《Camp Creepasta》At the camp


When we arrived at the camp we were welcomed by two counselor named trem and bul.They said that the boys would have to share cabins with the girls since there was few of them and that the girls bunks got infected with termites.Me and toby got paired up with Lulu,lazari,and Natalie while jeff,ben,and alex got paired up with stripes and mary.By the time everything was set up it was it was almost midnight so all the campers went to bed except lulu.She seemed to be worrying about something.It was obvious because she kept on telling herself something like "he's here" or "he's comming",I didn't get who she was talking about but who or whatever it was must be dangerous.The next day when I woke up I heard a scream and figured it was lazari's because Lulu had just woken up as well.As we ran out side I saw trem starring down sadly as bul and mary laid on the floor in the field.I tried to run to them but Lulu held me back.She said it was just a prank like last year but why would mary be in on it.I overheard trem talking with this other man saying something about a note from this man named zalgo.The next day trem gave us a little meeting on not staying outdoors without a tracker on you.Everybody but me and lulu complained about the tracker being too noticable.After the meeting we had to pick a team of four to join up with for training.For training?There is something that the camp is not telling us.I asked Lulu what is going on but she simply ignored me and went on a walk with a trainer.I noticed that she had left her tracker here.It was almost nine when I went out to look for Lulu.A couple hours passed until I figured that I would have to get a weapon but I was lost in the woods,alone,at night,with no weapon till I found a shack with a man standing outside of it.He welcomed me and he gave me this katana and a bow with arrows that looked like they could stab you easier then a hot knife cutting butter.I looked around his house and saw a medal that said zalgos #1 creepasta.I didnt say anything about it until I saw a door knob on the floor.I picked it up and saw that it opened a seceret passage.I kept walking down till I saw a Lulu tied to a chair while stripes was torturing her to tell them where slenderman is.I secretly peeked at the window so lulu could look at me which she did so i opened the door and shot at stripes with my bow hitting her right arm.I began running fearlessly toward her then slashed stripes cutting off her arm then pressed the emergency button on the tracker then I helped lulu get free and carried her out of the house where I saw jeff and toby with this tall slender guy next to them.Jeff began running toward me to check if lulu was ok.

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