《My American Boyfriend (Bakudeku)》~Chapter Twenty~


Song: Lovers Rock By TV Girl

i found this way too funny >:)


Third Person Pov:

Izuku rarely got nervous, or anxious.

He was bold and outgoing and always spoke his mind. So you can imagine how surprised he was when he woke up on valentines day, covered in a nervous sweat.

If Izuku was feeling that way and class 1-A wasn't even his class. Just imagine how Bakugo felt.

Class 1-A's hot-headed blonde was walking around his room pulling at his hair. Talk about dramatic. His green-haired boyfriend was sitting on the blonde's bed. Just watching Bakugo as he freaked out.

"Calm down, it can't be that bad."

Izuku said while laying back on the bed, his arms and legs were stretched out in a starfish position. He had his eyes closed as well, he couldn't keep watching the blonde anymore.

"It can't be that bad!?"

Bakugo repeated as he swung his arms towards the boy. Bakugo couldn't believe this, how can Izuku be so calm and collected?

"Maybe because I'm already out?"

Izuku said, his voice muffled by his arms that are now resting on his face.

"What?" Bakugo asked, he was now standing still and looking at Izuku with a bewildered stare.

"One, you said that out loud and two, I don't exactly hide my sexuality," Izuku responded while holding up two fingers. The blonde simply nodded before continuing to walk around in circles.

He was obviously deep in thought.

Maybe Izuku was right, maybe coming out to his class wouldn't be so difficult.

What are they going to do?

His thoughts were interrupted by loud music, he looked towards his boyfriend who was now dancing along to the song.

"Come on, dance with me!"

Izuku exclaimed, smiling brightly and extending his arms towards the blonde.


He jumped, spun, and swayed.

All Bakugo could do was watch.

That was until Izuku jumped on him, causing the both of them to fall to the ground like potato sacks.

Both Bakugo and Izuku fell silent, the only sound was the song that the greenette was previously dancing to.

That is until the both of them broke out into laughter. They gasped for air and clutched their stomachs, they couldn't stop laughing, they were loud and obnoxious.

It felt like old times, before Izuku moved away, and before UA.

They would spend hours laughing about nothing, and they would spend even more time talking about everything and anything.

They would lay next to each other in the blonde's backyard pointing at clouds and arguing about what shape it was. They would watch horror movies at midnight and later watch a cartoon to get their minds off of it.

Back when everything was perfect, back when they weren't stressed.

Back at home.

But what can you do, the past is the past.

They were still together, maybe in a different place and under different circumstances.

But they were still together.

And here they were, laughing their hearts out on the blonde's bedroom floor.

Izuku was still laying on top of the blonde as he shook with laughter. He tried hiding his face in the crook of the blonde's neck many times to muffle the giggling, but it only made it worse.

Bakugo had his arms wrapped around Izuku as he threw his head back in laughter, his red eyes were closed and a few tears managed to escape.

For a split second both of them forgot about what was going to happen in a few hours.

When they finally calmed down their faces were red and they were gasping for air.


"What the hell just happened?"

Izuku asked between pants, he got off the blonde and plopped himself down on the bed again.

"We almost died, that's what happened."

Bakugo responded as he also laid down next to Izuku on the bed.

Izuku turned to his side and looked at the blonde. " We don't have to tell them if you aren't ready." He finally said after a few minutes of looking at the blonde.

Bakugo also turned on his side to look at his boyfriend.

"I want to, I really do, I'm just really nervous."

The blonde responded as he grabbed Izuku's hand, he gave his hand a little squeeze.

Izuku squeezed back.

They both smiled at each other before getting up from the soft mattress.

Izuku turned off the music that was still playing and nodded his head towards the wooden door.

They both walked towards it and Izuku turned the handle and opened it, he gestured towards the open door.

"After you Kacchan."


a few more chapters and this story will be over

it is coming to an ending soon :)

im also posting this during school because my teacher walked out, yay 💪

Until next time

Byee loves

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