《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》epilogue


Esther, as we all could have guessed, made the right decision.

The war was quickly put to an end when we walked out together, holding hands and showing the witches what had gone down exactly. It was cheesy, but it got the message across quite well, if I do say so myself.

The witches, being the Ophelia hating jerks that they were, were obviously not very happy with the outcome of their efforts, but they were quickly silenced by Esther, who put them in their place.

That night, we set the foundation for the new New Orleans. A New Orleans of peace and love and coexistence between all species. A New Orleans that had no tyrannous leader, but instead, a council.

On that council, we had two representatives from every faction of the New Orleans supernatural community, all supervised and lead by none other than Niklaus Mikaelson and yours truly. How it worked was simple: the different factions would vote for who they wanted to represent them, those people were elected, and then placed on the council where we made sure that every voice was heard. And although we were still new to the whole democratic system thing, I had to admit — we were doing a pretty bang up job with it.

Now, you may be wondering what the hell Klaus Mikaelson was doing near any city that didn't crown him king, which is a question that is more than valid. Truth is, he had a hard time dealing with it at the beginning. In fact, he once suggested that we just take over entirely while everyone else was unsuspecting and weak. But I didn't let him. I stated my case for the more democratic approach, and eventually, we compromised and settled for us being the leaders of the whole thing.

Since then, life has been nothing short of perfect.

The council was great, no more wars, just some land disputes or complaints about the way certain things were going for a certain faction, but it was nothing that we couldn't hash out in a few minutes.

Kol and Davina fell hard for each other after the war ended, and it was rare that we saw them without the other. Now, Davina wasn't the happiest after finding out that I decapitated her father figure, but we moved past that eventually. I think it was mostly Kol who helped, but that didn't matter to me. I was just happy that they were happy.

Elijah had finally found love in a lovely woman called Hayley, who was a werewolf. To my understanding, she, too was an orphan who came from nothing and sought out answers in New Orleans. And with Elijah's help, she got those answers. They were madly in love, and her rebellious fire was the perfect remedy for Elijah's stick up the ass. And trust me, I made sure of it. No one is even coming within ten feet of my best friend without my approval.

I ended up meeting the rest of the Mikaelson siblings sometime after everything had calmed down, officially meeting the rest of the family. Granted, it wasn't as climactic as the last time I met a member of his family, but it was lovely nonetheless.

Freya and I immediately hit it off, comparing our powers and spells of the vast variety. We got along swimmingly, and I couldn't have been happier about that.

Finn, although deemed the bore of the family, was actually someone I got along greatly with. He was actually quite the individual, and had some pretty good jokes once you got him talking. After he was brought back from his criminally long slumber, he needed some catching up with the times. And believe you me, I was more than happy to volunteer for that. There was definitely some hard times and confusion between us, and even more times where he just couldn't handle me, but it was worth it in the end. We formed a strong bond, and I confidently say that I am one of his favourite people on this planet.


Rebekah and I... well, that was a little more complicated. It was no secret that Klaus was her favourite brother, and that obviously came with some automatic feelings of doubt concerning me. I understood, of course, but that didn't mean that we necessarily got along well. It took a while, some death threats here or there, but eventually, she warmed up to me. She saw how truly happy Klaus and I made each other, and that was all she really needed.

Speaking of Klaus, I need to tell you guys about what's going on with us. And that, in short, can be described in just a few words...

We finally got our fucking happily ever after.

Here's how it all went down:

I proposed to Klaus as soon as the war was officially over, and of course, he said yes. Coincidentally, he was going to propose as well, but because I'm... well, me, I beat him to it. It's about time for some women taking charge though, right, ladies?

After that, though, Klaus and the rest of his family made it their personal mission to make sure that the Mikaelson-Armstrong wedding was the most extravagant wedding that the world has ever seen. As Klaus put it, it would be a "wedding fit for a coven-less queen".

Which leads us to where we are right now. And where might that be?

The alter.

After months and months of vigorous planning, the day was finally here. And, as to stay true to the Mikaelson way, everything was perfect. From the music, to the food, to the flowers, to even the damn chairs, everything was exactly where it was planned to be. I guess it would have to be, seeing who the wedding was for, but I made Klaus swear up and down that there would be no murders on our wedding day. And with much reluctance, he agreed.

With the help of a little magic, Salem was the world's first and best flower cat the world had ever seen. Davina was to be my maid of honour, Kol and Finn were groomsmen, Rebekah and Freya were bridesmaids, and Elijah walked me down the isle while simultaneously being named the best man. It was an odd combination of people, but it worked. We were finally becoming a family once and for all.

But there was something about seeing Klaus at the end of that alter that just gave me an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort. He looked handsomer than the devil (and twice as evil) in his sharply tailored black suit, and in that moment, it was like looking into the most beautiful secret the world has ever kept.

Naturally, we both shed some tears.

When it came time to say our vows, Klaus and I quickly played a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who went first. And to my dismay, Klaus bested me, meaning that I was to go first.

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at my lover with a soft hearted grin, making everyone in the room fade into the background.

"Nik," I laughed softly. "What else can I say other than that we got off to a bad start. In fact, I think bad is an understatement. We got off on the worst foot in all the history of feet, and I detested you."

The congregation laughed and Klaus just grinned, shrugging as to say 'guilty as charged'.

"But!" I continued. "Not even the gods above could deny the fact that we were destined to be. All of the fights, all of the arguments, all of the sleepless nights where I writhed in pain were long forgotten as soon as you held me in your arms. And you know what? We were meant to be from the very beginning of time. Or, at least that's what I like to think. Because I know that no matter where either of us end up, or no matter what either of us are going through, I know one thing is certain: I will always end up back in your arms. Because... well, you are my home. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Home is where the heart is, and I'll tell you what, Niklaus Mikaelson — there is no person, place, thing, idea, nor any other noun they can feel more like home than you."


Klaus let a tiny, beautiful tear trickle down his cheek, resulting in my own tears threatening to slip as well.

"You're the only man I have ever loved, and you're the only man that I will ever love — no matter how many lives I live." I concluded. "Thank you for putting up with me, Nik. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for being my home. And finally, thank you for loving me just as much as I love you."

The congregation let out a chorus of coos at us, earning a little giggle on my part.

"Ophelia Armstrong," He muttered, smiling through his tears. "I've lived a long life. Over a thousand years, to be exact. I've lived through countless wars, countless moments of bounty, and an infinite number of love stories. But and through all of those love stories worthy of being told, I can say it with all the certainty that I can muster that ours is the greatest love story of them all."

I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my face at that.

"Ophelia, love, you're the most enchanting woman I have ever met. From your snarky little comments to the poetry that escapes from those lips I love to kiss so much, everything about you is... in a word, magic. You have shown me a side of life that I never thought that I would live to see. A side of peace. Love. Prosperity and new beginnings. For that, I am forever in your debt."

"Damn straight."

Everyone laughed a bit at my comment, lightening the atmosphere a little bit.

"And I will spend every moment of the rest of our lives together making up for that." He chuckled. "Our future is filled with magic, love, and there's no one else I would rather spend the rest of time with."

Then it really hit me. I was going to spend the rest of my indefinite amount of time with this man.

And I couldn't have been happier.

"Well, let's get the rest of your life started, shall we?" The officiant spoke with a smile, clapping his hands together. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Klaus beamed at me, wrapping his arms around me and dipping me, kissing me with a new type of passion that neither of had ever felt before. And boy, did we enjoy it.

Once we broke away from each other, my husband smiled down at me, doing that little grin I loved so much.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Mikaelson."

At that point, my smile was outshining the sun.

"I love you so much!" I exclaimed, grabbing his face and kissing him again, earning even more cheers from our loved ones.

Klaus grabbed my hand and lead us down the isle, running and laughing as people threw flowers over us.

The reception was nothing short of perfect, but that didn't matter to me. What mattered was that I was going to be living my best life with the love of my life, and that was going to be the best adventure I ever had.

For our honeymoon, I decided to let Klaus surprise me. And that, he did. We ended up going on a tour of Europe, all of the destinations picked out by him with us in mind. They were all lovely, lively, romantic destinations that I simply couldn't get enough of, and there wasn't a moment that wasn't bliss. We explored and ate and made love and were madly in love the whole time, and that was all I could have asked for.

Eventually, when we did get back, Klaus and I began going about our regular routines, but now they were better than ever. Except... there was something missing. Something that Klaus felt, too. Then it hit us.

Daniel Elijah Mikaelson was the missing puzzle piece that completed our little family. Since Klaus and I obviously couldn't have children of our own, we opted for adoption, and we couldn't have been happier if we tried. Our little boy was perfect, to say the least. Beautiful in every conceivable way. From his kinky hair to his cute little toes, our son was absolutely brilliant. He was our world, our little prince, and a true Mikaelson — even if he wasn't one by blood.

"Look how far we've come," I sighed, leaning into Klaus' chest as we stood over Danny's crib, watching him as he slept. "I never thought life could be this good."

Klaus wrapped his arms around me and kissed the side of my head, causing me to sigh in content.

"And I never knew I could love two people so much." He muttered, looking down at Daniel as well.

"Scary, isn't it?"

"Absolutely terrifying."

I laughed a little bit and felt my husband's chest rumble a little bit, showing me that he was laughing too.

"Do you think it'll stay this way?" I asked, looking up at his handsome face.

"What, perfect?"

"Yeah, perfect."

Klaus didn't even miss a beat.

"Yes. Without a doubt in my mind." He spoke surely. "I have you, you have me, and we have our son. That's all we need."

Smiling, I looked up at him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Niklaus."

"And I love you, Ophelia."

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