《Safe Haven》Chapter Twenty Five


Friday night arrives and I'm glad the weekend is here, even though we have the geek event tomorrow and just the thought of it makes me tired. I stare at the costume Jamie helped me pick out hanging on the knob of my closet and smile. This girl really has a gift.

My phone buzzes and I check the screen for the notification. Speaking of the devil.


i've been kicked out again

The door is open

"Jess is having a lot of fun lately," I say when Jamie walks in.

"Tell me about it." She puts her things on my desk and sits next to me. "I think I might as well move in with you." We both laugh.

"And you still have no idea who it is?"

"I don't even know if it's the same person! For all I know it could've been a different dude every time."

"Than Jess has some good moves up her sleeves." I giggle and pull her closer for a kiss. "What do you want to do? All I had planned for tonight was a long shower and a movie."

"That sounds good. Why don't you go take that shower while I pick something for us to watch?"

"It's a plan." I peck her lips and go to my bathroom.

The warm water relaxes my shoulders and by the time I'm done, I feel like a brand new person. I dry myself and that's when I realize what I did. Fuck.

I unlock the door and open the tinniest amount possible. "Hey, Jamie."


"Um, I kind of forgot to bring my clothes with me... underwear too." Silence. "I have a few options. One, I'll just go out there and get them. Two, you could bring them to me. Or three, I'll just stay butt-ass naked for the rest of the night." She laughs at the last option. "I'm fine with walking out with only my towel, but I don't know about you."


"You can just come out if you want." Her voice is weird.

"Are you sure?" I know she had her mind set on taking things slow, so me walking around in just a towel wouldn't help that idea.

"Yeah, I'll just look away."

"Ok, then." I laugh and get out. She has her face almost touching the opposite wall and I roll my eyes. "I don't mind if you look, but do whatever you want." I giggle and grab my clothes.

"Allie, if I look, I don't know if we'll watch that movie." My face flushes and I stop moving.

"Would that be so bad?" I tease.

"Allison, just get your fucking clothes and put them on, please." I can feel her tension and just laugh.

I quickly put my clothes on right there just to tease her a little more and when I'm done I tiptoe towards her to whisper in her ear. "Hey." She jumps and I laugh. "Was that so bad?"

"Yes." I take a look at her face and see the tension.

"It's ok, don't be so nervous." I smile while grabbing her hands and pull her towards the bed. "Let's watch that movie now."

She takes a deep breath and we sit down on my bed. She presses play and we get comfortable.

I wake up the next morning with Jamie's arm around my waist and her face right in front of mine. I smile and realize that it's the first time we slept in the same bed after we got together. I look at her and lightly brush the dark hair that is on her face away.

I slowly get off the bed not to wake her, and go use the bathroom. When I come back out, I find her eyes looking at me. "Morning, beautiful," I say and get back to her side.


"Morning, gorgeous." I make a face at our exchange, but lean in for a sweet kiss. When we pull away she's smiling. "Thank you for not doing the whole 'I have morning breath thing'. That's silly and the flavor of toothpaste isn't the first thing I wanna taste in the morning." I laugh and lean for another kiss.

Her stomach grumbles and I laugh mid-kiss. "Let's go have some breakfast."

We get up and she heads to the bathroom. I take that time to quickly change my clothes so last night's incident doesn't repeat. Not that I mind her seeing me changing my clothes, but apparently she does right now. She comes back out, starts going through her stuff, and frowns.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I think I forgot my card back at my room."

"We'll get it before we go downstairs."

She grabs her clothes and gets back in the bathroom. I roll my eyes while I get my bag and sit on my bed to wait for her.

When she comes out, she gets her things and we go to her room. She unlocks the door and when she walks in, she screams.

"What? What's wrong?" I rush to her and turn to find out what she's looking at. "Oh my god!" I yell as my eyes go wide and I quickly cover them with both of my hands.

"What the fuck?" she whisper-shouts.

"Morning, girls," Scott says from Jess' bed with an awkward smile on his face.

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