《Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun x Male reader insert》[ Season 1 ; Episode 4 ]


Narrator's POV

"Yo-you're eating a lot...Nii-san...haha...." (M/N) sweat dropped

"Here's a refill of your demon tea" Opera said while pouring Iruma and (M/N)'s glasses

"Thank you" The twins said

"Iruma-kun, (M/N)-kun. About today's class placement, I've placed you to a special class!" Sullivan said to the boys

"Special?" (M/N) asked

"You see! Didn't you say you didn't want to stand out? So, grandpa has granted those wishes of yours!" Sullivan happily announces

"Ah! Thank you, Ojii-san!" Iruma smiled

"It's fine, It's fine!~I've also placed those friends of yours with you. It's the abnormal class." He waves them off


"The same class as Iruma-sama?! That's great!" Asmodeus said as he placed his right hand above his chest

"But the abnormal class seems to be a class full of problematic kids" Iruma said as (M/N) hummed

Clara and (M/N) went on ahead while Asmodeus and Iruma had a small chat

"Iruma-sama!" Asmodeus called his attention

"Eh?" Iruma turned around

"As long as I'm together with Iruma-sama, this is the best class in my eyes!" Asmodeus said to lift up Iruma's spirit

"I-I see, that's great then" Iruma smiled

"Come to think of it, Why are the both of you walking to school?" Asmodeus asked Iruma

"Eh, As I thought, both you and Clara can fly?" Iruma answered with another question

"Naturally. All demons are able to" Asmodeus answered

"*gasp*...May Iruma-sama and (M/N)-sama be...." Asmodeus gasped

"Has he found out that were human?!!!" Iruma thought

"training their bodies? As expected of the both of you!" Asmodeus continued

"OI!!! HOW LONG ARE YOU TWO GOING TO TAKEEE~~!" Both Clara and (M/N) shouted

"A-ah! Sorry!" Iruma shouts back

"Hehehe~" (M/N) and Clara does a high-ten


"We're in the same class!!!" "Yes!" "Yay~ Devil and Devil~!" Students talked while looking at the board which had the classes posted on it

"Yay! We're in the same class!" Clara happy jumps around

"That's really standing out!..." Iruma sweats

"Yeah! We really are!!" (M/N) jumps around with Clara


"It's the first year tower." Asmodeus said

"It has a cafeteria and all, right?" (M/N) asked

"Where's the abnormal class?" Iruma looked around

"All freshmen classes should be here..." Asmodeus drifts off

"Look to the right, look to the left, look again to the right!" Clara suggested

"Oh! An arrow!" (M/N) said as he followed the arrow

"Ah! Follow the arrow!" Clara runs, catching up to (M/N)


As they followed the floating arrow, it had already led them to an underground tunnel.

"Duh! It stinks" The twins said as they covered their nose

"...This is a garbage dump?!" Asmodeus looked at the trash in disgust

"We're not there yet!" Clara said, still following the arrow

*poof* The arrow disappeared as it stopped at a certain area

"Here...?" Iruma opens the door

"It opened" (M/N) looked through the gap Iruma made

"CHARGE" Clara pushes the door wide open which triggered a lot of traps, throwing spears and knives towards Iruma. Due to the "ability" he has, he dodges each weapon that was thrown on him.

"Whoa" The students already inside clapped in amazement

"Well donek" The blonde boy said

"Wonderful" A tall blonde woman said

"Iruma-chi, Amazing!!" Clara happily added

"Oi, what is the meaning of this, you bastards!!" Asmodeus shouted to the other students in the room

"What, you say? An entering-classroom-prank?" A student with black hair and piercings on both ears said


"Yep! We were betting on how many will hit!..Man! You're the only one who managed to avoid them all!" The blond demon boy added

"Well...there was also one who "caught" them all" The tall blonde woman giggled

"Caught?" Asmodeus asked

"Laughable! ! Dodging is only for cowards! !" Suddenly, a huge student approached them with metal weapons pierced in his body

"He's caught all of them!!" Iruma and Asmodeus were flabbergasted

"He's huge!" Clara and (M/N) looked at the student

He flexed his muscles and all the weapons that pierced him, fell to the floor.

"I, Sabnock Sabro, is most suitable to become the Demon King!" He said while pointing to himself

"D-demon King?!" Iruma stuttered

"The one who rules over all demons" (M/N) whispers to Iruma

"Listen, scholarship student! The one who will first reach the rank of "Yodh" and become the Demon King, is me! Thou too, will one day kneel before me, who'll have reached the Yodh rank" Sabnock announced with pride

"U-uhm...What's that about "thou" or "unu" or "Yodh"?" Iruma rubs the back of his head in embarrassment

" "Thou" is you, "Unu" is I, and "Yodh" is the highest rank of demons!" He said

"Nii-san, there are ten ranks within demons, "Yodh" being the highest." (M/N) raises both hands

And if I'm correct, "Yodh" is the rank where the Demon king is chosen, right?" (M/N) faces Sabnock

"Correct! The Demon King is the netherworld's highest and most powerful person, who rules over all! And, the next Demon King, shall be me!" Sabnock added

"He's huge, right? A mountain, right?" Clara whispered to (M/N) who nodded

"And for that, the ranking is necessary! Therefore, I hate all who may become of a higher ranking than myself!" Sabnock shatters the sword he held with his bare hand

"So, that's why you picked a fight with a teacher before and got placed into this class!" The blonde boy said

"Ah, from the school paper" The student with black hair and ear piercings showed them the paper

"I thought defeating teachers would be the shortcut to increase my rank." Sabnock said

"I-i see.." Iruma stuttered

"Not "I see"! ! Not even knowing why "Yodh" is, and thou calls yourself a demon?!" Sabnock. raiseshis voice to Iruma

"Refrain from anymore rudeness, Sabnock." Asmodeus stood in front of Iruma, making space

"Well well, if it isn't Asmodeus! The top student in the entrance exams, I heard you summoned a gorgon snake as your familiar" Sabnock smiled

"Yes." He resdponded

"However! I summoned a Kelbie! And seeing how mine has legs, it's better than yours!" Sabnock claimed

"What kind of stupid reasoning is that?!" Asmodeus shouted

"Well, the moment you became the scholarship students' servant, you've dropped out as one of my rival candidates! Sorry bout that!" He waves his hand

"Like I need that title! And I'm not their servant, I am their friend!" Asmodeus scowled

"F-frie?" Sabnock was visibly confused

"What is that?" "This is the first time I've heard of this word" "Friend?"

"Fufufu, allow me to enlighten you!" Asmodeus laughed

"N-no, it's not something to say out in such a loud voice..." Iruma panicked

"A "friend" is a blood pact with someone you spend time with, share joy and sorrow with, and! For their sake, stake your life!!" Asmodeus proudly shines

"H-he's exaggerated it too much!! a-and it's working?!!?!" Iruma panicked

The teacher outside the classroom could hear all the ruckus, and decided to surprise them by slamming the doors open


"Silence!" He said

The trap triggered once more and weapons start shooting towards said teacher. His magic was able to stop all approaching weapons.

"I can hear everything from outside! Can't you be more silent?!" He scolded

"Kalego-sensei!" Iruma turned around, facing the doors

"Eggie-sensei is in charge of us?!" Clara celebrated as (M/N) sweatdropped

"*tsk* Thanks to someone, I was falsely accused and captured... And while I was absent, I was dumped with being you bastards' teacher-in-charge" Kalego said as he was clearly and obviously targeting Iruma

"I-i can't look at sensei's face.." Iruma slightly tremble

As the students settle down and take their seats, Kalego opens a book to mark their attendance

"I shall be taking attendance! .."Agares Picero"!" Kalego reads the name in the book

"Here" A boy wearing a eye mask, laying lazily on a soft pillow-like cloud said

" "Asmodeus Alice"!"

"Here!" Asmodeus stood up

" "Allocer Schneider"!"

"I am but a thinking reed" He raised a hand

"What?" (M/N) was confused

" "Andro M Jazz"!"

"Here~" The same boy with black hair and piercings acknowledged

" "IX Elizabetta"!"

"Here~" The tall blonde woman raised a hand

" "Valac Clara"!"

"Here~ Eggie-sensei~!!" She excitedly waves to the teacher

"Stop calling me that." Kalego said, trying to put Clara in her place

" "Caim Kamui"!"

No response

"Caim Kamui! Are you here?!" Kalego calls once more

"H-here!" Said demon was too mesmerised by the student in front of him to only notice his name the second time it was called

"hahaha,he reminds me of Itsuki-san whenever there are meetings with Hayami-sensei " (M/N) softly chuckles at the memory

" "Gaap Goemon"!"

"I'm here!" He raises a hand

"That sword reminds me of one that Kira-sama has..." (M/N) remembers the sword that was always in the glass case beside his old friend's book case

" "Crocell Keroli"!"

"...here" A girl with a very light shade of blue hair and large round spectacles raised her hand timidly

" "Shax Lied"!"

"Uh! Here~ Here~" The blonde boy was too. busy with his game to answer properly

" "Sabnock Sabro"!"

"Yeah" The demon acknowledged

" "Purson Soi"!"

The student only looked out the window

" "(M/N)"!"

"Here!"(M/N) slightly raised his hand

"and , "Iruma"."

"Here..." Iruma said with a worried expression

"And now, I'll begin the lesson" Kalego slams the book on the teacher's desk

"Everyone, get outside! We'll be determining your ranks now!" He orders


"The first lesson is a race towards the flag deep within the valley." Kalego said as he led the. students towards two elevators

*ding* they closed. In a split second, the doors opened once more only to be at a different location. A piece of land floating in the sky, where only the tips of the mountains are seen, and the sky is darker than usual.

"The previous familiar summoning test, and the winner for today's race will determine your ranks. The goal is the flag on the steep cliff that's surrounded by deep valleys covered in fog" He continued

They all walk towards the gate and Kalego speaks once more

"And now, I will explain to you the courses." Kalego snaps his fingers and a "cute" board similar to the one from the familiar summoning test.

"I'll explain the course!~" The shaking heart appears in the board

"What the hell....how much drugs did it take to shake that much?..." (M/N) mentally laughed

"Firstly, a detour towards the goal, but a calm and gentle valley, the "Chirping Valley" course-" It points

"...I don't think we're in the right place..." (M/N) whispers to himself

"Silence." Kalego ordered him

"And, the "Shrieking Valley" course! There's a lot of danger and traps en route". Pictures of some traps were shown.

"Oh..that..makes sense.." (M/N) realised

Kalego, the whole time the "cute" board was summoned, has been wearing a face that describes the words "kill me."

"Do advance while avoiding the many towering rocky mountains and demon birds that guard their nests~!"

"The "Shrieking Valley" course is the shorter route, but it is accompanied with many dangers" Asmodeus crosses his arms

"Is that so..." The twins shuddered just by imagining what was in the "Shrieking Valley"

"Well then, everyone, let's g-" Before the shaking heart finished it's sentence, Kalego smacked it into the ground similar to the last.

"*ahem* That is all for the explanation. " Kalego catches their attention

"In order to reach the goal by even just a second faster, only the "Shrieking Valley" course will do!" Sabnock proudly points to himself

"However, the only course this year will be the "Chirping Valley" course." Kalego stops Sabnock, which causes him to question the teacher

"What! Why?!" He asked

"Because, the Master of the "Shrieking Valley" is on edge." Kalego answered

" "Master...of the "Shrieking Valley"?" The twins tilted their heads

"It is a large demon beast that rules over the "Shrieking Valley"." Kalego explained

"D-demon Beast.." Iruma flinched

"How are you still surprised?..." (M/N) sweat dropped


"That is why the entry to the "Shrieking Valley" is forbidden. I cannot guarantee your lives if you ever came in contact to it." Kalego explained further

"I'll definitely go into the "Shrieking Valley"! There's no meaning to it if I don't! !" Sabnock declared, while Clara played with his tail.

"C-clara...please stop playing with his tail" (M/N) sweat dropped once more

"Hehe~" Was all she said

*Clank* The gates opened

"Everyone prepare!" Kalego raised his hand, signaling as the trigger to the start

Every student prepared to take flight- well...most. The twins did not have any wings, therefore they stood there awkwardly

"Ready.....Start!!" Kalego lowered his hand towards the gate, signaling the students to fly out.

Sabnock flew quick with Asmodeus catching up without breaking a sweat. The twins just stood in the dust in the back. But because of the wind, the twins were pulled towards the edge, almost falling, until their feet caught a hold of the ground below them.

"Safe..." Iruma and (M/N) sighed

"*push*Hurry up and go." Kalego pushed the twins just as they sighed

"Eh?!!!!" Iruma screamed as he fell

"..." (M/N) prayed for their lives, hoping something soft would catch them

Kalego only ignored Iruma's screams as he casually walks in the elevator and the elevator moved towards the finish line.


Kalego walks out of the elevator and walks towards a door-shaped screen with a little demon sitting on top. He sits on the leaf-shaped chair and is approached by a little flying camera.

"Here's your tea." a little camera said, giving Kalego a cup of tea.

He takes the tea and turns on the monitor only to see a yawning student

"*yaaawn* I'm so sleepy" The boy, Agares, complained

"Ah!! I forgot to save the game before the boss fight!" Lied sulked as he played his game in the air

"Oh!" Kamui saw pretty flowers on the ground and picked some up, to give them to the girls flying straight ahead of them.

"My lady, may I fly together with you?" He asked

"Are you hitting on me?" Elizabetta asked

"Oh no! I simply want to be caught in between your beautiful and soft arms." He answered

"Oh my, a straight ball!" She smiled, as she accepted the flowers

"Is my passion...within boundaries?!" He asked

"*smack* Out!" Elizabetta stomped on his face...

"Your foot is 26.5 cm, I see" Kamui calculated rather...quickly

Kalego looked at the scene with a scowl as he drinks his tea. He presses another button to change cameras.

"This is number two relay demon!" The little demon camera announced

In the screen, Kalego can see Goemon, Jazz, and Allocer flying rather carefree

"Hey! Do you think this monster bird's egg can be sold for a lot of money?" Jazz asked as he snatched one from the nest

"A boiled egg will take 8 minutes. The only choice of seasoning would be salt" Allocer informed

The birds did not like this and proceeded to attack the trio

"They're only idiots! Is there no one better?!" Kalego grabbed the screen and shook it

"This is number three relay demon" Another demon camera announced

"There is still no-" Before it can finish it's sentence, Asmodeus zoomed passed in an incredible amount of speed

He spotted a patch of plants that were about to shoot some projectiles and quickly dodged

"Looks like I can't avoid it if I want to cross... Gorgon snake!" He summoned his familiar

"Reduce them to ashes" He commanded

The familiar burned all the plants that were the same as the patch and was complimented by Asmodeus

"You did a good job"Asmodeus said

"Awesome!!" A familiar voice behind Asmodeus said

"Do it again! Do it again!" Clara popped behind him

"You bastard... when did you?!" Asmodeus asked, confused

"Erm... I climbed on when he said "Start!"!" Clara proudly said

*zoom* Another student passed the distracted duo.

"That is...Sabnock?" Asmodeus squinted his eyes

"That direction is... It can't be...He's..!" He saw the direction Sabnock was using

"Hey,hey! Azz-azz, your speed is dropping!" Clara playfully said before they flew into vines

"Azz-azz, you're trapped! Can't get out!!" She said as she hung by Asmodeus' neck

"Don't struggle!! Release me first!!"Asmodeus struggled


*zoom* passed Sabnock. The little demon camera woke up from it's nap because of the gust of wind that passed

"W-wait! It's dangerous there! Dangerous!!" It warned

"Intruder in "Shrieking Valley"!!!" The little demon who sat on top of the monitor shrieked

"So, Sabnock really went there....There's always one every year, this kind of idiot." Kalego face-palmed


The winds were pushing him back, his wings were getting heavier by the second, the flight towards the flag was becoming harder for Sabnock as he used the dangerous path

"You little...!" Sabnock pushed against the wind

"As I thought, it has to be this! The path is difficult, but the distance from the start to the finish is overwhelmingly shorter! Thus, all who aim to become the Demon King went through this valley and raised their ranks!To hell with the master of the valley! I'll make that guy bow down before me!! My path as the next Demon King, starts from here!!" Sabnock was filled with pride that it clouded his own common sense, for the path he chose would not lead him to become strong, but it will lead him to death

"Well, if he's lucky, I might be able to recover at least an arm or a leg...Whatever it is...I'm thankful that there's one less student to teach" Kalego said as he sat back down and removed Sabnock's name from the student's list

"Come to think of it, where are those two idiots who had a late start?" Kalego puts his attention back to the screen

"Did the relay demons lose sight of them?" He clicks the buttons, changing the cameras looking for the twins


With the Twins


The twins were not seen...because they were held on the back of their uniforms by a large demon crow...When Kalego pushed them off the land, they were caught by the large crow out of curiosity, and now are in transit...

"Ah, come to think of it..weren't humans food here in the netherworld?...I hope they at least savour me properly..." Iruma completely accepted his fate, while (M/N)....

"Hey! Hey! Let us down you giant bird!!!...wait...never mind ..." (M/N) who was moving his arms and legs, trying to wriggle away, realised that they were flying in the air, the ground was nowhere to be seen.

A loud roar shocked the large crow, dropped the twins mid-air, and flew the way it came from.

"AHHHH!!!!" Iruma screamed in fear

"Oops-" was all (M/N) said


With Asmodeus and Clara


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