《Lucky Penny (MxB)》16


Stepping back, I raised my voice so all gathered would hear. "Ross, help Roland bring Maddox into his room. Logan, help them lower him into bed, and remove his shirt. Gently." I stressed the last word.

"Has a doctor been called?" I queried the group.

"Yes, but it'll take him a while to get here." Someone piped in from the back.

I grimaced. I guess taking those free first aid classes was going to come in handy. "Alright then. I don't believe we should wait. I need bandages, warm water, and a clean cloth."

A beat passed before people set in motion to follow my orders. I'm not going to lie, it felt really great having so many people listen to me like that. I wasn't used to taking charge, but the need to protect and care for Maddox in the moment overrides everything else.

I followed Roland and Ross, standing by the edge of the bed as they did as instructed. Maddox seemed to have slipped into unconsciousness from blood loss and pain. I was panicking inside, but I thought it probably best that Maddox was not able to thrash around for what was coming.

Turning towards the two weary and dirty men standing around, I waved them towards the door. "You two, go shower and sleep, you need it."

I could tell they were somewhat hesitant to leave me alone with a wounded Maddox, but I ignored the skeptical looks and went to work removing the crude clothing pressed to the wound.

Rosie bustled in with a bowl of steaming water, a roll of bandages beneath one arm, and a stack of towels under the other.

Once she had placed down her load on a bedside table, Rosie turned towards the two men with hands on hips. I would bet money on the fact they were about to be scolded.


"Off with you! I'm sure Austin here knows what he's doing, and he doesn't need you two lording about like mother hens." With a humph, Rosie glided out after a sidelong wink.

Eventually, their exhaustion won out, and the two trudged out, leaving Maddox and I alone in his room. I didn't doubt that there were guards stationed outside the closed door, but I was thankful we were alone. Maddox groaned again.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's alright." I gently started cleaning the crusted, and fresh blood from around the wound. Thankfully, the bullet had exited, and before Ross had left, he'd lifted Maddox so I could clean and bandage the exit wound in the back of his shoulder.

Now, I cleaned and bandaged the entrance wound as Maddox drifted in and out of a dream-like state. He never seemed fully lucid, mumbling nonsense, thrashing around.

His tanned skin had lost some of its vibrancy. He was pale and sweaty, his skin clammy. Eventually, the door opened and a man walked in with a few large bags. I stepped back and allowed the doctor to take my spot. Intending to leave, I brushed a strand of hair stuck to Maddox's forehead back, when a weak grasp clamped around my wrist.

My moth parted slightly in surprise as clear, emerald eyes burned into mine. "Stay." Maddox rasped.

I could see the exhaustion and pain inside his gaze. But I could also see how defenseless he was. Maddox's walls were gone, his mask crushed into tiny pieces. More than anything, I could see his desperation for me to stay.

Unable to find my voice, I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded, gripping his hand in mine.

The doctor glanced up with a withering stare. "If you want to stay, you must be out of the way."


I nodded again as Maddox weakly squeezed our joined hands as he succumbed to some sleeping medication. "I'll stay over here doctor."


The doctor had packed up and left, Maddox's grip had long ago gone slack. But yet, I held our hands together. Alone once again, but this time with the lights out, I sank onto the edge of the bed.

Maddox continued to sleep. With a sigh, I laid down next to him, breathing in his familiar scent. I realized in the quiet, how fast my heart was still beating. My panic and fear for Maddox had not lessened any more than when I had saw the blood, and Maddox unable to stand.

Scooting as close as I dared to the sleeping form, I wrapped myself around Maddox as best I could without jostling his shoulder.

I smiled as his hand briefly tightened its grip around mine as he slept. Even when Maddox is injured, he still is one of the only people that can bring me comfort.

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