《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 14
Disclaimer:........It's been more than a year..........I still don't own anything.
A/N: Hello all! I'm so sorry! I know it's been a long time coming but I am working on Queen of the Hunt again! If anyone wants to know I have been having some health issues but now that everything seems to be alright for now I plan to get right back in the saddle. I've been thinking of you guys the entire time and I've been feeling awful about how long everyone has had to wait. I left you right when the story was going to get interesting too! I need to still find my outline notebook but I think I can still go by memory about how I wanted the story to go. So..... what you and I have all been waiting for, Chapter 14!
~ Chapter 14 ~
The sweetness on your lips
I need a taste of it
No need a fan to fly
Your sugar always gets me so high
Hotter than a fantasy
I'm living out in my wildest dreams
-Sweet Talk by Samantha Jade
(The Great Hall- Start of Fifth Year)
The sound of laughing and loud conversations in the Great Hall was a familiar one. I was finally back for my Fifth year here at Hogwarts, My home away from home. Everything about the Great Hall was familiar. The drapes, the floating candles, the food, the students, and the colors green, red, blue, and yellow. Everything was normal except the new addition to the Head table. The Head table was normal with all the normal faces except the gaudy blub of pink that had a disturbing smile. I was looking at her while absent mindedly talking to Ron. I couldn't understand him with a mouth full of chicken anyway. Something was off about that pink thing. I have always been able to tell just by looking if I would like the person. And this pink thing would definitely not be my favorite person this year. The Headmaster started his usually address before introducing The Pink Thing to the rest of the school. I don't care what her name is, she shall now on be known as The Pink Thing. Or simply Pink Bridge.
"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, professor Delores Umbridge." Dumbledore introduced Pink Bridge. Snape and Minerva were close to The Pink Thing and I could see the discomfort. Even Snape looked more put out than usual.
The Pink Thing let out a snooty noise and stood, interrupting the Headmasters speech.
"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me." I snorted out loud. The Pink Thing's eyebrow seemed to twitch slightly before continuing. I heard a few snickers at my outburst.
"I'm sure were going to be very good friends. The Ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected. And prune practices that ought to be prohibited." It finished her speech with a gross laughing noise and went to sit down. Dumbledore started to clap, trying to signal the others to clap as well. Only the Professors at the table clapped politely although reluctantly.
It seemed like Pink Bridge spoke her piece because she didn't interrupt again. The feast went on as normal with a slight hesitation in the sir. The Pink Bridge seemed to have cast a blanket over the Hall. It felt different as the meal came to a close.
"Did you see that Pink blub?" I asked Harry and Ron as we headed to the common room.
"Yeah. What's up with her? She seems like a stickler for the rules." Harry said to my right.
"I know. I don't like her already." Ron chimed in on my left.
"We can never have a normal school year can we?" Both boys laughed at that. Remembering what we said when we parted ways last year.
"We can't catch a break."
"It would be boring otherwise."
We laughed before parting ways. My boys to the boys dorm and me to the girls. The first day of classes will surely be interesting.
(The Next Day- Great Hall)
I sat at an empty space near my boys and immediately loaded some sausage and potatoes on to my plate. The Hall felt more normal today. It seems the unease had passed with a good night's rest. I laughed with my friends and ate my fill until the mail arrived. The owls all flying into the Hall was a gorgeous sight. I could never get tired of it. I scanned the owls until I spotted a familiar one.
"Hey Lumiere! How are you girl?" I rubbed her scruff when she landed on my arm. I loved Fleur's owl. She was a majestic creature and warmed quickly too me as Fleur started sending me mail. I fed her a piece of sausage from my plate and grabbed the letter. Lumiere rubbed her face into my neck before taking off.
"Who's it from Hermione?" Harry asked. Ron just looked at me for an answer as her continued to eat.
"Fleur. We have been communicating over the break" Harry nodded and buttered his toast.
I unrolled the letter and started to read with a smile on my face.
My Belle,
I miss you so much. I miss your lips and you smell. I miss the way you make me feel when you look at me when you think I'm not looking. I miss your smile and the look in your eyes when you look at me. I miss you my belle.
I hope everything goes well today. Your first day of classes. How exciting! I've just started working at Gringotts Bank in Diagon Alley. The looks that the Goblins give me are less than pleasant but I love the job1 Working here will teach me so much!
Good Luck My Belle I love you.
Fleur Delacore
I carefully re-roll the paper and stow it safely into my robe pocket. I keep all of Fleurs letters. They get me through not seeing her. I was a mess at home during break. I couldn't see any of my lovely Mates. But at least now I can see Minerva. I looked toward the table and caught my love's eyes. Her eyes lit up and I smiled warmly. Harry elbowed me in the side.
"Be more obvious, will you?" Harry said smiling. He spoke soft enough so the others wouldn't hear.
"Shut up Harry. You're just jealous of my honey bear." I teased lightly. Harry nearly spit out his food.
"Honey Bear!?" Harry laughed at me. I joined him.
Breakfast was nice but class was going to start. Harry, Ron, and I headed toward the Defense Against the Arts Classroom. We found our seats and waited for The Pink Thing to arrive and get this class over with.
"Good morning, children." No one responded and she continued.
"Ordinary Wizarding Levels examinations." She magically wrote on the board and went on a spew about Owls. Snore. Everyone knew this. Fifth year was basically test year. She magically handed out her 'textbooks'.
I looked in the book and laughed. What the hell is her problem?
"There are no spells in here! What's the point of teaching this class with a childrens book bordering on a picture book for kids? I could teach myself this. I'm sure I read this book when I was six."
"Students with raise their hands in my class!" She borderline yelled.
"It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical view would be enough to get you through your examinations. After all, that is what school is all about." What is she the ministry's mascot?
"And how will 'theory' help us to 'defend against the dark arts' if we need to? Should we quote to them your little picture book?" I asked irritated. I heard snickers at my little speech.
"There is nothing out there dear." I winced when she referred to me as 'dear'.
"Who do you think wants to attack children like yourself?"
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe you know, Voldemort? The one who attacked me at the Tri Wizard Tournament." I answered. I heard whispers from behind me. Pink Bridge paused before starting to speak.
"Let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This is a lie." She finished as she stopped next to me.
"It's not a lie. I saw him myself. I was attacked." I said firmly.
"Detention Ms, Granger!"
"So you're saying I'm lying? That I attacked myself?"
"Enough! See me later after class, in my office." She shrieked. I glared but shut my mouth for now. Wouldn't be good to get even more detention.
(After Class- Delores's Office)
I knocked on the door and waited to be let in. I heard her give me permission and stepped into the office. I was assaulted by pink and pictures of cats everywhere. Ah, so she's a crazy cat person. Cats are great but calm down.
"Ah, Ms. Granger. Have a seat you will be writing lines. 'I must not tell lies'" I sat on the chair and picked up the provided quill.
"How many?" I asked.
"as much as it takes to sink in." She said cheerfully.
I looked around my desk and didn't see any ink. "There' no ink."
"Oh, don't worry dear. That's a special quill." I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her before starting my lines. Let's get this over with.
I started to write quickly. I sped through a few lines, focused on getting through this as quickly as possible. As I was on my fifth line, I noticed a stinging on my left hand. I felt dread as a piece of the puzzle clicked into my brain. I dropped the quill onto the desk and stood.
"This is a blood quill!"
"It is yes." She said calmly. Sipping from her too sweet tea.
"But isn't this illegal?" I asked.
"Not for me child. The Ministry has given me free rein on how I run classes and teach my students. This is one of the ways to teach out of line students." She said firmly. She and I knew as she said that that I had no power here. I shook with anger but sat again and continued to write. The words carved deeper into my hand and I winced. I will not give her the satisfaction of hearing me voice my pain. I wrote silently before I was let go.
I didn't even think of going to my other classes. I made my way over to the infirmary while holding my injured hand. I had to use my robes to make sure I didn't leave a trail of my blood on the floor. I entered the infirmary and sat myself onto a cot and waited for Madam Pomfrey.
"And what seems to be the problem dear?" She asked as she made her way over to me.
"I... have an injury that need taken care off." I said. She sees bloody end of my robe still on my hand and rushes the rest of the way over to my cot.
"Oh my! What happen this time dear?" I smiled despite the pain. It feels a lot better to hear Pomfrey say dear rather than that Pink Thing.
I didn't really have to words to explain what had happened so I dropped the edge of my robe from my hand and showed her instead. She gasped and immediately got to work.
"Who did this dear?" She asked me with heat in her words. "Who made you use a Blood Quill?" She could tell right away what it was.
"Umbridge." I said as she cleaned the wound. She was about to say something else when the doors to the infirmary swung open.
"What happened?" Minerva swept over to my side and looked at my hand. I watched as her face changed from extreme worry to downright rage.
"A BLOOD QUILL!!" She was the angriest I've ever seen her. "Who?!" I was still in shock and didn't answer fast enough. She turned to Pomfrey and asked again.
"It was Umbridge." Minerva immediately started off toward the door but was stopped by Pomfrey. A binding spell kept Minerva in place.
"Calm yourself Minerva. I'm mad too but because it's Umbridge we are in a complicated situation. The ministry sent her. She has more power than us, my dear." Minerva was still visibly mad but the situation seemed to dawn on her as well. She was released and came to sit next to me.
"Dammit! I won't hex her but I will still have a word with her about her methods." She said as she struggled to settle.
Pomfrey seemed to be convinced that Minerva wouldn't storm off so she set about dressing my hand.
"Since it was a Blood Quill I can't heal it completely with magic. I can stop the bleeding but this will have to heal on its own." She said sadly. When she was finished I was let go and she returned to her office.
I stood and faced Minerva that still sat on the cot.
"How did you know?"
"I could sense you were hurt and followed my instincts to find you." She said as she took my injured hand into both of hers. She gently laid a kiss onto the top of my bandaged hand. I smiled at her lovingly.
"Thank you for coming to see me. I'll be fine."
"I know you're a strong person love but this is unacceptable. I will speak to her when I see her. She may be allowed to do whatever she wants but I'll be damned if she doesn't know how mad I am about it." She said. I made sure Pomfrey wasn't around and kissed she soundly.
"I know you will. Thank you, Minerva, for caring. I love you."
"I love you too. Go off to your classes. I need to find a Pink Worm."
(After Class)
I managed to hide my hand from everyone in class but I could escape the line of questions that were coming from my two boys.
"Hermione, where were you? What happened in Detention? I thought she would just keep you for lunch. But you missed two classes."
"What happened to your hand?"
"Not now boys. I'll tell you when no one can hear us." This seemed to appease them but they were still anxious.
We walked through the halls and started to make our way to our last class before dinner. There was a crowd gathering near a flight of stairs and I could hear some familiar voices. I smiled slyly before dragging the boys over to see the commotion. Minerva and The Pink Thing were slowly ascending the stairs as they talked.
"Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?"
"I am merely requesting that when it comes to MY student that you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." Minerva strongly enunciated the word my. I smiled.
"So silly of me professor but it sounds that you are questioning my authority in my own classroom, -" They stopped part way up the stairs to look at each other.
"Minerva" She finished her statement, while taking one step up to be level eyed with the taller professor.
"Not at all Delores." Minerva took a step up to be taller than the Pink Blub. "Just your medieval methods."
"I am sorry dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by extension the Minister himself." The Pink Bridge spoke as if scandalized. "I am a tolerant women, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." Minerva took a step down much like a step back in shock.
"Disloyalty?" The Thing took a step higher and addressed the growing crowd. "Things at Hogwarts are much worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action."
The Pink Thing made a prissy noise before continuing on to her office. Minerva stood still for a few seconds before storming off. She met my eyes before rounding the corner. I could tell what she was trying to communicate when our eyes met. 'Meet me when you can.'
The last class of the day was grueling and so was dinner that night. I finally got to tell my boys what had happened in a private corner of the common room. The boys had raged at what had happen when I told them. They were ready to give the Pink Bridge a piece of their minds but I stopped them by reminding them that they would likely get them and I detention. They sobered after I said that. They didn't want me to go through that again. The time grew late and the boys reluctantly trudged up the stairs. I smiled at their concern and protectiveness. I love my boys. I read a textbook in the common room until late into the night when everyone was in their rooms asleep. I closed my book and quietly made my way to Minerva's quarters under a disillusion charm. As soon as I said the password to the door and let myself in, I was assaulted.
(M scene if you want to skip.)
"Mmmm?! Minerva?" I asked in surprise. Minerva rarely gets so aggressive. I heard a growl as she lifted me and dropped me onto the couch. Minerva swiftly climbed on top of me.
"I am very angry. How dare that cow!?" I understood now. The anger was getting the best of her and her wolf.
"I know Minerva. I saw what happened. Something has been set in motion. But I appreciate what you tried to do." I said as I placed my hands firmly on her thighs. "And I can tell you need me. I am yours when you need me, love." There was gratitude in her eyes swimming with the irritation and anger.
"Thank you, Mon Gradh." She smiled at me before kissing my lustfully.
Minerva started to grind her clothed center on to mine as she kissed me furiously. I moaned into her mouth. It has been to long since the last time. God, I love this woman. There was some heavy petting for a time before Minerva seemed to grow increasingly frustrated with the lack of contact. In a blink, out clothes vanished and my member was met with Minerva's wet center. I gasped and grabbed a hold of the back of her neck to pull her closer, if that was even possible.
"It's... been too long, my love." I said breathlessly.
"It has. You won't have to wait any longer." Just as she finished her sentence, she lowered herself onto me. It was a rush of sensation and I had to hold myself from finishing too quickly. It had definitely been too long. I've missed Minerva's silky walls around me.
"Shit, Min!"
Minerva started to move slowly as she looked into my eyes. She was flushed and sweaty, and oh so beautiful. Her look of pleasure was something that I longed for the whole break. I started to meet her movements and heightened our experience.
"You're so deep." Minerva panted and I reveled at her hot breath washing over my face. I grinned at her before flipping up horizontally onto the couch. I continued our pace and started to kiss down her neck. I could sense what she wanted and increased the strength behind each of my movements.
"Baby, please. I'm so close."
"I got you babe." I said before going at full speed. I reached one hand between our soaked bodies and rubbed my fingers around her swollen bud. That was all it took. Minerva came around me and growled in pleasure. I was not far behind and joined her in falling as her walls milked me for all I was worth.
I panted as I rested my body along her own. When my breathing returned to normal I slid out of my Mate and headed to her bathroom. I returned with a warm wet cloth and started to clean her up gently. She moaned as she was still sensitive but I finished quickly and picked her up in to my arms.
"Come on Min. Sleep is for the bed." I placed her on the bed and joined her, covering us with the blanket as I settled down.
"I love you."
"I love you too Min."
A/N: Owari! Ladies and gents it has been a long time coming but the 14th chapter of Queen of the Hunt has finally been completed! Once again, I am truly sorry but my health was holding me back from updating. But I plan to return to the saddle as my condition seems to have stabilized. Thank you for you love and support and your patience with me. I love you all!
All mistakes are my own and I assume there are plenty. I haven't written in quite a while.
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