《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》7


"Bye, Davina!" I said as Marcel practically dragged me by the elbow down the stairs. "See you soon!"

"Bye, Ophelia!"

I giggled and let Marcel lead me into the streets of New Orleans, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"At least buy me dinner first." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm showing everyone that you're with me, Opey," he smirked. "That way they know that you're not to be messed with."

"Ah, yes, because you're so intimidating."

"I'm the king of the quarter, baby!"

"And I'm the queen of the witches. Your point is?"

"My point is that everyone wants you dead, and you need to be protected regardless of whether you can kill them and are invincible."

"Then what's the point of having me protected?" I smirked, loving to get under people's skin. "Oh, that's right, so you still have your advantage and I don't get kidnapped by a ton of angry, jealous witches!"

"Keep your voice down, girl!"

"What? It's not like everyone already knows that I'm the queen of the-"

"Alright! I get it!" Marcel cried out, releasing me from his slightly uncomfortable hold. Not that it hurt or anything, it just felt... wrong. Like I was betraying someone - but I didn't know who. "No touching queen, fine."

"Thank you." I smiled, skipping up to my apartment complex. "It's been a pleasure. Now go away."

"Goodnight, Opey," he sighed, shaking his head at me. "See you soon."

But paying him no mind, I skipped my way into the building before shaking my hips a little bit, thus transferring myself into my living room. But this time, I was not alone. There, sitting on my couch, was Elijah, looking as sophisticated as ever.


"Ah, Shakespeare," I teased. "To what do I owe thee the pleasure-ith?"

"Ophelia," he greeted curtly. "You might want to give Marcel an easier time. After all, he is ensuring your safety."

"That's where you're wrong, ol' Eli." I smiled, flopping down next to him. "You see, I am his insurance. I am the greatest weapon in all of history. Unlimited power, can't be killed unless I am being burned at the stake after a long and fair trial, and I am also very pretty, which I am sure comes into play somehow. Therefore, I am the only thing keeping his ass from being attacked by swarms of witches. Everyone always seems to think that I'm the one who needs the saving. I am fine. I just want to take the precautions."

"Either way, that is not the reason I am here in the first place." He said, sitting up straighter, which I didn't know was possible.

"Then why are you here? Impressed with my home decor? Is it how fabulously I can make a cup of tea? Or is it because you secretly have a crush on me?" I fake gasped. "Elijah! How scandalous!"

He rolled his eyes at me, no doubt thinking that I'm immature or whatever old men think about comic genius witch queens these days.

"I am here to help you with your powers, Ophelia." he said seriously, making me stiffen. "You may know little party tricks here or there, but if you really want to reach your maximum power, you need to learn how every witch before you in history has. Studying."

"And what does a vampire know about magic?" I asked.

"A lot, seeing as my mother was the original witch." He said, pulling out a stack of books from beside his feet. "Some of them are in dead languages, so if you need help-"


"I'm a witch, Elijah. Also Google translate works wonders!"

Elijah scoffed at me and scooted closer, opening up the first book.

"Ophelia, as you know, you possess an unfathomable amout of power, you just don't know how to use it."

"Have you not seen me turn someone into a goat or...?"

"Like I said. You don't know how to use your magic properly." He said again, looking me in the eyes. "Tell me, Ophelia, do you have any idea how to do a locator spell? A levitation spell? How about a-"

"Alright, I get it, I'm the witch who doesn't know anything about actual spells." I interrupted with a huff. "I just didn't feel the need to. I kinda just... think of something and it happens."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed and faced the man completely, sitting cross legged.

"What's your favorite book?"

"What? Ophelia, we don't have time for-"

"Just answer the damn question, fancy pants!"

Elijah sighed and rolled his eyes, grumbling something under his breath before answering.

"Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen."

And within seconds, a brand new copy of the book was sitting in the palms of my hands, taking Elijah by surprise.

"See? If I think of something and wish it to appear, or if I want something to do something for me, it happens. It's always worked for me, therefore I never bothered with the books and potions."

He sighed and took the book from my hands, looking slightly conflicted.

"We're still doing this." He decided. "This may help you learn new abilities, or might even make the spells stronger."

"And if it doesn't?"

Elijah rolled his eyes and smirked, making me tilt my head in anticipation for his answer.

"Reading a book won't kill you, Ophelia." He chuckled. "And perhaps with this new pastime, you won't go venturing off in broad daylight through the streets of New Orleans, shouting that you're the queen of the witches from the rooftops after I specifically instructed you to do so."

I blushed furiously as he stood up, collecting the magically conjured up book with him.

"Goodnight, Ophelia. I shall stop by tomorrow, noon."

"Later, Elijah. Enjoy the book!"

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