《His Last Hope | ✓》26: So this is why girls kiss and tell.
I hadn't exactly planned to be summoned from my house on this particular Saturday afternoon. Not until later anyways, when I was meant to be going to Ella's for a girls night. Instead a brief phone call yanked me from my weekend routine of absolute nothingness. Which basically consisted of gobbling down health concerning amounts of cookie dough while watching Netflix.
Drifting into the asphalt covered parking lot I drove my newly released car towards the Harold's sign. The big bold lettering flagged me down, hinting at where Lincoln was most likely to be stranded. Careful of pedestrians I cruised around the lot, easily spotting the bulky teen. He was half engulfed under the hood of his car, fiddling with the interior mechanisms.
Circling around I honked my horn, effectively startling him out of his concentration. With a playful scowl he flipped me off, throwing me into a fit of laughter. The surrounding area was quite packed but I was lucky enough to find a spot to park just a few spaces away from the rundown Volkswagen.
"Well, hello to you too." I mused once I had closed the distance between us. "Is that how you greet your knight in shinning armour?"
Lincoln's head was still ducked down. "Only when they try to purposefully get me to hit my head on the hood of my car." He responded knowingly.
Even though he wasn't looking at me I grinned back sheepishly.
Despite my presence Lincoln proceeded to busy himself - twisting knobs and fiddling with wires I have no idea how to differentiate. Intrigued I paced forward, placing my hands on the damaged vehicle and leaning in.
"What's that?" I pointed towards a wire Lincoln had been fastening.
"A spark plug."
"And that?"
"The valve spring."
"And that?"
Lincoln paused what he was doing to send me the look a parent gives their inquisitive child when they're asking too many questions. The cheerful smile I responded with buttered him up.
"It's the PVC hose." He said with a sigh, stretching to his full height.
"What's wrong with it this time?" I asked, observing his muscles flex under his sweat shirt.
"No idea." He grunted. "Can't say this isn't starting to piss me off though. She doesn't even last a couple of days with me. And every time I bring her back there's a new fucking problem."
"Maybe you're just a shitty driver?"
Lincoln flashed me a bored gaze, almost glaring at me due to my comment.
"I'm kidding!" I insisted with a shove of his shoulder, "Have you ever thought of bringing it to a new shop?"
At the personification I rolled my eyes, "Okay, her. Have you ever thought of bringing her to another shop?"
"No," he answered honestly, "Phil literally charges me peanuts for the work he does on her. Anywhere else would charge me an arm and a leg. I don't have very many of those to spare." He joked, patting his beloved car. "I doubt bringing Vikki anywhere else will make a difference. She's just too far gone."
Lincoln looked almost put out by the idea of having to bring his beloved car to the scrap yard. "How long have you had her for?"
"Two years." Unlatching the stand Lincoln dropped the hood back into place. "Or something like that at least. I got her for about three thousand - used every penny to my name to fix her up. I drove her from the moment I could legally do so." In a quieter, sneakier tone he add, "Maybe even for a while before that."
Knowing I was preparing to chastise him Lincoln delivered a mischievous grin in my direction.
"She must be something pretty special then." Biting back the lecture scratching at my throat I leaned up against Vikki's side.
"She's the most special woman in my life." With a heavy hand he pat the hunk of metal, a thunderous clang rustled through the parking lot. A few people turned there heads prior to going about their Saturday. Personally, I couldn't stop grinning at the boy who loved his car. "Well," He caught himself, "one of the four."
He didn't respond. He didn't have to. That panty-dropping smirk said it all.
Briskly, as to distract myself from my less than polished thoughts, I cleared my throat. "Do you have everything?"
Soundlessly Lincoln ducked into his vehicle. From the windshield I observed as he reached into the cupholders. When he retracted his hand his wallet was in his grasp. Lincoln slipped the leather binding into his back pocket before straightening.
"Now I do." With a push of a button Lincoln locked up Vikki. Moving away from the passenger side he returned to the hood of his car. "Let me just hide the keys for Phil. Whoever he sends with the tow might need them."
"So you're sending her back to the shop?"
Lincoln's broad shoulders shrugged under his sweat shirt. "I don't really have much of a choice, she won't even start."
"Such a shame." A third voice commented once Lincoln had shut the hood with a resounding bang. The intrusion broke my attention only to refocus on Lincoln's father.
He stood on the other side of the car, maybe a couple parking spots away. However, Vikki's barrier wasn't enough for me. Nerves instantaneously rattled my body, my eyes snapping over to Lincoln's face in order to read his reaction. He was positioned exactly how I expected him to be. His jaw was taut, shoulders stiffer than a dehydrated sponge.
The middle aged man was only in close proximity and tensions were already running high.
Lincoln's father wasn't effected. He was smiling. It was an easy, lazy smile. But even his expression threw me off completely. It almost didn't work on his face. A man as cruel as the one before me shouldn't have been able to have a careless smile such as that. And because of that it almost looked unnatural, teasing - malicious.
Lincoln and I took on the roles of statues as the close-shaven man approached. His hefty build was disguised in baggy, thoughtless attire. He looked rough, like he hadn't been home in a few days.
His mouth opened to speak and I was grateful that we were outside. Not just for the witness factor, but because this way I didn't need to take a whiff of his putrid breath.
"Hello, Son."
Lincoln remained mute.
The unnatural smile turned up at one side. It was clear he was teasing now. He found the hatred his son had for him amusing. "How have you been?"
"Cut the crap." Lincoln barked sharply. "What do you want?"
The middle aged man dug his fists into his pockets, keeping a wide stance while squaring off his shoulders. "I guess your mother mentioned that I'd be paying you a visit."
"Not the brightest of ideas." I observed Lincoln's body language. The way he presented himself reminded me of a spring. He was wound up so tightly, all that pent up anger was sure to have to end up somewhere. And I doubt he'd make it to The Pit in time to unleash it all.
"Really? Because I think we can help each other out."
Lincoln questioned boldly. "Are you going to lock yourself away? For life? 'Cause that's the only way you could ever help me."
A deep grumble was audible from the other man's chest, "And why would I do that?"
"Oh, I don't know," Lincoln mused, taking a threatening step forward, "breaking and entering," step, "destruction of property," step, "battery," step, "assault," step, "rape... the list goes on really."
Each advancement made my stomach knot uncomfortably. The two men were now face to face, Lincoln standing even taller than his father. I thought my heart was about to burst. The anger radiating off of Lincoln was dangerous. He sought revenge.
But Lincoln's father wasn't stupid.
He planned for the exchange to be in public. If, God forbid, Lincoln struck out there would be enough witnesses to retell the happenings. Lincoln would be held accountable. He would be the one contained, he would receive the charges.
The smirk on his father's face remained stable, his fists visibly remaining in his pockets. Lincoln was falling prey to his expectations.
"Hey!" Out of pure reflex I raced around the Volkswagen, tumbling in between the two. "Lincoln, calm down." I harshly whispered.
Huffs of hot breath were sweeping out of Lincoln's nose, the exhalation fanning against my cheeks. With my hands on his torso I could physically feel the tension, the contraction of muscle present. His fists were shut tight, knuckles snow white and strained. But he paused at my words.
"Hello there," the grimy voice to my rear caused the hair on my neck to stand. I froze at the close proximity. Lincoln was the one to reposition me behind him.
"What do you want?" Lincoln forced out, trying not to cause a scene.
"To purpose a deal."
"I'm not cutting a deal with you." Lincoln clarified, about to turn away from his father.
"I'll leave her alone."
Lincoln paused, turning his head towards the man. "Who?"
"Your mother. But seeing as you're so attached to this little lady..." He suggested causing my skin to crawl.
The expression Lincoln was displaying only caused the middle aged man to crack up laughing. "I'm kidding, take a joke Son. I'll leave your pet alone."
Lincoln showed signs of being ready to swing around and attack. As a safety measure I clenched his wrist hoping to provide him some sort of comfort. "This is the last time I'm asking. What do you want Claudio?"
"Money." The yellow of his teeth flashed in an unappealing way. "I've noticed you have yourself a little hobby Lincoln. Personally I wouldn't have expected it but nevertheless it interests me."
"What are you on about?" Lincoln questioned beside me, thoroughly confused.
"The Pit." A thick finger pointed me out. "You saw me there the other week, didn't you Sweetheart?"
I cursed myself in silence. The night of my confrontation with Silva came to mind. I was so enthralled with the rush of adrenaline that I failed to mention that tid-bit of information.
"I figured we could make an arrangement. I was imagining an agent-client relationship of sorts." Claudio continued, painting the image inside his mind.
"What, so you want part of my earnings, is that it?"
"At first I considered it. Then I realized there was so much more potential for money to be made." I recognized the hungry gleam in Claudio's eyes.
Suspicions were rising within the man next to me. "So, if you don't want a cut of what I make then what do you want?"
"I want you to start throwing fights."
"You want him to lose... on purpose?" I reiterated, not believing what I was hearing. What kind of father was cool with allowing his son to get the snot beaten out of him?
"That doesn't benefit Lincoln at all." I argued.
"It benefits his mum." With an expectant gaze he stared down his son, awaiting a response. "Rumour has it my son is quite the brawler, not very people would bet against him winning. There's a lot of money to be made going with the underdog."
Lincoln's answer rang firm.
"I'm not working for you. There's no way in Hell. You're going to leave my family, and the few people I actually give a damn about, the fuck alone. Or I promise you'll regret it. You're going to rot behind bars. Even if I have to drag you there myself."
"Dragging me there would be assault, would it not?"
With a piercing gaze Lincoln relied, "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?"
Humorously the husky man tisked, "Not a smart move Son. This is your last chance to change your mind."
"Yeah, you're right." Lincoln paused, taking a couple steps back towards Claudio's vindictive expression. "I do change my mind. I don't just want to throw you in jail."
A mean scowl twisted Claudio's lips. "You've made your bed, prepare to sleep in it. I will get my money; even if that means removing obstacles."
With those being his last words I expected the man to leave. He didn't. Instead he stayed and stared as if trying to decapitate the two of us with his mind. Lincoln broke our contact, sliding an arm around my shoulder and ushering me to the car.
It was only once I was in the safety of my own vehicle that I built up the courage to peek back towards Lincoln's father. He was still there. Watching. Waiting. Freaking me the fuck out.
"Drive." Lincoln ordered with the click of his seatbelt.
Following his instruction I shoved the key into the ignition, the sound of my baby purring to life. Fleetingly I found the nearest exit out of the plaza, putting distance between us and the man of my nightmares.
It was only after a considerable amount of time that I decided to commence conversation. "I'm dropping you off at your house, right?"
Lincoln hummed his response.
"Is your mom going to that open house as soon as you get home?"
Sensing his reservation I decided that would be enough questions for the remainder of the ride. I doubt I would be in such a talkative mood if I were in his position.
Minutes later I pulled up to Lincoln's quaint suburban home. After his absolute silence I half-thought he would just quietly up and leave, maybe throw a bye over his shoulder. To my surprise he sat there refusing to look anywhere but through the shield of glass in front of him.
"Did it not cross your mind to tell me?"
"Hmm?" I had been too preoccupied watching the cute little maltese-looking dog being walked down the street.
"The one time you should actually open your mouth about something and you don't say anything."
"Are you mad about me not telling you about your dad being at The Pit? Because I promise my intentions were to tell you. I just-"
Lincoln didn't seem convinced. "If you planned on telling me those would have been the first words out of your big mouth when I got out of the ring."
"Lincoln-" I tried, wounded by his words.
"He can do so much fucking shit with that information. He could have told my mom. He could have gone to the cops-"
"Even if I did tell you what would it have done?" I asked, puzzled as to why he was so frustrated with me.
"I would have been prepared!" Lincoln grunted, huffing. Being in such a small space with him all worked up was starting to make me anxious.
"Lincoln." I reached out for his shoulder, a poor attempt of calming him down.
"No. Get lost." He shot, whipping my car door open and practically sprinting out onto the sidewalk. The bang that followed caused me to wince.
What the Hell just happened?
Perplexed I watched as Lincoln disappeared into his house. His words were sharp, unforgiving, but I knew he didn't mean all of what was said. He was stressed, forced into panic at the thought of what his father's next move might be. With a sigh I pulled my car out of park.
Even though I didn't want to, I had to give Lincoln Pierce some space.
* * * * *
The familiar dialogue from The Notebook droned on in the background. I was too preoccupied gliding my finger up and down my phone screen to pay much attention to Ella's television. I scanned listing after listing, searching for cheap residence options. There were high hopes of finding one, and maybe having Lincoln forgive me for being so forgetful a little bit sooner.
Unfortunately I wasn't the most knowledgeable in this department. $800 a month for a basement apartment. Was that good?
High school really teaches you nothing about the real world.
"Cali!" Ella interrupted from the single seater. "Are you even paying attention?"
"I told you we should have watched something else." Harper mumbled from beside me.
Ella shushed her almost instantly. With the remote in her hand she questioned me, "What are you even doing? This is meant to be a girls night! Phone away!"
Invading my privacy Harper peeked over my shoulder. "Planning on moving out?"
Making sure the movie was paused Ella rushed over. "Basement apartments? That's a pretty big step... we aren't even out of high school yet."
"It's not for me you guys." I rolled my eyes at their prying. I wasn't a fan of my own medicine.
"Then who?" Harper asked.
"It's for Lincoln."
The thick silence had me looking up from my device.
Ella was wiggling her brows at Harper who stared back knowingly.
"For lover-boy, eh?" Ella taunted, shoving my shoulder in a playful manner.
I rolled my eyes again, but couldn't manage to bat away the smile growing on my face.
"Do tell." Harper pressed.
"Well, him and his family are thinking about moving. Obviously." I said, trying to fight the blush down. It was difficult with two pairs of eyes digging into my soul. "It just can't be something too crazy, expense wise, 'cause it's only him and his mom paying the bills."
"Screw the house, did you guys do it?" Ella popped up, hopping up and down on the couch.
"What? Ella! No. The most we've ever done is kiss-"
"You kissed Lincoln Pierce?" Ella shrieked, Harper muffled her ears. "No freakin' way! Tell me!"
"Where?" Ella pressed.
I sighed at her interest, grinning nonetheless. The thought of our kiss in his kitchen alone had got me giddy.
So this is why girls kiss and tell.
"Okay, well the first time was in his kitchen-"
"Hold up." A manicured hand found its way into my face. "This happened more than once?"
"Only twice." I confessed.
"You've kissed Lincoln Pierce twice? Was there tongue?"
Harper intercepted while I blinked at my blonde friend. "Can we get off the rather personal, horny details Elle?" She situated her body in my direction, "Considering you're helping them, are they planning on moving as soon as possible?" Harper questioned, and for a moment I stopped to mull over just how perceptive my redheaded friend truly was.
"Sort of."
"Why hasn't he asked the mechanic, Philip?"
Baffled I tilted my head, my bun flopping to the side. "Why would he ask Phil?"
"There's an apartment above the shop."
"Is there actually?" Mentally, I recalled the building. There was a second story, I just never considered anything other than offices or spare parts to be up there.
"From what I've observed, yes. And if they're friends, like they say they are, Lincoln should be able to secure the location at a much cheaper cost than most."
Nodding, I agreed. "I'll bring it to his attention, I doubt the place doesn't already have a tenant though."
"Um, excuse me!" Ella shouted over our conversation.
Harper and I turned to her at the same time. "What?"
With big, curious eyes Ella repeated, "Was there tongue?"
Laughing at my friend's tactics I brushed off the overtly personal question. "Go un-pause the movie Elle."
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