《Can Hurt Heal》Chapter twenty-two


I woke up to juicy lips all over my face. My face hurt but the kisses were so soft. I hissed a little when my jawline was kissed. the lips landed again and just sit there. Seems this small gesture had my heart beat racing and my body heating up. I opened my eyes and saw Jay lean back and smile at me.

"Good morning beautiful " He spoke I turned my head because I knew my cheeks were burning bright red. "Hey." I whispered, I honestly can't wait till my jaw heals geeze. "Don't hide that beautiful face from me. How are you feeling?" He asked looking in my eyes, tryna read me, and the shyness took over.

I felt like he was reading into my soul, and it scared me. I closed my eyes to keep tears from falling, but that didn't work cuz one of the Lil bastards slowly fell down my face. I feel so weak. I've always held my cool and now, I'm so broken all I do is cry. My dadda said. "Girls cry sometimes but you can't be no pussy just cuz you have one." so I always kept things to myself. Didn't wanna disappoint the big man.

My sister has the strength I use to fake. Now I feel wide open and vulnerable. I miss the old quiet me, the one that fought if needed; and stayed to herself; the one that was still pure. He stole so much from me

"Baby, stop thinking so hard " Jay said wiping more tears. See, he always tryna be in my head. "Umm, Jaylen go and Umm get something to eat, and take a bath, and relax. You have been up here almost none stop." I said. It was true he went to the cafeteria and back. He was literally on his last pair of clothes he had Ty bring. He looked at the ceiling silent like he was having a major conversation with himself, rather he would listen to me or not.

"Please, you can pack more clothes and come back I'll be ok." I said to him not making eye contact because I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince. "Iight baby, but Storm gone be up here with you." he said kissing me and pulling his phone out.

If he could keep his luscious lips to himself. But I have a feeling he's enjoying the fact I can't really talk shit to him. He slowly got his arm from under me, I'm sure it's numb from my fat ass, but once he stood he stretched and he didn't have on a shirt. I caught myself staring at his chest that was tatted down to his abs to the V line that was like a road map.

Awe hell naw. LaNyiah you tripping ma'am. Men are not to be trusted, but how can I feel like this when he seems different. I turned on my side to keep from looking and it hurt so bad, I screamed in pain grabbing my ribs as tears began to pour.


"Damn bae, turn on the other side I gotta shirt on now. You know you gone be kissing all over this body one day. And ima definitely be kissing and licking and leaving marks on yours." He said smiling but I was hurting. He saw the tears and stopped laughing while pressing the nurse button.

"I'm tired of the medicine, please Jay." I said holding my side and balling up. "Ma, when you better you don't have to take anymore meds til you have our kids, but I'm not about to sit here and watch you be in pain and cry." he spoke kissing my temple

What the hell!? Nigga keep your lips to yourself sometimes geeeze. I thought as I heard him on the phone.

"Aye Storm, come up here with my girl... Yeah man she making me go home and shower and shit... I refuse to leave her here alone... Yeah see you in 5." he spoke hanging up. He turned and looked at me as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Baby, I trust Storm he not gone hurt you. Do you feel OK with him here?" he askedas his voice was filled with concern. "Yes, Jaylen." I spoke hissing as the nurse put meds in my IV and this time it burned. It had never done that before.

He looked at me and I pressed the nurses button again quickly. She returned and asked what was wrong "This time the medicine burns, it has never done that before." I said looking at my arm, and rubbing it as if I could rub the burn away. "The doc wrote a new script that should help more without the extra strain on your kidneys." Nurse Porscha spoke."OK, thank you." I said still rubbing my arm

She walked out and I just start throwing shit in reach. I hate being here, I'm tired of hurting and being hurt. I wanna go home to my bed and house. I just wanna ball up and die. I was crying and Jay held me until I got all my frustrations out.

"Baby, I get it, trust it will be over soon, and you will be better, then we can go out on a date and have fun, and go back to school. I'm here it's OK I promise." He spoke smoothly. "Jaylen, I'm tired. My life it's " I couldn't talk any more as I began to cry again.

"Baby you so strong. You're so sexy and beautiful, and ima show your ass everyday. You not gone punk me like you did the other day." he said laughing. I just looked at him crazy.

As he was holding me and telling how pretty I was, and my hair was long and my hips were wide enough to bare his kids, Storm walked in. I vaguely remember him but he was about 6'2" brown skin, built of course with dreads. He had a bottom row iced out grill that showed when he licked his lips and smiled.


"Hey lil mama. You good." he asked lightly hugging me. "Hey, and yes I'm good thanks for asking." I replied then I looked at Jay staring a damn hole in my head, ugh. This nigga.

After picking up his bag he walked over to me, as I was beginning to get sleepy. He kissed me, and told me to take my ass to sleep. Isn't there a better way he can tell me to rest dammit. I just closed my eyes. This medicine really had me loopy, and I didn't like it. I looked over and storm was sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked over at me and smiled.

"Go to sleep lil sis. I'm here." he said looking back at the TV.

I was too sleepy to speak, so I just nodded my head, well barely as Jay walked out. I was still tryna fight these meds because something didn't feel right. I looked over and storm was still there. Before I knew my eyes were heavy, I could hear everything but I couldn't move. Well my hands a little bit. I heard the door open

"Well hello Ms Crawford, didn't know you still had company. Sir we have some test I need to take her for." oh hell no, no, no, no, in my mind I'm screaming for Jay. It's Doc Burk voice.

I was so afraid, I don't have any test today all my test came back already. I have to do something to get Storms attention. Oh my God help me. He was getting closer I could hear him. I started fighting meds more. I could move my arm. Thank God. When he got closer he spoke in my ear.

"Lil Nae, you will never rat my son out. Say goodbye beautiful." He spoke I pulled his tie and bite down on his neck as he hollered.

Storm jumped up and I got weak and had to let go. Not because I wanted to, but because the meds were really in my system. I opened my eyes to see Storm beating all the breaks of a million cars off Dr. Burk.

I heard movement then I heard Storm in my ear.

"Hold on sis, I'm getting help" He pulled Dr Burk into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the door shut then I felt a wet towel on my face and mouth I'm sure he was cleaning blood, I could taste it. He pulled out his phone and called Jay and then someone else. As he was hanging up the nurse and my doctor, Dr Hardy came in

"Sir, my sister told a nurse different from her a min ago the meds burned. Then she can't move. Help please." Storm said pissed. They checked the charts; A nurse came in with more meds, and put them in my IV, I could breath better and finally open my eyes again. By the time I could move all the way Jay walked in mad; he and Storm exchanged a look. He came close, and I just held him. Shaking, I couldn't cry but I held on to him. The doctor came back in.

"Sir I do apologize, seems someone got her chart mixed up and gave her medicine she's allergic to. I do apologize it's wasn't me sir." Dr Hardy said. "OK, I need camera footage asap" Jay said dismissively. "Yes sir. " He replied then left.

Jay picked me up and sat on the bed with me in his lap. I snuggled closer as if I really could.

"Storm what, happened." Jay said. "Man, ol boy I got knocked out; tied up in the bathroom; came in talking about some test. Next thing I know he hollering and she latched on to the nigga. " Storm said pacing. Jay looked at me lifting my face. I tried to look everywhere but at him but it didn't work...

"Baby, look at me please." Jay whispered I looked up. "He was gonna kill me Jay, he was going to take my life." I said breaking down crying as I held on to him tighter.

His son had done enough damage to me, and took my child and my livelihood. His father was going to take my life. I was holding on to Jay and when four guys came in with a stretcher dressed like CNA's, who pulled ol boy out the bathroom, and put him on a gurney and covered him up.

"Damn bro, Lil sis tried to rip his neck out with her teeth." Storm said walking out laughing. Jay stood with me in his arms, this nigga is strong as fuck. He walked in the bathroom and made me gargle. I was grateful. I am not a damn vampire and not about to start. Once I was done he walked back and sat me on the bed. He tried to walk away, but I held him tight. His ass ain't leaving no more unless I'm with him. He was about to start something when Ty Nia walked in.

"What happened?" She asked as I reached for her then breaking down. I needed my pineapple right now. "Trey's dad was here." that's all I could get out.

Jay walked over to Ty. Nia laid me down and told me to rest. She kissed my head as she covered me up. They were whispering but I heard Nia loud and clear

"I want in." she said looking them both in the eye.


Oh snap, it's getting real. Hope you enjoy

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