《Lose Myself》Chapter Four: A Dark Past


I had received a text early that morning from Clarissa saying she 'needed to talk' and I had rolled my eyes and sent it to trash. After spending another five minutes going through texts from old girlfriends, models and heiresses — booting each request into the trash — was a text from Amara, she wanted to meet for coffee at a suitable time to talk about some designs she had decided on before heading the store to collect samples.

I was starting to like it when she was all business, it was cute. I replied with a "4 sound okay?" And she replied immediately with a "will do."

I smiled at her short answer. It was straightforward, not needy or hinting at something else. It was like a pat on the back from a teammate or a bro hug from your bro. Nothing more, nothing less.

Not for long.

I had said I wanted her in my bed, and now the game had began. I wanted her now, though she seemed a little too perfect not to sleep with more than once and from what I'd gathered she liked playing hard to get. She probably had a rule that kept her from dating clients but I was never good with boundaries.

I tossed my phone to the side and went to get ready. After a steaming hot shower now fully dressed, I walked out into the kitchen. I frowned at the steaming hot plate of buttermilk pancakes that sat waiting on the table.

"Who made these?" I questioned no one in particular as I sat down, a little brunette head popped out from the pantry and smiled.

I frowned and started eating anyways. "I'm Natasha but you can call me Tash."

Sounds like Trash.

"Hello Tash, I don't remember bringing you home last night..."

She giggled clasping her hands in front her, she smiled. "No sir, your mother hired me."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course she did, let me guess. You are not to sleep with me. Yes?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Great." I smiled. That wouldn't last long cause I'm sure to have your ass in my bed by tonight, I thought as I watched her walk back into the pantry.

After finishing my delicious meal and thanking Natasha, I put on my tie and dropped my phone into my pocket. After pondering what car to take for what seemed like an hour, I decided on the Ferrari. I Italian after all.

I loved my job, mainly because it was my dream job and only so few got a chance at that and also because I didn't have to work at the office. If my client wasn't having a meeting with me and I'd gotten what I needed to get for them done, I could do whatever I wanted.

And that's how I found myself at the same restaurant along the waterfront eating hot chips and sipping a slushy. Dominic had said he wanted to meet at four, I had finished my design ideas and I didn't have any other clients. Cooking had been an option that I'd opted out of so I decided to go to the boardwalk, and eat.


I ignored the fact that I was near work anyways because the building site was just three doors down which also meant Dominic was nearby. I shook my head and chastised myself.

I watched the kids on the path and thought back to when I was an innocent little child as well.

I missed being a child, eyes so full of wonder and still looking to explore the world. And now I was hesitant to even leave the city I was in, determined not to travel far.

I had never been in a positive situation but I'd been okay with it, happy about it even but what had happened to me 5 years ago wasn't pleasant, it had scarred me and I wished I hadn't been so unlucky.

We were at the wrong place, at the wrong time. And I didn't think anything like that could ever happen to someone like me. I always did what needed to be done, whether it was right or wrong. I always did what I was told... I always did what I was told.

Not anymore, now I don't listen to anyone but myself, don't do anything unless I truly will myself to.

No matter how many times my friends told me it wasn't my fault or it was just bad luck, I didn't believe a word of it. I hated how bitter I'd become over something that was done and gone. It was why I tried so hard. I tried so hard to be nice to people, went out of my way to help but sometimes I just slip and say things I shouldn't. I lose friends and cause problems for myself. I cause problems for myself and keep blaming it on what happened. I'm not over it.

I didn't realise the wet stains on my face until a lady tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I was okay. I had nodded enthusiastically and put the rest of my food in the bin having lost my appetite. I walked out onto the path then removed my sandals and held them as I sat on the edge of the stone wall.

The ocean seamed calm today, it was weird, almost as if I expected it to be crashing waves just because that's how I felt. God I can be so selfish sometimes.

I watched as a tear slipped from her eye, I started to make a move but stopped mid-action. The tears kept coming and a look took over her face, one that looked an awful lot like pain and self hatred. How could someone like Amara with such a light palette, have such dark thoughts? Not only that but it looked like hatred towards others, towards the world. Better stay away, my mind echoed, but that would be stupid. I would only make it worse, I have my own issues but she needs help.

It took a minute for me to regain my stature as I felt my own heart pang in response to her pain. I had't felt sympathy for anyone in a long time, it just wasn't something I allowed myself to feel. It was a quality best left behind.


A lady appeared to be talking to her and the look that once stained Amara's face vanished as if it was never there. She stood and put her unfinished food into the nearby trash can, then she walked onto the pavement and removed her shoes.

She walked a while then stopped and plopped down on the stone wall. I frowned confused by her sudden change in mood. She seemed almost too good at hiding her emotions, as if she had been doing it for a long time. I was very good at reading people, a skill I had had to acquire at a very young age and even I hadn't been able to tell the emotions that rang loud in Amara's heart.

It occurred to me that she could've learnt how to hide her feelings as early as I had learnt to read them. She was just as good at covering them up as I was at discovering them.

I walked from my position on the sidewalk and sat down next to her. She seemed startled at first but then relaxed when she realised it was only me. Ha, only me. If only she knew.

"What are you doing here?" She smiled a somewhat happy smile but from what I had just seen, I doubted happy was what she truly felt at that moment.

I knew he didn't buy it when he didn't reply but just frowned down at me instead. Pretending I was A-okay didn't work with this guy.

"Guess you saw that huh?" I looked down at my feet, making eye contact would only make it worse but after he didn't reply again I looked up. He was just staring at me like he was trying to figure something out. This is just embarrassing.

I playfully poked my tongue out at him and looked back to my feet, "You still need to work on your manners."

He snorted and I looked back at him. He was looking forward now and I couldn't help but stare. He looked even better in direct sunlight and that didn't work for most people. He had thick, dark lashes that brushed on his high cheekbones when he blinked, full lips and a jawline that could cut diamonds. The bridge of his nose was so straight and so perfect I swore I could've used his face as a ruler. His skin was just as flawless and as sun kissed as ever and his defined but perfect brows formed into a perfect frown. A frown that made him look adorable but daunting at the same time. Impossible. He was impossible.

I groaned and looked back at my feet.

"Problem?" He said still looking ahead but obviously aware that I'd just been drooling on his pants, not literally - but almost.

"You suck."

"Really? You don't even know me, how could you possibly know that."

"Everything about you sucks." Everything about him was perfect, I didn't like that. It made life harder.

"That hurts. In here." He put a hand to his chest. His voice was emotionless.

"You need someone to pour a bucket full of ugly on top of you before you make the ocean evaporate with your hotness."

Why did I say that?

He chuckled. That musical chuckle.

"I have forgotten to switch on my brain to mouth filter once again, I left it at home." I face palmed comically then got up sighing, "Looks like I'll have to go back and get it."

"What." He spat turning and grabbing my wrist, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Umm, home."

"No you're not."

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"And you just expect me to do whatever it is you say? Why is that?"



"I said so."

"Oh brilliant, and I almost thought we were going nowhere with this conversation!" I raised my one free arm sarcastically then brought it to my hip and glared at him.

His eyes narrowed and I stood looking right at him, I wasn't going to ignore that fact that I was frightened. The look he was giving me was terrifying, I didn't know he could look like that but I wouldn't back down. After a short but intense staring competition I gave up and sat down. "What do you want from me?"

He let go of my arm. "I don't usually let people disrespect me Amara." He'd turned serious, "I want to know why you were crying. I want to know what is wrong with you."

"Oh there's something wrong with me now?" She shouts hysterically. That was not what I meant, she took it in completely the wrong way. I'd even said it in a tone as such. The frown on my face must've given me away. She smiled then turned back to the ocean losing her playful manner.

"I don't know. I have problems."

"We all have problems. Tell me."

"No way, like you said, I don't even know you."

"Yes but isn't talking to strangers easier? They can't already have an impression of you, everything is new which means anything can be a good thing. You don't know what I'm like, to me what you could say might not even be as bad." I assured her. I'll probably regret this later.

She sent a wary look my way but then sadness took over and she let out a breath.

"A few years ago my family and I were attacked. Both my parents were shot dead and I was left an orphan." she said simply as if she'd said it a million times before.

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