《Queen of the Hunt (Lesbian story)》Queen of the Hunt: 3
~ Chapter 3 ~
With every beat of my heart
I keep getting closer to you
With every beat of my heart now
I know we're getting closer
To love with every beatI just wanna know you
More every day
-With Every Beat of My Heart by Taylor Dayne
[Hermione] (Year 2)
It is only my second year at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and already we are dealing with a Basilisk. I had known immediately what it was when the first petrified victim was found. Harry and Ron had no idea what we were dealing with, and I had suggested a trip to the library. I couldn't very well tell them what it was without having to make up an elaborate story for how I knew.
I was currently sitting at the Gryffindor table eating my breakfast and wondering what could be keeping Harry and Ron. Normally, Ron would already be here scarfing down pancakes and sausages. It was halfway through breakfast when Minerva came through the doors and walked over to me with a solemn expression on her face. She bent down and whispered quietly in my ear to follow her. I stood up gracefully and followed her out the door and to the infirmary.
We entered the infirmary and Minerva led me to a cot on the other side of the room. On the bed was none other than a prone Ronald Weasley. Harry was sitting on a chair that was pulled up to the side of the bed. It was silent for a few seconds as Harry noticed that there were other people in the room.
"Ah, Professor, Hermione."
"What has happened Harry?" I asked gently. I had a feeling he was a little unstable with his emotions.
"Ron and I had decided to go to the library like you suggested. We thought it would be best to go at night so no one would see what we were looking up." He paused as if gathering his thoughts. "We had been there for a while before we got what we were looking for. Ron and I were excited and we wanted to go and tell you right away. We were walking through the halls when we heard something. Of course we were scared because we had just found out what was wondering the halls. So we ran. While we were running Ron and I got separated. I hadn't known that Ron wasn't with me, so when I realized this, I went back to find him. I found him like this." He gestured to Ron's still form.
"Ron is still alive, so he must have seen it though a reflection of some kind." Harry stated.
"That is correct. Since it seems that you already know I will not censor my speech." Minerva talked for the first time since we arrived. "The creature you speak of is a Basilisk. It seems that Mr. Weasley had not seen the Basilisk directly."
"A Basilisk... Do you know the reason for such a creature to be prowling the halls of Hogwarts?" Though we heard rumors, I want Minerva to confirm it herself. Minerva stayed quiet for a few moments before she answered my question.
"The Chamber of Secrets seems to have been opened."
"Can you tell us more about this Chamber of Secrets?" I questioned.
"I am afraid not. The headmaster has forbidden the staff to discuss anything about where or what it is. I apologize." Though Minerva's apology was directed at both Harry and I, it seemed that she was asking me for forgiveness. Does she think that something so small would make me angry? She was just following what she was asked to do. It shouldn't matter, despite who I am. I met her apologetic gaze with a reassuring look. I was not mad at her.
"It's not a problem Professor. The Headmaster wants you be quiet about it. You are not obligated to tell us." Harry said with a smile. Minerva smiled back at the both of us. All three of us talked for a time before Minerva had to leave to teach her first class. Her eyes lingered on mine before she left the infirmary, leaving Harry and I with a prone Ron.
"We have to find a way to help Hogwarts. The students can't continue to be frightened. Sure it's only petrified students now, but before we know it, students might get killed." I stated.
"I would suggest nothing less. We have to do something."
(The Chamber of Secrets: deep in the bowels)
That stupid Lockhart, cursing himself like that! He's lucky Harry was kind enough to stay with him. Though not happy that he was hurt, it serves him right for trying to do what he did. I feel sorry for him. If I make it out of this mess I will surely ensure that he gets the proper care. He's not too bad without his memory.
I was currently walking through the passageways of the chamber looking for the creature and Ginny. I was drawn from my thoughts when I heard a hissing noise from my right. There's no mistaking that.
"Well look what we have here, a tiny little Gryffindor." It hissed out.
Ha, it doesn't know I can understand it. Being the heir to the Meniscus throne really does have its benefits. I have been taught many different languages and dialects, including snake. Though I am not a Slytherin, it doesn't mean I can't understand and speak snake.
"I wonder if it would make a tasty snack. Doesn't look quite filling."
It seemed distracted by its musings, so it was the perfect time to book it. I used my lycan speed to turn to my left and run in the opposite direction of the creature.
"Maybe it... where did it go?!"It hissed angrily and started to slither after me. I had to find an open space. That very well might be my only advantage. I couldn't risk looking at it and dying. The open space will at least give me room to run around and wildly throw spells at it. And I am pretty sure I can't just magically wolf out, I can't chance Ginny or anyone else finding out. Besides how would I explain a dead snake with claw marks down the side?
I was still running through the passageways trying to find an open space, when I spotted something on the ground near a pile of bones. The snake was still a little ways behind me so I had some time to scoop the thing into my arms and keep running. It seemed to be an egg. The egg was smaller than a normal Basilisk egg should be. Maybe it is stunted in growth and hasn't had the right nutrients to grow healthily. In a split second decision I shove the egg into my pack just as I emerge into an open space that seemed to be the main room. There was a figure sprawled out on the ground a ways away near the pool of water. That must be Ginny. I swing the pack back over my shoulder and start to make my way over to her when the Basilisk enters from the passage I just exited. I made sure to not look directly at.
"He he, nowhere to run now little morsel." It hissed mockingly at me. It seemed to be getting ready to lunge at be but a squawk fills the chamber and echoes off the walls. I looked up in time to see Fawkes drop the sorting hat near Ginny and swoop over to where the Basilisk and I were.
"What is the meaning of-" It/she was not able to finish as Fawkes flew over and gouges her eyes out. A high pitched cross between a hiss and a screech erupts from the Basilisk and it disappears back into the passageways. Fawkes, as if his job was done for the moment, flew leisurely after the Basilisk, seemingly without a care in the world. I stare after him for a second before I run over to Ginny and kneel on the floor.
"Ginny, Ginny wake up. Please, come on, open your eyes." Before I could say anymore, I heard light footsteps to my left. I looked up into the face of none other than Tom Riddle. Hmm, he looks like a pompous ass that's over confident and loves himself. I'm already annoyed.
"She won't wake." He stated.
"What do you mean she won't wake? She's not..." I questioned the overly suspicious male.
"She's alive, but only just." He said as he strode closer to where I knelt.
"Are you a ghost?"
"A memory, preserved in a diary for over fifty years."
"She's extremely cold." I said as I touched her hand that was clutching the diary. As I was momentarily distracted, I saw Tom from my peripheral vision bend to pick up my wand from the damp floor. My instincts were now on high alert. This atmosphere didn't feel right, it had changed in just a moment.
"Give me my wand Tom." I commanded tersely. He started to fiddle with my wand in his hands.
"You won't be needing it." He responded. When I just glared at him in great suspicion he continued talking. "See, as Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger." Something dawned on me and it showed in my eyes.
"Yes, Hermione. It was Ginny that opened the Chamber of Secrets, it was Ginny that sent the Basilisk after the mudbloods and Filch's cat, Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I told her to. You can find that I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing, she was, shall we say, in a kind of trance? Still the power of the diary began to scary her and she tried to dispose of it in the girl's bathroom. And then who should find it but you, the person who I was most anxious to meet."
"And why did you want to meet me?" "I knew I had to talk to you, meet you if I could, so I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid, to gain your trust." He said as he started to circle me.
"You framed him didn't you?" I asked hostilely.
"It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent."
"Oh, but Dumbledore saw right through you."
"He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still in school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen year old self within its pages. So that one day, I would be able to lead another, to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work."
"Well looks like you didn't finish it this time. In a few hours the Mandrake draft will be ready, and everyone who was petrified will be alright again." I retorted.
"Haven't I told you? Killing useless mudbloods like them doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now my new target has been you." If it was at all possible, I glared at him even harder. "How is it that a child was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How is it that you escaped practically unharmed when Lord Voldemort and Quirell were defeated?"
"Why do you care? Voldemort was after your time." He smirked at me.
"Voldemort is my past, present and future." He said as he turned around and started to write his name in the air. When he was finished he swung his arm in an over exaggerated arc. The letters re-arranged to say, 'I am Lord Voldemort.'
"You, you're the heir of Slytherin. You're Voldemort.""Surely you didn't think I would keep my filthy mudblood father's name? No, I fashioned myself a new name, a name that one day wizards everywhere would be afraid to speak as I became the greatest sorcerer in the world."
"Mi- Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world." Whoa, almost said Minerva for a moment there. Wouldn't that raise some suspicions?
"Albus Dumbledore has been driven out of the castle by the mere memory of me."
"He'll never be gone, not as long as those that are loyal to him are still here." I spat. He seemed to get especially angry at that. There was a second of silence before the Basilisk burst out of the pool of water next to us.
"Aha, there you are Gryffindor. You'll make a good snack." It hissed.
My eyes darted toward the hat as the sword of Gryffindor appeared, and just as the beast lunged at me, I scooped up the sword and dived out of the way. The Basilisk was much taller than me, so I needed to get to higher ground in order to attack effectively. I ran to, and climbed up on, the strangely awkward stature of a guy with its mouth open... yep.
I made it to the top of the statue's head and waited for the creature to make its move. It lunged at me and I dodged it with a very Matrix move.
"Stop dodging. I can't stand fast food!" It hissed in irritation. An amused snicker almost escaped from my lips.
The Basilisk tried again to lunge at me but this time I readied my sword. This sword would likely be too dull to penetrate its hard skin, so my best bet was the mouth. Just as she was a foot away from me, I rammed the sword through the top of her mouth, though the brain, and impaling a fang into my arm in the process.
"Fan-fucking-tastic!" Just my fucking luck. Whatever, what did I expect from ramming a sword through a Basilisk's mouth?
I climbed off the statue and dropped the sword on the ground. I knelt next to Ginny as I yanked the fang out of my arm. The Basilisk was hissing obscenities before it crashed to the ground dead.
"Remarkable isn't it, how quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body? I guess you have little more than a minute to live." Tom said.
"Funny, how much a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly little girl."
I grabbed the book out of Ginny's hold and opened in on the ground.
"What are you doing?" He asked with specks of fear in his voice. I grasped the fang tightly in my hand and readied it over the diary.
"Stop. NO!" He shouted as he tried to lunge at me. He was quick, but not quick enough. I slammed the fang into the diary and ink started to squirt out of the "wound".
Riddle started to scream in pain as I continued my assault on the diary. His echoing screams finally died as he burst in a flash of light, he was gone. Ginny gasped and bolted upright in a sitting position, she started to panic. Dropping the ink covered fang, I grabbed Ginny's hand in both of mine to try and calm her down.
"Ginny? Ginny, it's alright. You're safe...now." I trailed off as I was hit with a sense of vertigo. My body grew weak and I fell face first into Ginny's lap.
"Hermione! Oh, Merlin, what's wrong?" She asked in a panic as she turned me over so I was facing up in her lap.
"Venom..." I said weakly. Ginny started to frantically look for the wound, until she lifted my wrist to get a better look. She started to cry softly.
"Hermione..." She was interrupted as Fawkes flew in and landed near my head. He started to drip his tears onto my bite. The wound started to close, and my strength started to return. Thank the Goddess. It would be horrible for the heir of the Meniscus clan to die from a Basilisk bite. That would be sad...
Ginny squealed in happiness and wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. I smiled as I returned her hug. I'm happy that Ron's sister is safe. She was cute in a 'best friend's sister' kind of way. We both let go of each other as we moved to stand up. But before she let me go I swear I heard her take a deep breath, as if smelling me. I brushed the thought away, not something to think about now.
(Infirmary... again)
Everything had finally settled down. Lockhart was moved to St. Mungo's, Ron and all the other petrified victims were cured, and Ginny was being checked up on by Poppy. Harry and Ron were sitting near Ginny, while I was sitting on the cot next to them. Ginny was recounting her story about what had happened to her. We were all quietly listening until she got to the waking up part.
"... Hermione had been bitten and fell onto my lap." She said.
"What!" Four voices shouted out in unison. Four? Harry, Ron, and Poppy... who? I stood up and turned around just in time to be slammed into. Arms were wrapped around me, but before I could question this random person I caught their scent. I smiled softly. I would know this scent anywhere, it was Minerva. I wrapped my arms around her as well, returning the warm embrace. A few seconds went by before she let go, stepping back a few steps. Minerva noticed the other people in the room and composed herself.
"Are you alright? What has happened?" She said in her Professor voice. I had to stop myself from letting go a giggle. The shocked faces were back to normal as Ginny answered her.
"Hermione had been bitten but Fawkes healed her before she could get any worse." Minerva let out a sigh of relief that was barely noticeable. I wouldn't have seen it if I was looking at her so intently.
"I'm fine Professor. We're all fine." I told her as I shot her a bright smile.Minerva stayed with us the rest of the time we were there and left the infirmary with us. As we headed to the tower together, I noticed that she was walking close to me, almost protectively. Her actions made me smile in adoration.
My year at Hogwarts would again bring me closer to Minerva. Our friendship was growing with every word we shared. We were getting more comfortable with each other and conversations flowed easily. My fourth year was coming up quickly, and those lurking in the shadows were growing stronger. This story has barely begun, people still needed to be met, and the danger that I've encountered had just grazed the surface of what was to come.
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She is the calmness He himself is the stormShe is feisty as fireHe is cold as iceShe is beauty with brainsHe is a handsome beastWill the calmness remains or turns into the storm??Will fire melts the ice or ice sets off the fire??What happens when beauty gets involved with the beast??
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