《Seventeen One-Shots》REWRITTEN (2)°Joshua°


You were dragged to a party by a friend of yours. She was worried you hadn't been your usual bubbly self since you caught your ex cheating on you. She thought this party would help you take your mind off things.

You walked in and immediately felt uncomfortable. You didn't know many people very well and felt awfully out of place. Your friend looked at you. "You don't have to talk to anybody. You can hang out with me in the kitchen." She smiled. "To talk shit?" You joked. "Yeah! You're feeling better already!" She cheered, dragging you to the kitchen. You sat on a counter top, listening to your best friend talk about all the people y'all couldn't stand. You laughed at all her clever insults and even spouted off a few of your own.

Suddenly the door opened and Joshua, the guy that was universally loved by everyone, walked in, stopping all conversations with his dazzling church boy persona. "Hey guys...I mean gals. What's happening?" He joked, getting a drink from the fridge. "Just talkin' 'bout how ugly you are." Your friend joked. You laughed and he looked at you. "(Y/N)...You're smiling again. I've missed your smile." He said sweetly. His comment made you turn red and look down. "Yah! We all have!" Your friend said pinching your cheeks.

"Have any of you seen Mingyu? He was supposed to buy me dinner and drop it off here." Josh said, opening the kitchen door and peering around the party. "He's probably upstairs, getting it in with some random girl who is drunk off her ass." Your friend said, being brutally honest with Josh. "He's not a hoe like that." "Josh. If (y/n) walked up to you and said she was drunk and horny...would you hesitate to smash that?" "Of course I would... It's nothing against you, (y/n)...I think you're lovely...but I am a child of God and do not practice such sinful acts." He got a little serious, holding his heart then he laughed lightly. "I'm kidding about the melodramatics but I really would turn her down. Drunk and meaningless sex isn't my style." "What if she wasn't drunk and promised to make it worth your while?" Your best friend lost her chill. Your faced got red and so did Josh's. He took a deep breath, looked at your best friend funny and walked out of the kitchen.


Your friend smirked at you. "Aren't you happy I brought you here?" She questioned. "You're so lucky!" A girl whined. "Yeah. Joshua totally likes you! I even heard him say it!" Another girl said. "Want me to hook yall up?" Your friend bumped her eyebrows. You shyly nodded. She smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

She walked in shortly afterwards and rejoined you on the counter top. "He had a mouth full of sushi when I found him. He said he'd talk to you after he finished eating with Mingyu."

You waited for Joshua to talk to you all night but he never did. After about an hour of waiting, you decided to leave. You went around the party telling all your friends goodbye. You didn't find Joshua though. You became a little upset as you walked out of the house where the party was held.

You began walking and didn't even make it around the block when you heard an angel call your name. You turned around to see Joshua running after you. "Let me walk you home." He huffed. "O-okay." You smiled. You looked at him and he looked really sick. "Are you alright?" You asked him. "I was in the bathroom most of the party...Gas station sushi isn't a good idea." He said holding his stomach. "I'm sorry...If you'd like I can get you some sprite and crackers when we get to my house." You smiled lightly. "That would be wonderful." He smiled sweetly at you.

You invited him into your house and guided him to the kitchen. "Here you go. Just what the doctor ordered." You joked handing him a can of sprite and a packet of crackers. "I shall enjoy this. My compliments to the chef." He laughed.


The room fell silent. "What'd you think of BTS's comeback?" he asked. "It was lit." You smiled. Both of you laughed. "We need to hang out more. I miss seeing your smile." He said, turning the charm on. "Yeah. We should." You smiled shyly,turning red. "You wanna go out sometime?" He asked abruptly. Your eyes grew wide and your breathing shallowed. You moved your lips but no words left. You began nodding like a moron. "That's whats up." He smiled,nodding his head.

So I rewrote a little bit of this because I didn't feel like I explained Josh getting sick well enough...it was almost kind of a random fact before I edited the chapter.

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