《Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 1》P A R T - T W E N T Y
Magnus pulled into a gas station along the high way, the large seven seater SUV coming to a gentle stop... "Whoever needs a piss hurry up," Magnus said, turning to look back at the rest of the car from the drivers seat...
They'd been driving since nine on the dot after picking up Alice from her house. She'd climbed into the back beside Fei since Candice had volunteered to sit next to her brother with Charlie in the front next to Magnus... the car seat politics had gotten slightly awkward, especially since Alice had quietly expected to be sitting in the front beside him instead of Charlie.
Carefully Alice got out, sliding the door to one side and jumping out onto the concrete, the code air washing over her skin and prickling it as she stretched her arms above her head and yawned, since they'd been driving for almost three hours without a break and still had another three or so hours to go until they got to the resort. Candice had fallen asleep, so stayed silent in her seat as the others got out and did the same stretches and yawns, mumbling about coffee and snacks as Fei came to stand next to Alice as she quietly watched Magnus step out the SUV elegantly and fill up on gas.
"So, how're things going?" Fei asked, her voice quiet as she folded her arms as smirked discreetly at Alice, seeing the smitten way she was gazing at Magnus who seemed oblivious, when it fact he wasn't. He knew she was looking at him, but didn't turn around to make eye contact just yet.
"With Magnus?" Alice replied, seeing Fei nod as a response. "I dunno," she shrugged, deciding to keep her expectations to herself since gossip tended to ruin most relationships before they could even begin and she knew too well that Magnus was a private person. "It's good, I guess."
"Are you happy?" Fei asked, the tone of her question surprising Alice. She seemed like she genuinely cared and wanted to know if Alice was happy with how things were going.
"Yeah," Alice replied, smiling warmly since she appreciated that Fei hadn't tried to pry and further. "Shall we get some coffee?" She asked, beginning to shiver slightly from the cold breeze.
"Sure," Fei agreed, keeping her arms folded as Alice quickly suggested that they ask Magnus if he wanted anything, giving her an excuse to talk to him. As casually as Alice could, pushing what had happened between them the day before out of her mind, she approached him... glancing over his outfit and liking how his all black sweatpants and sweatshirt seemed to look so expensive and stylish on him. He'd covered his hair with a white beanie, and adjusted it slightly as he saw the two girls approaching him just as he finished filling the car's tank up.
"Hey," Alice greeted, tucking her hair behind her ear to give her hands something to do for a moment.
"Hey," he replied, licking his lips moments after as he looked at her face carefully.
"We were wondering if you wanted anything from the café, we're gonna get some coffee." Alice continued, and Magnus could see the slight blush in her cheeks and wondered if she was getting nervous around him again.
"Just a black coffee." He replied, then dug into his pocket to retrieve his wallet.
"Oh, I can-" she began but Magnus put his card in her hand forcefully,
"It's to pay for the gas, since you're already walking over there." He said, cutting her off with a steady gaze. He liked the look of her being nervous around him, since it gave him a weird thrill to have that power over her.
"Oh," Alice replied as Fei smiled and looked between them, thinking quietly to herself that they had a strange chemistry, but that it seemed to work for them. "What's your-"
"Just swipe it." Magnus cut across her again and she pressed her lips together in a flash moment of irritation. "Get whatever else you want." He added, glancing at her lips then back at her eyes, keeping his expression blank.
"Okay." Alice replied and turned away, giving off a slight aura of attitude directed towards him as she strode off with Fei jogging a little to catch up, since she'd walked off so quickly.
"Can I see it?" Fei asked, seeing Alice holding a gold card that seemed to shimmer in the crisp late morning sunlight. Alice handed it over as they walked into the gas station, deciding to pay for the gas first before getting coffee. "Holy shit, I've read about these." Fei said, speaking quickly with excitement. "The gold Palladium card is made of literal gold. Or maybe that's a myth. I don't know but it sure feels like it. God, he must be so rich! You have to be invited to use these!"
"Fei," Alice hissed as they approached the desk and mumbled the booth number to the cashier as Fei handed her the card back, still giddy from the fact she'd held an actual Gold Palladium card in her hands.
"Is that all?" The cashier asked, his voice monotone and bored.
"Two skittles packets please." Fei added, making Alice smirk then giggle quietly as the cashier sighed, pressing some buttons on the cash register and looking back up at them. The number on the screen went up by two dollars, but Alice still felt a strange thrill from getting something for herself using Magnus's card. Just as he'd said, the transaction went through instantly with only just a swipe and she protectively hid his card away in her purse that she stuffed back into her pocket with a receipt.
In the cafe across the way, Alice paid for her own extravagant creation of coffee and Magnus's casual black coffee and wandered back towards the SUV whilst Fei ate her skittles happily. Magnus was leaning against the door of the drivers side, waiting slightly impatiently but didn't show it on his face. "Here," she said, handing him his coffee then giving hers to Fei so she could get her purse out and give him his card back. "There's a receipt in too."
"Thanks." He replied quietly, watching her lips as she licked them, her eyes concentrating on her hands as she zipped her purse back together and put it back in her pocket. His mind began to replay what she looked like without many clothes on suddenly, the plumpness of her breasts and the softness of her skin... he felt the warmth of desire travel through his veins as he watched her intently, lifting the coffee cup to his lips and taking a slow sip.
Fei watched Magnus watch Alice carefully, and had a strange sense of eerie fear wash over her. "Fei-" Alice said again, having spoken her name once already and received no response. "Can I have my coffee, please?"
"Oh yeah, sorry," Fei replied, feeling slightly embarrassed that she'd been caught staring at Alice's guy. Alice thanked her quietly and glanced back at Magnus, making eye contact and seeing the subtle suggestive stare behind his black expression. Silence hovered between the three for a few moments before Fei realised that it was probably time for her to excuse herself. "I'll see you back in the car," she smiled, then turned away and stuffed more skittles into her mouth as she sighed heavily. She didn't want to seem weird, and was worried she was messing things up because she was new and didn't know how to act popular.
"Who is that again?" Magnus asked a few moments after Fei had left, causing Alice's eyebrows to raise.
"Fei Hanson, you've met her like four times, Magnus." She scolded, but couldn't help the smile as Magnus moved closer to her and lent against the door of his car and glanced her over.
"I know, I just couldn't remember her name. She's so quiet." He smirked subtly as Alice moved her hair back over her shoulder to reveal her neck, showing the love bites he'd given her the day before. His eyebrow raised a little, but he didn't comment on how Alice seemed to be showing them off and not covering them with make up this time.
"Of course she's quiet, you're intimidating," Alice replied, wanting to stoke his ego as she smiled flirtatiously.
"Do I still intimidate you?" Magnus asked, registering the smile as he looked at her lips and mirrored it.
"Sometimes," Alice said truthfully, but continued to smile at him as she glanced at his lips, holding her coffee with both hands so she would stop fiddling with her hair. She felt it was a childish action, and wanted to somehow show Magnus that she was old enough to handle whatever he was offering.
"Can I intimidate you into sharing a room with me this weekend?" Magnus asked, his voice smooth like silk, and his intense gaze suddenly radiating that sense of intimidation that Alice felt sometimes. She smiled a little more, but tried to fight it as her heart jumped in her chest. She'd been wondering how the topic would come about, since she wasn't sure on what the sleeping arrangements would be... and the girls had discussed who would be sharing with who last night, then remembered that Alice actually had a plus one.
"Sure," she replied calmly, knowing what this all subtly meant as she looked at each of Magnus's eyes, seeing his smile widen but the emotion didn't reach them. She could see how someone could be easily fooled by it, because his smile was handsome and distracting, but she'd begun to notice more and more his little characteristics that were just slightly unnerving.
Magnus stared into her eyes back, remembering in detail how she got onto her knees in front of him in such a submissive way, like she wanted to please him. He was still smiling but felt the rush of hot adrenaline through his body that made his eyes widen just a little... just by behaving like that she'd struck so many parts of his body and mind that even he was pleasantly surprised. And he was a level beyond curious to find out what it would actually be like to sleep with her. He had a goal now, and was determined to achieve it by the end of the evening.
"Am I driving now?" A voice suddenly asked, and both Magnus and Alice looked towards Trey who had appeared beside them. "... did I interrupt something? Sorry," he chuckled, seeming unfazed but thought he'd apologise anyway.
"Yes." Magnus said slowly before inhaling slowly, "But it's fine. You can drive." he continued, throwing the keys to Trey who caught them easily. Alice smiled politely as Trey moved past them, getting into the drivers seat and closing the door, making it obvious that they were meant to leave soon, considering they were behind schedule already. "We should get in," Magnus said, glancing at Alice's lips as she sipped her coffee.
A few moments later they were climbing into the back of the SUV, Fei had offered to move and climbed over the partition for the seats to sit next to Candice, who had grumpily pulled her hood up over her face and gone back to sleep whilst listening to her own music. Alice grew slightly nervous, seeing Candice's attitude, and wondered if she'd be like that the whole trip... but pushed it to the back of her mind as Magnus pulled the door closed and Trey started up the engine...
The sound of Wasted Times by The Weeknd flowed from the speakers, the sound crisp and clear as Alice checked her phone, bringing her legs up to cross them underneath her as she checked the playlist line-up. Magnus watched her out the corner of his eye, examining the way she used his phone, and wondering what she used it for the most... even though he had a pretty good idea already, thanks to the tracker he'd installed on her last phone. In his bedroom desk drawer at home, her flashy pink iPhone sat, waiting to be examined... "Who're you texting?" He asked, his voice quiet so that only Alice could really hear.
"My mom," she lied, looking up at him with a slight raised eyebrow. She was actually texting her friendship group chat, excitedly talking about how she would be sharing a room with him for the weekend.
"Oh," Magnus replied, glancing at the phone in her hands again and then back at her eyes as Alice locked her phone and put it back in the pouch opposite her in the back of the seat in front. Magnus watched her carefully still, entertaining himself since he was unsure of what else to do. Do they talk? He wasn't sure what about. He wasn't used to long journey's shared with other people when he wasn't driving, but he did want to somehow be close to Alice so he could start sweetening her up for that night.
"Do you want some skittles?" she asked, feeling a little awkward because she was also unsure of what to say to him in the presence of her friends, although they weren't exactly listening, she felt as if she was on show.
"Sure," Magnus agreed, putting his hand out as Alice shook the packet, littering some of the colourful edible pebbles into his hand. He glanced up at her again, watching as she placed a red skittle between her lips and looked ahead, distracting herself with the scenery around them. He was about to start conversation, when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket...
Pulling his new generation iPhone out, he answered his mother's call with his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah?" he asked, catching Alice's attention for she was confused for a moment, thinking he was talking to her. "Me?" he asked, "No, I'm in the car still..." he said a little quieter as Alice looked away and out the window, but still continued to listen. "Chi, mio zio?" He asked, wondering if it was his uncle that his mother was calling about, who hadn't been very well since late last year. They switched languages on the phone like this often, but it was almost always when there was company so people didn't listen in on what was being said. "Sì, io so quello è chi, io appena non posso sentirLa." he replied quickly, saying he knew who his mother was talking about now but couldn't hear her when she'd originally spoke.
Alice's eyebrows raised as she heard Magnus speaking so fluently in Italian, her chest warming at the sound of it... since it sounded so attractive coming from his lips. She remembered him saying that his mother was Italian, so it only made sense that he knew how to speak the language. "Corretto... bene grazie per dirmi." Magnus said, as Alice wondered what he was talking about. "Okay. Ciao." he mumbled and pulled his phone away from his ear and hung up just as Alice looked over at him,
"Who was that?" She asked playfully, wanting to turn the tables on him since he'd asked who she was texting earlier.
"My mom," he replied, looking over at her then realising she was teasing him. He chuckled and glanced at her lips as he put his phone back into his pocket, thinking about the information he'd received about his uncle not doing so well in the hospital. Magnus felt nothing, which he expected, but he thought about it deeply... there had been deaths over the years, but this would be the first funeral he would attend, if there was going to be one, which was being discussed already between his parents. "How's your dog?" he asked suddenly, the idea of death suddenly reminding him of Alice's family problem.
"Oh, she's okay," Alice smiled, "She gets to come home after the weekend," she added, running her hands through her hair.
"That's so strange that she was hit by a car, do you usually let her out the house on her own?" Magnus asked, the question making Alice shift because it felt like an accusation, however she knew that it wasn't. He didn't know the full story, so it wasn't his fault.
"No, we don't... it was just a freak accident." Alice replied, placing her hands in her lap as she fiddled slightly with the rings on her fingers. Magnus nodded and lent back in his seat, wondering what else he could talk to her about... "Thank you for asking," Alice suddenly said, "That was nice of you." she added, smiling warmly at him. Magnus looked at each of her eyes and smiled... he couldn't help but feel that strange wave of power wash over him again, seeing her gaze at him with affection then look away politely, deciding to look out the window instead.
"I like your playlist." Magnus then said, still looking directly at her face as she turned back to look at him. Alice smiled suddenly, trying to fight it but she couldn't stop it.
"Thank you," she replied, feeling her cheeks feather with a bashful blush.
"Did you choose all of these?" He asked, figuring out that she liked to be asked questions. He'd analysed her body language quickly, seeing the way she turned her upper body towards him, the smiles and eye contact...
"No, Candice and Fei helped me last night," She replied honestly, "Is this the kind of music you're normally into?" she asked,
"I don't have a preference," Magnus replied, then glanced over her face, seeing her almost physically searching for a response. "But I like this song the most," he said, referring to This is America by Childish Gambino that was playing. As if on cue Trey turned it up, causing Magnus to raise his eyebrows a little. He'd heard the song several times before, and knew that it was Trey's favourite, considering he was now rapping along loudly with Charlie in the front. Alice smiled warmly, laughing lightly at how animated they were now being to the song and looked back at Magnus who put his hand out for her phone, "Is this all the music you usually like?" he asked, feeling strange that he was asking questions to get to know her better.
"Yeah," Alice replied, seeing him going through her Spotify playlist and making note of a few of the song names mentally. He gathered a mental picture from the list, finding out something specific about Alice's personality from them... "So have you been to this place before?"
"Where?" he asked,
"Panorama," Alice replied, looking over the profile of his face and feeling her chest warming a bit, especially since she could see some stubble across his upper lip.
"A few times," he replied, "It's... nice, you'll like it." he continued, locking her phone and handing it back to her. Alice smiled and ran her hand through her hair, looking over his face as her eyes lingered on his lips for a moment.
"Do you speak any other languages?" she asked after her mind replayed the delightful moment he'd spoken Italian with his mother on the phone.
"German and Spanish," he replied calmly, his eyes focused on hers.
"Not french?" She smirked, looking at him with soft gaze that he noticed.
"Not yet," he replied, having a momentary, unprovoked flashback to her on her knees in front of him the day before. "Maybe you could teach me," he flirted subtly, and Alice smirked even more.
"I'm not a great teacher," she mused, liking how they were holding eye contact so steadily.
"Good thing i'm a great student," he replied, making Alice laugh since he wasn't in any way lying and she knew that. He was a great student, an amazing one in fact, and he seemed to master anything he tried. He watched Alice carefully, enjoying the sound of her laugh and watched how her plump lips curved into a subtle smile. He wanted to kiss her, but knew the moment was too random and the position they were in and the way Alice was sitting would be awkward for him to be so spontaneous.
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I don’t want to die. I want to be free. To that end, I shall… reconcile myself to the fate of becoming a «monster».A strange disease that racks up one’s entire body with intense never-ending pain, until the person slowly withers away and eventually dies. After a few years of braving through the pain, the boy is in no luxury to even feel despair. With nary a soul to tend to him, he breathes his last.The next time he opened his eyes, the boy had become an «Undead» of the lowest rank through the power of an evil Necromancer.The boy rejoices at having his earnest desire fulfilled, which is a body that will never feel pain. However, he realizes that he is still under someone’s control and how it was no different from when he was cooped up in the hospital ward.But the world would not leave alone the boy who only wished for peace.The Necromancer who revives the boy from the dead, names him «End» and attempts to gain control over him.The Undead Knights, lay their lives on the line to persistently chase after and annihilate the beings of the darkness.With countless monsters under their command, the Demon Lords rule over their own lands while they all contend for ultimate supremacy.The motivation being survival and freedom. The requirements being caution and power.This is the tale of the cowardly King of the Undead. In his pursuit for freedom, he heads into battle and turns tail at times. He knows when to fear his opponents and when to waver in his decisions.
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Linus's soul has been transferred into the body of an 18-year-old boy with the same name and looks, but this isn't earth anymore. He has arrived at a new planet where vicious beasts capable of flattening mountains reside outside the human cities. Humans on the other hand have survived by contracting those beasts and becoming pet trainers after awakening and cultivating their contract space. Linus is determined to become a mythical pet trainer with a mythical beast under his control, but will he succeed as an orphan who doesn't even have enough money for the lowest iron rank pet?
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A megaannum has passed since the War of Loss ravaged the universe, and the gods have grown complacent. They seek to expand their followings by restarting that ancient conflict. To accomplish this, they set out on a series of divine experiments to create new heroes and champions for their coming age of conflict. If only any of them went as planned.
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where the trilogy of the wrm really start it's about a dungeon with an easy go lucky life https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/31799/tale-of-a-worm
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