《Something About Alice Murphy: BOOK 1》P A R T - S E V E N T E E N


Alice bit her lip gently and tugged the sleeves down on the emerald green sweater to cover her hands, her cheeks turning pink as she saw how intently Magnus was staring at her now. "I figured this was yours," she said quietly, looking down at how it hung loosely to her mid thighs, which were currently bare since she was only wearing underwear underneath. The material was soft and thick, and smelt like Magnus's cologne that she was growing familiar with now.

"Yeah," he agreed, standing up from where he was sitting and continuing to watch her. The energy was beginning to vibrate between them almost instantaneously, and although it was invisible and silent, each of them could feel it pulling them towards each other. He'd redressed himself into sweats and a t-shirt, probably whilst Alice was still in the shower and she felt her pelvis ache subtly as she glanced at how the grey sweats hung low on his hips...

She knew what his body looked like underneath the loose clothes he liked to wear and sighed heavily but silently, wanting nothing more than to caress her hands over every inch of his body whilst he touched her, also. She liked the idea of how she would be able to wrap herself around him whilst having some of him left over for later... she liked his height, his muscle size, his golden eyes, his slightly light olive skin tone... the way his plump lips were almost shaped like a heart and the way his dark lashes framed his eyes... everything about him called out to her, reeling her in violently and she swallowed heavily whilst looking him over. Alice found Magnus Johnson so immensely attractive that she could barely breathe... especially since she was now alone with him in his room.

Her hair was blow dried and hung slightly messily around her shoulders, even though it was moved to hang down her back, whisps of it framed her carefully done face as she walked forwards and climbed onto the bed, "What did you want to show me?" She asked, looking innocently up at Magnus who was still watching her from where he stood. She could see exactly what he was thinking, but wanted to play dumb so he could make the first move since she wanted to know what it felt like.

"Uh-" he began, distracted by the show of skin on her legs and how she seemed so comfortable relaxing on his bed. "It's a film,"

"A film?" Alice asked, getting a sudden wave of confidence as she saw how distracted he suddenly was by her appearance. She fought the urge to smile and settled back on his mountain of soft plush pillows as the thought of them getting closer, physically, danced excitedly at the back of her mind...

"Yeah, I thought you'd find it interesting," he continued, looking back at his television as Alice fixed her hair so that it was flowing down her shoulders and the long length of it was on show. He pressed a few buttons on the thin silver slither of a remote and the tv came to life, beginning the movie; American psycho.

"Oh," Alice said in a surprised light voice as the film began and Magnus joined her on the bed, settling back against the pillows with his body fairly close to hers.

"Is it not what you were expecting?" He asked, looking at the profile of her face and glancing at her plump oval shaped lips that were delicately coated with subtle nude pink lipstick. He didn't really feel like watching the film, but in a way wanted to somehow mislead her into thinking that was what they were going to do. And with a film like American Psycho that demanded attention with its violence and sexual nature, he wanted to test how easily it would be to distract her.


"Strangely... I'm not that surprised." Alice replied, watching the screen carefully as she felt Magnus's eyes on her face. "Is this one of your favourites?" She asked and Magnus chuckled quietly,

"I don't have favourites," he said calmly, glancing from her face to her legs then licking his lips a little... he didn't understand why he was so fascinated with them... maybe it was how soft and silky her skin looked, how the creamy flesh seemed to call to him to touch... he swallowed heavily and looked away although he didn't want to, since he was aware that he had been looking for a little too long.

"You don't? You must have one," Alice replied, a warm smile taking over her lips as she turned to look at Magnus. She felt a little giddy thinking about how she was sitting on his bed next to him watching a film, and wondered if someone had told her a year ago that this is how her crush on him would play out, she probably wouldn't have believed them.

"Mm," he hummed, taking into consideration all the films he'd watched. "I don't like the films specifically, just more of the genre," he continued, finding a compromise as he looked from the screen to Alice's sparkly blue eyes.

"Psychological thrillers?" Alice giggled, looking at the screen now.

"I like horror too," Magnus added, feeling like Alice was teasing him by the way she seemed to amused by his film preferences. "What's so funny?" He asked, glancing at her smile then back at her eyes moments before she looked at him again.

"Nothing, it's just-" she smirked, "I just find it interesting, but it makes way more sense than if you said you liked romantic comedies the best,"

"They're boring," Magnus replied bluntly, which only made Alice laugh more. "What?" He asked again, watching her face carefully. "Well, what do you like?"

"I like everything, as long as it's got a good story line," Alice replied, "but my favourites are the um..." she trailed off and bit her lip, trying to fight the embarrassed smile that took her lips hostage. "It's embarrassing now that I think about it."

"Just say it," Magnus replied, and barely noticed how the gory movie in the background seemed to just slip away and almost become inaudible.

"Don't judge me," Alice giggled and Magnus's lips tilted upwards a little with the threat of a smile. He was growing to like the sound of her giggling more and more, because it wasn't annoying like the others he'd heard around her. It was a quick noise, it wasn't high pitched or borderline hysterical. It was a soft and inviting noise, and he noticed that she touched her bottom lip every time she did it. "I like the Nicholas sparks films, like the ones based on his books." She smiled, ignoring the film in the background too.

"Why?" Magnus asked, interested in what she had to say since he wasn't sure if he was familiar with the movies.

"I like the way it's like romance with a twist, you know?" Alice replied, "-like one of my favourites is the one called Safe Haven and it's like a romance and mystery and thriller stuff but without the vomit worthy cute shit. It's subtle and... um, yeah," she blushed and bit her lip whilst smiling.

"I don't think I've seen it," Magnus replied, glancing at her lips and then licking his own. He wanted to kiss her, but this time there was no sense of urgency or suffocating lust.


"We should watch it some time," Alice suggested lightly even though she felt the nerves swarm in her stomach. "I have the DVD at home." She added even though they could probably find it online.

"You still use DVD's?" Magnus chuckled, and Alice cursed at him under her breath and rolled her eyes.

"I like having them." She muttered bashfully, "It's like still enjoying the thrill of buying a new book even when Kindle exists."

"Good point." Magnus agreed and Alice smiled happily, thanking him with a playful attitude. They settled into a comfortable silence and focussed back on the film that, at this point, neither of them were paying attention to. Alice glanced at Magnus out of the corner of her eye, trying to make it as discreet as possible... she wanted to kiss him and touch him like she wanted, but wasn't sure on how to ignite that energy.

The movie carried on, and Alice wondered about what her friends downstairs might be doing or where they assumed herself and Magnus had gone... she thought about if they were in some way annoyed that she'd changed the original plans so that they could hang out with Alice's crush instead of on their own...

She sighed quietly and brought her legs up to her chest as she watched a gory scene in the film, which was only followed by an intense sex scene. Alice's cheeks flushed as she looked away slightly from the television and shifted awkwardly even though Magnus didn't seem affected in the slightest. He looked over at her, seeing her chest moving slightly heavier than usual, her eyes struggling to focus on the screen... his gaze focussed on the blush creeping up her neck and he licked his lips, knowing that he was in a position to make a move on her.

"Alice," Magnus said gently, his voice low and smooth as he glanced at her legs then at her face. She looked back at him, her innocence shining through her expression as she gazed into his eyes and glanced at his lips, wondering if now was the moment that things would change between them forever.

Magnus reached forward, using the tips of his fingers to gently move some hair away from Alice's face. He hesitated, wanting to make her wait as he analysed her expression... the tips of his fingers tracing her jaw line as her lips parted whilst she inhaled slowly, trying to calm her now racing heart beat. Magnus said nothing else as he watched at her lips carefully, continuing to make her wait whilst he thought about what he wanted from her and what she may expect from him.

Only moments passed as they looked at each other, but it felt like hours sliding idly by as the energy began to move between their bodies like molten lava, pulling them closer together without them actually moving at all. The movie continued to play in the background, but it's noise seemed to muffle as Magnus decided to make the first move...

He looked down at her lips as he lent in, parting his own, just a little, before their lips touched. Alice didn't hesitate to kiss him back, her own lips puckering against his as he moved his hand from her jaw to her throat to hold it gently. His fingers curved round the back of her neck and his thumb rested calmly against her jugular where he could feel her heart thumping heavily.

Alice's eyes fluttered closed as their mouths began to move together, and she placed her right hand on his left bicep since it was the closest arm to her body. It seemed almost innocent at first, the way their lips brushed together as if neither of them knew how to behave... but it was only because Magnus was waiting for her to show some sign that she knew what she was doing... and how to take this a step further.

It was evident to both of them what they secretly wanted from each other. The past suggestive kisses and the lustful moans that had left Alice's lips whilst Magnus had touched her, had implied more than enough for him to want to move their relationship, if either of them could call it that yet, to the next level.

After a few moments had past, Magnus decided to take control... he moved closer to her pushing their lips closer together and groaning quietly as Alice's top lip fit perfectly between his. The sound he made caused a warmth to spread throughout Alice's body, she felt herself leaning into him as he kissed her a little harder, moulding their mouths together as they slipped into a rhythm.

Alice's hands moved and touched his cheeks, placing her palms on his warm skin. She could feel his jaw moving as they kissed, and felt herself melting into him... enjoying the feeling of soft lips on hers more than he probably realised. Heat radiated from the inside of her thighs almost immediately, and she could tell that there was moisture building by the second, preparing her for what was to come. She was silently surprised by her reaction to only his lips, and maybe it was because she could feel the suggestion of sex in the near future pressing against her skin like a thick blanket of heat.

Alice moaned as Magnus moved his hand from her neck and placed it on her waist, moving closer again so that she began to lean back against the pillows. It was evident he wanted to get straight to the point, and wasn't into dancing around the subject for too long. Nerves and excitement swarmed Alice's veins as Magnus pushed her back gently, using his lips and slight pressure on her waist to give her the hint.

Her heart thumped heavily against her chest as he moved over her, breaking the kiss momentarily, only to capture her lips seconds later as he settled between her thighs, holding himself up a little so he didn't crush her. Alice's hands caressed up the back of his neck, her fingers winding themselves through his hair, the feel of it so soft against her skin...

She could feel reality slipping away as the lust took over, her need for him taking control of her body as her mind was clouded in a thick pink mist. Alice moaned again, enjoying how his body felt so close to hers as their mouths moved together in carefully rehearsed chaotic synchronisation. Desire dripped heavily from their lips, smearing it on each other's skin, only egging the other on as Magnus ran his palm over Alice's waist and down to her hip... he grasped her thigh and pulled, showing that he wanted it angled a certain way either side of his hips. Alice obeyed, bringing her legs up either side of him whilst taking it a step further... She folded her right leg over the back of his left, purposefully rubbing the inside of her thigh against him.

Magnus groaned, grasping at the soft flesh on Alice's leg before he slid his palm down to her ass and gripped her tightly, losing himself now in the thick mist of lust that had settled heavily over both of them now.

The sense of sexual urgency began to seep into the kiss, as if for some reason they'd simultaneously begun to believe they had little time to achieve what they wanted. Alice grabbed at Magnus's shirt and tugged, wanting to touch and feel his bare chest again. He was turned on by her eagerness and obeyed, leaning away from her lips slightly reluctantly to pull his shirt off and throw it to one side carelessly before he lent back down to kiss her...

Alice's cheeks were pink with the sexual heat that was burning strongly between them, and Magnus's skin felt warm underneath her touch as she caressed his smooth back eagerly... she was enveloped with desire and moaned with delight as Magnus pulled away again and kissed down her neck, feeling the warmth of her soft skin against his lips. The previous love bite had faded a little, and it was fully on show to Magnus's gaze after Alice's shower, since the water had washed away the make up...

He wanted to mark her again, wanting to hear the soft purring moans flow from her lips as he touched her like this. With his lips against her jugular, he ducked her skin into her mouth, making her gasp as she felt him giving her another love bite. He nibbled and sucked, being a little less gentle than the first time he'd done it, causing stronger moans to flow from Alice's lips as she caressed the back of his neck with her palms...

It may have been the position that they were in, or the promise of intimacy in the near future, but things between them suddenly switched. Alice's moans were stronger than before, like she was encouraging Magnus to take things further whilst simultaneously feeling waves pleasure moving through her body from having his lips on her neck. Magnus's heart thumped against his chest as he listened to her... and he could feel himself growing hard underneath his sweatpants as she caressed his back and rubbed the inside of her thighs against his hips...

She was shifting her hips underneath him, wanting more of the pleasure he was giving her. His ego grew, since he knew he'd barely touched her yet, which only seemed to turn him on more... but he found it strange that the more she turned him on, the more he wanted to please her. He wanted pleasure for himself, that was true, but he wanted to pleasure her more, in that moment.

It seemed like second nature almost, as Magnus pulled his hand away from her thigh and moved off her slightly, keeping their bodies close together, before his fingertips traced the insides of her thigh...

He looked up into her eyes, seeing her watching him carefully, with her lips parted as she breathed shallow but slow excited breaths... her eyebrows slightly furrowed and her cheeks pink with the excitement and desire she was feeling... The sight made Magnus's mouth water as he analysed her expression and he began to feel it too, the tightening of his chest, the burn in his cheeks...

He watched her face intently, looking from her lips to her eyes, listening to her shaky breaths as she anticipated his next move. His fingertips seemed to burn a line into her skin as he got closer to where she wanted him, she was almost burning through her underwear as she waited, holding the eye contact easily.

Magnus didn't know if he imagined it or not, but he could feel the heat radiating from her as he got closer... he licked his lips slowly, feeling the tension building heavily between them. His lust and curiosity took over and he didn't bother to tease her anymore as he moved his hand up her thigh to cup her sex gently.

Alice's eyelids faltered as she gasped quietly, her eyes breaking the contact as she looked down at Magnus's arm that was between her thighs then back at his face but he was also looking down at where his hand was now. His heart was thudding heavily and fast in his chest as he felt the moisture and warmth through her panties, and subconsciously bit his bottom lip as he explored how she felt...

His middle finger lifted and pressed itself into her body, and he felt a pleasurable wave move through himself as he felt her folds covered by the soft silky material of her panties. "I like these," he murmured, referring to her underwear as he looked up into her eyes, seeing her watching him still with her lustful expression.

"They're new," she whispered back, causing Magnus to smirk as he gazed at her lips.

"Did you buy these for me?" He asked, pressing his finger against her clit and rubbing slowly. Alice's cheeks flushed as she fought the moan that wanted to come out even though the pleasure she was feeling was obvious.

"I... I bought them for myself first," she replied a little breathlessly, parting her legs more and then giggling softly. They both knew she was lying, but neither of them commented on it as Magnus continued to smirk and looked down at his hand between her legs... enjoying the way she seemed to unfold for him...

Alice reached for him, wanting to feel his lips of hers again, and touched his cheek, turning her head fully towards him to show him what she wanted. He obliged, and closed the small gap between them, pressing his lips against her slightly puckered ones and moving them together instantly. Alice moaned into his mouth, enjoying the way he lent over her with his upper body and kept his hand between her thighs as he rubbed her gently.

Their kiss dripped with lust as Alice slid her tongue into Magnus's mouth, kissing him deeper than before as she held his cheeks gently. Magnus groaned as their tongues slid together, and he could almost feel the warmth increase between her legs as she moaned again...

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