《My American Boyfriend (Bakudeku)》~Chapter Seven~


I absolutely fucking love this song.

Song: Verbatim

‼️Credit To Original Artist‼️


Third Person Pov :

Bakugo was utterly fucked.

Millions of questions were coming from left to right. The fast talking was identical to the buzzing of a hard working bumble bee.

Questions and statements bounced off the walls of the library, making it seem twice as loud.

Izuku sat on the floor, smiling and nodding slowly. He looked to the side towards his boyfriend. They met eyes, both showing discomfort at the situation.

The freackled male cocked his head at the blonde, signaling him to say something.

Bakugo looked at Izuku with wide eyes before mouthing, 'no'.

Class 1-A was to busy spitting questions that they didn't notice the small interaction.

Brook rolled her eyes at the chaos infront of her. She looked to her girlfriend, Maddison, who seemed to be chewing on some type of food.

"Hey Maddie, what are you eating ?"

She asked, moving closer the pink haired girl.

Maddison looked up at the black haired girl with wide eyes.

"Uh, just some patato chips I got at the vending machine."

She answered nonchalantly, placing some of the chips in her mouth.

"Want some ?" Maddison asked, offering Brook the bag of the off brand chips.

The dark haired girl shrugged her shoulders, "Sure, thanks cupcake."

"I still don't understand why you call me that."

The pink haired girl questioned, while putting the bag of chips in between herself and Brook.

"Well, your hair is pink and it reminds of cupcake frosting."

The dark haired girl explained, smiling sofly at the flustered girl.

Both smiled at eachother, before shoving off brand chips into their mouths, enjoying the chaos before them.

James was back to reading his book, it was normal for him to block out noise.

I mean he is friends with three of the loudest people in the world, so.


Brook was more laid back though.

Maddison was just plain obnoxious.

And Izuku, let's just say that he loves music.

James looked up from the old pages just to see a guy with yellow hair and a black streak swinging his arms around, weird.

James closed the book and cleared his throat, hoping that would catch their attention.

Did it work ?


He cleared his throat again, louder this time.

Same response.

He let out a frustrated sigh.

James picked up the book he was previously reading and slammed it on the floor, causing a loud boom to echo through the library. Everyone become very quiet, eyes wide while looking at James.

He rubbed his temple and let out a deep sigh.


He said, his eyes scanning over the group.

"Let's ask questions in an efficient way."

He said strictly, clapping his hands together.

The class broke out in discussion, everyone whispering to eachother.

Brook stood up, wiping her hands on her pants.

"Shut up !"

She yelled, scaring everyone except Izuku, of course.

The freackled boy rolled his eyes, they're so dramatic.

"Sit your ass down."

Izuku grumbled, looking at Brook.

The dark haired girl just flipped him off, but complied either way.

"Thank you."

The green haired boy said, looking back at the group infront of him.

"Okay so this is what we're gonna do, when you have a question you will raise your hand."

He explained calmly, giving everyone a soft smile.

Bakugo felt his heart melt from the simple smile adorning his boyfriend's face.

Of course this didn't go unnoticed by his classmates.

So this green haired boy makes Bakugo smile, hmm weird.

"So go ahead and ask away !"

Izuku exclaimed, throwing his arms over his head.

Everyone's hands shot up like bullets.

Hands shaking in anticipation, waiting for the green male to choose.

Izuku's green eyes scanned over the group of students.


He ended up choosing a girl with long green hair.

"What's your name and your question ?"

Izuku asked, smiling at the girl.

Brook tried to hide her laugh, which failed miserably.

"What is this, an interrogation!"

Brook yelled, laughing as tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

Izuku rolled his eyes and slapped the back of the girl's head.

"The fuck was that for ?!"

She grumbled, rubbing her head.

"I asked for her name that way I can learn it dumbass."

He explained, glaring at the dark haired girl.

Izuku looked back at the girl.

"I'm sorry about that, but please continue."

He said calmly, giving her his full attention.

"My name is Tsuyu Asui, ribbit."

Asui explained before continuing.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, who are you guys ?"

She asked, while looking at her classmates and back at the group of four, not including Bakugo.

Class 1-A gave a firm nod, agreeing to what Asui had said.

"Um, my name is Izuku Midoriya !"

The freackled boy answered, looking at the class in front of him.

"My name is Brook Roberts, don't give nicknames."

She said with warning look.

"Sorry excuse her, I'm James Heart, nice meeting you guys."

He continued politely, giving them a small closed lip smile.

"Last but not least me, I'm Maddison Walker."

She said, excitement dripping from her voice.

Class 1-A greeted them happily, before also introducing themselves.

A girl with pink hair and horns raised her hand next, shaking it to get the group's attention.

Brook rolled her eyes before cocking her head at the girl.

"What's your question ?"

She asked in montone voice.

"Izuku is his name right, whatever, anyways how is he not dead ?"

She asked, looking at the freackled boy with wide eyes.

" I ask myself that everyday."

Izuku said, before staring at nothing in particular.

Bakugo snickered, looking at the boy.

"Not like that but, you hugged Bakugo without dying, how is that even possible ?!"

Mina yelled, looking between Bakugo and Izuku.

The green haired male looked at the red eyed boy.

He then raised his hands at the blonde, before signing.

"Are you out to them ?"

Class 1-A was confused and skeptical, why not just answer the question ?

"No not yet, sorry."

Now the class was shocked, he responded, why ?

"Don't apologize, you come out when you're ready."

What are they even talking about ?

The freackled boy looked back at the class, a soft smile adorning his face.

"Kacchan and I grew up together, we're best friends !"

The boy responded, before throwing himself at Bakugo.

He ended up tackling the blonde to the floor, even though they were already sitting.

They laughed together, their smile's bright and cheerful.

Bakugo's laugh and voice were so different, yet similar.

His voice is deep and raspy.

His laugh on the other hand was soft and light, though it still had a raspy undertone.

Class 1-A never heard the blonde actually laugh, yes they have heard him cackle, but laugh, hell no.

So this Izuku guy, is the only person that can make Bakugo laugh like this.

The sound of the blonde laughing was refreshing to hear, almost like music.

Though they were skeptical of them being friends, why couldn't they just say it right away ?

They will let the two boys alone for now, but soon they will find out why they're so close.

No way friends can be that comfortable with eachother.

They watched as the two males laughed and ran around the empty library.

To Bakugo and Izuku this was a success, no one knew about their relationship.

But a certain shy boy from class 1-A knew exactly what they had discussed through sign language.



Hopefully y'all enjoyed it


Love you all !!!!!!

Byee now

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