《Father Laff AU (Socksfor1) Volume 1》The First's Collection: Halloween
First Halloween:
Hearing the knock on the door, Shroobz fixed his top hat as he strided over; bowl of candy in hand. He set it down on the table beside the door and opened it.
"Trick or Treat, Shroobz!" Meme exclaimed as he held out his bag with a big smile "Now gimme!"
Shroobz looked at him for a brief moment before snorting, shaking his head "Meme, aren't you a little too old?"
Meme huffed and lowered his bag "No, I'm not!" Shroobz laughed and invited him inside. "I don't think Laff would appreciate it if you took this candy anyhow, he is leaving it out for every other trick or treater you know."
With an eye-roll, Meme walked into Laff's apartment and pouted "But I'm his friend, I should get something!"
"Well, you get to sit on the couch while you wait for Laff to be ready."
Meme huffed softly and rolled his eyes at Shroobz's sarcasm. He walked over to the couch and sat down, careful not to mess up his wizard costume. Shroobz walked back to the kitchen and looked over at Meme "Laff and Nadwe should be ready soon." He noticed his costume and smiled "Cool wizard costume by the way."
Meme took off his hat and fixed it; it was bent "Thanks; I WANTED to be a zombie, but Socks said that would be 'too scary' for Nadwe. He's barely one- he wouldn't remember it!"
"Perhaps...but nothing says Nadwe wouldn't be terrified if he didn't know who you are."
Meme blew some hair out of his face "I guess...but still, it's not halloween if it ain't scary!"
Shroobz rolled his eyes and chuckled softly, turning his head towards the hallway as Laff came out of his room. His hair was combed back as he wore makeup that made his skin look really pale. Laff wore a vampire garb as he fixed his cape to drape over his shoulders.
"Greetings friends." He chuckled as Shroobz smiled slyly, crossing his arms "Vampire this year? CAN'T imagine why."
Laff scoffed softly and chuckled as Meme pouted "Laff gets to dress up scary!? This is so unfair!" Laff looked over at the doctor furry and tilted his head "I thought you wanted to be a zombie this year mate?"
"I wanted to, but Socks told everyone to not dress up in anything scary."
Laff chuckled softly, "That's good, I told him to tell you all that." He fixed his gloves "And, for the record, I am not a 'scary' vampire; I'm the Count from sesame street."
Meme huffed and stood up "First off; the count is purple not gray, and second; Halloween is supposed to be scary!" Laff looked at him and crossed his arms "Nadwe has plenty of chances to have a scary halloween; but not while he's barely one mate." He walked back to his room and came back with Nadwe in his arms; who was dressed up as a bat "Speaking of, here he is!"
Nadwe squeaked and flapped his arms happily.
Meme looked at him and couldn't help but smile, "Dammit, I can't be mad with him looking so cute!"
Laff chuckled as Shroobz came over with Laff's pillow case and a small green pail for Nadwe. "Here you two go, I'll hold down the fort for you while you three have fun." Laff smiled and took the items "Thank you, Shroobz."
Shroobz nodded and smiled "No problem."
Laff smiled softly and started walking to the door, Meme following behind as the three of them headed out of the apartment. While walking down the stairs, Meme looked at Laff and asked "There's nothing going on between you and Shroobz, is there?" Laff paused and looked at him "Why do you ask?"
Meme shrugged as he kept walking down the stairs "Dunno, it just seems like it. I thought you were with Wictoria."
Laff shook his head and kept walking "Of course I'm with Wictoria, and Shroobz is just a friend, Meme."
Meme gave him a look that said "Yeah, Sure." before turning back around and further descended down the stairs. Laff shrugged softly before following him down.
Nadwe was covering his mouth as he giggled happily. Laff looked at him and chuckled softly, "Cheeky little bloke." He kissed Nadwe's cheek as the smaller squealed happily. Laff smiled and continued down the stairs, holding Nadwe close.
The streets were crowded with kids and adults alike, all dressed up in costumes for Trick or Treating or attending the block party down the block. Laff was holding Nadwe close as the smaller was looking around estactically; amazed by the strange creatures he was seeing around him.
Meme gestured to Nadwe "See Laff? He's not scared and literally EVERYONE else is dressed up scary! If anything he looks thrilled to be out here-!"
Socks took off his helmet and chuckled softly "It doesn't hurt to be safe than sorry." Meme scoffed softly and looked at him "You're not even wearing a costume! You're wearing your cadet outfit!" Chuckling, Socks put his helmet back on "Why buy a costume when I can wear the real deal?"
Laff shrugged softly "He does have a point, mate." He noticed Dino, Woolfster, Oof and Oompa walking up with bags of candy in hand. Dino was in a construction workers costume, Woolfster was a wolverine(unoriginal i know haha), Oof was a magician and Oompa was a frankenstein.
"Oompa, I thought you were told nothing scary."
Oompa huffed "C'mon Laff!-"
Laff shook his head and gestured away "No, now go."
Oompa huffed again and walked away, muttering to himself. Nadwe stared at Dino as he babbled happily. Dino noticed and smiled softly, looking back at him "hey Nadwe, wanna try on my hat?" Nadwe made grabby hands and squeaked in reply as Dino laughed softly. He took off his plastic hard hat and put it on Nadwe. It was big enough to cover Nadwe's entire head as he squealed happily.
Laff quickly noticed and took the helmet off Nadwe "Dino! He could suffocate! Don't do that!" Dino took the helmet back and gestured to Nadwe "But look at him Laff, he's vibing. He's having the best time of his life." Laff was about to retort when Tbh and Blaza walked up. Tbh was dressed up as Clyde as Blaza was dressed up as a male version of Bonnie.
"Hey!" Tbh chuckled "What did we miss?"
Meme almost instantly looked pissed off as Oof looked around "Hey- Where's Joocie?" Tbh stared at him before looking around, looking behind him as he called out "Baby!? C'mon, don't be shy!"
Joocie's voice called back "I don't want to do this Tb!"
Tbh smiled "Aw c'mon honey! You look beautiful!"
Moving slowly into view, Joocie had an extremely shy and embarrassed look on his face as he wore a long maid's dress. The others look at him for a while before Oof starts laughing uncontrollably.
"Jesus fuck Joocie, what bet did you lose?!"
Joocie fidgeted and looked down, embarrassed as Tbh shook his head "Say what you will, but my baby is beautiful as a maid. And besides, this costume is covering up the surprise for me later~"
Oof's laughing increased as Joocie turned scarlet red. Laff quickly handed Nadwe off to Socks and went to Joocie, taking off his cape and covering him up.
"TBHHONEST!! When I said 'Non-Scary' costumes, that give you the right to humiliate Joocie like this!!"
Tbh looked at him confused "Humiliate? But Joocie wanted to dress up like this!" Laff glared at him "I think I know Joocie well enough to know he would never WILLINGLY agree to this!!" Blaza shook his head "Laff, Joocie chose that costume! I was there, I was a witness!"
"Are you two daft?!" Laff angrily gestured to the side "This type of behavior is INEXCUSABLE! Just what example is this showing Nadwe!?" He looked to the side, only to see that Socks, Meme, Woolfster, Dino and Nadwe were gone.
Laff instantly turned pale "Nadwe?!"
Down one of the more scarier routes to the block party, Dino and Woolfster were walking ahead as Socks and Meme trailed behind.
Nadwe was looking around at the decorations of people's houses as he squealed happily. Socks noticed and chuckled "I have no idea what Laff was nervous about, you're just eating this up." Nadwe giggled happily and clapped his hands.
Socks smiled and glanced back at Meme, who was still looking pissed off. He then looked ahead and went closer to Dino and Woolfster, handing Nadwe off.
"Can you take him to a couple of houses? I need to make sure Meme is okay."
Dino nodded and took Nadwe "Of course, we won't be far." He and Woolfster walked ahead with Nadwe in his arms. Nadwe squeaked and looked around, excited as he moved his arms up and down.
Socks looked back at Meme and walked over "Hey, you okay?"
Meme huffed and shook his head "No, I'm fucking pissed off at Tbh." He looked up "He and Blaza were wearing a couples costume! What makes it worse is that he made Joocie wear a maids outfit!" Socks nodded softly and glanced to the side "Yeah, that is strange... But I'm sure Blaza and Tbh being in a couples costume was just a coincidence."
Meme shook his head "The ONLY one Tbh should do a couples costume with should be Joocie! Coincidence or not! He shouldn't have to be forced to wear a maid's outfit to fulfill some sexual desire!"
Socks tilted his head "How do you know it was for-oh..." He looked at him "...Is that you wore one the other day?"
Meme glanced away and blushed deeply, crossing his arms "...maybe."
Socks chuckled and pulled him close. "Meme, if you wanted to do something like that, you could ask." He brushed back some of Meme's black hair "and besides, don't worry too much about all of this tonight; it's halloween after all, and it's Nadwe's first." He smiled "We have to make sure he doesn't know anything is wrong so that he enjoys himself."
Meme sighed softly, reluctant as he leaned into Socks' hand "You're right." Socks smiled and laughed softly "I know." Meme glared at him "Don't start that shit tonight." Socks looked at him "What shit?-"
The two were interrupted by Woolfster and Dino running back to them with Nadwe having a complete meltdown.
"Uh, guys-?! Can you please help?!" DIno shouted as Socks took Nadwe back.
"What even happened?!" Socks cradled Nadwe in his arms and started rocking him, trying to console him. Woolfster's ears were raised "I have no clue! He was fine the first couple of houses and before we even got up to the door of the fourth house, he completely lost it!"
Meme walked closer to Socks and looked at Nadwe "Oh, Nadwe! Calm down, it's okay! There's nothing to be scared of!"
Nadwe kept crying in Socks' arms, shaking.
"Like yelling will help Meme!" Socks stated as he kept rocking Nadwe. Meme glared at him "Well you can't hear me over his crying, CAN YOU?!" Socks glared back at Meme "Don't start this shit!!"
"Both of you!! No fucking fighting!! That isn't helping either!" DIno loudly stated as Nadwe kept crying. Woolfster's ears dropped "Maybe Laff was right, maybe Halloween is too scary for him!" Meme looked at him "No! I refuse to admit that!!" He shouted back as Socks flicked his forehead "Stop yelling!!"
Coming up from the side, Wictoria came up in a nuclear survivor costume as she looked concerned "Socks?! Meme, what's going on?! Is everything okay?!" Dino looked at her "We were taking Nadwe Trick or Treating and something spooked him.."
Wictoria moved closer and took Nadwe from Socks "Oh, poor baby.." She cradled Nadwe and started rubbing his chest and belly gently, rocking him slowly "shhh, it's all okay now sweetheart. Everything is alright, we're right here."
Nadwe slowly started to calm down as he sniffled and hiccupped, looking up at Wictoria. The others looked amazed as Wictoria smiled softly at Nadwe "There we are, hi honey." She took off his bat hood and smoothed out his hair gently "Did something scare you?"
Nadwe hiccupped and nodded softly, whimpering.
Wictoria gently wiped away his tears "Well, chances are whatever scared you; you'll never see it again. It's gone now, and it'll stay gone, okay?" Nadwe hiccupped and nodded slightly. Wictoria smiled warmly and pulled his bat hood back on "There we are. I bet you miss daddy by now, do you wanna go find him?"
Nadwe nodded and whimpered softly.
Wictoria nodded and held him "Okay, we'll find daddy." She looked up "You all coming with?"
Socks nodded "Uh-huh, might as well.." Meme looked sad "But the block parties right there! Can't we just go?!" Wictoria looked down the street and thought for a moment.
"Nadwe?!" Laff called out as he walked "Socks! Meme! Dino! Woolfster! Bring my son back!"
Oof walked with him as Tbh, Blaza and Joocie were behind him. Joocie was covered up with Laff's cape and the jacket to Oof's costume.
"Like shouting out their names is helping.." Oof stated as Laff kept looking around. "This always happens! I take my eyes off Nadwe for one second and someone runs off with him!" Laff huffed as Oof looked at him "I'm sure they didn't 'run off' with him, maybe they just took him out of the area so he wouldn't be scared of the fighting. Besides, Socks and Meme are watching him, so it should be okay, right?"
Laff stared at him for a bit before turning back around "Socks?! Meme?! Give me back my son!!"
Oof cringed softly "Dammit, didn't help..."
Tbh glanced to the side and looked at Joocie before moving closer "uh, baby? Are you okay..?"
Joocie didn't look at him, he kept looking forward as he held his own arms.
Tbh looked a little worried "Honey? C-come on...s-say something..."
Joocie kept looking forward for a good few minutes before quietly stating "...that was low for you to do, even for you..."
"I can't believe I let you talk me into wearing this..!" Joocie huffed softly "I feel so disgusting..." Tbh looked at him, frowning softly "Honey, don't say that about yourself. You look beautiful-"
Joocie glared at him "I feel like a slut thanks to you!!" Tbh visibly flinched away as Joocie growled softly "Just-!...leave me alone right now..." He sniffled softly as Tbh looked at him "B-Baby I-..." He lowered his hand and sighed quietly "Okay baby..." He then backed off and walked alongside Blaza, looking down.
Laff huffed out of frustration and rubbed his head "Fuck, where in the holy hell are they?! All I wanted was to give Nadwe one halloween where it isn't about scaring him!" Oof turned and looked at him "What do you mean? Why would we purposefully scare Nadwe?"
Laff sighed quietly and looked at him "Mate, you know how we normally try to scare the life out of one another, but you lads take it way out of hand... You KNOW that's the reason why Tbvg doesn't come to Trick or Treat with us anymore. He got banged up badly; remember?"
Sighing sadly, Oof turned away and nodded "Yeah... We tried to see if he would come for Nadwe but he didn't even come to the door...not even for me..."
Laff looked at him "So you understand why this is important to me." He looked ahead "I do want Nadwe to experience ALL of halloween's events and traditions, but I want him to be SAFE doing so. I also don't want him to be afraid of the holiday; he would miss out on a lot if he was."
Oof looked at him "So...your solution is non-scary halloweens, gradually scarier than the last?"
Laff tapped his nose "Bingo mate."
Oof looked to the side as he let out a small "huh" before looking back at Laff "That's actually clever.." Laff chuckled quietly "I know mate, that's why I thought of it." Coming up from the side, Oompa caught up with everyone in a Jason costume as Laff gestured him away "No Friday the 13th Oompa!"
"But Laff-!"
Oof looked at him "He has a point, now go!"
Oompa grumbled and shuffled off to change his costume again. Laff glanced at Oof and smiled softly "Thank you mate.." Feeling his phone buzz, Laff quickly pulled it out of his pocket and opened it; checking the latest text messages he was sent.
Joocie was still holding himself as he was looking at the decorated houses around him.
Blaza stood a few feet to his left and cleared his throat softly, looking at Joocie "Um, these houses are really nice, right?" He looked around "Gives me some ideas on what house I might get one day."
Joocie didn't even acknowledge him.
Blaza looked at him for a minute before clearing his throat again "I said-"
Joocie glanced at him "Don't fucking talk to me." He then looked away.
Blaza looked surprised as he looked at Joocie "But the costume idea wasn't-" Quickly turning around, Joocie glared at him "I don't want to hear either you or Tbh! So just fucking STOP talking to me!!" Blaza quickly stumbled back as Oof came over, taking Joocie's arm and leading him to the side "I understand you're upset, but it's not worth it to cause a scene."
Tbh walked over "Yeah Joocie, stop yelling at Blaza and calm-"
Tbh glared at Joocie "Don't get a fucking attitude with me! I've done nothing wrong, I'm trying to diffuse this!" Joocie quickly glared back "Done nothing wrong?! I'm in a fucking slutty outfit under this dress thanks to you!!" Tbh growled softly and subconsciously clenched his fists.
Blaza's eyes widened as Joocie gasped "I can't believe you would say that!! You're calling me a SLUT?!" Tbh rolled his eyes and crossed his arms "It was fucking IMPLIED, dumbass!!"
Oof looked around "Uh, Laff-?? I need some-" He looked at where Laff last was; and the British man was gone.
"Fuck where did he go-??"
Throwing a baseball, Socks knocked down the six plastic bottles stacked on top of each other as the game runner grabbed a hooked stick. "We have a winner!" Socks pumped his fist and cheered "Haha! Yes!"
The game runner took down a blue stuffed dinosaur with the hooked stick from the shelf and handed it over to Socks. He took it and looked over at Meme "Hey Meme!"
Meme was standing with Dino and Woolfster, eating a candied apple as he looked over "Yeah-?!" Socks came over and proudly presented the stuffed dinosaur "Look what I won for you!" Meme smiled happily and took it from Socks, giggling softly "Aw, thank you!" He leaned over and kissed Socks on the cheek as the spaceman pulled away, giggling.
"Ew no sticky kisses! My weakness! Nooo!" Socks laughed as Meme wrapped his free arm around him, pulling him back and continued to kiss Socks' face.
Dino watched the two as he glanced to the side, uncomfortable as he chuckled lightly "Jeez, these two.." Woolfster laughed softly and looked away "Haha, yeah." He looked at Dino "But I'm happy for them, though." Dino looked at him and smiled softly "I am too, and I'm happy you're my best friend furry."
Woolfster shoved Dino "YOU'RE THE FURRY!" Dino smirked and brandished his caramel apple "Don't test me you furry, I will get caramel in your hair!" Woolfster squeaked and started running as Dino chased him laughing.
Meme and Socks watched them as Meme kept Socks in his arms, smiling warmly and shook his head "A couple of kids..." Socks laughed quietly, "Yeah, a bunch of furry kids." He looked at Meme and kissed his head softly, earning a bright smile from the doctor. "I love you so much Mr.MemeGod."
Meme stuck out his tongue and smirked "I love you too Mr.Spaceman." He rested his head on Socks' shoulder.
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