《Countryhumans X Reader || Chains》14



"Hey, my name is Mia, and this is Anna," the girl with brown hair says to Y/N. Anna waves her hand. "We're your best friends" Anna says, proud of your friendship. "You must be wondering about what got you here. A....fire happened. Jeez, you always hated hospitals because they reminded you of your...past." Mia says.

"Mia here is 21, I'm 22, and you are 20," Anna says. "I know it's too late now, but I'm sorry,"

Y/N looks between the two girls and smiles, making signs with her hands. Mia and Anna gasp at Y/N's actions. "You remember our stupid little code?" Mia asks. Y/N just nods, feeling a dark presence looming over them.


A few weeks go by


"Finally, we can get you out of here," Anna says, already getting sick of the hospital. It had started raining earlier, and Anna hated having the burden of walking through rain. Mia and Y/N on the other hand love the rain.

Y/N had learned that Mia was the sweeter kind of friend whereas Anna would have small fights with Y/N often.

As Mia and Y/N stroll through the rain, Y/N feels a presence behind her. She looks and sees a sort of black smoke. Suddenly, she hears a car horn beeping as loud as possible and realizes that she was standing in the middle of the street.

Mia pulls Y/N onto the sidewalk ad the semi-truck zig-zags across the intersection, causing a huge car crash. Mia grabs Y/N's hand as they speed home.

Mia slams the door shut behind her, locking it. Anna runs over and pushes a dresser in front of it. "Are the windows sealed?" Mia asks Anna. "Yeah, everything should be fine now" Anna replies.

Mia sighs. "I didn't think they would come for us now of all times." Y/N looks at the two of them, scared. Mia looks at Y/N, saying "we'll explain, later. But now we really have to go to the panic room,"


Anna grabs Y/N's hand and runs into the room umder the house, built completely with iron soaked in salt water. "Don't. Go. Anywhere," Anna says, before slamming the giant metal door. Y/N steps back as she hears screams come from the other side of the door.

The glass on the door is suddenly covered in blood, making Y/N put a hand over her mouth, trying her best to not scream. Suddenly she holds her head in her hands, feeling immense amounts of pain.

"T̶̨̢̡̖̯̲̖͙̗̝̹͖̼̪̤̝͙̘̦̫̟͓͈͇̳̬̻̫͖̖̯̈́̽̑͂̌̋̍̅̓̾̉̈́̈́̇̌̃̽̓̑̏̈́̏͐̊͛͗̽͐̄͗̌̈́́̈̇̌̈́̓̃͗̉̈́͆̓͗̈́͊̀̅̈́̀̂̇͘͜͜͠͠͝͝͝͝ͅẅ̷̧̡͈̤̠͙̮̣̬̗̱̤̯̮̣̫͖̤̹̱̼̥̳̯̱̖̹̥̥̑͆̇̎̓̈̆̅͌͊̑̄͒̎̏̿̔̋͛̄̑̈́̈̇̈̓̍̏̾̏̆̐̾͐͊̊̓̂͊̆͊̚̚͝͠ͅơ̶̢̧̛͈͎͎̗͇̰̣̭̯̞̣̬̱̭̻͓͍̻̥̯̞̺̝͎͖̠̹͔͙̲̭̜͇̩̍̐͋̓̃́̌͆̆̀̓̇̃͊͋́̉̒̐̓̽͐͐̑̿̽̑͑̕͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅ.̴̫͓̾̌͋̋̅̐͊͗͋̍́̀͛̽̈́͗́͆͑̅͛̈́̕͝.̵̫̰̖̳̳̜̳̲̤̺̜̞̤̘̦͍͈̬̤̭̟̺̘̩͋͑̉͋̾͗̄͌̀̋̂̊̓̄͆̊̍͑̑̓̔̽̎̈́̈̐̂͂́̅̋͗͛̚̕̚̚̕͝.̴̡̢̧̡̡̩̲͈̤̬̝̞̻̬̙̤̩͇͈̩͔̮͔̠͕̱̲̤̙̘̟̬͎͉̠͎̬͖̝͖͉̖̺̳̝̞̩͚͖̖̤̟͔̟̳͇̍̈̎̀̽̊͆̃̇͘̕͘͜ͅ.̴̛̭̥͓̻͕̞͔̖̯̃͋̔͆̎̋̈́̿͌͋̋̎͑́͒̈́͗̽͐̀͒̃͊͗̓̍̓͊͆̅̑͌̑̑̈́͊͒̍͊͐̍͗͒͗̐͑̕̚͝͝͠ͅ.̴̢̡̝͇̱̪͉͍̮̜͚̟̯̣̘̫͔̱͚̪̻͇̫̀̽͒̋͛̐̍̓̄̿̑͛̄́̅̿̉̏̀̅̽̒̌̿̆͝͠͝ͅͅẁ̷̨̧̢̧̡̢̢̭̠̖̩͖̘̺̞͉̗̪̺̠̲̹̗̜̩͖̜̲͇̥̳͙̺͈̪͔̮̲̭̦̙͕̙͔̥̼͍͊̐̇͂̑̋̉͐̌͂̄͒̾̌̈́̒̈́̊̾͂̉̈́̄͋̽̾̍͗͋͊̓̊̅̎̃́̿̌̾̓́́̾̇̔̏̿̆͐͗͆͘̕̚̚͘̕̚͜͝͝͝͠ͅḩ̷̢̨̡̢̛̛̪̦̼̪̳̹͚͔̭̹̘̱̣̪͙͖̜̠̥͔̥̜̣̱͈̟̦̠͙̖͚̘̦̩͚̜͙͉̫͉̥͔͚͕͖̘̫̮͍̞̱̼̼͋͑͐̍͊̈͐̇̄̚͜͠e̶̢̨̡̼̝̳̭͙̮̞̲̭̬̠͙̘̜̺̫̟̗̫̲̘͙̤͈̰̖̺͚̯̺̝̲̫͓̱̯̗̳̟̭͚̫̰̭̟̅̿͛̌́̊̌̑̂̿̈́̍̃͆͂͗̏̈́̈́̓̊͐̄̇̌̽̔̉̈́͘͘͝͝͝r̸̢̢̢̼̤̥̘̹̝͇̟̖͙̜̦̮̻̦͍̰͉̹̘̻̖̰͉͙͇̫̲̤͙̭̱͉̗̯̲̥̠̝͎͖̘͎͕̗̳̙̯͚͙̲͍̲̦̮̤̅͒͛͜ͅͅe̷̢̨̛̛̛̜͖̳͕̼̝͉̤̠̫̳̤̞̲̞͈̙̬̲̦͍̬̻̟̯̤̰͈̮̤̓̽̅̒̃̅̑͑͐̈́͆̍̀͊̌̓̀̿̂̐̅̆̎̽̀̄̍͂̈́̿͋̇̓̒̄͑̔́͑̚̕̕͘̕̕̕͜͝ͅͅ ̷̡̧̡̧̗̲͈̗̮̟̲̩̣̻̱̦͇̖̣͙͎̟̦̖̯͕̰̬̹̬̰͈̯͓͔͕͇̬̠͕̥̜̭͔̭̘̖̞̌̿̓̅̐̈́̀̅͐̀̃͐͗̽̈́͗́͂̽̈́̑̀̓̊̀̽̑͐͋̍͐́͋̔̿̓͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝ą̴̧̡̢̡̧̢̛̛̭̼̹͍̪̰̯͔̳̻̜̲͈̣̘̜̘̼̘͖͕̯̤̟̻͔͚͙̯̰̜̣̘̙̮̜͔͌̉̌̾̅́̀͐̔̀̅̈́̈́̏̌̊̒̔̈́̇̀̔̍̚͠ͅͅr̴̠͊̔̈͋̉̊͐̋̽̆̒̒̚͘͝ę̵̡̢̡̢̢̧̨̛̛͇̼͍̝̬̲̣̥̪̦͍͓̭̳̱̰͎̠̝̦̯̟͓̥̦̠̼̼͍̰͔̖̪̥͍̤͙͉̟͔̺̘͍̭̊̉̄̇̈́̆̆̉̽̃̉́̐̄̀̌̒̆̄̊̐̑͛͑̅̒̆͒̓̆̒́̌̉̀͘͜͝͠ͅ ̴̧̡̭̻̻͍̣̦̟͉͍̲̥̼̼̺̰̣̩̼̖̩̺͚͓̩͙͚͈̪̤̟̬̪̞̘̫̰̣͖̤̰̦̠̺̼̺̹͙͕̋̆͆̄̌͐̑́͜ͅͅy̶̧̧̢̱̳̤̭͖̞̮̟͙̱̣̞̗̙̰̣̯̥̰̣̺̪͕̠̺̗̥͕̤͖̝͙̭͚̩̮͕͚̗̖͓̩̜͂̑̊̔ͅͅo̶͚̙̠̗̮͂́̾̍́͌̈̓̏̕̕u̶̧̨̢̨̨̡̼̖̳͚̞̳̖̻̭̹͇͎̭͔̖͚̻͕͙͉̺͖̜͙͍̫̼̲͈̬͖͈̩̫͍̳̣̜̝̮̙̤̭͈̝̩̤̣̘͔̮͓͈͚͕̰̙͂͂͛͋́͂̆̍̓͂͘͜͝͝ͅ"

Y/N looks around, confused from the sudden voice speaking to her. She wasn't able to understand what it said but she heard only one word. "Two"

Looking around, Y/N notices she is no longer in the panic room. She looks around her and sees a strange structure.

-with the others-

Thea tried to communicate with Y/N using her astral projection, but she can't. "Sara," she says. "Yeah?" Sara asks.

"Can you try and teleport to Y/N?" Thea asks. Nora looks away, she knows something the others don't. "No, i don't have enough energy for that." Sara says, looking down.

"I know what to do," Nora finally speaks up. "I can do a lot of things with different universes" she says. "Then please," Thea says.

"Help her"

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