《Painfully Sweet》Chapter 1


I raked my bloody hand through my thick red curls as I circled the half-dead guy on the grown. He looked pathetic, wheezing for breath like a fish out of water. "Get the fuck up," I spat at him. He attempted to push himself up with his one good arm but was soon kicked back down by my brother, Adrian.

"What, you not gonna do anything bitch?" He asked looking me dead in the eye. I raised my eyebrow and chuckled. For a second, I saw his tough guy facade break and fear flash in his eyes.

I grabbed him by his hair and smashed his face into the concrete floor. His nose gushed blood and his front tooth chipped. I stood up and let his head fall back to the floor, he was unconscious. I pulled a cigarette from my back pocket and lit it. My small brown hands shaking with anger as I took a pull.

"Wake his ass up," I commanded.

"You sure sis? I don't think he's gonna talk," my twin brother, Sincere, said.

"Oh he's gonna talk, I just cracked him," I said as I flicked ashes onto his unconscious body. My brother just shrugged and threw the bucket of water on him. He sat up, screaming out in pain. It's a good thing we're in the basement of a club, or we would've gotten caught.

I rolled my eyes as he continued to scream. "Shut up," my older brother roared. I groaned and squatted next to him as he continued to scream. I took the cigarette out of my mouth and pressed the burning end against his neck.

"I'll talk!" He screamed, "it's the cartel, they're after your father!"

"Why?" I asked, pressing the cigarette deeper into his skin.


"They know he's working with the mafia," he gritted out. I pulled the cigarette from his skin and looked at my brothers in confusion. They just shrugged.

"You're going to die from the pain in about ten minutes. You'll have plenty of time to think about the consequences of your actions in hell," I said as I used the back of his hand to put my cigarette out and stood up.

I opened the steel door that led to the basement stairs and my brothers followed. "You have to talk to dad, Fefe," Adrian said to me as we walked up the stairs.

"For what?" I asked, looking at the messages on my phone.

"You basically his boss. We all know he not moving shit without you," Sincere answered.

"Damn right. I just wish somebody would tell his black ass that. I run this shit," I replied with a smirk. My brothers laughed as we walked out of the back of the club. I looked around the empty parking lot, suspiciously. We started to reach for our guns when a black truck sped into the parking lot.

The driver's window dramatically rolled down revealing the driver of the truck. A tan man with slick black hair and many tattoos.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, bitterly with my gun raised to his face.

"Calm down princess, your father sent me. I work under Luka," the man answered with a thick Italian accent.

"Yeah, cause dad always sends random people after we finish a job," Sincere said sarcastically.

"Shoot this mother fucker Z," Adrian commanded.

"Nah," I said as I lifted my gun, "I'll do us one better." I hit him in the temple with the butt of my gun and watched as he fell unconscious. Adrian opened the car door and pulled the man out. I jumped in the driver's seat while Sincere and Adrian got in the back to make sure he didn't wake up. My dad has some serious explaining to do









Hey guys! This is my first time publishing a story on wattpad! Please feel free to leave comments and critiques 💞

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