the seedling, both were glowing a light blue hue

"!!!" The seedling started shining brighter than a star,

"Iruma-sama?!" I hear Azz-kun call

*riiiing* I heard a phone ring "Yahoo~! It's Oji-chan~!! Yay! Our first call!-" I was able to hear the rest...

*Rumble* The ground starts to shake and Nii-san's flower starts growing larger...and larger

"!!!" Everyone looked up as the once 'seedling' grew larger than any tree that I've seen

"Whoa!!" All of us were brought up along with the plant

*CRASH* The plant bursted upwards, destroying the roof of the lab

"Tell me that sooner.." Nii-san groaned in pain, I'm assuming he's talking about Oji-chan...

"Ow..." My stomach hurt from the sudden pain, I'm sure everyone feels the same...

"As expected of Iruma-sama..." Azz-kun exhaled

"Iruma-chi's flowers are beautiful!" Clara jumped on a...branch?

I slowly sat up, careful not to fall, and looked down...

"mrr-...this is high..." I looked around and saw pink sakura blooms..."A sakura tree?..."


Narrator's POV


"President!" A blonde-haired student council member bursted through the doors of the student council president's private office

"One of the first year scholarship students has grown a pink...and fluffy large plant!" He spoke to the president

"That thing...doesn't exist in the demon world" She mumbled

"Huh?" He couldn't understand, but he could hear it

"The scholarship students...As thought, I might need to speak with them." She faces the boy


The demon school, Babyls. Currently having 666 students spread out into 6 grades. Many demons coexist on campus...Therefore, order must be maintained by a certain group. A group of elite demons known for their cold-bloodedness and integrity. That group being the student council

Current Student Council President: Azazel, Ameri


"Hey, Hey! How's my swing?" A demon asked his accomplices as he broke a glass window with a bat with nails, in response, they laughed

*clack* her heels clicked with each step she took

Ameri grabs the demon and knock both he and his friends out.

"Demons shouldn't commit any idiotic misdeeds..." She let go of the demon and started walking towards a wall

"...If you want to do something evil, try to break a damn wall." She kicks a large hole in the wall, leaving the students amazed at her strength. And with her point drilled in those troublemaker's heads, she and the other student council members leave

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