《Catch me if you can》Arrest #2
"She didn't keep her promise." Camila burst into the briefing room, making the collection of Detectives flinch.
"Who?" Santiago asked once the stunned silence passed.
"Jauregui. She promised to take down her dad and she never did. Surely that means her deal is null and void. She didn't hold up her end." Camila grinned and rustled through the case box, pulling out an old file and slapping it open on the table. "All these deals Vives made, they were never fulfilled. Ever."
"It could work." Diaz said with a small grin.
"But will it? Like from a legal stand point?" Ally sighed. Camila grinned and bit her lip.
"Only one way to find out."
"Hey guys." Lauren said around a yawn, her shirt half buttoned and her tie hanging over one shoulder.
"Hey Lauser, nice quiet few days?" Dinah asked as she watched Lauren struggle with her buttons. "Want a hand?"
"I'm a grown ass woman Dinah, I can button my own..." Lauren looked down at the shirt now buttoned up wrong. "... yes."
Normani snickered from the doorway as Dinah rebuttoned the shirt and moved to the tie. Lauren batted her hands away and shot her a mild glare.
"We ready for this?" Lauren asked as she looped the tie together.
"Squad's on standby if things go sideways." Normani said with a nod. Lauren tugged her tie up and rolled her shoulders.
"Alright, we got this."
"He's late." Lauren growled, tapping her foot on the floor.
The three of them were sat in a booth at the back of a small Italian restaurant in the middle of jackshit nowhere important.
It was neutral ground.
The Healy's and the Jauregui's had never got along. Especially not after a tiny disagreement back in the 60s.
Everytime some aspirational fresh member of the family tried to fix the family's relationship they always met at this hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It was in neither of their territories, not Brooklyn and definitely not Manhattan.
Lauren had already been talking to Matt about a truce; sure they weren't at war but it was too tense for the two families to be at odds for much longer.
And now he was late.
To their peace meeting.
What a knob.
"You know how lunchtime traffic is Laur." Normani reasoned, toying with the cutlery in front of her.
"Can I just order?" Dinah whined, folding her arms with a huff.
"God yes. Just... eat." Lauren groaned, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes.
Her eyes sprung open and she looked up at Matt Healy.
"Matt." She replied, standing up and smoothing down her tie. "I trust you've considered my offer?"
"Your offer is utter bullshit Jauregui." Matt said, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. "You want to take over my family."
"Matt, your business is failing. I know for a fact no one's asked you for help in months, you're drowning in debt. I just want to help you survive." Lauren replied easily, taking the time to carefully roll up her shirt sleeves. "You sign our deal, I can save your family from an embarrassing failure."
Matt's face started to turn red, his fists slammed down on the table making Dinah's drink slosh onto the table. She raised an eyebrow at him and stared down his entourage of muscle.
"And if I did? What would happen?" Matt said evenly.
"You'd have the full force of the Jauregui family behind you." Lauren shrugged, sitting back down and staring up at him. "You'd be in charge, I'd just supervise. I can keep your business', legit and illegal, alive and powerful. Doesn't sound like bullshit to me."
Matt's lip curled and his teeth clenched together. He punched his fist into the table and pointed at Lauren, his bodyguards started squaring up. Normani picked up her phone when Lauren covered it with her hand and shook her head.
"I've talked to Austin, he told me just how you made your deal with him. You forced him to work for you." Matt hissed.
"We came to an agreement."
"You only want my family's friendship because we are the best smugglers in the city." Matt said with a grimace. "You might be the head of the Jauregui name but soon enough you'll be replaced, you're monopolizing New York and soon enough others will notice."
"And if they do I'll handle it."
"You'll destroy the city. I'll never make a deal with you." Matt yelled, his knuckles turning white as his fists clenched tighter.
Lauren moved out from the booth and walked towards him, her eyes narrowed. Matt stumbled back into the chest of one of his bodyguards.
"Your pride will be your family's downfall. It won't magically make your business profitable and it most certainly won't attract new customers. Your livelihood will crumble to the ground and your pride will help it dissolve." Lauren growled, poking him in the chest with each new sentence.
"Get. Out." Matt seethed.
Lauren took a deep breath and clicked her fingers. Dinah and Normani appeared behind her with matching blank looks.
"You will fail if you don't take my offer." Lauren said calmly, pushing past him and heading for the door.
There was a loud smash as the door closed behind them, Lauren looked over her shoulder to see a table flipped on the floor, Matt screaming at his minions.
"I think... you just started a turf war." Dinah muttered.
"And when we win, he's going to die." Lauren replied as they jumped in the car.
"What if we don't?" Normani asked as Dinah started the engine. Lauren tapped her fingers against her thigh.
"We can't afford to."
When the trio arrived at the Jauregui office, they were surprised to see Lauren's mum waiting outside the elevator doors.
"Mum? What're you doing here?" Lauren asked.
"It's the cops. They- they say they've got a warrant for your arrest." She said shakily. Lauren looked at her with wide eyes.
"Are they in my office?" She asked quietly. Her mum nodded and couldn't stop wringing her hands together. "Dinah, Mani, take her home. I'll call you guys later."
"That wasn't a request." Lauren said sharply, not looking away from the closed office door at the end of the hall.
"No. I'm dealing with this." Lauren sighed. "Go, I'll be okay."
The three of them reluctantly got into the elevator, Lauren watched them go until the doors slid shut and her own face was reflected back at her.
She strode over to her office and pushed open the doors, ignoring the four officers standing in her room. She weaved between them and sat down at her desk, pulling out a bottle of whiskey from the desk drawer. She poured herself a drink and held up a finger when someone cleared their throat.
Lauren savoured her drink, finishing it quicker than she'd like before she finally looked up; Cabello, Brooke were flanked by two uniformed officers.
"Could've sworn you two wore uniforms." Lauren mused.
"Temporary promotion." Camila replied.
"And yet last night you were in uniform." Lauren said with a frown.
"Picked up an extra shift- why am I telling you this?" Camila interrupted herself with a huff.
"You like me. Now, how can I help you officers?" Lauren said calmly, hoping they couldn't hear the beating of her heart.
"We have a warrant for your arrest." Camila said, her lips twitching.
"On what grounds?" Lauren asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Not adhering to your previous deals." Camila replied, sliding the papers over to Lauren. She flicked through them, her jaw twitching. "So stand up."
Lauren clenched her jaw and stood up, watching as Camila marched around the desk and grabbed one of her wrists, the handcuffs clicking loudly in the quiet office.
"I'll be calling my lawyer." Lauren said lowly.
"And you have every right to." Camila replied. "But god if this isn't going to be satisfying. Lauren Jauregui you are under arrest..."
Lauren tuned out the rest of Camila reading her her rights, nodding once she'd finished. More focused on the surprisingly gentle touch that Camila had on her forearm as she was steered out of her office.
This did not look good.
Lauren had been right.
This was not good.
She'd been sitting in holding for a few hours at this point. Lucy still hadn't shown up and Lauren couldn't take the smug looks cops keep sending her.
She groaned and leaned her head back against the wall, shooting a glare to some leering guy on the other side of the cell.
"Fuck off." She growled. The guy backed away with his hands raised, muttering under his breath.
The door screeched open and Lauren's eyes lit up as Lucy stood in the doorway next to Detective Peralta.
"You've got ten minutes Jauregui." Peralta said, stepping back to let Lauren out. She traipsed after Lucy as they walked towards one of the interrogation rooms.
The door shut and Lauren winced as Lucy whirled on her.
"What the fuck Lauren? I get a call in the middle of the frickin' afternoon, while I was at Rikers no less, you do know I have other clients right?" Lucy snapped, shoving her briefcase onto the table with a clatter.
"Luce, I know. I didn't know this was going to happen. Last I'd heard was that the squad was struggling to get anything going." Lauren argued. "I figured I was in the clear."
"So did I." Lucy sighed, running her hand through her hair. "Cabello's really got it out for you, what'd you do to her? Break her heart?"
"Spilt her coffee and embarrassed her when she was fresh out the academy." Lauren shrugged.
"Good Lord." Lucy mumbled. "Well I can probably get you out of this. All they're claiming is that you haven't upheld your previous deals."
"I haven't Luce, not even a little bit." Lauren pointed out, sitting down with a sigh.
"It's a technicality at best. No way they can actually push this through." Lucy waved her off easily. "All we need to do is convince them that making a new deal is better than jail time."
"Cabello's gonna fight hard against that."
"Then we need to make it good. What can you give me here?" Lucy asked with a frown.
"Lucy I can't. If I flip on anyone my rep's going to tank. I'm in the middle of a negotiation with Matt Healy, I cannot afford to lose respect right now." Lauren said, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back.
"Healy? Aspirational Laur. Look, I need something to interest them." Lucy said gently.
"And I can't give it to you. I'd rather try and run the business from prison than let my reputation be trampled on." Lauren replied quietly.
"Laur, they'd push for everything you avoided. I might be able to get you 18 months but I doubt they'll want anything lower." Lucy reached across the table and curled her fingers around Lauren's.
Lauren looked at her with a smile and squeezed her fingers.
"I'll be fine. Dinah and Normani can look after the fort while I'm away, and if I set up a easy line of communication, they can keep everything in line until I'm out." Lauren said firmly.
"I'm sure your family will come and visit you soon Laur. I'll talk to Captain Holt and see what can be done but I expect you'll be transferred tomorrow morning." Lucy sighed and furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'll be okay Luce. I'm a Jauregui, that immediately gives me street cred on the inside." Lauren said with a small smile.
There was knocking at the door and a muffled voice on the other side.
Lauren stood up and smoothed out her shirt, looking down as she tucked it back into her trousers and adjusting her belt. She was surprised at the gentle tug on her tie and looked up. The soft kiss Lucy left on her lips made her eyes flutter and her heart skip.
"I'll see you soon Laur."
"Right." Lauren said dumbly as an officer escorted the pair out of the room and back towards the holding cell. Lauren watched from behind the bars as Lucy strode towards the Captain's office, the door closing with a resounding click.
Lauren sighed and moved back to her spot near the back of the cell.
Lauren must've fallen asleep at some point because she was awoken by the slamming of the cell door. She jolted up and blinked rapidly; the cell was empty except for her. The lights were harsh and bright against the bullpen, and the night sky was bleeding through the shades into the room.
With a yawn, Lauren moved over to the bars, leaning her forehead on them, her fingers peeking through the gaps.
"Oh this is golden."
Lauren opened her eyes blearily to see the smug face of Camila; she wore a pair of beaten jeans and a flannel shirt that had definitely seen better days. Her badge was clipped to her belt alongside her gun. There was a grey beanie on her hair and a pair of thick black rimmed glasses on her eyes.
"I didn't know you wore glasses." Lauren mumbled. Camila hummed, her hands cupping a mug of coffee.
"I didn't know I'd feel such joy with you behind bars with no hope of escape." Camila sighed happily.
"Well we all go eventually." Lauren yawned. Camila raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to the bars.
"Not what I thought you'd say."
"What did you think I'd say? Curse you Cabello, for you have thwarted my plans?" Lauren snorted and shook her head. "I'm not some Disney Villain Camila."
"But I did though. No more Jauregui crime family." Camila taunted, leaning closer towards Lauren with a smug grin.
"You're more naive than I thought if you seriously believe that." Lauren said bluntly, wiping the look off Camila's face.
"If you really think my family will just dissolve into nothing, well I really had you pegged as smarter." Lauren chuckled.
"Who've you put in charge then?" Camila asked with a frown.
"I think you should check my possessions and figure it out yourself." Lauren said, tapping her fingers against the bars before moving to the back of the cell with a grimace.
Lauren didn't know how much more time passed, she kind of zoned out for a while, but she brought back when she heard her mother's voice.
"Mum?" She walked over to the bars and grinned at her family.
"Laur, this is bullshit right? This isn't happening." Chris said with a frown.
"Lucy got me a deal. I do 18 months for not keeping my end of my previous deals, and I do a bit of community service when I get out. But I can't avoid this." Lauren sighed. Taylor pursed her lips and grasped Lauren's fingers through the bars.
"Stay safe in there. I'll visit every week... and I'll tell dad." She muttered.
"Thank you, and look after mum for me." Lauren replied with a smile.
Her mother looked at her, the heartbreak written all over her face; in the crease of her eyes to the wobble of her lips. Lauren smiled slightly before focusing on Chris.
"You, dickhead, come here."
"You're so nice to Tay." Chris grumbled as he leaned closer.
"You need to get your shit together."
"Am I-" Chris said, his face turning pale with a gulp.
"No. You are not in charge." Lauren hissed. "But you need to start your own thing. I can't help you and keep the family afloat."
"Laur, I don't know how."
"You've got our name Chris. You and your friends pick an area and make a name for yourself. Just... separate yourself from the family. If my plan doesn't work I can't be taking you down with me." Lauren sighed and clutched at the bars tighter.
"Alright, I'll try. And I'll visit as much as I can." Chris nodded before backing away slightly. "When they transferring you?"
"Tomorrow morning. I'll be in Rikers before the day ends." Lauren shrugged, scuffing her shoe against the ground. "D and Mani will be around to help, so let them. Or else they'll go nuts. Oh and keep Luce in the loop."
The Jauregui family said their goodbyes before leaving the police station reluctantly, leaving Lauren to her thoughts once again.
The only solace she got was the frustrated groans from the breakroom.
Camila was losing her mind. She'd let Lauren get in her head and mess it around.
Of course the family would dissolve and then the precinct could worry about the incoming power vacuum to replace them.
No way she had time to name a successor. They'd kept everyone out of the loop to avoid giving Lauren any heads up.
The breakroom table was scattered with Lauren's personal possessions that had been booked alongside her, nothing seemed out of place; there was her tie, her necklace, wallet, keys, phone, her ring, some change, a half empty pack of gum and her sunglasses.
Literally nothing was out of place.
"Uugghh." Camila groaned, lying her head down on the table.
"Mila? You alright?" Ally laughed as she walked in with a fresh coffee in her hand.
"She's in my head man. She's fuckin' with me." Camila whined.
"Who? Jauregui? She's literally about to be transferred." Ally sat down and finally took in the messy table. "Mila what are you doing? Have you finally lost it?"
"I was gloating and she's fucking with me." Camila huffed, finally looking up with a scowl. "I mentioned how her family business is over now she's going away but she seemed real confident that wasn't going to happen."
Ally looked down at the mess of belongings and shook her head softly, pointing at the centre of the table.
"Yeah, I think you may have underestimated her." Ally said quietly. Camila followed her finger and smacked herself in the forehead.
"Fuck." Camila muttered, grabbing the ring and scrambling for the door but she was too late.
Lauren was already in the elevator, hands cuffed behind her back and a smug smile on her face. She winked at Camila as the doors slid shut, leaving Camila standing there, the Jauregui family ring clutched between her fingers.
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