《Ravished by a Rake : Historical Fiction》Chapter 18
Sybrina sensed his presence before she saw him in the mirror. Her eyes stared at his huge frame hovering at her door that was ajar. Their eyes locked as they gazed at each other in the mirror. Both oblivious to Harriet's presence in the room. Neither of them spoke, just gazed longingly into each other's eyes.
'Er__, I'll be in the kitchen, 'Harriet's voice went on deaf ears, until she shut the door and that seemed to bring the both of them back to the present.
'My lord__,' Sybrina twined her fingers anxiously. She barely observed the tray in his hand.
'Good morning my lady,' his tone was grave.
'My lord__' she whispered again, standing up. She wanted to apologise. She wanted to find a hole and hide. She wished there was a way to erase her disgraceful behaviour of last night from his mind, but that was impossible. Why had she drank so much? She had behaved worse than a wanton tramp trying to seduce her own husband! Saints of heaven what must he think of her? He was probably disgusted, by the look of his sombre face.
'My lord, I do not know where to begin apologising__.'
'How is you head?' he asked unsmilingly, walking towards her with the tray.
In need of a whole bottle of laudanum. On the contrary let's not mention the word bottle.
'Fine,' she lied, standing ramrod straight.
Alexander could not believe the nervous lady, who stood in front of him, who refused to look him in the eye was the same lady who had tried to seduce him last night.
He achingly remembered her soft arms pinned around his neck. Her fingers trailing erotically over his chest. Her lips like velvet brushing against his neck. Her long slender fingertips exploring over his chest. Her beautiful breasts pressed against his body. By gods what would making love to her be like, after she's had some experience? He could scare imagine, as he felt his body become aroused, just from recalling her inexperienced hands over him last night. He quickly moved away, so she could not see his aroused state under his trousers, and taking his time, he placed the tray on the bed side table.
'Come here,' Alexander instructed.
'Sit,' he commanded, when she meekly obeyed.
Sybrina looked around and found the only place to sit was the bed. The same bed she had erotically tried unsuccessfully to seduce her husband last night.
The duchess must keep him very happy, if she, a maiden could not arouse him. The duchess had warned her that Alexander was too experienced for her innocent ways. Well she had learnt her lesson last night. Once bitten, twice shy. Even in her drunken state she had felt his blatant rejection sharp and painful. This morning he could scare tolerate her long enough, he had hastily walked away from her.
Sybrina watched as he poured tea into a cup. Added more sugar into the cup, than either of them normally took in their tea. He then produced a bottle from his shirt pocket, which she recognised as laudanum. Very carefully he tipped two drops into the tea and held the cup out to her.
'Drink,' he instructed.
Sybrina ignored the cup forced upon her. '"Come! Sit! Drink! "' she repeated, her voice unbearably wistful. 'My lord are you just going to ignore my apology and continue to give me one word instructions?' she frowned.
'Drink?' he repeated, his voice rising sharply.
Immediately Sybrina reached out and took the cup, the frown intensifying on her face, as she swallowed the contents in one gulp. It was with difficulty that he kept a stern face. All he longed to do was wrap his arms around her and comfort her, but she was irresponsible in taking so much wine last night. What if she fell walking up the stairs? What if she drowned in her bath tub? He could not bear for any of that to happen.
'We have an invitation to visit Ralph and Claudia. We shall be leaving after you break fast. Oh just a moment.' Alex walked to his room and returned with a packaging. 'I was to give you this last night my lady.'
She looked away too embarrassed. Obviously if she had not been drunk with his wine, he would have had the pleasure of presenting it to her before dinner like he had planned, but she'd ruined his plans.
'Thank you my lord,' she murmured, leaving the package on the bed.
He waited for her to open it, but when she did not he walked out saying, 'I will be in my library.'
So she was to break fast alone. Sybrina picked up his packaging and flung it at the bed post, it split the packaging and she gasped as the contents were slightly revealed. She ran to the floor and gently picked up the packet. Inside were the most glamorous and fanciful drawers made of white silk. There were three pairs. There were also silky night shifts, in the same white. It felt soft like tissue. She made a purring sound and touched the soft silk shift to her cheek__.
'My lady__,' Alexander walked back into her chamber to see her slowly rocking about, cupping his gift to her cheek. She quickly hid it behind her back, when she heard his voice.
'My lady, I wanted to let you know that mamma will be accompanying us.' It seemed he wanted to prepare her that the trip was not going to be a romantic journey for two.
'Thank you my lord.' Whether she was thanking him for the information or the gift, she did not elaborate. He nodded and left her chamber.
Before breakfast, Sybrina quickly rushed to check on Spencer. He was happy and looking healthy. She wished she could say the same about herself. She had a raging thirst, and her head was thumping. Sybrina was thrilled that Spencer was better. She told him, he was fine to go out again, but not before she sat him down and gave him a stern lecture about popping just anything into his mouth. The boy apologised, showing enough remorse to make her impulsively wrap her arms around him and hug him to her bosom.
'Countess the boy is strong enough to return home,' Mr Charles walked in to see Spencer hugging Sybrina, with his arms tightly around her neck.
'I think your papa would like you back home,' Sybrina smiled.
'Yes Countess. I miss him too,' Spencer smiled.
'Would you like to join me for breakfast Spencer?' Sybrina was so not in the mood to sit in the huge breakfast room all by herself.
The boy looked at his uncle the butler, who seemed to nod approval, 'I'd like that Countess.'
'Good,' Sybrina reached out her hand, and the boy happily clasped it into hers. He began chatting to Sybrina at the table, about books and drawing pens the Earl had brought him and a brand new leather ball. Sybrina wondered if that was last night during her drunken stupor. She cringed silently, everytime she thought about the previous night.
Breakfast was completed. She did not want to waste Alexander's time. She informed Mr Charles to let him know that she was ready to leave. She went upstairs fetched a spencer and a hat and returned downstairs. Alexander was already waiting at the phaeton. The dowager was already seated inside. Alexander chose to sit with his groom outside, leaving her to enjoy stimulating conversation with the dowager. They were about to gallop away when she heard Spencer call out to her.
'Countess wait!'
Sybrina looked out the window as she heard the boy call out. Alexander instantly stopped his greys. When she realized the phaeton was standing still, Sybrina jumped out, Alexander was at the ready to assist her out.
'What is it Spencer?' she asked with concern.
'This is for you,' he brought his hands to the front that he'd been hiding behind his back. In it was a beautiful bunch of flowers that he'd hastily plucked from her garden. Sybrina looked up into Alexander face, there was a gentle smile on his face.
'Thank you Spencer,' Sybrina dropped to her knees and hugged the boy. 'Is it okay if I ask Mr Charles to put it in a vase for me? It will stay longer if it stands in water.'
'Yes,' he smiled.
'Thank you again,' she cupped his cheek. 'Perhaps you will visit tomorrow?'
'Yes Countess,' he smiled brightly.
Sybrina waved and stepped into the phaeton again. The dowager glared at her disgustedly, as if she was committing a cardinal sin by associating with the children of the labourers. She clicked her tongue and looked out the window, a most visible censure, in case Sybrina was unaware of her feelings on the matter.
'Baron Du Pont, and baroness' the dowager greeted Ralph and Claudia with all the love she never showered on Sybrina.
Claudia saw through the dowager's ruse, and awkwardly returned her affectionate greeting.
'Countess,' Ralph grinned, greeting Sybrina with a smile.
'Very funny Ralph,' Sybrina smiled back.
'Sy, so good to see you again, 'Claudia hugged her.
'Happy birthday for yesterday.'
Sybrina's eyes momentarily locked with Alexander's before she accepted the huge wrapped box that Claudia presented her with. She was pleased her husband was not glaring or scowling, there was just a polite friendly smile on his face.
'So out with it then Du Pont. Your note mentioned you have something you can not wait to brag about.'
Ralph smiled as he and Claudia exchanged a loving look. Ralph walked to where his wife stood, placing his arm around her, 'we are with child,' he smiled ecstatically
'Congratulations,' Alexander spontaneously hugged his friend. He offered Claudia a polite hug as well.
'My lady you do not seem surprised,' Alexander placed his arm around Sybrina's shoulder.
'Claudia did whisper it in my ear at the ball,' Sybrina returned her husband's polite smile.
'Well I can not wait for my Alexander's heir now,' the dowager put a damper on things.
'All in good time mamma. It took Ralph two years to get it right,' Alexander made light of the situation, as he cupped his arm around Sybrina protectively.
Ralph laughed good naturedly, whilst the dowager continued to give Sybrina her icy looks.
Claudia prepared a sumptuous lunch for the Cavendishes. They had a merry time in spite of the frosty dowager. Ralph played the pianoforte. They convinced Claudia and Sybrina to sing a duet. Alexander thought his wife sang beautifully. Ralph took Sybrina into the garden to brag about his latest blossoms. He sought her guidance on how to plant some new seedlings. She advised him on how to rotate the buds to get maximum harvest from his labour.
After tea and refreshments the men played a game of cards. The ladies had to painfully endure the dowager's nonstop diatribe of how well she had served her husband and how excellent a job she had done in raising the Earl of Cavendish to be such a respectful, wealthy and popular gentleman. Sybrina sat through it all, without uttering a word. Claudia suspected all was not right with Sybrina, but with the dowager present, there was hardly a moment to have a private word with Sybrina. Claudia made a mental note to invite Sybrina back for a one on one tea get together.
After dinner, when they had all retired for the night, Sybrina paced about in her chamber. She wanted to talk to Alexander. She knew he was awake, for the candle was still on. She could hear pages flicking. Taking a deep breath, she plucked up the courage and knocked on the interleading door. He was sitting at the table, with his head bent over the book.
'My lady?' Alexander stood up.
'My lord, I wish to speak with you__if I may.'
'You may speak about anything with me my lady.' Through her gown he could see the satin night shift he'd bought her.
Was she wearing the satin drawers?
He walked away a bit, so her bosom was not in his direct line of vision. Was she going to apologise again for her drinking? Or was she going to lash him for not accepting her apology?
'I think it is time for us to have a baby,' my lord.
Alexander swung around totally bewildered, his eyes widened like saucers as he stared at her.
'What?' he exclaimed.
'It is time,' she looked him directly in the eye, unwaveringly.
'Do you feel this way because the Du Pont's are with child?'
Sybrina did not answer him.
'Is it because of mama's interference?' his voice had a trace of irritation.
Still she did not respond.
'Sybrina,' Alexander came to stand in front of her, taking her hands in his, 'do you want a baby because Spencer has been tugging at your heart?'
Sybrina shrugged her shoulders. She seemed to be far away, not in the room there with him.
Damn it. If he was going to make love to his wife, he wanted her participation. She was not going to lie on her back like a spectator. Neither did he want his wife's advances to be influenced by the intake of alcoholic drinks, like it was last night. If his wife was going to lay with him, it was going to be because that was what she wanted.
He'll be damned if the only reason she came to his bed was to produce off springs. He would not be party to any baby making schemes. He loved children. He did want his own heir, but he will only lay with his wife, when she was willing and came to him freely. God above only knew what motivated her to come to his chamber tonight, but it was definitely not because she had an irresistible urge to make love to him.
'Are you sure you are ready to come to my bed?'
She just looked into his face as if she was trying to fit pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together.
'Come,' Alexander took her by her hand and led her back to her room.
Sybrina stood in the centre of the room and looked at it as if it was the very first time she stepped into the room. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to her bed. Peeling back the night covers, he carefully tucked her in.
'Good night, my sweet,' he kissed her lips softly.
'Good night,' she murmured, closing her eyes.
'My lady?
'Could you hold me till I fall off to sleep?'
Sybrina do you know what you're asking of me? Hell!
'Okay, go to sleep then,' he let his fingers run through her hair. She snuggled next to him, and after a while, he heard her breathing softly. He admired her pretty face as she slept soundly. She had a beautiful small pointed nose. Her lips so rosy red, he was tempted to place a kiss on them, but he thought better of it.
'My lord you're still __in my bed!' Sybrina exclaimed, although she found her body so close to his warm one absolutely thrilling.
'Good morning my sweet,' he smiled. 'May I say you look beautifully refreshing first thing in the morning?'
'Thank you,' she squirmed embarrassedly, 'why are you still here?' she dragged out.
'I tried twice to disentangle your arms from around my neck, but you just clung tighter,' he grinned. 'I must confess though, I took particular delight in not fighting my wife of,' his eyes teased.
'I am sure you are not telling the truth my lord,' she could not imagine herself being so possessive. Yet her body was burning up with an aching need to press against his body.
'Am I not? Where do you think your hands are right now?' he murmured huskily.
Sybrina took only two seconds to process what her husband had just said, and very quickly realized her arm was indeed rather possessively draped around his hip. Feeling totally self conscious, she tried to pull her arm away, but anticipating that action, he used his own arm to imprison her.
'I like it there,' his eyes locked with hers, dark desire mounting in his eyes.
'I need to wake up,' she protested, even as her eyes lowered to his lips
'No,' he denied her escape route.
'W__why not?' She was sure she sounded like a squeaky mouse.
'Because I want to kiss you,' he was playing havoc with her emotions. Off course she wanted to kiss him too. But it was wrong. He should not be in her chamber, let alone her bed.
'You can't,' she remonstrated unconvincingly.
'Oh but I can and I will,' his palms cupped her face, his head lowered as his lips gently meshed with hers.
'Alexander,' his name escaped her lips, as she tore away to press gentle kisses on his throat. 'Yes __you must kiss me,' she pressed at his nape, urging his mouth to continue his delightful nurturing, as his tongue caressed her cleavage.
'You are beautiful my wife,' his lips pressed wet kisses on her flimsy satin night shift. 'I like you in your new shifts,' she could feel the smile on his lips, as they were torturing her breasts sweetly.
'Morning countess__nyeiaah __heh__oh sorry! Harriet slammed the door shut.
Sybrina jumped out off her bed and ran to her wash room. She slumped to the floor, her heart was beating so fast, she clutched at it, hoping to still it.
Saints in heaven! My maid caught me making love to my husband!
'Sybrina open the door,' Alexander demanded.
'No my lord,' she pleaded.
'Allow me to enter, or I'm just coming in,' he threatened.
'Please my lord__just go __.' That was as far as she got, for Alexander just opened the door and marched in ignoring her protests.
'He picked her up from the floor and cradled her in his arms, 'what is the matter with you woman? I am your husband and you are my wife!
'You think I do not know that you are my husband? You think it is easy to ignore your overwhelming presence day in and day out?' She hated the fact that her body betrayed her, eagerly becoming aroused, just feasting on his handsome face
'Good I am glad we are on the same page,' his lips captured hers again as he took her back to her bed. She kissed him back, as she gazed into his eyes. Her index finger touched the scar on his face. Her lips followed, kissing it gently.
'Do you know what hell it was to lie next to you the entire night and not touch you,' he murmured. 'I have been patient long enough my pretty wife. 'Now, tell me that you want me,' he demanded.
Yes she wanted him. She wanted him to make love to her like she had never wanted anything in her life. It excited her thinking about it. He excited her. He was dashing and caring and gentle and funny and intelligent and __ unfaithful.
Did he think he can hop from her bed to the duchess's at a whim? Did he think she was going to share him with another woman? That might be the status quo in the ton, but hell she was never going to play second fiddle to any man. Never. He felt her body stiffen. He sensed her withdrawal. He lifted his head. His eyes filled with lust, duelled with hers, filled with stubborn pride. Without a word, he removed her hands from around his neck and stormed out of her chamber.
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RENAISSANCE. A Constantine Palaiologos Self insert story
RENAISSANCE is an alternate history science fiction novel/Wikipedia.55-year-old American book sales executive and ex silkscreen craftsman Michael Jameston wakes up in the body of Constantine Palaiologos, Despot of Morea, and soon to be the last Byzantine emperor.James initially wonders whether he is dreaming or delusional, but he quickly accepts his fate and sets out to survive. As a silkscreen printmaker, antique weapons collector, and alternate history geek, he has enough understanding of various devices used before his time but after the fifteenth century to be able to reproduce them by the means available.Let's explore together the new world that our protagonist will create!
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