《Tbh X Laff》2. Manhunt (again)


Laff POV.

Tbh was currently filming his intro, we were doing another minecraft manhunt. Only this time Tbh was the speed runner, Fatmemegod and Socks were the hunters and I was the bodyguard meaning I could die as many times but I need to protect Tbh.

Tbh announced the start, telling the two to start counting. I ran to the nearest tree getting wood, and making Tbh a pickaxe I saw a glimpse of Socks so I told Tbh to start running. "I will catch up to you. K?" He nodded running off. I hid behind a tree waiting for Socks as he passed I jumped behind him killing him with a few hits. Suddenly a sharp pain traveled from my arm to my stomach I groaned turning around to see Memegod with a bow and arrow shooting at me. I ran at him trying to hit him only to get another arrow now in my leg. I hit Memegod and he begun to run. I realized that he has no arrows left so I chased after him...

As I was about to hit Meme again I felt pain in my shoulder, quickly I turned around to find Socks swinging his axe towards me. I dodged the attack swinging my axe to hit him only to be stopped by Memegod. They were ganging up on me, I turned around running as fast as I can trying to find Tbh. "He's low! Get him!" Socks yelled as I ran down the field and into the water I didn't have time to craft a boat so I was just swimming I got lucky as I found dolphins and got dolphins grace. When I finally found land I exited the water flopping down from exhaustion, I didn't get the time to heal so I was still in a pretty bad state.


"Laff!" I opened my eyes to be met with Tbh big smile spreading on his face. "Laff we only have one gold block left!"

"That's great.." I said through my teeth. Everything hurt. "Laff are you okay?" I looked at him his eyes looking at me back. He was so worried. "No but we need to get going they will be here soon." I said sitting up. Tbh shook his head sitting next to me giving me some bread. "It's going to help you." I muttered a thank you and ate in silence. From the corner of my eye I see Tbh jerk away from something, he pressed against me hugging my arm for a second only to let it go and blush looking away.. I ignored it and just looked at the sea, slowly I see something making its way to us.

I get up on my feet looking at Tbh. I pulled out my axe and yelled at him. "Tbh run!" "No I'm not leaving you here!" I got mad at him, pulled him to his feet and pushed him backwards. "Do you want us to lose?!" Only then Tbh looks at the sea. He turns to me and nodds running away, I followed soon after him.

"Go get Tbh I'll deal with Laff!"

I hear Meme yell behind me pointing towards Tbh. I stopped running and turned around charging at Meme when he didn't expect. I got the frist hit, the second one Meme blocked. I bridged up healing then jumped down at Meme who was bridging to me. I killed him and jumped down running after Socks. I look around only to see a forest right next to me, I ran into it cutting my path soon I see Tbh and not too far away Socks. I charge towards Socks hitting him as hard as I can, as he ran away from me to heal himself I ran to Tbh catching up to him. Not too far away I see a cave. Great. I catch up to Tbh pulling him by the arm to come with me, we jump into the cave and I push Tbh against the wall of the cave putting my hand over his mouth. "It's me. Don't worry." I see him relax, I remove my hand and he breathes out hard. He must have been running for a long time. "Sit down." He sits down in front of me head down trying to catch his breath. "Where did they go?!" I hear Socks yell.


We were too far away there was no way of them finding us. Soon I don't hear them anymore, I was ready to leave the cave and just win the game. I look down only to be met with Tbh still breathing really hard, on top of that he was now shivering. I sit down in front of him instantly pulling him into a hug.

"It's alright they are gone." I whisper into his ear rubbing his back, I pull away slightly picking his head in my hand caressing his cheek. "Let's find the last block and win this thing." I say and he nodds. We get up exiting the cave and Tbh starts running I follow closely, only a minute later I hear Memegod and Socks behind us yelling, but they were too late.

"I see it! I see it!" Tbh yells happily soon 'The speed runner has gotten all the trophies.' Pops in the chat and super happy Tbh runs to me jumping up, wrapping his legs around my waist. I hold him up hugging him close as happy tears flow down his face. He pulls down my mask, both his hands on my face and smashes his lips agains mine, I just close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

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