《Seventeen One-Shots》-5- The8 Revised


~JuJu on that, JuJu on that beat. Now slide, drop. Hit dem folks, don't stop, aye ~

You were in the practice room dancing, initially to blow off some steam and cool down from the argument you recently got into with your best friend but you already went through your serious playlist so you moved onto a lighter one.

This playlist included songs such as JuJu on that Beat, Hit the Quan, Watch me and even Cat Daddy.

You were getting turnt up all by yourself with no shame or regrets.

"You ugly. You yo daddy's son." You sang along then stopped abruptly as you heard someone laughing.

"Minghao! How long have you been there?!" You panicked, turning to see your favorite China Line member laughing and recording you.

"I didn't know you could dance like that." He gave you an innocent smile and put his phone in his pocket.

You had the biggest crush on Minghao. You loved his voice and his dancing skills. You thought he was so sweet and funny. He was so thoughtful and helped you with your dancing so much.

"I learn from the best." You smiled shyly.

"I think it's time for the student to become the teacher." He said walking closer to you. "Huh?" You asked him, lifting an eyebrow.

"Teach me how to do the running man. I can't get it." He said shyly

"I'd be happy to. It's easy." You smiled, showing him the steps slowly.

It took him awhile and it blew your mind that such an awesome dancer was struggling with such a simple dance.

He finally got it and was so proud of himself. "Now the guys can't say I don't know how to dance!" You were shocked by his rather cheerful statement. "You're joking right? The guys said you can't dance?" You said, obviously shook. "Well...they're all obsessed with this dance and I just couldn't seem to figure it out...but now I know it. Thank you." Minghao said hugging you tightly.


You melted a little bit in his arms. "I love you." Minghao said excitedly, kissing your cheek and running out of the practice room.

You stood still, stiffened by his words as you stared at the door he exited out of. "Did that really just happen?...I guess the running man is a little bit more than some silly vine challenge now..."

You thought to yourself.

I wrote this after a pep rally my junior year. I apologise for my whiteness.

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