《My American Boyfriend (Bakudeku)》~Chapter Five~
I just love Girl In Red, Enjoy !
Song: I wanna be your girlfriend
‼️Credit To Original Artist‼️
Third Person Pov:
After a long and chaotic trip, the students finally made it to Texas.
They happily exited the plane, colorful bags and suitcases in their hands.
The sun warming their bodies.
All Might was dragging Aizawa away from a flight attendant, who had recently insulted
"Holy crap, we're actually here!"
Mina yelled while jumping on Uraraka's back.
The brown haired girl stumbled and nearly fell.
"Hey, get off !"
Uraraka whined while trying to get Mina off her back.
The pink haired girl pouted and got off Uraraka.
The class broke out in laughter, even Bakugo had a small smile on his face.
"Are you smiling, Bakugo ?!
Kaminari questioned while poking Bakugo's cheek.
"What, no !"
He quickly dropped the small smile that was originally on his face.
"Yes you where, I saw you !"
The yellow haired boy argued, with a smirk on his face.
"Oh you little-"
The blonde was cut off by no other than
All Might.
"Okay students, we are going to take a bus to where we are going to be staying!"
He spoke loudly, while clapping his hands once.
"That stupid flight attendant has no idea who shes messing with-"
Aizawa grumbled while scowling at the ground.
All Might elbowed the man in the ribs lightly.
"Come on problem children, just follow me."
The black haired male grumbled, before he started walking towards the main building at the airport.
Everyone followed the man like lost puppies, more excited than lost.
The students chatted happily to eachother as they followed their teachers.
"Do you think the other students will like us, ribbit ?"
Tsuyu asked, clearly nervous.
"Of course, what is there not to like !?"
Kirishima replied with confidence, and toothy smile.
"Looks like Bakugo's confidence is rubbing off on you, Kiri !"
Mina said, while smirking.
"Huh, what the hell did you say ?!"
The ticking bomb immediately shouted at the mention of his name.
"I mean it's true, you can't deny that."
Jirou said calmly, while looking in her bag.
"Well at least he has some confidence."
Uraraka stated while sitting down on one of the chairs.
"More like ego, and a lot of it."
Jirou replied, joining Uraraka on the blue seats.
Bakugo was seconds away from destroying the airport, he didn't have a huge ego.
He was just confident on what he wanted, he had goals.
What's so wrong with being confident ?
Those thoughts were immediately discarded when he heard the obviously, tired voice of Aizawa.
"Come on children, the bus is here."
The tired man grumbled while running a hand over his face.
The loud sound of feet against the hard floor was heard throughout the airport.
The sounds of laughing teenagers, and happy chatter.
The sound of the wheels on suitcases making contact with the polished floor.
And of course, the sound of Bakugo's heart beating against his chest.
Why was he so nervous, it was only Izuku.
His boyfriend, which he hasn't seen in months.
Absolutely nothing to be nervous about.
The blonde repeated in his head, over and over again.
He was currently sitting in the bus next to Mineta, sadly.
How did he get stuck here in this situation, he didn't know.
All he knew was one, Mineta is annoying as hell.
Two, he was going to kill whoever seated him here.
And three, he couldn't wait to get out of the sweaty and noisy bus.
You would think this wouldn't bother him, I mean his quirk revolves around sweat, wrong.
Some of the students on the bus apparently didn't know proper personal hygiene.
He let out a deep sigh and looked out the window.
At least he got the window seat.
He tried to ignore Mineta, who was currently talking about which girl had the biggest breast in their class.
He soon had enough, he took out his phone and earphones.
He plugged the earphones in and put them in his ears.
He looked clicked on the app, Spotify.
Izuku had actually made a playlist called,
Strangely Love These.
The playlist consisted of,
Mother Mother
Girl In Red
Alec Benjamin
And a few more.
The song, I wanna be your girlfriend,
by Girl In Red started playing.
He couldn't help but hum along to the song, it was quite catchy.
He looked out the window and pressed his forehead against it.
He stayed like that for a while, the sound of Izuku's playlist blasting through his earphones.
He could faintly hear the sound of laughing coming from his classmates.
He couldn't fight the soft smile tugging at his peach colored lips.
He then realized how far away from home he was, the thought was oddly terrifying yet exciting.
At least he was closer to Izuku, he would see him soon.
He saw as the pavement turned to fields.
He saw Texas long horns, and normal cows.
A few horses here and there.
He saw as the sun started to set, and the way the glow of the sun melted with the dark of night.
It was beautiful.
Soon his eyes became heavy, he tried to fight the feeling of sleep.
But the temptation was to much.
The stars were shining so beautifully in the dark sky.
They seemed to be dancing in the dark of night.
The bus was silent.
Everyone had either fallen asleep, or where trying to.
The blonde male eventually feel asleep as well.
The darkness consuming him, and letting him recover his energy.
He dreamed of a certain green haired boy, with freckles adorning his face, and bright green eyes.
He dreamed of holding the boy close to him, and not letting go.
He dreamed peacefully that night.
Even though he was surrounded by annoying classmates.
He cared about every single one of them, well except for Mineta.
He can go and jump in front of a car, for all he cares.
No, he wasn't mean, he just always says the truth.
He speaks his mind and doesn't stay quiet.
That usually caused the blonde a lot of trouble.
If you want someone to tell you everything you want to hear, he won't be any help.
Even though he seems scary on the outside, he's an actual softy.
Only one person knew that side of him, and that person was someone with freckles and green eyes.
The blonde boy loves cuddling, he will never admit it though.
The sun filled the bus up with light.
The feeling of the warm sun on their skin was comforting.
Bakugo was one of the first people to wake up from his slumber.
He slowly opened his eyes, trying to get used to the bright light.
The blonde streached his arms over his head, a yawn managing to escape him.
He looked around the bus to see Jirou and Tokoyami, they were the only students awake.
Jirou noticed the angry blonde boy was awake.
She waved at him while mouthing, good morning.
Bakugo waved back before looking for his phone.
He found it on the floor infront of his feet.
He picked it up and turned it on, 8:05.
How long till we get to our destination ?
He looked at his phone to notice,
One his phone was on 25%.
Two Izuku had texted him !
He quickly put in his password and opened the message app.
Darling 💚:
Good morning Kacchan !
Darling 💚:
Not really so now I have to drink a shit ton of coffee ( ಠ益ಠ)
Darling 💚:
Yup 💅🏼
Darling 💚:
I won't make any promises 😃
Darling 💚:
Fine 🥲
I have to go, school starts in like 15 minutes 😔
Darling 💚:
If I survive 👩🏽🦲
I'm shure James is gonna beat my ass
Darling 💚:
Okay thanks, I havr to go now
Darling 💚:
Love you too <3
Bakugo logged out of the message app.
He turned his head to the right to see Mineta looking at his phone.
"You have a girlfriend ?!"
He yelled, his eyes wide.
The blonde replied carelessly.
Shure he was freaking out, but will he let it show ?
Hell no.
"B-but I saw you textin-"
The human garbage couldn't finish his sentence.
"Why the hell were you looking at my screen ?!"
The blonde yelled at him.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to !"
Mineta tried to make an excuse.
Bakugo was now holding Mineta by the coller of his shirt.
Mineta closed his eyes tightly waiting for the hit to land.
"Bakugo, let him go."
A tired voice said.
Bakugo let go of Mineta's coller.
He folded his arms over his chest, grumbling curses under his breath.
"Thank you."
Aizawa said while staring at the blonde boy.
"I am here !"
Yelled an obnoxiously loud voice.
The bus filled with grumbles of distaste from the students.
It was way to damn early for this crap.
"Eh, sorry students."
All Might apologized, while rubbing the back of his neck.
The bus was filled with the chorus of, Its fine.
"We have some good news students, we are a couple minutes away from our destination !"
The man yelled, with a bright smile on his face.
The bus filled with excitement from the students.
They had been stuck inside that bus way to damn long.
A couple of minutes later the bus came to a stop.
The students pressed their faces to the windows of the bus.
They were in awe.
"Come on, out of the bus we go."
The black haired teacher grumbled.
The students got their things and started walking towards the doors of the bus.
Once they were all out of the yellow bus, they stared at the building with wonder.
It was huge.
The building was made of brick, it seemed pretty old.
There were rose bushes in the front of the building.
The home was two stories high.
"We will be staying here."
Aizawa said, before he started walking towards the front door
The students followed him eagerly, with huge smiles adorning their faces.
Even Bakugo was smiling, but no one took the time to notice.
He pulled out a key and inserted it into the keyhole.
He opened the door and let the students in.
The students scattered, they were going to explore this home from top to bottom.
There were 25 bedrooms, crazy right ?!
Five bathrooms, one huge kitchen.
An even bigger living room, and a beautiful back yard.
"Students, we will allow you to choose your own bedrooms !"
All Might yelled, while setting his hands on his hips.
Bakugo walked up the stairs, and turned left.
He decided that would be his bedroom.
It had a lot of room and a huge window.
The bed was pretty big, could fit at least 4 people.
He started unpacking his things, starting with his clothes.
He put them in his closet along with his different pairs of shoes.
He put his school supplies on the desk that was next to the window.
He plugged in his charger to an outlet.
He then connected his phone to the charger.
He went on like that for a little longer, by the time he was done it was 10:25 am.
He let out an exhausted sigh, before leaving his bedroom.
The hallway echoed with laughter and yelling.
The blonde boy walked down the stairs towards the kitchen.
There he saw All Might, he was eating a salad.
"Hello young Bakugo."
The man greeted.
Bakugo grumbled a response before walking towards the refrigerator.
He opened it and grabbed a water bottle.
He opened up the the bottle and drank the water.
The cold refreshing liquid soothing his throat.
Aizawa walked down the stairs with the rest of the class following behind.
"Come on students, we are going to Seawood High."
The man said while making a 'come here' motion with his hands.
"We don't have to wear uniforms ?"
Kirishima asked his black haired teacher.
"No, you can wear whatever you like."
Aizawa replied.
Kaminari yelled while throwing his arms over his head.
"But, there is a stupid dress code."
The teacher groaned, while rubbing his temple.
The students groaned along with their teacher.
"Are we violating any dress codes?"
Yayurozo asked politely.
"No, all of you are fine."
Aizawa answered.
"Now come on."
He continued.
Aizawa and All Might walked towards the door.
The students followed behind the two males, while talking happily with eachother.
Bakugo was over the moon, only a few minutes and he will see Izuku.
Hold him in his arms...
They took the public bus to get to Seawood High.
With each passing minute Bakugo got even more nervous.
His hands were sweaty and he was shure that his heart was trying to kill him.
But he was beyond happy.
They finally made it to Seawood High, the school looked a lot like UA.
They exited the bus and started walking towards the doors of Seawood High.
All Might opened the glass doors to let them all in.
They walked towards the office.
"Hello, how can I-"
The lady at the front was interrupted by Aizawa.
He simply said.
The lady quickly nodded, before typing something on her computer.
She had brown hair tied in a neat bun.
Glasses framing her face.
She seemed to be around her late 30s.
"Okay, so you guys will be going to the classroom 203."
She said, not looking away from her computer.
The printer behind her soon printed one single piece of paper.
She took it and handed it to Mr. Aizawa.
"This is the schedule you will be following."
She explained while pointing at the schedule in Aizawa's hands.
Aizawa simply nodded, his eyes scanning over the schedule.
"Do you need a map of the school ?"
She asked politely.
"No thank you."
Aizawa said, finally looking up.
The lady nodded before going to work on her computer.
"Come on students."
Aizawa grumbled while walking dowm the hall.
"Why didn't you accept a map?"
Uraraka asked.
"Because we don't need it."
He replied simply.
She nodded, still pretty confused.
Excitement buzzed through the halls, this was amazing.
Trophies stood proudly along the halls inside glass cases.
The students looked around in awe.
Bakugo's heart was speeding up inside his chest.
Finally the classroom door labled 203 came into view.
Everyone sped up, excited to go through that door.
Aizawa knocked on the door before hearing a muffled 'come in'.
He opened the door letting the students in first.
This seemed to be an English class.
The teacher smiled at them before clapping her hands together.
Bakugo looked at the students sitting down.
Then he saw curly green hair.
His breath caught in his throat, there Izuku was.
Sitting down, writing in his notebook.
He didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary yet.
Bakugo's classmates were also looking at the students sitting down.
Aizawa and All Might were standing outside the door, looking inside the classroom.
"Can I get your attention!"
The teacher asked loudly.
The students immediately looked at her.
Red eyes met green eyes.
Izuku's eyes swelled with tears.
He jumped up from his seat, causing a loud sound.
Class 1-A looked at the green haired male with curiosity.
Izuku's classmates looked at the freackled male weirdly.
Izuku quickly ran towards Bakugo, throwing himself at him.
The freackled boy wrapped his arms around the blondes neck.
The red eyed male wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist.
Class 1-A was in shock.
Not only did this strange boy straight up hug Bakugo.
Bakugo was actually hugging him back too.
How did the boy not die !
Bakugo buried his face in Izuku's neck, letting his own tears fall.
They stayed like that for a couple minutes, afraid of letting go.
They eventually let go, though they still held onto each other.
"I missed you so damn much, Kacchan."
Izuku said sofly while smiling.
"I missed you too Izuku."
Bakugo replied smiling widely.
Izuku threw his arms around Bakugo again, smiling and giggling.
Bakugo laughed and hugged the freackled boy tightly.
But that doesn't matter,
Hello I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I'm sorry for not updating
Remember to drink some water and eat something
Love you all !!!!
Supremacy of the Fallen
Five years ago, Suzuki Satoru lost everything. Banished back to his home world and stripped of his powers, he ekes out a meager existence in the bleak society of the 22nd Century. However, a fateful turn of events leads the exiled Overlord on a path to reclaim all that was lost..... One hundred years have passed since the "Great Vanquishing," and the people of the New World live in a time of relative peace and stability. Yet beneath the veneer of calm, tendrils of darkness encroach upon the kingdoms of man as the remnants of an ancient evil begin to stir. Will the Legend of Ainz Ooal Gown stay forever Fallen? Or will it rise again, to spread the shadow of Nazarick across the New World once more?
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Sarsaparilla's Scary Super Power. Completed
Sarsaparilla is an older teenage girl living on Mars. And, like many other young people around her, she has a super power. Or, rather, she is supposed to have a super power. Only she has never been able to activate it, she doesn’t even know what her super power is. This annoys her, tremendously. But she hides this behind a really sweet smile. Adalace is another teenage girl, also on Mars. She knows what her own super power is, and it is quite a good one. She is also really cute… so long has she keeps her feelings under control and doesn’t let out anything from her dark past. Teylon is a man, currently living on Earth. He likes to think of himself as still young, even if he is over fifty. He’s a bit smug about his successful career and is thinking of retiring… until a sadly unfortunate event leads him to the conclusion that he had better immigrate to Mars. Immediately. Apparently, meeting one’s own Angel of Death tends to cause people to make profound changes to their lives… Mars society had better brace itself, because once these three people, plus another three also not so quite stable individuals, collide with each other, the resulting explosion is not going to leave anyone on Mars unaffected. This is another Esmeralda, the Angel of Death, story. It follows on from my previous two such stories, but it is in no way dependent on the previous stories. They can be read in any order. It is fully written and proof read (using Word for Windows, no real editor touched this transcript) and comes to about 247,000 words (about 895 Royal Road pages). It is organized into 50 chapters and I will be publishing them roughly one per day. In my writing, there are multiple characters and multiple points of view. Each change in a point of view is introduced by a header, giving the viewpoint character’s name first, and possibly a title. Inside a Point of View section, dialog in italics represents the Point of View character’s thoughts, while dialog between quotes represent normal spoken dialog. This story is very much inspired by the anime A Certain Scientific Railgun. However I have only taken some elements from the anime, and changed everything I took to make my own story, and so it does not count as fanfiction. Yeah, I know, the book cover page isn’t very good. It’s the best I could do, by tracing over a stock image. The two ladies shown are supposed to be Adalace and Sarsaparilla. Ideally I would have liked there to be two images of this pair, one where they are smiling sweetly and looking cute, and one where they are looking really angry and dangerous. But that totally exceeds my graphics abilities. You will just have to imagine it.
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Ghostified City
‘Ghostified City’ is a post-dystopian sci-fi tale, set in a fading world that might be a future version of ours, running out on autopilot into oblivion. Adaman Yimmand is a simple robofactory operator in The City who's working with robots and machines every day. He doesn’t even realise that he might not have met another actual human being in years. Everything begins when he breaks his routine for once and enters a bar where he meets Evelith. This pesky other person does not let him go after he has had his -rather terrible- beer, because according to her actual humans are much rarer than he’s aware of. And from then on ‘the genie is out of the bottle and won’t get back in’, to use her words: Adaman meets more people, and gradually he has no choice but to accept that the reality of The City is not what he always thought it was, and to face the darkness of a fading humanity on the brink of self-inflicted extinction.Is there any hope left for him, and for his species? I have selected 'sexual content' and 'traumatising content' to be on the safe side, because there is a stripclub-like venue in the background of the story, and an almost-extinct humanity that has institutionalised suicide which might be disturbing to some. Apart from that it's not really a heavy 'adult' story.('Ghostified City' is my first long story in English as opposed to my native language Dutch, and an earlier version was published on my fiction blog 'Oranderra' until I stopped updating. This is a slightly altered version of the first series.)
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