《Inside Job (FNAF: SB Rewrite)》Chapter 22 - Unlikely Alliance
I woke with a head-splitting migraine, the kind that felt like earth's tectonic plates shifting during an earthquake. When my eyes adjusted and everything started to take shape, I noticed I wasn't in the overhangs of Gator Golf anymore. The walls were still green, but they were closer together, and the room itself was much smaller. I was in the corner by a vanity, like the ones in the animatronic rooms. Pictures and drawings of Monty were strewn all over the walls, and I made an educated guess as to where I was; Monty's room.
A surge of pain thundered through my head, and I tried to lift my hand up to comfort it when I realized I couldn't move my arms. I looked around me to see what was preventing me from moving. I sat on Monty's chair, just like the one I usually slept on in Freddy's room, but my wrists were tied around the back. My ankles were free, so I tried to stand up to let my hands make it over the backrest, but the chair was too big, not to mention that it felt as if my whole body had been torn apart and put back together several times. I collapsed back onto the seat in defeat.
"You're awake," a low voice suddenly said. I yelled in surprise, looking around for the source. Monty spun the chair around so I could see him.
"Oh, it's just you," I said, making a face at him. I guess it would've been obvious Monty is here, it is his room. Did he tie me here after I passed out?
Monty rolled his eyes and turned around. He started messing with something on the floor, but his body blocked me from seeing it.
"Why am I here? I thought I was your kill ," I said, mocking what he had said while we were in Gator Golf. Monty chuckled. "You've got a big mouth, kid," he said, standing up. He had a green bowling ball in his hand with his face plastered on it, just like Freddy's.
I started to feel enraged once again. Those bowling balls were memorabilia of Bonnie's Bowling Alley. Monty didn't deserve to keep one, not after what he did. Monty recognized my anger and sighed. "It's not as simple as you think it is," he muttered.
"I don't care why you did it! How could you?" I yelled at him. He walked over, keeping hold of the bowling ball, and leaned against the desk. He kept his eyes on the ball, not even acknowledging me.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!" I told him, but he still refused to look at me.
"Bonnie had incredible hearing. Did you know that?" he said out of the blue.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"I'm assuming you've seen my tape by now," he said, finally looking over at me.
His tape, the prototype version of him. Michael was with him, testing his unique lunging and leaping. He was supposed to be a security robot, with the ability to catch up to perpetrators and call authorities. He didn't have his voice box yet, but you could tell Monty enjoyed himself, especially when Michael's kid was in the room with him.
"What does that have to do with anything?" I said.
"I had just gotten my claw upgrade when he first came to me," Monty said, continuing his story. I really didn't want to hear his excuse for killing Bonnie, but I couldn't lie and say I wasn't curious.
"He said he'd been hearing things in the walls," Monty recounted, "and said that they were out to get him. I didn't know who they were, and when I asked he just said 'the ones beneath us.'"
Monty placed the bowling ball on the desk and shifted uncomfortably as he recalled his memories. "He started acting weird. He felt unsafe in his room–this room back when it was still his–and started spending his nights with me in Gator Golf," he said. Spend his nights with Monty? I guess if he was designed to be a security robot and I felt unsafe, he'd be the first animatronic I'd go to too.
"This room was his?" I asked, interrupting Monty's story. He nodded. "I wasn't always a part of the band. I was the main attraction in Gator Golf that doubled as the security in that area," he said.
I guess Gator Golf was much bigger than an area like Roxy's Raceway. It had many rooms to accommodate for several holes, while Roxy's Raceway was one large room with several smaller compartments where the equipment was.
"Anyways," Monty said, continuing his explanation, "during the night he'd go on and on about some nonsense I couldn't wrap my head around. I'd tried to calm him down by letting him play golf, but once he memorized the whole course he got bored. He started malfunctioning on stage, and he refused to enter parts and service for his repairs."
Monty's story reminded me of Freddy, of how he had supposedly malfunctioned on stage and was now taking frequent trips to parts and service for repairs. Is he going through the same thing Bonnie did? The differences were the nonsense talk and his cooperativeness. Freddy hasn't said anything weird, other than his confusing mixed signals around Monty, and he's been more than happy to follow his orders for repairs. This must be what Roxy was trying to warn Chica about, long ago before we entered Fazer Blaster. It wasn't just that Freddy might be replaced, it's that he was going through the same experience as Bonnie.
Is that why Freddy is so insistent on getting his repairs? Because Bonnie didn't make it?
"His condition got worse," Monty said. "Soon he couldn't walk properly, and his circuits sprang when he tried to move. He refused to leave the security office in Gator Golf. He would tell me that they're taking pieces of him, bit by bit. I wasn't sure what to do. Vanessa told me I should carry him down to parts and service, but Bonnie would argue with me, saying he wouldn't return."
An odd dilemma for a security robot, for sure. On one hand, he should do as he's told by his colleagues, but on the other, bringing discomfort to another robot is the exact opposite of his job.
"Soon it became noticeable; there were indeed parts that were just going missing. Bonnie said he couldn't see them, but he could hear them. I didn't know an animatronic could lose their mind," Monty said.
Why hadn't Chica, Roxy, or Freddy mention this? Did they want to remember only the good parts of Bonnie's life, or is this just Monty lying to me for some pity?
"One day, whatever Bonnie said was coming for him finally did. I heard his screams and ran in. He laid on the floor with his casing open, something that should never happen outside of parts and service. I couldn't see whatever attacked, but I heard it shuffling around the room. I tried to follow it but I lost its sound," Monty said. He crossed his arms and sighed.
"Bonnie told me to destroy him," he muttered. "He said it'd be back to take the rest of him and that I couldn't let that happen. Something about his parts being used for a project by 'the ones beneath us.' I refused but he just kept begging. There was already too much of him missing, his lower half was completely gone. There was no way the company would fix him, so I sucked it up and..." Monty trailed off.
Monty didn't need to tell me what he did next. It was already heavily implied. He finished the job. "I tried to keep as much as I could," he said, "but parts of him started going missing, just like how it was when he was alive. So I hid the rest of him on the overhang above Gator Golf, and he's been up there ever since."
Even after Bonnie was completely mangled by Monty, his parts still went missing afterwards? Were they still collecting his parts even after he died?
I had a gut feeling who was the one behind Bonnie's troubles. "Sounds like it was Vanny," I muttered. I don't know what kind of project it was working on, and I don't know why it would need Bonnie's parts, but it sounded like the kind of thing Vanny would do.
"Who's Vanny?" Monty asked. It's weird that no one ever seems to see it. Roxy was the only one who said she could see Vanny, but that only after her eye upgrades. What about Vanny makes her invisible to all the other animatronics?
"It's some human dressed in a bunny costume. It's what's causing everyone to change," I said.
"I don't follow," he said. I groaned in annoyance when I realized I'd have to tell my story over again like when I was catching Freddy up to speed.
"I didn't destroy Chica and Roxy for the hell of it. Something within them changed and they attacked me. And they're not the only ones. You saw what Moon's like now," I said. Monty looked at all my bandages. The one on my knee, where the cupcake had bitten me, already needed a replacement. That wound just refused to heal. It feels like it happened a lifetime ago.
Another shock of pain ran through my head. An "Ow," escaped my mouth and I bent my knees closer to me.
"Are you okay?" Monty asked.
"I'm fine, I just have this terrible headache," I said. Monty nodded, "Wouldn't be surprised if you had a concussion. You landed on your head pretty hard."
I grumbled nonsense to myself. I really couldn't afford having a concussion. I was just going to have to ignore it.
I looked at Monty, still leaning against his desk and hovering over me. "You never answered my question," I said spitefully. "Why am I here? I thought you wanted me dead."
Monty laughed a bit. "I was bluffing, I wouldn't kill a child. You really think I would?" he said, almost surprised that I thought he'd actually go through with it. He is a security robot for a children's massive pizzeria, it'd be weird if his programming allowed him to kill me.
"It's been a long week, I'll believe anything at this point," I confessed. He wouldn't be the first robot to try to kill me. These past few days have consisted of me either befriending one or running away from it.
"So what's your plan? You're just gonna keep me tied up here?" I said, moving around my wrists and trying to find a way to untie myself. He used a zip tie, and it was incredibly thin, cutting into my skin uncomfortably.
"I tried to contact the police, but the connection has been cut," Monty said. "I tried calling for Vanessa, but she won't pick up." Monty grabbed a walkie talkie from the desk. "Freddy's still in parts and service, and you broke everyone else. We'll just wait until Vanessa answers. Until then, you're stuck with me."
I sighed, a feeling of disappointment waving over me. I suppose this was better than dying by the hands of Monty, but I was starting to miss my freedom.
"Did you, uhm, actually watch that tape?" Monty awkwardly asked. He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.
"Yeah, I did," I said. "You wouldn't happen to know that designer by any chance, would you?" Sun didn't seem to have any memory of meeting Michael, but Monty spoke as if he's seen his prototype video. It'd be great if I could get some extra information on him.
Monty shook his head, "No, but I remember his kid." Michael's kid. He'd been present in three tapes now; Chica's, Foxy's, and Monty's. And according to Michael's latest journal entry, he had died somehow. "What was he like?" I asked Monty. My curiosity overcame me. Besides, if Monty plans to keep me here for who knows how long, talking like this is the best way to pass the time.
"Rowdy," Monty said. "A bit full of himself. Smart, too. He was my first mega fan before I joined the band. He used to tell me that one day I'd run the pizzaplex." He shook his head as he recollected his thoughts. "I remember, heh, he used to sneak into all the backrooms, mess with the animatronics' parts, and just cause a lot of trouble. The only reason he wasn't banned was because of his dad, but of course his punishment would be that he couldn't go to the pizzaplex for a while," Monty recalled.
"He left before he could see me join the band. He'd be so excited if he found out I was one malfunction away from becoming the star," he said sadly. I'm guessing what Monty means is that if Freddy's repairs don't go as planned, he'll be his replacement.
"He left?" I repeated the first part of his sentence.
Monty shrugged with cowardice. "He went missing. Police said he probably just ran away and would be back eventually. I thought he'd come back, but after a few months, I stopped waiting."
Oh. He died. According to Michael, he died. I didn't tell Monty that though. He looked as if he was holding onto the hope that he was still out there somewhere.
"He, uhm, he really liked you," I said. "He created you when he was, like, four."
"In Chica's tape. He came out with a drawing of you. He looked four, at least," I explained.
Monty looked at me with disbelief. "You've seen Chica's tape?"
"And Foxy's. And Sun's," I said with pride. Monty laughed, shaking his head left to right. "You really do remind me of him," he mumbled quietly. I don't think he meant to say that out loud.
"Speaking of Sun," I said, choosing to ignore his comment, "what happened to him–er, I mean, Moon. What happened to Moon? Is he okay?" He fell from a pretty high distance. I get that Moon's been possessed by Vanny, but I don't believe Sun is. They share a body, so if Moon is damaged, Sun will be too.
"I don't know. He was gone when I went back. Actually, Bonnie's head was gone too," he said. That surprised me, though after I thought about it a bit, it made some sense. If Vanny was using Bonnie's parts for some kind of project, and then Monty hid it from her, Moon must've seen and taken it.
"Monty," I started, "I know this whole thing has been very confusing for you, but I really am just trying to solve it all. I never meant for Chica and Roxy to be hurt like that, you have no idea how much guilt I feel. I just..." I struggled to continue. My head was pounding, I was starting to feel nauseous, and I was exhausted, but even so I had to convince Monty to untie me. I needed to get out and advance my investigation through the pizzaplex.
I am so close to solving the mystery here, I can feel it. My brother isn't the only one who's gone missing here, Michael's kid must've experienced something here too. I can't just give up when I'm finally getting results. I can't just leave after everything my friends have gone through for me.
"Vanny is up to something malicious," I said, "and I cannot just sit here tied up to this dumb chair and let you sit and watch me. We have to do something."
Monty's tail dragged on the floor as he thought to himself. "Why do you care?" he said.
"I first came here to find clues about my brother's disappearance," I said honestly, "but now, all I want to do is save the pizzaplex from Vanny. You, Freddy, Chica, Roxy, even that scary giant DJ on the dance floor. None of you deserve this."
Monty looked down at his claws, his eyes focusing on them. "Curses," he grunted irritably. With his claw, he cut the zip tie and set me free. They had made a noticeable dent in my skin, and I rubbed my wrists to ease the pain.
"Alright, kid, what's the plan?"
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