《The Devil's Bride》𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞


Tensed, silence breezed by.

"You asked for me, mama," Linda muttered. Her angelic voice echoed like that of a pure angel. She stood on her heels gawking at her mother who had a frown cemented on her face. She didn't want to lose her daughter this way or any other way. Cracking the truth to her daughter's face wasn't going to be mild like that of a magician's wand. It was for the sake of their family.

She just had to do it.

Beth, Linda's mother raised her hand to touch the soft and smooth skin of her daughter who looked wholly confused. She didn't understand why the rigid air she felt made her uncomfortable or why the air was tensed in the beginning. Her face felt warm and tingly with the way her mother caressed her face.

She liked it when her mother touched her cheeks or massaged her hair, warming her scalp. She enjoyed all those winsome moments she spent with her mother. But that was yet to change so soon and drastical.

"How are you, sweetheart?" The warm voice spoke with a dash of sadness. She just had to it. She needed to be strong she reminded herself.

"I'm fine, momma," Linda answered happily, her face irradiating. She was happy for the cheerful question thrown at her. Her lips folded into a smile and her cheeks flushed pink with happiness. Her skin had always been sensitive right from birth.

"That's beautiful. Come sit." Her mother guided. Linda raised her small legs to her mother's side and sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair. She knew the chair she sat on was uncomfortable but she never said a word. She was used to it by now.

Her mother continued. "Baby?" Her mother breathed out hazily. "I love you so much from the bottom of my heart. You know that, don't you?" Beth questioned. Linda nodded wanting to hear where this was heading to and why her mother was talking this way.


"You know Mr. Andrew?" Linda simply nodded recalling the first time she saw and heard of him. It was at the Winter ball party at the palace. It was her first time visiting the place and every moment she spent was cherished by her till today.

She was brought back from the thoughts she was having by her mother. "He's coming to pick you up very soon." Beth ended with a watery lens. She just had to do it. It was very important.

"But why is he coming to pick me? Are we going out or something?" Linda was very confused by now. Mr. Andrew was a rich man who lived a luxurious life. He was well known for his wealth around the town and his popularity.

Though, Linda also wondered how her father befriended a rich man like Mr. Andrew. She didn't want to judge but her father was a very poor man who could barely drop a meal on his family's table. The food and items of clothing he got were from Mr. Andrew which she was grateful for.

"No," Her mother chuckled lightly. "He's coming to get you. You're going to be staying with him for some time." Beth swallowed hardly feeling her throat tightening. She knew it wasn't true but she didn't need to say that. She had a few more minutes before she would never see her daughter again.

"Why am I staying with him? Are you and papa coming as well?" Linda bent her browns at her mother.

"No, darling. Papa and I are not coming along. We have a few things to do here. I'm really sorry." The fire crackled softly that rested on the fireplace. The next thing they knew, they had both heard the honking of a vehicle. The frown on Beth's face faltered more.


"He must be the one," Linda whispered to herself. She couldn't hide the smile on her face. A life filled with richness. She was already missing her mother and father along with her elder brother but she knew it was temporary. She was staying with Mr. Andrew for some time. Although, she wondered how long it was going to be.

"Come on," Beth said rising up from her feet. "We don't want to keep him waiting, do we?" Linda shooked her head and rose up.

"You don't need anything." Beth smiled sadly at her daughter when she saw the questioning gaze from her. She was asking for her clothes and luggage.

"I'll be back. I promise." Linda muttered. Although, her mother doubted it.



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