《Painfully Sweet》Chapter 24


Zophisa P.O.V

I quickly stood up, snatching the EpiPen from its place on the table. I walked over to Alessio and popped the top on the EpiPen before stabbing it into his thigh.

"Take him downstairs," I said to the two guys by the door. They quickly rushed in and picked his unconscious body up and hauled him to the basement.

"You are truly fascinating," Luka complimented from his seat at the table.

"I try," I said with a smirk.

"Have you spoken to your brothers?" He asked.

"No I haven't," I said, looking around for my phone. Luka pulled it from his pocket and extended it towards me. I grabbed it and quickly called Adrian.

"Yer," he answered.

"You haven't called me all day," I pointed out.

"It's only two o'clock. I'm a busy man," he said.

"It's hard being me huh?" I asked with a smirk.

"Deflate yourself," he said. I just let out a chuckle.

"Did you run down on the old man?" I asked, seriously.

"Yeah and that son of a bitch will not talk," he said with a sigh.

"That bastard," I mumbled.

"What you want us to do?" He asked.

"I want you to crack him," I said, angrily, "whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes," he repeated.

"Wait!" I quickly said before he hung up.

"What?" He asked.

"Remember what we did to get that baker to tell us who was selling out of his bakery?" I asked.

"Yeah we made him think-," he quickly cut himself off, "Ohh I heard you. I'm handling it right now."

"You go handle that and hit me back," I said before hanging up.

"What did you tell the Baker?" Luka asked.

"You nosey as hell ain't you?" I asked, "But if you must know..."

(a/n yup switching povs in the middle of a chapter!)

"So you clear on what you gotta do?" I asked Sincere as we stood outside the steel door in the basement of the club. The club was empty but before Zo left she had it soundproofed for special occasions like these.

"I got you," Sincere said, dapping me up and opening the door. I waited about twelve minutes before I decided to put my part of the plan in motion.


"Stay by this door and don't let a nobody in this motherfucker," I told four of my bros I bought for backup. They nodded and I opened the door.

I rushed down the hallway to the last room where we were keeping our dad. When I ran in, Sincere was throwing punches to his face with brass knuckles on.

"Sincere!" I called.

He turned to look at me, "What?" He asked.

"We gotta go bro, now!" I yelled.

"Man I'm in the middle of something," he said, dismissing me.

"Zyaire we gotta go right now!" I screamed, calling him by his government name.

His face softened and he walked up to me, "What happened?" He asked.

"It's Zoey," I said letting out a small breath, "They shot my sister man."

"What?" He asked, taking a step back. "You lying," He accused. I forced a tear to slide down my face before looking at my Dad.

"I told you not to fucking send her over there!" I screamed, walking over to him and punching him in his, now unrecognizable, face.

"Man fuck him we gotta go catch a flight," Sincere said, pulling my arm.

"Next flight not for two days," I said, snatching my arm from his grip.

"Is she gone be okay?" My dad asked.

"Luka said she might not make it, critical condition," I said, walking over to a table with random weapons and picking up a hammer.

"What?" He asked, breathlessly, "That wasn't supposed to happen she wasn't supposed to die!" By that point he was screaming.

"I don't give a fuck what she was supposed to do!" I screamed in his face.

"You know something about this?" Sincere asked with a grimace.

"She was supposed to come back here. She was supposed to give up. She wasn't supposed to die!" He rambled as he cried.

"That don't even sound right. Zoey wouldn't give up a damn thing, especially to you," I spat. I quickly raised the hammer and smashed his fingers and heard them crack.

He let out a loud cry, "I was going to threaten to send her to jail!" He confessed.

"You lying, cause if she go down, you go down. You not stupid, you know that," I said before smashing his other hand.


"I have proof she killed that English dude," He sobbed.

"Well it's no good cause she might be dead!" Sincere shouted.

"He wasn't supposed to kill her!" He yelled.

"Who the fuck is he?" I asked, grabbing him by the throat.

"Giovanni," he said, breathlessly. I pushed his neck away with so much force his chair tipped backwards.

"You really are as stupid as we give you credit for," I said, wiping the fake tears frim my face and chuckling. Sincere and I walked around his chair so he could see us.

"Good night," Sincere said before raising his foot and stomping on our Dad's face. He quickly went limp in the chair. I started to walk out.

"You think it's safe to leave him like that?" Sincere asked, trailing behind me. I just shrugged.

"Zoey is not going to be happy about this," I said as we walked through the steel door. I pulled it shut and locked it using the security keypad.

"Who gone tell her?" Sincere asked.

"Not it," we said simultaneously, touching our noses.

"Yo A, call it," One of our guys said as he held up a quarter.

"Tails," I said. He flipped the coin and looked at us with a smile.

"Heads," He said.

"Son of a bitch," I cursed.

"Sorry bro," My guy said, patting my shoulder.

"Ahh that's what you get!" Sincere teased.

"Shut yo ass up," I said smacking the back of his head. He pouted as he rubbed the back if his head while we walked out of the club.

"He's working with who?" I shouted into the phone.

"Sorry sis," Adrian said.

"Oh nah," I said, "Nobody sorry yet. But a motherfucker about to be though." I hung up the phone and looked at Luka who was just staring at me confused.

"What?" He asked.

"Your dad has been working with my dad," I answered. I saw Luka's jaw instantly clench.

"Why would he do that?" He asked, standing up. I just shrugged.

"I may know why boss," One of our men spoke up, his thick accent making him speak broken English. He was the same one who escorted Nana home. Luka nodded for him to continue.

"A long time ago, when my father worked with yours, her father saved his life."

"How do you know it was her father?" Luka asked.

"My father told me that the two of you marrying might have been your father returning the favor to her father. I did not question it because it is not my business. But it looks like he was wrong," He answered. Luka just nodded.

"Let's go talk to Alessio," I said. The two men nodded and followed me to the basement where two other men stood guarding the door.

They silently nodded at us before opening the door for us to go in.

"Wake his ass up," I demanded. (A/n y'all got that song stuck in my head now with those comments from the first chapter.)

I watched as one of the men slapped his face multiple times, making him jolt awake.

"What's going on?" He asked, his voice hoarse. I pulled a cigarette from the pocket of my jean jacket. I put it between my lips and lit it.

"You know I was trying to quit?" I asked out loud, "But all this stress getting to me."

Alessio's head quickly snapped in my direction. I slowly walked towards him, painfully slow, and watched his face slowly start to show fear.

"I'm not going to do anything to you as long as you tell me what I want to know," I said. He nodded.

"Why is my father trying to get rid of her?" Luka asked from his place against the wall.

"Your father?" Alessio asked, confused, "Your father didn't send me, Giovanni did."

"Is Giovanni not his father's name?" I asked.

"It is but I'm referring to his-," Alessio was cut off by Luka.

"My brother," He said through clenched teeth.






That's our chapter folks! When this is over I was thinking about doing a prequel about how Zophisa got into the life. What y'all think?


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