《Seventeen One-Shots》REVISED (2) °S.Coups°


You were sitting in chemistry...watching everyone do the lab you couldn't do because your lab partner, Seungchol, was absent. The teacher said y'all would make it up tomorrow but that meant missing notes so the teachers gave you two copies and asked you to give one to him. You spent the whole day studying them to the point where you felt like you could steal your teacher's job.

After school,you walked to Seungchol's house to help him with the notes, like any good lab partner would do. I totally weren't going to his house just to see him.

You knocked on his door and he answered. "Hey (Y/n). What's up?" He smiled at you, making you turn pink. "Why weren't you at school?" You asked curiously. "My mom is sick and my dad couldn't get off work to take care of her." He said, inviting you inside. "Awe. How sweet. I figured I'd be a good lab partner and stop by to explain these notes to you." You said presenting him with the large packet.

You heard foot steps and turned around to see a very sick looking woman. "Seungchol, who's your friend?" She was horse and coughed after she spoke. "A friend from school who's helping me with chemistry. You need to go back to bed and finish your soup." He said to his mom with concern written all over his face and worry leaking from his voice. She gave her son a weak smile and went back to bed.

"Well...you coming here to help me with school makes a whole lot more sense than what I started thinking when I opened the door." He smiled largely. "Do I want to know?" You asked, knowing you'd regret asking. "I figured you finally worked up the courage to confess to me." He laughed. Your face got bright red. "Pfft. The day I confess to you is the day it snows in hell." You said playing off the fact that you really wanted to confess to him.


"Don't be like that. Open up a little more. Be more confident in your self." He said, playfully hitting your shoulder. "I am confident." You lied. "Ha! I see the way you walk down the halls. You avoid eye contact. You don't talk to anyone. You scurry like a mouse and you have your shoulders slumped. When people invite you to hang out you get really flustered and stutter a lot. You are anything but confident." He said counting every detail on his fingers. You looked down at the floor. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. " He said sounding guilty.

He wrapped you in a side hug as an apology. "I don't get why you're so insecure...if I were a girl I'd be jealous of you." He gave you a cheeky smile. You laughed a little. "Why's that?" "Well for starters...your hair is so soft and shiny...you have perfect teeth, dimples, puppy dog eyes...forgive me for this next part...you have a great figure and legs for days...but most of all you are smart and you've got drive, ambition, you're compassionate and so freakin adorable." He said seriously. You were turning all different shades of red. "Also...not as many girls look this cute when they blush as much as you." He smirked. "It is now snowing in hell." You said with a blank face as Seungchol gazed into your eyes. "I'm assuming that means you're confessing to me." He said arching an eyebrow. You nodded and he hugged you tightly.

I'm at the point where I'm honestly scared to read my old work because of how cringy it is.

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