《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 20
~ Chapter 20 ~
I'd love to know just what you're thinking
Every little river, running through your mind
You give, and you take
You come, and you go
You leave me here
Wonderin' if I'll ever know
How much you care or how much you don't
Somebody's Heartbreak- Hunter Hayes
(Last time....)
"Why are you holding my son down on the floor!?" Molly was the first to speak. I released Bill and he stood up to face his Mother.
"Mum. It's my fault, everything is my fault. I'm too weak. I knew what was happening was wrong, but I wasn't strong enough to stop it."
"What are you talking about Bill, sweetie?"
"I'll explain." Fleur said wiping tears from her eyes. "It all started when I first started working at Gringotts as a Curse-Breaker."
[No-ones point of view] (A few months prior)
Fleur was beyond excited, it was her first day on the job as a Curse-Breaker. Being employed at Gringotts in and of itself is an accomplishment, the goblins only employ the people that they feel will turn them profit in the long run, that they feel is competent enough not to mess anything up. The Goblins were just getting her to sign some papers, nothing much. Just the normal stuff like, no liability to maiming, death, injury, uncurable diseases or curses, the usual.
After my short tour around the areas of Gringotts that I was allowed to enter, I was introduced to some of my colleagues. There was a smattering of women among the group, but it was mostly men. There was no sleep for the weary though as I was immediately sent on my first job. It was just a routine check at some museum to check for any curses on their newly acquired item. There were only a few minor wilting curses to anyone that tries to use it, but no harm done. It was simple so far, but I knew not to get complacent. Curse-breaking was a dangerous job. I made my way back to the job office to turn in my report. Just as I was making my way out to return to my assigned living quarters, I ran into one of my co-workers.
"Hey there Fleur, how'd the first job go?"
"It was just the usual wilting curses, nothing to major. But I know that not every job will be like this." I said to him while we started to walk together.
"That's very good. Never underestimate the jobs we take sometimes, we lost Jimmy a few months ago to a discrete organ crushing curse. It was timed and before we knew it, his organs were smashed when we got back to Gringotts. The goblins were not happy at the paper work they need to do for the Ministry."
"Don't worry. I plan to live for a long time." I say.
"Good. Loosing colleagues is never easy." He seemed to hesitate before continuing. "Hey, wanna get a drink? Always good to get to know the people you work with."
"Sure. I could use a drink. Lead the way."
(Leakey Cauldron)
"And then Fred decided that the fireworks were not enough, so he throws in some exploding frogs to jump around at everyone's feet! Mum was furious that day." Fleur laughed as Bill told his story. It turned out that her colleague was a Weasley. She found this Weasley a little more personable then the one that was her Mate's friend.
"So, Fleur, tell me about yourself! I've been talking the whole time. Any family? Boyfriend?" Bill said in a friendly tone. If Bill was being honest with himself, he hoped Fleur was single.
"Oh yes! I have my family still in France, and my Girlfriend is still in Hogwarts at the moment. I met my love during the Tri-Wizard Tournament." Fleur smiled as she thought of her Mate. She was so supportive when she wrote about becoming a Curse-Breaker. Her Mother on the other hand, took some convincing.
"Oh. What's the lucky girl's name?" Bill asked. Bill was disappointed but if it was anything to go by, Fleur's smile at the moment, showed how happy this person made her.
"Ah that's right! You said you were a Weasley, no? My love is your brother's friend, Hermione Granger." Bill was slightly jealous that it was someone he knew and had met at one time at Christmas one year at the Burrow. Even though Bill was jealous, he was also happy that it was someone he knew as well. Bill knew Hermione was a good lass and would be good to his new-found friend.
"Hermione! Yes, Ron's friend. I met her once about three years ago at Christmas. Lovely girl her." Bill decided to change the subject to family. "And what of your Family? Do you miss them?"
Bill and Fleur went on talking back and forth for a few hours and became fast friends. They went out for lunch a few times a week and were even assigned a few jobs together. But the job to Africa was what changed everything.
(Present) [Hermione]
"It was during that job that Bill was changed. The werewolf was to quick and Bill was injured. We were able to scare it off before it hurt any of the villagers, but the damage had already been done."
"My poor baby! You never told us anything about this Bill!" Molly yelled out as she started to cry.
"I'm sorry Mum. I didn't want anyone to worry. I thought I could handle this on my own." Bill hugged his Mother as Fleur continued.
(About a month prior) [No-ones point of view]
The Goblins had been told of the circumstances and were forced to prepare a cave deep in the bank to accommodate Bill's first change. The Goblins didn't want to report this to the Ministry, they would lose money for damages done to a magical person that was under their employ. And they would lose one of their best Curse-Breakers. Bill wanted to keep it a secret as well, so their interests aligned, even only slightly.
Fleur met with Bill the day after for their scheduled lunch. Fleur had protested that Bill needed to rest but Bill insisted that sitting around and doing nothing would not help him one bit. It was better to just continue like nothing had happened. Bill wanted no pity or anything to change.
When Fleur and Bill met that day, he was different. Bill wasn't as happy and smiling as usual. His smile seemed forced. Fleur could tell something was wrong immediately. Fleur dragged Bill up to a rented room and sat him down to talk. Fleur wasn't having any of this cover up.
"What is wrong Bill?"
"It's nothing Fleur. Can we just go back down? I'll pay for this room, but we need to just go back."
"No Bill. Something is wrong, and I want to help you." Bill seemed to be struggling with something and seemed to be in pain.
"Shut the fuck up you Veela bitch!" Bill's voice changed and the way he held himself changed to threatening.
"Excuse me!?"
"I said shut up Veela whore. You think you can just prance around with that delicious body and not be claimed, not be carrying a proper male's offspring? I will have you. Taken you are or not you will be mine!"
Fleur was extremely offended by then and tried to stun Bill. Bill dashed out of the way and was in front of Fleur before she knew what had happened.
"Veela whore! Who do you think you are?" A large hand wrapped around her throat and slammed her into the wall.
"I am in charge here bitch! I am Alpha!"
"Who the fuck are you? Bill would never do this to me! Are you under Poly juice!?"
"HA. Stupid whore. I am Bill and Bill is me. I am the wolf inside him. This wretch is to weak to defy me and in return I am able to take over. Such a sad little Omega boy!" Fleur growled and slammed a knee into Bill's crown jewels. A roar was let out and Fleur took the chance to slam her fist into Bill's now lowered face.
"FUCK! You little slut! Keep this up my pretty! I will never let Bill return. I will permanently take over this body!" Fleur paused all movement and seemed scared at the Wolf's words.
"That's right Veela. You forgot, didn't you? I have the power! Are you willing to let your Bill here be lost forever!?" The Wolf smirked at the shaking Fleur.
"What do you want?" Fleur finally let out. The Wolf let out a roaring laugh.
"That's right sweetie. What do I want? I want you. I want you to be only mine! I am Alpha, and you will give me pups! You will not let anyone know about this or I will know about it and Bill will be lost." The wolf walked Fleur into a wall again and brought its face inches apart from hers.
"You are mine. I am a merciful Alpha. If you agree to be mine I will let little Bill back for now. Don't you dare talk to that little fuck buddy of yours either! I will kill your family and that little girl of yours if you even think of ratting me out. I will take everything from you!" Fleur was crying by this point. She was so scared. She had no idea what to do. She could try to escape and tell the ministry, but she was a Veela, the Ministry of magic here were not keen on magical creatures and might just brush her off. If she went to Hermione she might be able to do something because she was royalty, but she didn't know for sure. What if by the time she got to Hermione Bill was lost and he had gone to hurt her family? In all of these options, something would be torn from her. If she agreed to this beast's demands, would Hermione start to hate her and move on? She has Minerva certainly. If she chose to agree, would it be only her that would be hurt the most? Hermione would be hurt but she would move on. Fleur was crying for everything she would lose and everyone she would hurt but she had to do this. Fleur had made us her mind. This was the least damaging option.
"Very... well." The Wolf laughed heartily.
"Very good Veela." Bill went limp and hit the floor. The body twitched slightly before it let out a groan. Bill looked up and locked eyes with Fleur.
"I'm so sorry Fleur!" Bill crawled over to Fleur and placed him head on Fleurs feet.
"I- I couldn't do anything! I'm too weak! And now because of me your family could be hurt and Hermione! Hermione will be crushed! Oh no!" Bill was crying heavily on the floor, still at Fleur's feet.
"Bill. I'm sorry too. If I could have saved you in Africa this wouldn't have happened. This beast wouldn't be threatening to kill you!" Fleur crouched down and cried with him. It seemed they had somethings to do before the Wolf chose to return. This was the only option in sight.
(Present) [Hermione]
Fleur had continued and retold the story until now. The wolf had continued to threaten and warn, making sure Bill and Fleur were doing its bidding. I was angry. Angry at Fleur for not believing in me, for Bill for not being mentally strong enough, angry at the werewolf that changed Bill, and finally, angry at myself. I took a deep breath and controlled my thoughts. I wasn't to angry and Fleur. She was scared and was worried about loosing everything. I understood. Fear can make one do many things. Fear can obstruct and rational thought. Everyone around to listen to the story was silent, trying to put all the information together. Bill was the first to move.
Bill made his way over to me and knelt before me. "My princess, I am eternally sorry and am willing to give my life for the wrongs that I have done to you. My head is finally silent, and I have never had a clearer thought. Please do what you will."
"No Mum. I need to do this! Look at everything that I've done! I need to do something." Molly looked about to move to intervene, but Minerva held her back.
I looked down to the kneeling form and came to a decision. There was only one thing I needed to do now.
Bill was thrown back by the force of my punch and crashed into the Burrows walls. Bill groaned and picked himself out of the rubble. Bill looked up at me as I held out my hand to help him up.
"I will help you Bill. This wolf will not control you and you will be allowed to live your life. It was not you that did all this, you are not at fault. Just continue to be Fleur's friend. I can tell you are a good one to her." I said as I lifted the fallen Weasley up.
"Your Majesty! You would spare my life?" I said nothing and just nodded.
"Thank You! I will pledge my life to you! This life that you have spared will be yours!" Bill knelt again and seemed to be crying. I placed my hand on the quivering head of ginger hair.
"Rise my friend. I will do the ritual to subdue your wolf for good. You will be in control."
Bill was about to say something else but there was a commotion coming from the tent were all the rest of the wedding guests were.
"The Ministry has fallen! The Ministry has fallen!"
I was already dashing over to the commotion. I was the first one to make it to the tent before I heard a series of pops. Apparition. They are here. I was already shooting spells to protect the guests as they ran. Some stayed to fight and protect the others as well. I sent out shield charms and spells to negate others. It was chaos. There were even a few werewolves running around destroying everything in their path. I focused my attention on the wolves first. I was steadily taking down enemies as were the rest of the people that were fighting. During all the fighting the rest of the order showed up to help. We were successfully pushing the Death Eaters back.
"Retreat!" The cry was let out followed by some pops. I focused on trying to stop the remaining members from escaping but as I made my way to the center of the tent I locked eyes with some deep brown ones and some soulful blues. The two attackers stopped fighting and stared back at me. I opened my mouth to say something, but I sensed danger. I bolted forward.
The spell harmlessly bounced off my erected shield.
"What are you doing?!" I heard someone yell at me. Probably the person that casted the spell I blocked.
I was distracted, I should have been paying more attention. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop the spell before it hit me, so I changed in from of everyone present. The spell hit my large body and sliced into my skin. Blood coated my white fur. It I had been in my human form, I would have died.
One last pop of an escaping Death Eater rang out before I fell to one knee. Well, that would surely scar. There was a roar of commotion as people yelled in fear or people screamed in worry as my blood dripped to the floor. Instantly I felt two hands on my back and the warmth of healing magic start to surround me.
"HERMIONE!" I heard hurried foot falls trying to make their way to me but were halted when two more pops filled the air.
"Stop right there! Who are you?! Are you a part of the Death Eaters!?" I heard someone demand.
I shook my head even through my pain. I felt who they were before even looking at them. I told them not to come, forbade them.
"Oh no, the real question I have right now is, WHO HURT MY DAUGTER!?"
Oh boy.
"I'm fine Mom, Mother."
"You are not fine. Look at all the blood!" I sighed.
"Its fine. Look I'm already healing." I said as the healing magic helped speed things up as my natural healing kicked in.
"That is not the point young lady! Who did this?"
"It was the Death Eaters Mom, Voldy's people."
"Then they better hope I don't find them. I will kill every one of them. They dare hurt MY daughter?"
Oh boy.
Once I was fully healed, I changed back. There would be a scar, but other then that I was perfectly fine. I stood up fully, the two hands still on me.
"Hello there, loves." I said as I turned to look at my new two Soul Mates. I recognized both women before me now that I have a better look.
Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy.
Well. Slap me and call me a Nick Jonas.
I was ready to introduce myself, but a voice called out behind me.
"Bella? Cissy?" I turned to the voice and look into eyes similar to Bellatrix.
Well. Slap me and call me Whitney Houston.
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