《I'm sorry》The fight


Disclaimer I do not own Tmnt

One afternoon was an afternoon that would be a reminder of what was about to happen.

It all started when Raph was looking for a fight.When Leo came out of the dojo to get Raph for training Raph decided to start a fight.

Leo said Raph it's time for training.Raph said why do you get to say when it's time for training.I'm the leader and master splinter said to said Leo.

Raph took out his twin sai and said fight me Leo. Leo said I don't want to fight.Raph attacked but Leo dodged.

As they were fighting Raph said I HATE YOU AS LEADER I SHOULD BE I SHOULD!!!

Raph didn't know those might be the last words he said to Leo.

Leo stopped dodging and said I'm sorry I'm leader Raph and with that said ran out into the sewers.

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