《The Pentagon》Chapter 13: Ours To Ruin


Simba's eyes get even bigger, and I know what he wants to know, but he chooses the smart thing and doesn't ask the questions that would have left him bleeding on our floor.

After we kick him out, we take our jackets, and we get in our car. And we drive to the party at the mountain hosted by Kaden, a rich asshole whose family owns the town of Charlotte. Even though he goes to Glenwood, we are cool with him.

We park the car in the parking lot and then we take the short trail to the spot where the party is. The party is at a clearing that is not far from the lake.

Vivi clings to my side when we arrive, no doubt to make sure people know she is with me. She has been one of the girls we have on a waiting list and since I wasn't in the mood for Melisa's shit, especially after that shit her and her squad pulled with Zuzu, this bright ball of blonde curls will do.

I tune Bas out as he bitches about his latest ex not wanting to let him go. I ignore the girl as well.

Today my body is thumping like it always does when my day is going to end in blood. it's insane adrenaline and I always almost smell the blood in the air. My eyes rake the crowd for that motherfucker.

I have been itching since Wednesday to connect my fist with that asshole. I haven't told my brothers about the reason for my foul mood.

While we are all still in a mood because of her, I have another reason to be fucked up. When I followed her to town after her classes, that asshole made his move.

How she smiled at him. I want to kill someone every time I remember.

She hasn't smiled since she arrived in our small piece of hell, but she thinks she can go and be happy elsewhere.

No fucking way.

The others may be twisted because of her but I'm not. And it's not jealous anger that I feel. She shouldn't find happiness or reprieve elsewhere.

She is ours. Ours to ruin.

And she is mistaken if she thinks she gets to be happy without our say so.

We are her prison warders, and she is our prisoner.

As it is, she should be on her knees begging for our forgiveness and she hasn't even apologized once for the role she played. She expects us to forget everything because she batted her eyelashes.


She was always the most cunning out of all of us. When we were kids, and we needed someone to lie to the parents, or adults, we sent her. With that sweet face and warm smile. The exact smile she looked at us with as she tricked us into getting that drive in Mason's fathers office she had wanted for her father. But I kick those ugly thoughts from my mind.

I must admit, though, she has only gotten more beautiful. I hate that I am always fighting with myself where she is concerned. I hate that my body just reacts to her even when I hate her. How I'm not even sure I hate her, but I just feel so angry at her.

How she betrayed us, and she just left afterwards, left me.

She didn't even bother to write a letter. I thought we were best friends.

But she will never be free of us, just like we'll never be free of her.

We greet a few more people and we drone on abut nonsense for most of the night. My eyes wonder about. Then I see it: Zahara is under Darrel's arm. They walk through the crowd, and I find it hard to focus. I see fucking red.

"Yoh, what the fuck." I hear Bas next to me. No doubt he has seen what I'm seeing.

My feet carry me before I even get my mind involved. She is smiling at something he is saying. How dare she think she can talk to other guys?

She sees me when I am next to them, and she and he are too late to stop me as I shove him away from her and my fist connects with his face. He staggers back and I don't give him time recover when I throw the second one.

"What the fuck are you doing, Tatsu!?" her voice stops me in my tracks, and she shoves me hard. I stagger back as pain radiates in my head when someone punches me in the face.

Fuck. I hope nothing's broken

Mason punches the fucker Darrel and instantly his friends come and its a brawl.

"Stop!" I hear her voice barely from the noise of people cheering, all of us are in kill mode.

I am on top of one of Darrel's buddies and I raise my hand to punch him again in the face and a small hand stops me.

I look and find Zuzu's beautiful angry face. This sucker uses this opportunity to try and punch me, but I duck and Zuzu kicks him in the ribs.


My girl.

"Stop fucking now!" She yells

My brothers stop pummeling on the other fuckers faces.

Then she runs to Darrel.

Fucking runs.

She pushes Jose to the side and checks on him. All of us have blood on our faces, but that stings the worst.

I am so mad. Because I can't ever have anything.

"I don't know what the fuck you guys think you doing." I spit out as I turn from them, my hands land on Darrel's face trying to feel if anything is broken. I can see he is withdrawing from me, and I know I can't lose him too.

I mean, he wasn't the best conversationalist and we shared little in common, but this was the best I had right now, and I'll be damned if they ruined it for me.

"You know these assholes?" Darrel asks

"We go to the same school. They are just assholes, Darrel." I look at him in the eye, trying to work my magic on him but I can see he isn't buying it. So, the jock has brain cells. Just my luck. I had to get the one that had them.

He spits the blood in his mouth, and I can see the anger in his face. His nose is bleeding. He touches his nose and holds his jackets to it to stop the bleeding.

"Is that all it is?" he accuses

I am taken aback. "Yes. They are nothing to me." I don't know if I even sound believable, but I don't care. I will lie if I must.

"Don't lie, sweetheart." Mason says from behind me, and Darrel shoots him a look then he comes back to me.

"Then why did that fucker start shit?"

"I don't know, okay. He's insane."

He removes my hands on his face and he steps away from me. This feels very much like a breakup. A breakup before we even kissed.

"Look, I like you, Willow but this seems like a lot. Can you...sort out your situation, then hit me up."

I mean I know what he's saying is reasonable, so I do the decent person thing and I nod. Him and his pals leave.

I remember I don't have a ride. Is it too late for me to run after him and ask him to take me to school?

Fuck. I look around, anywhere but to the assholes who are behind me, and I start walking. I need to find someone I can get a ride from.

These assholes have managed to ruin one more thing for me.

I walk to the direction of the parking lot. I hear footsteps behind me, and I walk even faster. When I get to the parking, I find students making out and some smoking and even a few fucking in the cars, but no one is leaving.


I turn around and it seems whoever was following me they are gone. I spot their car and I go to it. I look for its keys and I grunt when I don't find them.

Fuck him. Fuck all of them.

I huff and start walking to the direction of the road.

I cradle my body as the noise and the light starts getting further and darkness shrouds me. I am starting to hear owls here and I must admit it is kind of spooky. Maybe I didn't think this through. I remember it took 30 minutes to drive here which means almost 4 hours walking. It dawns on me then that I am an idiot.

I have been walking for 30 minutes and I am in between trees on either side.

A werewolf could come maul me at any second. My heart rate spikes, and I start running. It doesn't really work out as well as I am wearing a tight skirt, I was trying to impress Darrell.

Lights come from behind me, and I contemplate. Should I be prideful and run to campus or should I stop and hail them to stop me. What if it's a bunch of pervs and they want some gross favors. Even though it's not cold but it still is night, and I am barely dressed.

I stop and turn but I see it isn't necessary when the car slows down any way. I stand on the side of the road.

I turn and start walking when I see whose car it is. The car starts moving.

"You really gonna walk for 3 hours to school?" Mason mocks

I don't answer but I keep walking. I walk faster. My skirt keeps riding up and I keep pulling it down. This pride thing isn't working.

"Zar, just get in."

I stop and I turn. "Don't fucking call me that, Sebastian."

"Fine but get in."

"No." I start walking again. Then they do what I don't expect, and they drive away.

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