《Safe Haven》Chapter Four


I shift while standing next to Matt and try to follow the conversation he is having with some of his friends about some of the classes they signed up for this semester, but I don't understand a thing about History. I manage to hear a few names of people I knew, maybe a war or revolution, but other than that I am completely lost.

"Let's go get more drinks." A guy dressed as a cop steps away and the other two follow him.

"Hey, can you wait for me to hit the lady's? It'll be just a sec." I grab Matt's arm before he could leave me behind.

"Sure." He kisses my lips lightly and I make my way towards the restroom.

While I'm doing my business, I google some of the topics I remember the boys talking about to try to at least not be completely lost in their conversation.

I come out and look for Matt but I can't see him. I go to the drinks table but I don't find him or the other guys. I start walking around the entire place, but they seem to have disappeared into thin air.

I see the girls and Scott sitting on a couple couches further away from the crowd and go to them. "Hey, have you guys seen Matt? I went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone."

"I don't think he passed by us." Jess answers me while Jamie, Daisy and Scott shake their heads.

"Why don't you stay here with us? Maybe he's also looking for you and if both of you keep walking around you might not find each other." Daisy points to the empty space in the couch between her and Jamie. "Besides, Scott was about to tell us about the scar on his eyebrow." She points towards it and I see the slit on his left eyebrow.

I shrug and sit at the spot she offered me. I get my phone and text Matt.

Couldn't find you

So I'm with the girls at the

couches towards the back

"So" Scott begins "when I was nine or ten I went to my grandfather's farm to spend the summer with my whole family. One day my cousins and I were playing around near the property fence and I saw this really cool feather, it was super colorful, so I decided to grab it. But the thing is it was very close to the fence which was located in the middle of a random low part of the land. So I decided to go get it, but when I stepped to go down the few feet to the bottom, I tripped and fell face first into the barbed wire." We all flinch just thinking about the situation. "I could've gone blind because of a stupid feather." He chuckles. "The end."


"I'm sorry, but that's really stupid." Jess starts laughing and Scott joins her.

"I know! And I didn't even get the feather after that, so it was all in vain." Now he has all of us laughing.

"I got the scar on my knee when I was running on the street and fell on the paving stones. My knee hit the point of one of them and it opened a whole in it." Jamie points to her right knee. "I would show you, but I can't pull my pants this high."

We keep telling each other silly stories about scars and bruises and I don't notice the time flying. We all keep laughing at the stupid details everyone shared.

"I really feel like dancing right now." Daisy gets up from her seat. "Let's go, people."

We all get to the dance floor and start dancing to whatever song was playing. Scott shows his entire repertoire of dance moves, from running man to sprinkler to the entire choreography to Bye Bye Bye when the song comes up, which has me cry laughing the entire time.

"How the hell do you know every step to that song?" I yell over the music.

"I have two older sisters who were - well, still are - obsessed with all boybands and made me learn every choreography. So if any boyband song comes up you better be ready!" We all laugh but no choreography comes up after that one.

"I'm going to get another drink, do you guys want anything?" I tell everyone and they all ask for something. "I only have two hands."

"I'll help you." Jamie says and we walk towards the drink table.

While we're grabbing everything, I look up and see Matt across the room, but he's talking to a girl dressed in a very small Tinker Bell costume. I look harder to see if I recognize her, but I don't. I start getting mad. Has he been all this time talking to her?

I'm not jealous at all, I'm just really pissed and Jamie seems to notice.


"What's wrong?" She comes closer to me.

"That's what's wrong." I point towards what I was looking at and see she frowns at the sight. I get my phone and check the time. "He left me at the bathroom over two hours ago and apparently he didn't even bother trying to look for me, or at least send a text. I don't care if he wanted to do something else, but couldn't he tell me? He just left me there." I sigh extremely annoyed.

"That's really..." she can't find words.

"Inconsiderate? Selfish? Ridiculous? Annoying?" I suggest. "Yes, it is."

"I think we should probably go back home. It's pretty late and the girls seem to have had enough to drink."

"Yeah, let's go."

We make our way back to the couches and tell the girls we're leaving. Scott asks for a ride and we walk towards Jamie's car. I get my phone to text Matt.

I'm leaving

I hope your conversation

with Tinker Bell was worth

ditching me for over 2 hours

I put my phone away and plan to ignore it for the rest of the night.

"Can we get some burgers on our way home? I'm kinda hungry." Daisy asks as we get inside the car.

"There's a 24 hour dinner near my place." Scott offers.

"Let's go then." Daisy smiles.

Jamie and I split some french fries while the other three order a full meal. Daisy is beyond happiness with her burger and milk shake. They are deep in a meaningless conversation, but I can't pay attention.

"Are you ok?" Jamie grabs my hand over the table.

I raise my head to look into her worried eyes. "I'm fine, just annoyed and tired." I sigh and put another fry in my mouth. "Earlier Matt was pissed because this random guy hit on me and he just didn't want to let go of me, then he just disappeared and didn't say anything."

"Well, fuck him." My eyes widened and she laughs. "If he can't appreciate your company then it's his loss." We both smile.

"I really am amazing, aren't I?" She laughs and I fake offense. "You don't agree?"

"On the contrary! I think you are the best."

"Then it's a good thing I think the same about you." Her lips form a sweet smile and I do the same.

"Are you two done? I'm tired and I still have to take off all of this make up." Jess points to her face.

"Yes, Jess. We can go." I answer.

We pay and go back to the car to drop Scott off. Daisy falls asleep halfway to the dorm and we have to wake her up when we get there. She gets out of the elevator on her floor and the rest of us get to ours.

"Good night, Allie. I'll see you tomorrow." Jess waves at me as get off the elevator, since my bedroom is to the right and theirs to the left, we go separate ways from here. I wave back and watch her skipping down the hallway.

"Good night, Jamie."

"Good night, Allie." We both turn to get to our rooms. "Allie! Wait." I turn around and see Jamie walking towards me."You know, I really meant it when I said I think you're the best." Jamie's tone is serious. "Don't let him make you think you're anything less than that." She gives me a tight hug and leaves.

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