《Slipping Away (KnB fanfiction)》Special Edition : What If Kuroko Take The Surgery
(Continuation of chapter 35)
"Kuroko-kun" Akashi starts.
"Yes?" Kuroko replies. He looks normal right now, not even a hint of him crying last night could be seen.
"Please think about it back. We agree with the operation because we care for you. We want to take even there's only 1% chance to save you because you're our precious friend and family. Please.." Akashi persuades Kuroko.
Kuroko frowns and turns to another place. They are just laughing before, why Akashi start to talk about the operation again?
The atmosphere change almost immediately. The sudden grief aura surrounds them. No one is laughing right now.
"Kurokochii..." Kise reaches Kuroko's right hand, hoping that will make the bluenette turn his attention to them. This is a serious matter, why Kuroko keeps avoid it?
"Kurochin, you didn't even explain to us why you reject the operation," Murasakibara asks with a sad tone.
Still no answer. Kuroko didn't even open his mouth to say anything.
Momoi gets up and faces Kuroko straight to his eyes. She notices that Kuroko's eyes show sadness, he is near to cry. Kuroko who affright with Momoi sudden movement, once again turns away, this time on his lap. So that no one can see his face.
Momoi sits on the chair, looking at Kuroko with concern look and grips Kuroko's left hand. "Tetsu-kun, we have been friends since long ago. Can't you trust us with your feeling? I know you are not okay right now. Please.. Don't shut your feeling."
Kagami who frustrated with Kuroko's behaviour is ready to scream at Kuroko when suddenly Kuroko mumbles something.
"I am going to die anyway, why bother wasting your money for me?" Kuroko's head still low, eyes still looking at his lap.
"You're not going to die, Dammit!" Aomine's sudden scream echo the whole room causing the occupants wide-eyed. Kuroko instantaneously raises his head, looking at Aomine with a shocked look.
"You're not going to die. You will not.." Aomine breaks down, he falls to his knees.
"Aomine-kun" Kuroko mumbles Aomine name.
Tears start to fall on Aomine's cheek. "even..even it's hard, please. please keep on believing yourself. I know you can go through this! You're not week Tetsu. I know you. Please let us believe everything is going to be fine. Please.." Aomine begs
Kuroko turns to Kise, gripping the blond's hand. Kise changes his attention back toward Kuroko.
"Kise-kun, please take me to Aomine-kun," Kuroko asks Kise's help.
"Okay, Kurokochii" Kise picks Kuroko up bridal-style and walk towards Aomine. The others just look at the scene. Maybe, this will work out although they didn't mean to make Aomine goes on a rampage.
Kise let his knees meet the floor and let Kuroko sit in front of Aomine. Kuroko could see how sad Aomine become because of him, the tears still flowing down Aomine's cheek. The situation must be hard for him because he knows Aomine is not a person who easily cry. But Kuroko too feels the situation is hard, with his current body condition, about the tumour, about his friends' feeling, about the cost of treatment. Everything, everything is hard. He though when he disappear from this world and keep on being someone who selfless till the end, everything is going to be alright. He sure his friends will be okay and they will move on without him. That was his plan. But it seems everyone thinks the opposite.
Kuroko rubs Aomine's hand softly. "I am sorry Aomine-kun"
Aomine rises his head and being welcome by Kuroko's apologise look.
"w-what? I.. you.. no. I didn't mean on making you feel sorry for me" Aomine wipes his tears away, cursing himself for crying in front of others.
"It does feel weird looking you crying that bad" Kagami provokes Aomine with a smirk.
"Shut up, Bakagami!" Aomine feels so shames now.
"ahahaa" Kuroko sudden laugh sound so sweet to others' ears. They start to laugh too except Aomine himself.
"You two are funny" Kuroko comments.
"Ughhh. I want to be buried now" Aomine hides his head under his crossing hand, don't want to look at anybody. He feels so embarrassed.
Kuroko pulls Aomine's hand so that he could see Aomine's face.
"I can't allow that. Not when I'm going to live in the future" Kuroko smiles comfortably.
Everyone eyes open widely, excitement could be seen in them.
"You're going to take the surgery?!" Everyone asks Kuroko at the same time.
"Wow, how could you guys say the same thing at the same time?" Kuroko giggles.
Almost immediately, with the same time, everyone cornering Kuroko.
"W-what is this?" Kuroko nervously asks. Everyone look so serious. Now he feels scared.
"Are you going to take the surgery?!" They ask again at the same time.
"y-yesss" Kuroko answers with cries. They are scaring him!
One by one body starts to hug him, like a big bundle, they layered themselves.
"Thank you for considering, Kuroko-kun" Ogiwara thanks.
"Good thing is you still haven't lost your spirit" Midorima comments.
"I am so happy.." Kise shouts.
"This is so you, Kuroko-kun" Akashi sighs.
"You make my lifespan shorter for a while, baka!" Kagami adds.
Kuroko who dumbstruck with what happen, slowly carve a smile.
"I will fight this illness for you guys. I will not lose hope again" Kuroko promises as he hugs them back.
Kuroko's mouth and nose are covers by the breathing mask. Wearing green operation clothes, he is currently lying on the surgery bed. Since the tumour is to his left, the doctor instructs him to lie on his right side. He breathes the air shakily. Scare and nervous, that what he is feeling right now. Just who in the earth don't feel scared if your head is going to cut open? The only thing that keeps him brave is his friends' wish of luck. The doctor starts to talk to him, trying to move his attention.
"You have great friends, Kuroko. They are all clingy toward you" The doctor smiles as he wears the gloves.
"Yes. I am glad that they are still beside me" Kuroko reply, blinking his eyes tiredly. Why is it getting hard to stay awake? He keeps on breathing the air that contains medication that causes him to feel numb and sleepy.
"I am sure they too feel the same as you," The doctor says.
The nurse interrupts them. "Doctor, everything is ready"
"Okay," The doctor replies and turns to Kuroko.
"Kuroko, I need you to count downward start from 10. Can you do that for me?"
"..10" Kuroko starts the countdown.
"..7" Kuroko eyes are close now. They are too heavy and he gives up to stay awake.
The doctor observes Kuroko who already fall asleep. He removes the breathing mask and set up the breathing tube directly to Kuroko's trachea. The nurses help with the monitor and connect it to Kuroko's body.
When everything is set up, he raises his head and nods toward others surgeon.
"Let's do this"
Kuroko blinks his eyes slowly.
"Hey, are you awake?"
"How are you feeling, Kuroko-kun?"
Kuroko could see blurring figures but he feels so tired and have no energy to even care about anything right now.
"..He didn't response to us"
"Don't disturb him. He need his rest"
"Rest Kurochin"
Darkness engulfs him back.
Kuroko opens his tired eyes. Feeling the dry of his throat is unbearable.
Ogiwara's face and the beeping sound at the background welcoming him.
"Kuroko-kun, you're awake. Can you hear me?"
Kuroko nods with a slow movement.
"W-water" Kuroko tries to talk but there is no sound of his voice could be heard. The good thing is, Ogiwara understand his mouth movement.
"We can't give you water for now. The doctor said you probably will throw up. But I can give you ice chip. Wait a sec" Ogiwara gone for a while. Kuroko closes his eyes.
"Kuroko-kun.. here the ice chips. Open your mouth" Ogiwara instruct Kuroko.
Kuroko half open his eyes and slightly open his mouth.
His vision starts to blur again, he could feel the soothing feeling on his throat and almost immediately, darkness overtakes him again.
He could feel someone is wiping his body, the beeping sound of the machine reach his ears. He opens his eyes and sees Aomine is wiping his right hand. He moves his body a bit and almost instantaneously Aomine looks at his face.
"Tetsu! You're awake. So how are you feeling?" Aomine asks happily as he see Kuroko's eyes open and his face is not too pale just like past few week.
Aomine comes near Kuroko's mouth and grips his friend's hand. "Yes Tetsu, do you need anything?"
Kuroko shakes his head and smiles tiredly.
"I made it right?" Kuroko asks.
Aomine grins "Yeah, your fighting spirit amazed others you know"
His smile is still plastering on his face. "I'm glad I made it. It thanks to you guys"
"What about that?"
"You wake me up back when I almost gave up, thank you Aomine-kun"
"It's our job. Don't bother" Aomine grins again.
Kuroko looks around him, there's monitor on his left and there's a lot of wires connecting to him. The bed looks different too. Why does Aomine wearing the green clothes?
"Where am I?"
"ICU. It's been three weeks, Tetsu. You made us worried. Your blood pressure drop at a danger rate. I though you don't want to open your eyes anymore."
'three weeks?!' now Kuroko looks guilty. "I'm sorry Aomine-kun, It feels only few hour passed, I never thought I was out for a long time"
"Nah, looking at you able to feel worried right now already show me that you're okay. I'm grateful"
Kuroko smiles before asks Aomine "Where are the others?"
"Akashi went to talk to the doctor and the others are resting. We take turns in taking care of you. And since it's ICU, only two people are allowed to accompany you or else the head nurse is going to be mad just like the first day after your surgery"
"What happened that day?"
Aomine scratches his cheek. "Well, we are so worried about you back then, and all of us enter the room without hearing any nurses warning. The scary head nurse comes and shoves us out, not forgetting the murderous warning. She is so scary! Even Akashi is scared of her"
"it must be funny" Kuroko giggles.
"Geez, which one of it is funny? It's scary!" Aomine complaints but soft smiles appear on his face as he looks at Kuroko's giggling face. 'He is okay. I'm really thankful'
"So, what do you want for your recovering present?" Aomine asks.
Kuroko eyes shining so brightly. His tired feeling before vanishes in a blink. "Vanilla milkshake?"
Aomine slaps his own head and later he laughs. "Geez Tetsu. You're like a child. Yeah, I should know that. Okay. I will ask Murasakibara to make you one"
"Hehee. Thanks, Aomine-kun"
Aomine grins and rubs Kuroko's head carefully. "Anything for you, buddy"
"Koganei! We are here" Hyuga swing his hand as he saw Koganei came out from the hospital building. Everyone is on the ground, with foods and drinks. Yes, they are having a picnic today although it only at the hospital garden.
"Oh, there they are. Let's go Kuroko" Koganei says as he pushes Kuroko's wheelchair toward the others.
"Sure" Kuroko replies with a smile.
As they arrived at them, they are greeted with everyone's smiling face.
Murasakibara gets up and picks Kuroko up. He then places Kuroko next to Akashi and he sits beside Kuroko.
"Do you know what are we going to celebrate for today?" Akashi asks Kuroko.
"Hmm. I don't know.." Kuroko answers.
"Well, you're allowed by the doctor to be back home tomorrow" Akashi announces.
Kuroko jumps a little as he heard Akashi. "Really?!"
"Of course, Kuroko. You have fully recovered from your illness after all" Midorima says.
"I'm happy for you Tetsu-kun. It's been five months since your surgery and you're so longing to go back home" Momoi adds.
"Yeah, I'm thankful that I'm free from cancer now" Kuroko smiles gratefully as he looks at his friends' face one by one.
"It's a miracle that the surgery was successful and it was so suddenly when the doctor came with a new treatment to kill your first cancer," Riko says.
"If the Gamma Knife treatment come first before you take the surgery, you don't need to be suffering from the side effect. Too bad that the doctor only discovered it a month ago" Tsuchida adds.
"Well, it doesn't matter anymore since Kuroko already cured" Kagami cuts Tsuchida. There's no need to thinking about the past when everything is right now.
"You know Kurokochii, the doctor praises you a lot. He said you have a great fighting spirit and help a lot with the research of finding a new cure for brain cancer patients. You're awesome, Kurokochi!" Kise tells Kuroko.
Kuroko looks at his lap, smiling "I can do it because of you guys. I'm thankful that you guys stay beside me all this time. Supporting me although things get harder as time passed. I am the luckiest person to have you guys"
Then, he feels someone cup his face with both hands. The hands raise his head and Ogiwara's face is in front of him.
"We are the one who lucky to have you. There's no need to thanks us because what you did for our sake before is not something that can be paid. We only can pay you with this small amount of love to be compared to your love for us" Ogiwara grins.
A hand rubs his head smoothly. He turns to see whose hand is it. Aomine's face greets him.
"You're the most precious present that Kami-Sama sent for us. Knowing you is the most precious moment to us. Thank you Tetsu, thank you for everything" Aomine rubs Kuroko's head again but keeps remind himself to not doing it too harshly because although Kuroko is free from cancer now, his head is still a sensitive place to be put pressure after he had the surgery. Kuroko does suffer from it even after two months the surgery has been done.
Kuroko blushes a little and his smile becomes bigger. He smiles all his heart. The best smiles they ever see.
"Kuroko-kun, someone want to see you" Akashi calls for Kuroko who is practicing in the court with Seirin.
Kuroko turns and rolls his wheelchair toward Akashi. "Who?"
Aomine and Momoi grin behind Akashi. He can see that they are hiding someone at their back.
"What are you guys hiding from me?" Kuroko asks, feeling weird with their attitude.
"She is someone you have been missing. You know who is she" Aomine teases Kuroko.
'who?.. wait, it can't be her. They never know about her.' Kuroko thought as he comes nearing them. Aomine and Momoi move a bit so that the girl can be seen by Kuroko. The girl has a shoulder long blond hair with pale green eyes.
Kuroko eyes widen in surprise. He can't believe this "Haruhi-san?"
The girl raises her head and smiles to Kuroko. "It's been a while right, Tetsuya-kun"
Kuroko blushes a little. The girl in front of him is the one who has attracted his attention after he has a heartbreak from being rejected by Momoi. The one he had met at the hospital in his five months stay.
The girl comes nearing Kuroko.
Try to act cool, he asks her "Hi. How are you and how is your grandma? Is she okay now?"
"I'm fine and my grandma, she is in a good health now. It thanks to you, you gave her spirit to fight her illness. She improved at a fast rate after she hears you have cured of your illness. You're cool back then you know" There's a hint of red shade on Hikari's cheek.
Kuroko can't help but find it fun to look at her face. For him, she is cute. He didn't even blink his eyes as he looking at her.
Her eyes fall back to his face, startle Kuroko. He turns another place to cover his embarrassment being caught staring at her.
"Glad to hear that. Maybe one day I can see her again. I love talking to her because he reminds me of my late grandmother" Kuroko states.
"Eh?" The girl looks dumbstruck.
"W-why are you saying that right now?" Haruhi becomes uneasy, she looks at the others with the embarrassing look. She closes her face with both her hand.
"What do you mean by that?" Kuroko asks with a weird look.
Haruhi inhales a long breath and lets it go, open back her face with the determining look.
"I love you too!" She screams. Hahaha.. what is this..?
The ball that Kuroko hold for a while ago, roll to the ground. Kuroko's face blusher with a higher shade of red.
The gymnasium suddenly fills with laughing voices. Haruhi looks at them with a weird look and turns back to look at Kuroko. She blurs for a while. What happens here?
"Umm. Haru-chan, I think you have mistaken what Tetsu-kun said" Momoi holds her laugh.
Instantaneously, Haruhi runs toward Momoi. "w-what did he say b-before? I-I was w-wrong?" Haruhi holds Momoi's hand so tightly, wanting an answer. Kuroko still froze there.
"hahaha.. you are clumsy Haru-san. Now he knows what yours feeling to him" Momoi starts to laugh again.
"W-what did he saidddd?" Haruhi keeps begs Momoi to tell her. Her face is nearing to cry. This time she knows that it was a bad thing to answer someone's question so suddenly.
"Hey Tetsu, are you alive? Aren't you happy that someone confesses to you?" Aomine teases Kuroko.
"S-shut up Aomine-kun" Kuroko stutters a bit, holding on his embarrassment.
Aomine continues to laugh at Kuroko's reaction. They have been investigated about the girl ever since Kuroko unconsciously said her name in his dreams a week ago. It seems that both of them don't have each other contact number and don't know how to meet see each other again after Kuroko leaves the hospital. They have become friends since months three of Kuroko's stay in the hospital and both of them have fallen for each other as time passed but no movement was made by them. The Kiseki no Sedai have made a move to search for her and plan to make them meet again. But they never thought that this day will be the confessing day!
Hikari goes back to Kuroko to apologise. "I'm sorry Tetsuya-kun. I have made a mistake. Please forget about it" She begs her.
He takes her hand, startles her. "I-I love you too" Kuroko looks directly to her eyes.
Everything suddenly falls into silent.
One by one sound of claps hand could be heard. Yes, it was from the Kiseki no Sedai, Seirin and Ogiwara who see the scene directly in front of them.
"Congratulation Kuroko and Hikari!" The Seirin shouts.
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