《Limestone Creek》•TWELVE•
I hear soft knocks on my bedroom door. I groan in slight pain as I sit up in my bed. I look towards the door as I softly say "Come in."
The door slowly opens and I can hear as it creaks in protest. I see blond hair come into view around the middle of the door. My baby boy comes running from behind the door and jumps onto my bed. He hugs me to him once he gets closer to me and I grunt in slight pain when he squeezes tighter.
"You ok?" he asks me as he looks up at me.
"Yea." I softly say to him as I look down at him.
"You sure mama?" he asks me as he puts his head on my stomach.
"Yea baby boy." I tell him softly as he sighs softly.
We sit in silence as he hugs me. He moves around and lays his head on my lap. With one of my hands I play in his hair and with the other I rub his back softly. I wonder why he ask me that? He is still trying to protect me. My brave little boy. I don't want him to have to protect me. I push my thoughts away as I softly ask him "What did you do yesterday?"
He mumbles something into my lap but I didn't hear him so I ask softly "What?"
He lifts his head off of my lap slightly as he says "Me and auntie ate ice cream and watched cartoons."
I smile as I softly ask "What kind of ice cream?"
"Vanilla." he tiredly says.
He lays his head back on my lap and pulls me closer with his small arms. After a few minutes I hear his soft snores. I unwrap his arms from around me and lift him up the best I can in this sitting position I'm in. I pull back the covers and place him under close to me.
He immediately wraps his arms around me again and lays his head on my stomach. I glance at the clock and see that it's eight am. I wrap my arms around him pulling him closer to me as I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.
I awake to the sound of a camera going off. I try and lift myself up into a sitting position but I'm stopped by small arms around my waist. I lay back down and look towards where the sound went off. I see Amber standing there with a smile on her face.
"What are you doing?" I softly ask her.
"Taking pictures." she says as her smile grows.
"Yea but why are you taking pictures?" I ask her softly as she comes and sits at the corner of my bed.
"You two looked so cute sleeping all cuddled up." she tells me as she sets the camera down on my bed.
I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes to mind so I just look down at Eli who is sleeping peacefully. I glance at the clock and see it's one pm. I look back at Amber and softly ask "Is there something you needed?"
Her smile drops as she says "Logan is downstairs."
I look at her as she gets up and grabs the camera I softly say "What do you mean?"
"Logan is downstairs and would like to talk to you." she tells me as she walks to the door and leaves my room.
I go to get up again but I'm stopped by Eli's small arms once again. I sigh as I pick him up holding him as I walk out of my room. I walk down the stairs and see Logan standing there with her hands behind her back wearing a pink skully, pink and white flannel shirt, white jeans, and pink timberlands.
She takes a few steps towards me and takes her hands from behind her back. When she does I see that she's holding a single pink rose and walks closer as she says "For you beautiful."
I open and close my mouth repeatedly as I stare at her then the pink rose. Eli moves in my arms and I look down seeing if he is still asleep. He settles down and hugs me close as I look back up at Logan. I see her smiling at me and I glance around at anything but her as I softly say "I should um put that in water."
I move my arm to take the rose from Logan but I have trouble with Eli in my arms. I look at Eli, the rose then Logan. She sees my silent struggle and puts the rose in her mouth as she holds out her arms. I look at her then hand Eli over to her. She gracefully takes him in her arms. She then leans her head down pushing her lips towards me.
I hesitate before I take the rose from her lips. She closes her eyes when my pointer finger slightly grazes her bottom lip. I pull my hand back with the rose in my hand. Her eyes open and she catches my eyes in a heated gaze. I look into her eyes and it seems as if she is silently trying to tell me something.
We look into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity but was really only three to five minutes. Her eyes dart down to my lips and mine to hers. She leans forward slightly as she takes a quick glance back up at my eyes then to my lips again. She is a little ways away from my lips when we hear "Veggie!"
I glance down and see Eli wide awake as he stares up at Logan with admiration filled eyes. Logan pauses and looks at me for a second before turning her gaze down at Eli. Logan smiles at Eli as she says "Little man."
Eli smiles as he says "Hi."
"Hey." Logan says to him.
"I'm going to put this in water." I softly say to Logan.
I look at Teddy as I say "Ok."
I watch her as she walks away and disappears down the hallway after a few seconds. Looking down at Eli I ask him "Want to be put down?"
He nods his head and I gently set him down. He grabs my hand as soon as his feet touch the ground and pulls me up the stairs. I follow behind him as he pulls me into a room. I look around the room and I can tell it's way different from Teddy's room.
The walls are painted a light blue. His bed is decorated in Finn and Jake. He has a chest full of toys in one corner but there are more toys all over his room in every direction. He has got a closet on one side of the room and a tv in front of his bed. I smile at him as I say "I like your room little man."
He looks up at me and asks "Really?"
"Yup." I say as I look down at him.
He smiles at me as he asks "Want to play?"
"Yea." I say to him.
He runs across the room to the chest magically not falling on any of the toys clattered around the room. He opens it up and rummages in it until he pulls out Finn and Jake. He hands me Finn and takes Jake for himself. He is about to sit down until I ask him "Hey little man will you do a favor with me?"
He looks up at me and nods his head as he says "Yea Veggie."
"Can we clean your room before we play?" I ask him.
He sits there for a second as if thinking it over then says "Uh huh."
"Let's put the toys we are using on your bed. Ok little man?" I say to him.
He nods his head as he says "Yup Veggie."
He takes Finn from me then picks up Jake and runs to his bed once again magically not falling on any of the toys. He runs back over to me and looks up at me as if silently asking me what's next so I say "Let's put the toys in your chest little man."
He grabs a few toys before running to his chest and shoving them in and repeating the process right after. I grab a few toys that are at my feet and put them in the you chest also. We continue doing this until the floor is totally clean of toys and you can see the carpet perfectly. I look at him and say "Ok little man now we have to make your bed."
He looks at me before saying "I don't know how to make a bed."
"That's alright little man I'll tell you how." I say to him as I walk over to the bed with him following.
I remove the toys from on top of the bed then I tell him how to make the bed and with a little help from me he has the bed made in no time. I give him a high five as I say "Great job little man."
"We play now?" he ask with this adorable face.
"Yea we can play now." I say to him as I chuckle a little to myself.
He once again hands me Finn and takes Jake for himself. We sit on the floor and I let him instruct me on what to do. We play for about five to seven minutes before Teddy walks in the room and softly asks me "Logan is there something you wanted?"
I set Finn down as I stand and walk over to her saying "Um it's Saturday? Remember our movie date?"
Her face changes into one of shock as she softly says "Oh yea. Are you ready to go now?"
"Yea I am but I don't think you are." I say with a chuckle as I glance down at her to see her in white pajamas.
Her face flushes in embarrassment as she softly says "Right let me go get changed."
Just as she is about to walk out the door Eli says as he runs over to her "Mama where you going?"
"Um mama's going to go out with Logan. Like how I went out with um someone else yesterday." she says to him as she bends down to his level.
"But...but" he asks as his eyes fill up with unshed tears "I can't come?"
"No not for this one Eli." she says just as a tear rolls down his cheek and he hugs Jake tighter to him.
More tears silently fall down his face as he looks up at Teddy with the most heart breaking face and clutches the dear life out of Jake. I look at Teddy and see her guilty looking face because Eli can't come. Well why can't he come? With that thought in mind I say "Teddy?"
"Yea?" she says softly without taking her eyes off of Eli.
"We can go to the movies anytime. There's this great arcade in town we could go to instead." I say to her.
She doesn't say anything so I add on "With little man too."
Little man whips his head around to look at me as he asks "Really Veggie?"
"Yea little man." I say to him.
Before I know it little man runs over to me and throws his arms around my legs as he says "Thank you Veggie."
"No problem little man." I say to him as I smile down at him.
Teddy looks shocked by what I said but stammers out "E-Eli get changed out of your PJ's."
"Ok mama." he says and runs over to his closet looking for an outfit.
"Logan will you wait down stairs while Eli and I get changed?" she asks as she looks over at me.
"Yea sure thing." I say as I walk out of little man's room.
I walk down the stairs and head into the living room. Just as I'm walking into the living room my phone goes off in my jeans pocket. I reach into my pocket and grab it bringing it to my ear as I press the answer button on the phone asking "Hello, who is this?"
"It's Jade." says as a female voice comes over the phone.
"Who?" I ask again not remembering the name.
"Jade. We've been going on dates for the last few weeks." she tells me.
"Oh." I say stunned.
Jade Richards. The shy little red head I met at the beach party weeks back. She's 5ft and 5in, with curves and C cup breasts. I chuckle as I remember how she's a screamer. It took me two weeks to get into her pants. Longer then usually for me.
"Yea. I was wondering if we could go out today?" she asks me.
"Um no." I tell her as I glance back towards the stairs.
"Why not?" she asks.
"I'm busy." I say curtly to her.
"With what?" she asks with a slight attitude in her voice.
"Things." I say to her.
"What things?" she persistently asks.
"Is it any of your business?" I ask with an annoyed voice.
"Yes I'm your girlfr-" she starts to say but I cut her of by saying "You are not my girlfriend."
"What do you mean?" she asks with a raised voice.
"What the hell does your not my girlfriend mean?" I ask as I raise my voice a little too.
"We've been going out on dates and we slept together." she says to me.
"So?" I ask with a irritated voice as I sit down on the sofa in the living room.
"That means we're together." she says in a whisper.
"No it doesn't." I say to her.
"B-But I gave y-you my v-virginity." she stutters out to me.
"And I took it. So?" I ask as I tap my foot.
"B-" she starts to say but I cut her off as I see Teddy and little man coming down the stairs "Yea I got to go. Talk to you later."
I hang up straight after putting my phone on silent. I stand up and take in what little man is wearing. He has on a white shirt with pink pants and white converses. Looking over at Teddy I see that she's wearing a white shirt, white pants, and white converses.
Eli runs up to me as he says "Look Veggie we're both wearing pink."
I look at him as I say "That we are little man."
"But I don't have a hat like you do." he says with a frown.
Smiling down at him as I ask "Would you like one?"
"Yea." he says as he shakes his head up and down really fast.
I take my pink skully off of my head and put it on his careful not to mess up his hair. It's a little big on him but it fits well enough for him to wear. He beams up this a thousand watt smile at me as he throws his arms around me saying "Thank you Veggie."
"No problem little man." I say to him as I pick him up so I'm now holding him in one arm.
"But now you won't have a hat." he says as he looks up at my head.
"It's fine little man I got more at home." I tell him as I look over at Teddy.
She standing there looking over at us with a small smile. I start to walk over to her with little man in my arms. She walks half of the way to meet me and when we reach each other I say to her "Hey."
She looks down as she says softly "Hey Logan."
"You ready to go?" I ask as she lifts her head.
"Yea." she softly says as she steps back.
We walk out of the house to Teddy's car. I walk to Teddy and she hands me the keys. I set little man down telling him to hop in the car before jogging to the drivers side of Teddy's car and getting in. Little man is in the middle passenger seat while Teddy is in the passenger seat next to the window.
I start the car and pull out of the driveway. Little man reaches up and presses the button for the radio. The radio comes on playing whatever she last had it on but little man continues to press buttons until Teddy softly says "Elijah stop it."
He sits back in his seat as soon as she said that. He rises in his seat a little trying to see the road but still can't even though he rose up. He sits in his seat pouting with his arms across his chest so I ask him "You ok little man?"
"I can't see." he says as he looks over at me.
"See what?" I ask as we pull up to a red light.
"The road." he says as he tries again to see the road.
"Here you go little man." I say as I lift him up to see the road and hold him there until the light turns green.
"Thanks Veggie." he says as the car starts moving again.
"No problem. You ready to play some games?" I ask as we continue driving to the mall.
"Yup. I'm going to win every game." he states proudly.
"Really?" I ask him as I smile.
"Yup." he says as he smiles hugely.
"I bet you will little man. I bet you will." I say to him. As we pull up to the street the mall is on.
Soon I'm parking Teddy's car at the town mall that has the best arcade. The mall has it's average amount of people here shopping and doing other things it has to offer. I can't wait to show Teddy and little man a good time. I get out of the car and leave the door open because I see little man climbing out after me
I jog to Teddy's side and open her door for her. She gets out and makes her way to little man. Taking his hand she starts to walk towards the entrance but stops when I call out to her "Hey Teddy my hand is lonely too."
She smiles slightly as she softly says "I'm not holding his hand because it's lonely."
"Then why are you holding it?" I ask as if I don't know why as I make my way over to them.
"So he doesn't get lost." she softly says to me as she looks down at the ground.
I slip my hand in her free one. She lifts her head to slightly gaze at me. I smile at her as I lace my fingers through hers and gives her hand a small squeeze. I look down at our conjoined hands then back at her beautiful face as I say "I don't want to get lost either. That would mean being away from you. I always want to be with you. Always."
Her cheeks turn scarlet after I finish making me want to kiss both cheeks of hers. She opens her mouth then closes it. She goes to speak when little man interrupts her "Veggie are we going to play with the games now?"
"Yea little man. Your going to win right?" I ask as I let go of Teddy's hand and pick little man up.
"Yea." he says with a smile on his face.
"Great little man." I say as I slip one of my hands into Teddy's.
We walk towards the mall with me holding Teddy's hand and little man in my arms. I glance at Teddy to see her smiling and I can't help but think I can get used to this. Maybe even have some more of our own but first I have to win her from Ash. We walk into the mall and I head towards "Penny Arcade".
We walk into the arcade and little man's eyes go wide. I can't blame him though because "Penny Arcade" is filled with games. Some new, some old, some for the young, and some for the old. He looks at me and I set him down on the ground.
He tries to take off running but I grab his hand pulling him to a stop. He turns around and looks at me then tugs his hand as he says "Let go Veggie."
"No little man. Lets head over to a booth and talk about rules ok?" I say to him.
His shoulders slump in defeat as he nods his head. I grab Teddy's hand and we make our way over to an empty booth. I scoot little man in first and then get in after him. Blocking him off from running over to all the games. Teddy takes a seat on the other side of the booth.
"Little man I know you want to get out there and win the games so I'll make this quick ok?" I ask to him as I glance at him.
He nods his head ecstatically and then waits for me to continue. I do so after a short glance at Teddy. I see that she is also listening.
"Ok. First off no running." I say to him.
"But they are running." he says as he pouts to me.
"But who are you?" I ask him.
"Elijah." he says to me.
"Right your not them so you don't do what they do ok?" I ask to him.
"Ok." he says as he looks at Teddy then back at me.
"Secondly you must be with me or Gabriela at all times." I say to him. He nods his head again so I continue.
"Thirdly no hurting other children." I say to him.
He looks at me funny then glances at Teddy and she softly says "No giving other kids boo-boos."
A look of realization comes over his face and right after he nods has head saying "No boo-boos to other kids."
I look towards Teddy and smile at her as she looks down at the table trying to hide her blush. I look back at little man saying "Ok I just have one question."
He looks up at me before asking "Yeah?"
"How many tokens you want?" I ask with a smile.
He jumps on me saying all kinds of things as he hugs me around my neck. I glance at Teddy and see her watching with a smile on her face. She glances up to look at me and I see some kind of twinkle of light go through her eyes as our eyes meet. I smile at her as I pick little man up and get out of the booth.
I walk to Teddy's side of the booth and hold out my hand. She grasp my hand and I pull her up out of the booth. I make our way over to the machine that takes money and changes it into tokens. I set little man down next to his mom. Teddy immediately grabs his hand holding him still.
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