《sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETED》4


"I guess I over-estimated the amount of freedom I possessed after I cut the deal with Marcel," I mumbled, pouring Elijah some tea and plopping down next to him. "Maybe I'm destined to live in a constant state of paranoia and fear for the rest of my eternal life then."

Elijah chuckled and sipped his drink.

"A tragic life I know all too well." He quipped.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shifted my body so that I was sitting on my feet, facing the man who was kind enough to give me the reality check I so desperately needed.

"Aren't you this magical and all-powerful being that everyone fears?" I asked curiously. "You called yourself an "Original" or something cliché like that. You mean to tell me that you, were living your life like I am now?"

Elijah chuckled and shook his head at the my antics. He had met me not even an hour ago and I was already displaying my true colours like I was wearing a badge of honor or something. What can I say? I'm an open book, no sugar coating or fake exterior to me. I'm was as brutally honest as they come.

"I am an Original, yes. But there was someone that was more dangerous than anyone I have ever seen in my thousand years-"

"You're how old?!" I interrupted with a screech. "I'm sorry, nothing personal, but damn! Why don't you just... die already?!"

"The same reason you won't just hand yourself over to the witches that are... as you say... 'after your head'," Elijah answered. "I have far to much to live through and to experience. If I died now, that would be such a waste. Also the fact that there is only one thing that can kill me is another reason, and my siblings and I keep it somewhere safe, so no one can kill us."


I nodded in approval, deciding that his answer seemed legit.

"Well I guess you and I are quite similar, Mr. Elijah. My predicament is a little harder to get through though, seeing as literally the entire world wants me dead and I can't exactly make sure that all trees are destroyed so I don't get burned at the stake. But enough with those negatives," I said nonchalantly with a shrug. "Please, proceed."

Elijah chuckled before taking in a deep breath and continuing.

"As I was saying, there was something - someone - just as powerful and three times as feared. My father. After he and my mother saw that they had made a mistake by turning my siblings and I into these... "abominations" as they liked to call them, they immediately began plotting against us. Trying to kill us once and for all, returning balance to the universe and whatnot. And what made it easier was that if we died, our whole sire line of vampires would too."

"So it was a win-win situation in their opinions?"

"Essentially," Elijah agreed. "But all of that is over and done with. Our father is dead, mother is trapped on the other side, and now all I have to worry about is my younger brother and you, my dear Ophelia."

"Your brother?" I asked, confused. "I thought that you and him were close. You know, fighting alongside each other to defeat mom and dad. I would've imagined you would have cooked up an unbreakable bond."

"Well, Ophelia, my little brother is very... hungry. He thirsts for power in everything he does, and has no regard for anything that another person feels or has to suffer through as long as it is to his personal benefit. Which is why you are to never go near him. He has heard stories and prophecies about you, Ophelia. He knows your power. And he wants it. If he finds you, you're as good as a slave to him the rest of your immortal life. And although he may be hurt, he will never stay down. He is the original hybrid, and he is coming for the coven-less witch."


I gulped and masked my fear of the infamous hybrid. If there was one thing that I had learned about the supernatural world was that there was to be a balance to all things. Vampires, werewolves, witches, doppelgangers - they all had weaknesses and they all had a mutual hatred with one another. Sure, there was the occasional alliance, but it wasn't one that meant much in the long run. But I had heard stories about the original hybrid whilst I was on the run. I knew good and well what he was capable of, and I knew that the man was essentially invincible. And now he was after me too. Perfect.

"And what makes you think I can trust you? After all, you are his brother." I suddenly spoke, making him sigh. Like he knew it was coming.

"Because I believe that you have too much on your plate at the moment to worry about my brother and his need to rule the world. Now, I can only help you for so long until he starts looking for you himself. So until then, lay low. No partying, no clubbing, only leave this premises when it is dire. I assume you have this apartment under a false name, correct?"

I nodded and took all the information in, trying not to get a headache.

"Good. Make sure it stays that way, and you might want to start wearing or ingesting an herb called vervain. Vampires can't take advantage of you that way. Witches can't be compelled, but you never know. It's a safety precaution."

"What is your brother's name?" I asked after a bit of silence between us. "I mean, I might as well know who my potential new enemy is if I am to face him."

"His name..." He whispered. "His name is Niklaus. Niklaus Mikaelson."

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