《My American Boyfriend (Bakudeku)》~Chapter One~


‼️Credit to original artist‼️


Third Person Pov :


It was a cold winter morning , the roads of Musutafu were covered in blankets of white snow.

People were inside their warm vehicles driving to their jobs . Others took the bus if they didn't have a vehicle .

Both middle school students walked next to eachother , in their hands were cups of steaming hot chocolate .

The small freackled boy kept on talking about the school project that they had to turn in before the end of the week .

The taller blond looked down at the small boy and smiled , everytime he looked at Izuku his heart would flutter and he couldn't help but smile .

Even in the coldest days both boys felt extremely warm when their together .

Bakugo was brought out of whatever trance he was in by the small tap on the shoulder by Izuku .

They were a few minutes from Aldera Junior High , its an old building a few stories high with a couple trees around , well of course , the trees were covered in layers of snow .

The hallways of the school always smelt like a doctors office , the desks always had chewing gum stuck under them , and the classroom walls were never decorated with posters or paper .

The school lunch tasted like plastic , so students rarely ate the provided lunch .

The teachers always left tons of homework along with school work , so to say that both boys despised their school is an understatement .

Bakugo and Izuku grew up together as best friends , they know how to read eachother like an open book , so it wouldn't be a surprise that they caught feelings for eachother .

Both males made it to the entrance of the school , and walked inside .


Izuku's Pov :

Kacchan and I made it into the school , a wave of heat hit us both saving us from the cold wind outside . Many other students crowded the halls , the smell of perfume and deodorant traveled through the crowded halls .

Some students stopped what they were doing to stare at Kacchan and me , I personally don't really like the attention . Kat noticed my discomfort and glared at the students .

They quickly looked away , Kacchan smiled down at me , I could feel heat come up my face I quickly looked away .

" We should go to our lockers , I don't wanna be late . " I start while taking a sip of my hot chocolate .

" Yeah you're right ." Kat agreed while looking down at his hot chocolate .

We walked around the sea of students until we made it to our lockers . I put in my locker's code and put in my yellow backpack , while Kacchan put his black backpack in his locker .

Just as we finished putting our stuff away the bell rang , signaling that we had exactly 4 minutes to get to class .

We both calmly walked towards our first class of the day , once we opened the door to the classroom everything fell silent , everyone looked up and stared at us for what were a couple seconds but felt like an eternity .


" No drinks allowed in this classroom . " Our teacher stated with a smirk .

"Whatever." Answered Kacchan with an eyeroll as he threw away his cup .

I quickly elbowed him in the ribs , and threw away my cup in the black garbage can .

We walked towards our seats in the middle of the classroom .

You see Kat sits in front of me , while I sit behind him .

The teacher kept going on and on about the project that was due by the end of the week .

In all honesty I was bored out of my mind , so I looked around the classroom to atleast find something interesting .

I decided that everything here was boring , so I just sat there in class writing whatever the teacher wrote , glancing at the ticking clock every ten seconds .

Finally the bell rang both Kat and I packed our things up and darted towards the classroom door and into the hallway .

"Okay but like did you get anything the bitch wrote down ? " Questioned Kat with a sly smirk .

" One stop being so rude , even tho you're right , second yes I wrote down the whole board . " I replied while looking up at him , instantly I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach .

He rolled his eyes and laughed , his laugh is so heart felt , only if you're lucky you can hear it , and I am one of those lucky people .

"Come on nerd ." Kat said while grabbing my wrist , sending electric currents through my arm .


Bakugo's Pov :

I dragged Izuku through the halls into the lunch room . The place is pretty large but the food tastes like shit . I hear a small cough behind me , so like any human would do I turn around thats when I realized that one Deku made that sound , and two I was still holding his wrist .

I quickly let go and looked at his eyes , their a beautiful shade of green I feel like I can get lost in his eyes , but before I do get lost , I look away .

" Deku do you wanna go get lunch at that small restaurant infront of the school ? " I ask him while facing the opposite direction as him .

"Shure I bet its better than what they serve here ." He replied while sticking his tongue out .

Luckily the only good thing about this place was that during lunch we could leave campus .

We leave through the front office , the whole way there Izuku and I talked about how the principal might be in a relationship with our teacher .

When we finally made it to the small building I pushed open the brown door .

"Ladies first ." I say jokingly while bowing down .

" Gee what a gentlemen ." He said with a smile as he walked through the doors .

I walked inside and joined Deku , we walked towards a desk were we will get our table .


A lady with brown hair tied in a tight bun and big brown eyes walked towards the desk .

"Hello , how can I help both of you today ?" She questioned with a smile .

" Can we have a table for two , please and thank you ." Stated Izuku calmly .

"Of course , follow me . "She said before she strated walking towards the left . We calmly followed behind her , she brought us to a a table with a red table covering and wooden chairs . I pulled a seat and gestured Deku to take a seat , I can swear I saw him blush before he sat down .

I sat in the chair infront of him , we looked at the menu and as we decided on what to get , a lady with black hair and brown eyes came .

" Hello , are y'all ready to order ." She asked while taking out a note pad and pen .

" Yes , I would like Udon and some water ." Answered Deku with a smile .

"Great , and you sir . " Asked the lady while writing down the order .

"I will have some Ramen and water ." I replied .

"Okay we will have you're order in a few minutes ." And like that she was gone .

" We have 30 minutes until lunch is over . "

Started Izuku while looking at me and smiling .

" Great , we have more time to eat our lunch and talk . " I stated while smiling back at him .

We were talking about whether coconuts were mammals or not , when the waitress came with our orders .

"Here you go enjoy ! " She said as she placed our meals down .

"Thank you very much ." Replied Izuku with a smile .

I just nodded and began eating .

Izuku looked at me and rolled his eyes before he started eating as well .

"Okay hope you both enjoy ." The waitress said before turning on her heel and leaving .

After we finished eating and paid , we walked back to the hell we call school .

~Time Skip To After School ~


Third Person :

Bakugo and Deku walked next to eachother heading towards their home's , they talked about what they will do for winter break .

"Oh were here ." Deku said sadly , he loved spending time with Bakugo .

" Yeah , um well I have to go before the old hag screams at me ." Bakugo said while smiling softly .

"Okay bye Kacchan !" Deku waved while smiling .

"Bye Izu !" Bakugo replied while slightly laughing .

~ Time Skip To Later That Night ~

Izuku was getting ready for bed when he heard a knock on his window .

With curiosity he got up from his bed and looked out the window , he gasped when he saw Bakugo outside his window .

He quickly opened his window and let the blond boy in , but he failed to notice the red rose that the blond was holding .

" Are you crazy what the hell are you doing here ! " Whispered shouted Izuku .

" I wanted to tell you something ." Whispered Bakugo while trying to even out his breathing .

"Whats so important that you couldn't wait until tomorrow ! " Again whispered shouted Izuku .

"Can you atleast sit down and let me tell you ." Replied Bakugo .

"Fine ." Deku said while sitting down on his bed .

"Izuku we have known eachother ever sense I can remember , we have been together through thick and thin , you always find a way to make me smile in the toughest times , so as we grew older we began to get closer and closer , so what i'm trying to say is ..." Bakugo said while taking the rose from behind his back and looking at Izuku's eyes , Izuku's eyes widened .

"You what ? " Deku replied softly .

Bakugo walked up to Izuku and looked him in the eyes .

" Izuku Midoriya I fucking like you , and more than a friend . " Bakugo said as he handed Izuku the beautiful red rose .

Izuku was frozen in shock , he was quickly brought back to reality when he felt a hand on his hand .

Bakugo was holding his hand amd looking him in the eyes .

"I like you too Kacchan . " Deku said barely above a whisper , he was blushing like crazy .

"You do ?" Bakugo asked .

"Yeah I do ." Deku said a little louder while looking Bakugo in the eyes .

"So I can do this ..." Bakugo started while grabbing Izuku's chin and leaning in.

"Yeah ." Izuku replied as he looked at Bakugo .

And like that their lips crashed together it was nothing heated just a long loving kiss .

Once they separated they were out of breath , they put their foreheads together .

"You don't know how long I wanted to do that "

Bakugo said out of breath while smiling .

"Yeah me too ." Deku said while smiling .

"Izuku will you be my boyfriend ." Bakugo said while smiling .

"Yes of course !" Izuku said while throwing himself on Bakugo .

Bakugo ended up staying the night , they cuddled together the whole time .

~Thats how their relationship started ~



I am so sorry for the late update , but I got it done !!! ❤️

I absolutely love how this chapter turned out , but I feel like I have alot of room to improve .

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter , I am going to try to do a schedule for updating my books . 😁

Welp thanks for reading hope you have a great day or night .

If any of you need someone to talk to , know that I am here and I will listen .

Well byee babes

~ Author

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