《Neglected- Sun/moon x child reader》Chapter 2: daycare


Y/N's POV:

I was very surprised. Usually when we went somewhere like this they would take my sister inside to have fun and leave me in the car.

My mom and dad got out of the car whispering to each other.

They opened the door and dragged me out.

They started walking me inside of the pizza place. I've never been to a place like this before, it was amazing.

There where all these amazing animatronics, all so modern.

We started walking to a place that looked like a sign in desk.

The line was sooo long, we where in the line for hours. But I'm kinda used to it. Once or twice... maybe 3 or 4 times... father tied me up naked because he... I don't really know what he did but something with me and him naked. So he tied me up and put the rope on the ceiling. I hung their for days and this happened like 4 times... I can't remember. But the point is, that was really tiring on my body so standing their in the line for hours was nothing.

We finally got to the desk and mother and father signed in. Father dragged me too this place.

It was a daycare.

"Now I don't have to deal with the cops finding out about this little shit." My father said.

They left.

I was free.

I didn't know what to feel. Should I feel happiness or sadness?

I'm so ungrateful... I had a family... I'm now happy their gone? They fed me once a week... other kids probably never got fed and died. I'm so ungrateful... so useless.

My thoughts where interrupted by a tall figure standing above me.

"Hiya there new friend! You must be new I've never seen you here before whats your name!" Said a tall animatronic that was shaped like a sun.


I looked up at it.

"My names.. Y/N."

"Y/N... such a wonderful name!"

No one has ever said that to me before. My mom said she named me that because I'm such a waste of space. I should still miss my family tho..

"Other kids your age are doing an art project! How's about you come join us and have some fun?"

"Yea... that sounds nice."

You smiled. Maybe you where free. Maybe this was the better life for you...


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