《Catch me if you can》Sorry about my lawyer
Ally sighed as she waited at Camila's door. She'd knocked more times than really necessary and Ally was close to finding Camila's spare key and letting herself in.
Which is exactly what she did.
Ally rolled her eyes at the cliche hiding spot, resting neatly on top of the door frame.
What she didn't expect to see was Camila looking like she'd be anywhere else, and Taylor Jauregui pacing around Camila's living room.
"Uh.. have I come at a bad time?" Ally spoke up when Taylor paused to breath.
"Ally!" Camila almost leaped over her kitchen counter and skidded to a stop next to her. "Thank god, save me." She whispered.
"What's going on?" Ally asked.
"What's going on? What's going on?" Taylor's voice steadily got squeakier. "What's going on here is Camila hasn't done jackshit in dismantling my sister's empire!"
"She's been here for a hour." Camila muttered before raising her voice. "And like I've already told you, it's not easy to take down a city wide organisation."
"She's not even had a year Cabello! This shit is costing me a fortune!" Taylor wailed. Ally sighed and closed her eyes briefly.
"Everyone calm down, and let's just talk about this." She said calmly. Taylor huffed and crossed her arms. Camila shot Ally a grateful look before turning back to Taylor.
"I'm trying my hardest, trust me. Unfortunately no one's willing to help me out from inside the organisation, so unless you know Lauren's inner workings I'm kind of flying blind on this whole thing." Camila said sharply. Taylor's shoulders slumped and she sat down on Camila's sofa.
Ally and Camila glanced at each other before carefully making their way over to the sofa.
"Is this really about how slow the case is?" Ally asked quietly.
"I went to see Laur the other day and she.. She was talking business with D and Mani, and it just... she's not gonna stop." Taylor sighed and buried her face in her hands. Ally tentatively placed a hand on her shoulder.
"We're going to do our job Taylor, but we need longer than a couple of months. If we were still with the cops, it'd be easier. But we're not so we need some leniency here." Ally said softly.
"Alright." Taylor conceded quietly, moving her hands into her lap with a sigh. "I'm sorry Camila."
"It's alright kiddo. Don't worry about it." Camila said with a smile. "Just let me do my job, I'll keep you updated anytime something happens. Jauregui gave me some names yesterday morning, I'll be running them up later."
"Cool. Again, I'm sorry about ruining your morning. I'll.. I'll be going." Taylor mumbled before making her way out of the apartment.
Ally let out a slow huff and a quiet chuckle before shaking her head.
"Well that was interesting." She said, looking over at Camila who had lay down on the sofa with a groan.
"It's tiring being yelled at by a teenager." Camila whined.
"We gotta get to work if you don't want it to happen again." Ally laughed, dragging Camila off the sofa with a thud.
"Fuck you."
"Thanks for the heads up Mila."
Camila grinned up at Rosa and leaned against her desk. Over in their waiting area sat two bruised and slight battered low-level gun runners.
"No problem. Trust me, it was my pleasure." Camila replied, ignoring Ally who was wiggling her eyebrows at her behind Rosa. She reached over onto her desk for a small collection of files. "Here, everything you'll need to keep them off the streets for a while."
"Good to see that you haven't lost your enthusiasm Mila." Rosa snorted before her eyes widened and a scowl crossed her face.
"Hopefully one of these idiots wants to become a CI. I asked but got nothin'." Camila huffed, folding her arms across her chest. Rosa bit back a smile and placed her hand on Camila's arm.
"Don't worry. I'll get you some info." Camila felt herself flushing and nodding as Rosa herded the two criminals out and into the patrol car on the street.
"God why don't you two just date already?" Becky groaned, kicking her feet up on her desk.
"'Cause Mila's got the hots for Jauregui." Ally said with a grin. Camila spluttered and collapsed into her desk chair.
"No surprise there. Lauren Jauregui is fuckin' smoking." Becky said with a hum and a smirk.
"It runs in the family trust me. Her brother; stunning man." Ally agreed with a bright grin.
"Guys." Camila huffed.
"No wonder Mila's been going up to Rikers everyday, gas must cost a fortune with all that driving around. God I hope the woman's a good kisser at least."
"She-" Camila cut herself off suddenly and cleared her throat quietly. Luckily Ally and Becky were too busy teasing her to hear her almost agreement.
Camila shook her head and stared at her computer; she couldn't even muster up the energy to defend herself. So what if her friends thought she liked Lauren, they were wrong and she knew that.
The door creaked open but Camila didn't look up, not until the office had fallen oddly silent.
"Guys, what's- oh." Camila looked up and was surprised to see Dinah and Normani standing in the doorway.
Camila had to admit, they commanded respect; Dinah's black leather jacket had definitely seen better days but the smart jeans tucked into steel-toed boots somehow made her look professional. Normani had gone with a more traditional suit with a blazer and shirt that unfortunately did nothing to hide the pistol at her belt.
"Huh, you." Dinah said with a raised eyebrow.
"Uh, yep. Me." Camila repeated with a frown.
"This is BB Investigations right?" Normani asked, chewing slowly on a piece of gum and glancing around the room.
"Yes, can I help you?" Becky said, moving her feet to the ground and smiling carefully.
"We noticed you guys arrested a Jeffery Potters the other day, we were just curious." Dinah said, wandering around the room and glancing at the stuff on Camila's desk.
"Don't tell me," Camila sighed, "you two beat the snot out of him."
"How'd you know?" Normani looked at her with a grin.
"Came here yesterday. Made a scene." Ally shrugged.
"Guess you know why Laur asked us to deal with him then." Dinah mused, leaning against Camila's desk with a knowing smile.
"Not a clue." Camila shrugged.
"Did he mess with you?"
"He hit Mila when she got him arrested." Ally piped up. Camila closed her eyes briefly and shot a glare over at Ally.
"No wonder, hell we've got orders to do it again, you must've really made an impression." Normani said slyly. Camila narrowed her eyes at her and Dinah leaned down to her shoulder level and peered at her computer.
"Laur's never been this protective of a one night stand before, you must be real special." Dinah teased and Camila's eyes grew wide, a hot blush flooding her face.
"Shut up, and get out." Camila said quietly.
"Well, if we ever need a PI, we'll be sure to come here." Dinah said cheerfully before dragging Normani out the door.
"What just happened?" Ally asked with a frown.
"God they're all going down." Camila growled, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her eyes with the heel of her hands.
Could things get any worse?
Things got worse.
The two gun runners walked.
"Lucy fucking Vives." Camila hissed as she slammed her phone down.
"She is a pain in my ass." Camila closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "She got those two idiots off, uncharged but warned."
"Jesus." Ally blew out a breath and leaned back in her chair. "Is there anything that woman can't do?"
"Fuck it, we might have to play dirty for this." Camila groaned. Ally laughed before seeing the serious look on Camila's face.
"We can't. If we get done for playing dirty, nothing we do will ever stick. When it comes to the Jauregui's this needs to be squeaky clean." Ally said, her brow furrowing at Camila's blank look.
"God damn it. I hate it when you're right." Camila grumbled. "How are we supposed to arrest people if Lucy gets them all off?"
"She what?" Blackbear blinked at them from the coffee machine.
"Shut up, you know what I meant."
"How's the Jauregui case coming?" He asked, downing his coffee and shaking his head.
"It's not. We can't get anyone to flip or get any charges to stick." Ally groaned, flipping a pen around her fingers.
"Have you thought about... not doing it?" Blackbear suggested with a shrug.
"Taylor's keeping the lights on Matty." Becky mused with a scrunched nose. Blackbear let out a low whine and refilled his coffee.
"Sorry ladies, looks like you gotta keep it up." He muttered before disappearing into his office.
"Fuck my life." Camila tapped her fingers on her desk. "I might talk to those idiots again, try and get them to flip."
"And if not?"
"Then we need to block out a week for some good 'ole fashioned stakeout work." Camila huffed.
2 weeks later
Lauren could barely focus on Camila's words. She was too busy staring at the bruises on Camila's knuckles.
"What'd you do to your hands?" Lauren asked, interrupting Camila's rant on her current client's ex-boyfriend.
Camila stopped and glanced down with a frown.
"Oh, went to hard with my work out." Camila rubbed her knuckles and winced slightly. "Got frustrated by this dumb case."
"You should be more careful." Lauren muttered, her hands reaching across the table before suddenly stopping and falling to the cold metal, just shy of Camila's file.
"Well if Lucy didn't make my job so hard, I wouldn't be so frustrated." Camila sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"What?" Lauren frowned as Camila stood up and started pacing.
"She gets every single damn person out of the charges I slap them with. Even a stupid jaywalking ticket." Camila complained. Lauren's frown deepened.
"What? But... wait has she been getting all my guys off their charges?" Lauren asked, her jaw falling slack and her eyes widening.
"Uh yeah. Thought she was the family lawyer." Camila paused in her pacing with a laugh.
"She is. But not the whole damn organisation. She looks after my mum, Tay and Chris. With the added bonus of D and Mani." Lauren said before shaking her head. "Looks like I need to call her."
"She could just be doing some pro-bono work." Camila suggested as Lauren clenched her jaw.
"Luce doesn't do pro-bono outside of the protests. She told me that last time she was here." Lauren grumbled.
"Well give me a call afterwards, tell me if my case can actually make some progress once she's gone." Camila chuckled, stretching her arms over her head.
"Alright." Lauren said, smiling at Camila's newfound casualness; it'd only started happening in the last few days, but Camila had become more comfortable. Their daily meetings were no longer silent, with Camila working and Lauren watching her.
"Cool. But uh... for real, nothing's been going very quick at the moment." Camila sighed, sitting back down and resting her chin on her hand.
"So I take it that's your not so subtle way of saying you don't know what Healy's up to?" Lauren said quietly with a grin.
"Oh no, Ally found him trying to keep his guys out of prison. These protests have really put a damper on everyone's criminal plans." Camila said with a wave of her hand.
"Thank God." Lauren let out a breath and felt her shoulders relax.
"Time's up ladies." Beckett came in with a grimace and waited for Lauren to stand up.
"Until tomorrow Detective."
"You now I'm not a detective right?" Camila asked, turning in her chair as Lauren walked past her.
"Yeah but PI doesn't have the same ring." Lauren shrugged with a wink as Beckett nudged her out the door.
Camila smiled down at her file before shaking her head and packing up.
She hadn't realised she was still smiling until she got back to the office.
"What're you smiling about Mila?" Ally murmured, peering up from her computer.
"Huh? I'm not smiling." Camila raised an eyebrow and glanced over at her partner.
"Uh yeah, you kinda are. Something happen with Lauren?" Ally asked with a waggle of her eyebrows.
"Sure yeah, we made out with all the guards watching." Camila rolled her eyes and dropped her bag onto her desk. "Shut up, no. I don't like Jauregui."
"Riiight." Ally laughed under her breath as Camila's phone rang.
"Cabello... yeah I accept." Ally paused her typing and looked up at Camila. "Oh hey Lauren."
"I've got Luce off your case. Turns out one of my dad's friends was blackmailing her. So now I've gotta call my dad and bitch at him."
"Wait really? Need me to do anything?" Camila said with a frown, reaching over to her keyboard and tapping away.
"Nah, I'll deal with him. Don't you worry your pretty little face Cabello."
"Uh huh, right. At least tell me his name."
"Nope. I don't want you getting hurt if this goes sideways."
"I can take care of myself Lauren." Camila huffed and pushing away from her desk.
"I know. But this is my business, so I'll handle it. You just worry about Tony Wilson, Johnny Price and Harper Pines. Consider them a 'sorry for my lawyer'."
Camila wrote down the names and nodded, tapping her pen against the paper.
"Thanks. Just uh.. Be careful." Camila muttered.
"Aw, worried about me Camz?" Lauren teased.
"You wish." Camila scoffed before hanging up. She wasn't about to give Lauren anymore chances to make her blush. It'd been happening way too much for her liking.
"And you don't like her. Sure." Ally piped up as Camila stared down at her phone.
"Shut up."
Lauren groaned as she hung up the phone.
She's officially ripped her dad a new one about not having any faith in her, successfully told Dinah to beat the crap out of the idiot her dad had hired, and told Normani to teach Jeffery Potters another lesson about respecting women.
She traipsed back to her cell with a yawn.
A thud at the end of the hallway had her turning around, her hands clenched into fists at her sides before someone shoved her into the wall. Lauren sprawled against the peeling paint and spun around.
Eilish and her cronies were standing before her.
"I've had a long day Billie. What do you want?"
"You need to stop. I run this place and I've put up with your stupid competition long enough." Billie growled, cracking her knuckles and advancing slowly on Lauren.
"Kid look-"
"Don't call me kid." Billie snapped before she launched herself at Lauren.
There was no time to defend herself, no way to orientate herself after the first punch landed on her cheek.
Lauren was almost surprised it took two and a half months for her first attack.
When she was left against the wall, crumpled in on herself as Billie strolled on, Lauren couldn't help but wonder why on Earth she thought she'd been invincible.
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