《The Devil's Bride》Late Night


"You should wear a gown more often," Anna remarks while she styles my hair. I was sitting down in front of the side mirror while she works endlessly on my hair.

Thing is, Synn and I were tending to a night party today.

I wasn't settled with the idea because simply it was a night party and I haven't been to one before. I don't want to judge because it was my first time going to this kind of party, really. The last party I last went to was the winter party at Mr.Andrew's house.

Typical Synn didn't look like someone who would love a party. Hearing we were suddenly attending one was unexpected. It fretted me exceedingly thinking of the contradictory occurrence of what's going to happen this night. He was shoving me out of my zone and I didn't like it.

"Oh," I say playing with my fingers. I didn't know what the party would look like but it still irked me. I didn't want to go.

I hear the door open and Abriana walks in with some accessories on the trencher.

"This is to go with it." I see her wink from the mirror. I wanted to tell her badly that I didn't like this organization but nothing was going to change.

"You look beautiful by the way." I hear a side remark.

"What's wrong?" The concerned voice of Anna comes in while she fixes a golden chain on my neck. I quickly stand up from the chair predicting that I was done with the hair. I look at the hairstyle she had given me from the mirror, admiring the gels mostly.

"I don't want to go to the party," I say turning to face them shortly. I see Anna roll her eyes.


"You're just nervous. It will pass by, okay?" She tries to reassure. I sigh rationally. She won't get me. When you hear of a party, the first thing that comes to your mind is fun. But that wasn't my definition. Mine was freedom and doing what I love doing the most. Parties never made me happy. It was like getting away from the real world.

"You don't get," I say tired of explaining what I felt. Emotions were never meant to be explained but to be shown.

"Just forget that," Abriana includes and grabs my hand signalling it was time to go downstairs. And suddenly it made me wonder what Synn was going to wear.

I promptly glance at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a pastel pink gown that Anna was given the honour to choose for me. She said I needed to show my curves out for the world. The gown was nothing too big to brag about. It was knee-length reaching just above my knees. Somehow, it was just my size clinging hold to my hips and clutching it. My hips were expanded from just the image of it on my body. On the top was a small design that swung crossway to the shoulders. I had an artless french braid done in simplicity but Anna still managed to pull it. I turn around in a small circle to gawk at my back. My ass was practically shooting out, filling the whole space of the fabric. The gown made it appeared more rounder and fuller.

My breast looked huge and perky in such a way which was somewhat my concern. Never having to see my chest this full, I noticed I've grown so much.

Finally, Abriana leads me to the stairs and down the metal banisters.


Once I took the last step, my eyes were shifted up to meet with the red orbs. I couldn't imagine what I saw.

Before I was Synn dressed in the colour of an army shirt. His jean was fitted with ripped holes at the knee cap. His feet were covered in an air force one. I see the tattoos peeking out from his neck and arm, most especially the one of a tail and horn. His beautiful locks were trimmed a little shorter but it still made his appearance look more winning. He was a different Synn tonight.

"Have a great night." Abriana snickers and escapes back upstairs. I clear my throat taking the note of already checking him out this night.

But could you really blame me?

"Let's go." He says also clearing his throat. His voice was deeper and rougher tonight. I glance outside as we made our way to the car that was parked outside waiting. It was getting dark, the cold chill breeze moving in lonely haste. I walked at the back of Synn, my mind drifting to one far end.

"You might want to stop thinking and just forget everything," Synn says without looking up at me. I nod faintly before going into the black limo.

As before, the same fragrance of coconut and something mixed into the air greets me. I sit at the front of Synn while he sits at the other end, facing each other.

The limo soon starts, the night whispering sounds of calmness.

I clench my fist in one hand as I take in the view of the beautiful night sight. I scrutinize carefully the people that passed by, it was so lucid and relaxing. Their own thoughts were only what engrossed their minds. The streetlights were more vivid too, casting down on the people that walked under its shadow.

I hear the clearing of Synn's voice, turning my head to meet his gaze.

"You look beautiful tonight, doll." He remarks. I could feel my cheeks burn because deep down, I was waiting for him to say something to me like that.

"You look handsome, tonight too," I mumble so he hears me. I peek through my eyelashes to see a small smirk grazed on his face.

The devil just complimented me.

The ride continues as either none of us made a word but we were just enjoying each other's company.

I bit inside of my cheeks.

Tonight was going to be something else.

hat do you think is going to happen tonight?

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