《Painfully Sweet》Chapter 26


Luka P.O.V

I watched Zophisa as she slept. I heard what she said last night. I don't want her to leave me after this is all over but I know she will. I've grown to like her dominating attitude. I could really see a future with her.

"Stop staring at me you creep," she grumbled as she rolled over and buried her face into the pillows.

"No," I said with a chuckle. I watched her as she took a deep breath and pushed herself into a cobra-like pose, making her bones crack.

"What are we doing today ?" She asked, sitting up against the headboard.

"My father invited us to lunch," I said. She let out a long groan.

"What time?" She asked.

"One o'clock," I answered.


"My father's backyard."

"Who's going to be there?"

"My brother, his wife, and my father's wife."


"We have to discuss my brother's betrayal and his fate," I said. She just nodded and got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Zophisa P.O.V

I walked into the bathroom and freshened up. When I walked back into the the bedroom Luka was standing in our walk-in closet getting dressed. He was wearing black slacks with no shirt.

"What color shirt?" He asked.

"Burgundy. We look good in burgundy," I answered, he nodded.

"You don't have to cover your tattoos," he said as he buttoned his shirt.

"Not that one, the satin one that matches my dress," I said to him as I pulled my dress off of the hanger. It was a basic spaghetti strap bodycon dress that stopped under my knees with a small slit in the back.

I quickly took the shirt off and pulled the dress on. I pulled my braids out from under the dress. I walked out of the closet and into the bathroom to do my hair. I pulled my braids up into a neat bun before doing my edges. While I was putting my lipgloss on Luka appeared in the doorframe.

"Is that why you didn't want to wear your wedding dress?" He asked, staring at my back.

"Yup," I said, popping the p, "I tried to get them covered with tattoos but obviously you can still see them."

"What happened?" He asked.

"That's a different story for a different day," I said as I turned around to look at him.

"Seriously?" I asked, straight facing him.

"What?" He asked, looking himself up and down.

"Black socks?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, "I might as well just dressed you myself." I marched over to our dresser and pulled a pair of burgundy socks out of the drawer and shoved them in his hand.


I picked up my bottle of Idole and sprayed myself with it. I started picking through his colognes, trying to decide what he should wear.

"You need to throw this shit away," I said, holding up his bottle of polo red.

"Why, I like polo red," he said as he walked passed me to get to the closet.

"This is a man whore's cologne. Are you a man whore? No because I'd kill you," I said, picking up his bottle of coach and taking it to him in the closet.

I picked the shirt I wore to bed up off of the closet floor along with Luka's pajama pants and took them to the dirty clothes hamper all the way in the bathroom. I didn't feel like going back in the closet to get my shoes.

"Babe can you bring me my black shoes?" I called and my eyes instantly went wide after I noticed what I said.

"You have a billion black shoes," he called back. We just going to ignore it? Cool.

"The pumps," I called. He came out of the closet soon after with my shoes. He was fully dressed. I watched as he turned the light off and pulled the double doors to the closet closed.

I quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my black Birkin bag.

"You ready?" He asked. I just nodded. We went downstairs and left through the garage door since Luka was driving. He set the alarm and we got into the black truck with dark tints.

"So are we going to ignore you calling me-," I quickly cut him off.

"Yup," I said, he just chuckled.

We carried a light conversation for the short ride to his father's house. When we got to the door we were greeted by who I assumed was a maid. She spoke in Italian to Luka as she walked us through the gorgeous house to the back yard where everyone was already seated and engaged in light conversation. I pulled my sunglasses out of my purse and put them on.

As we approached the table everyone stood up and the maid walked off.

"Son, Zophisa," Giovanni greeted with a smile. He and Marco were both wearing all black.

"Giovanni," I said with a slight nod.

"This is my wife, Alice," he introduced. I smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"You too dear," I recognized her voice, she was at the wedding trying to help me get ready.

"This is my youngest son Marco and his wife Caterina," he introduced. I shook both of their hands and Luka and I walked around the table to sit down.

"It's kind of chilly," I said as I rubbed my arms. Luka let out a groan before taking his blazer and helping me put it on.


"You such an asshole," I said with a chuckle as he pulled my chair out for me.

"You are what you attract," he said as he sat down next to me.

"Let's get this lunch started then shall we," Giovanni said from his seat at the head of the table.

Luka looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Just pasta and salad," I said. He nodded before loading my plate. I noticed Giovanni giving us a questionable look so I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he looked away.

"Let's get into business shall we?" Giovanni said, causing me to sit up straight.

"Giovanni has betrayed his famiglia. There is nothing to talk about," Marco spoke up from his seat at the table to the right of Giovanni. Luka sat opposite of his at the other end of the table while I sat next to Alice and across from Caterina.

"I agree," Luka said.

"He told me he did it because this was supposed to be his. The power, the money, the fame was never supposed to go to Luka," Marco said.

"He gave this up," Luka said.

"I know. I tried to tell him that and he went crazy on me," Marco said.

"When did you speak to him?" Giovanni asked.

"The last time we spoke he was just talking. Saying he wanted his title back and he deserved it," Marco answered, "about two months ago. I thought he was drunk."

"It was never his to reclaim," Luka roared, making the two other ladies jump. I looked at him through my shades and he looked at me, as if he could feel my gaze.

"Relax," I mouthed. He took a deep breath.

"What are we going to do?" Luka asked.

"We are going to have him handled," Giovanni said.

"What do you think?" Luka asked me. I took off my sunglasses and looked at Giovanni.

"I think this problem is bigger than you're giving it credit for. Your son and my father are two people with motives. I have my father handled and if your son is anything like you or his brothers he knows he's next. My father has been off the grid for three or four days. Your son is gone. But even worse, he's gone and I'm mad. I'm not nice when I'm angry. Ask my husband," I said.

"What are you saying?" Giovanni asked.

"If you don't handle your son, I will. And let me say this, your grandchildren are beautiful and your pregnant daughter-in-law is as well," I said, looking him dead in the eyes.

"You have no man power here, I don't see what you could possibly do," he said.

"I thought the same thing when I thought Luka was behind this. So I made a few calls," I said with a shrug.

"How long do we have?" Marco asked.

"Forty eight hours. Or until he strikes. Whichever comes first," I answered, "my men have orders to move in if I don't tell them not to every few hours."

"Well, it looks like we have to cut lunch short. I've been given a time limit," Giovanni said, standing up. I looked over at Caterina who was staring at me in awe. I winked at her before putting my sunglasses back on.

"We should be going then," Luka said, standing up as well. Marco stood up after. Luka walked behind my chair and pulled it out for me and I stood up. I picked my purse up from the table as I said goodbye to everyone.

"That went well," I said to Luka as we walked into the house.

"I think so," he said as he opened the front door for me. We walked to the truck and he opened the passenger seat door for me.

"Can we watch that show again when we get home?" He asked as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Sure," I said with a chuckle.

I quickly texted Adrian and gave him a run down of the events since he was probably still sleep since it's 8 a.m in New York.

When we got back to the house I quickly changed into one of Luka's shirts and took my bun down.

We sat in the living room watching Living Single. I was next to Luka sitting cris cross apple sauce and rolling a blunt, mumbling along to the TV. We were still on season one.

"You ole liar you just dated my man last month," I said along with Regine as I lit the blunt and grabbed the ashtray. Luka lifted his arm as an invitation for me to cuddle under him.

"You always want me up under you. You must like me or something," I said as I accepted his invitation.

"Or something," he said with a smirk.






Sup guys. We not gone talk about how long it's been. I tried to give y'all a lil sum sum. I low key feel like this story is trash that's why I don't update like that cause I be having hella writers block off this. But I got a serous question. Y'all want smut? Cause somebody asked a while ago. I don't matter to me just lmk.


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