《Tbh X Laff》4. Safe place (Minecraft Au)


Laff POV.

We were all playing minecraft together and figuring out the what to do for new episodes of Socks smp. From the corner of my eye I see Memegod and Blaza chasing Tbh they had their axes out most probably trying to kill him again.

I sat in my arm chair closed eyes, relaxed listening to Socks talking about the new episode. Suddenly he stopped and started to laugh really loud.

I opened my eyes looking at Socks who had a hand over his mouth his laugh muffled.

"What's so funny?" I asked Socks who just pointed his finger towards something, I turned my head only to see Memegod laying face down on the ground and Blaza's face covered in flour.

I smiled and turned my attention back to Socks only to see Tbh run by. He was chased by Memegod and Blaza again and for obvious reasons.

I laughed it of relaxing back into my chair closing my eyes. Only to hear everyone giggling again, I ignored them too tired to deal with them.

Soon after a lot of trashing and things getting knocked down everything calmed down.

I feel weight on my lap and hands wrap around my head pushing it into someone chest. I opened my eyes lazily only to be met with Tbh's chest.

"You can't get me now this is my safe place." Tbh said hugging me tighter. I smiled to myself hugging his waist pulling him down and closer to me.

"Safe place you say?" I whisper in Tbh's ear making him shiver lightly. I just pull him down hugging him, his face in my shoulder hiding from everything that's going on.

I see Meme and Blaza try and get to Tbh but I hugged him tighter. "Mine. Back off." I said closing my eyes relaxing while hugging Tbh.


I hear snickering and Meme asks me through the laughter. "What did you say?" I open my eyes and look him dead in the eyes. "Mine. Back off." Memegod looks at me for a minute then just walks away. Everything calms down and suddenly the room is filled with silence.

Tbh moves making himself more comfortable using me as a pillow. "Laff?" Tbh whispers to me."Yup?" I whisper back looking at him. "If I'm yours does that mean you are mine?" I turn to him and kiss his cheek. "Of course." He smiles and nuzzles his face into my neck.


I was lying on the couch Tbh lying on me his face pressed into my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Laff loafs have been selling like crazy."

"That's awesome to hear!" I smile at Tbh and pet him gently and he leans into my hand. "I've been thinking about getting better books for library with the money and Woolfster and Dino said they would help. We need only one more person." "I'll help." "Awesome!" I said hugging him tightly. He only giggles.

Two days later and we meet up in front of the library, everyone takes a box full of new books for better enchantments.

"How are we gonna sort them out?"

Dino asks and I turn to him. "Lets split them into groups one group is everything about regeneration other about fire resistance etc.." Everyone nodds and we start organising the books.

Me and Dino are standing next to each other organising the books and chatting. Not long after I hear Tbh and Woolfster fighting in the other isle. "Stop hitting me you furry!" "What did you call me!" "Furry that's what you are!" "Oh well this furry's gonna tickle you to death!" "No! No! Woolfster I was just joking! Don-!" I hear Tbh laughing maniacally.


"Laff!" I turn to my side seeing as Tbh was running to me I open up my arms for a hug , instead he jumps up legs wrapping around my waist and arms wrapping around my torso. I wrap my arm around him holding him up, my other hand continuing to organise books.

"My safe place." Tbh whispers in my ear and I smile.

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