《My Heart's A Battleground - VP Special Chapters》KinnPorsche Chapter 38 ~ 43 (Porsche's POV)
This is NOT VegasPete Special Chapter 2. This chapter is chapter 38 ~ 43 from the KinnPorsche novel. And it's VegasPete through Porsche's POV after Pete ran away from Vegas' house. Later, it switches to Pete's and Vegas' POV again.
Porsche POV
"Hey Pete, what are you so afraid of?"
"I told you. I don't wanna come out," Pete said, tightly holding Arm's arm.
"Can you let go of my arm, Pete?"
"I wanna go home," Pete insisted.
"Come on man, if you keep clinging on me like that, people will think we're dating. And that's not cool," Arm said and tried to rip off Pete's hands, but he was stuck to him like a gecko.
Pete was so anxious, he kept on looking from left to right as if someone might kidnap him again. I felt pity for him, but I just couldn't help but find it adorable whenever he does that. He might be one tough fighter, but seeing him like that made me want to protect him more.
"Hey, Pete! Come on!!!" Arm impatiently said, pushing Pete's face away. The latter then let go of his grip and was swatted away. Pete staggered, before eventually bumping into someone.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" Pete hurriedly apologized.
"Hey! Watch where you are goin- Oh, Pete..." Kinn, Kim, and Thankhun halted their quarrel as all the eyes stared at the person Pete had just bumped into.
The youngest son of the second family appeared in front of me. Pete only stood and trembled as if he saw a ghost for the first time.
Macao? Was Macao the reason for your paranoia?
"Out for a walk?" Macao talked past Pete and I then greeted Kinn.
"What about you? Out for a walk too?" Kinn replied in monotone.
"No. My brother has been missing since this afternoon, and the latest track of his GPS said that he was here. So, I hurriedly followed." Macao said and I immediately turned to look at Pete. He was sweating like hell, and his grip had tightened too.
"Vegas disappeared? Wasn't he just out for a walk too?"
"No Phi. He slipped and hit his head on the floor last night so we took him to the hospital. But they called, and they said that he escaped." Macao said with a dithered expression.
"What happened to him? Why did he suddenly want to escape?" Kinn said.
Macao then gradually turned his gaze to Pete, who also have an equal dithery expression,
"He had been through a lot, Phi. And the doctor advised me to watch over him, but I was too late."
"And?" Kinn said in a query but was eventually pushed aside by Thankhun's gesture.
"Kim, look at this! I couldn't believe they have this too, just like what they have on the temple!!!" Thankhun cheerfully said, while holding a large bandana that looks like what the monks wear. He then wrapped it around Kim's neck and dragged his little brother up to the crowd.
"H-hey! What the hell are you doing!?" Kim ranted but still went on with his brother's trip.
"Haha! It looks good on you my little brother. Now we don't need to visit the temple now, aren't we?"
"Hi Phi 'Khun. From a distance, Kim looks like a monk, and you as a sinner. Looks like you and Kim are having fun, aren't we?" Macao teased and Thankhun glared in reply.
"Macao you bastard!" Thankhun said and was about to lunge towards Macao's direction, but Pete and I held both of his arms.
"Calm the fuck down." I said.
"You really have a loose screw huh? Sigh... I better go find my brother now, or else I'll be infected by you." Macao dragged his voice and walked past Thankhun's face.
"W-what did you just say!? Are you mocking me!?" Thankhun brawled, but Pete immediately stopped him.
"That's enough 'Khun. People might hear you and it wouldn't be good for your image."
Pete said in a low voice.
"And why would I be embarrassed? They should be embarrassed by me instead! Now where the fuck did that Macao go!?" Thankhun said before following Macao and grabbing the latter on the shoulders. "You cannot enter!"
"Says who? I don't see any sign that says I cannot." Macao said in a smug face. Damn this kid got some talking skills. "What the hell is going on!?"
Jade's signature eight-octave voice rang out.
"Hey, you ladyboy! Why did you let people in!?" Thankhun immediately turned to Jade when he saw her.
"Wha-! Well I thought you guys will be coming late, and I also have to make a living for God's sake!" Jade replied dryly, turning his head in my direction for help.
"We're here already, so you don't have to anymore. And also, don't let this bastard in!"
Thankhun pointed at Macao, and everybody sighed in chorus.
"What the hell's wrong with you!? I'm trying to find my brother, goddammit!" Macao protested.
"Then go somewhere else! Cause I'll be buying this shop for my own! Pete! Go tell my dad to ready a check!"
"Kim please... stop your lunatic brother." Ché slightly pulled the hem of Kim's shirt, while the latter shook his head.
"Na-ah. I got no stupid brother like that. Kinn, go stop him." Kim turned to Kinn.
"Nope. I'll pass." Kinn said before hiding at my back. My eyes immediately followed Kinn's gesture, and the bastard only grinned at me. Shit! This can't get any worse, does it?
"You'll sell it for 10 million? Fine! Bring out the deed then!"
"Hey 'Khun, calm the fuck down! Who says I'll be selling my shop?" Jade brawled on Thankhun before turning to me with a whimper. "Porsche... Can you please stop this crazy bastard?"
Damn what a hassle!
"Jade, you go now and serve your customers, and as for you 'Khun, if you can't fucking shut up, I'll let you eat my foot instead!" I threatened, and the bastard pursed his lips sealed.
"And you. You can go home now. You're still too young to be lingering in this kind of place. Especially at times like this. It's way too dangerous." Kinn said to Macao, and he only nodded in reply.
"But Ché's underage too." Kim pointed at Ché.
"But he's your responsibility. So, take good care of him." As soon as Kinn finished his sentence, I glared at him again and the bastard slapped his mouth shut as if he had said something he shouldn't.
"I can take care of my own brother alright? So, get the fuck off!" I said, pulling my brother out of Kim's hand.
"I know, I know." Kinn said softly and Kim only raised his hands in defeat.
These fucking brothers really do share the same mental state of mind. If only Kinn and Kim didn't know how to socialize, they'd be sharing the same pot.
We stood outside. Waiting for Jade to clear out the shop like what Thankhun wanted. The bastard was clearly excited because he couldn't keep his hands to himself. One was on Ché's nape and the other was on Pete's arm. Kinn was no different, for his hand was on my head. We're like a bunch of kids waiting for the playground to open.
"Do you think he's in there?" Pete suddenly whispered to me.
"Who? And what are you so afraid of? If you don't calm down now, I'll slap the shit out of you." I said to Pete.
"I just... don't wanna see his face," Pete said softly, "And I fucking hate him." He added, and I only looked at him in reply without uttering a single word. He was so silent that I thought he'll be asking to go home again...
"Aren't we going in yet? I wanna drink."
But he immediately changed the topic like that.
"I thought you wanted to go home?"
"I changed my mind. I wanna get drunk tonight!!!" Pete exclaimed, fixing himself up.
It didn't take long for Jade to clear out the people. We then made our way to the tables with ease and with our heads up. 'Khun even asked for a karaoke set up in the middle and said that we should sing to our heart's content. Pete then took the initiative, and the karaoke party began.
"...memories of yesterday with the love that you left behind. Why would you still ask me how am I? I want to know why. I don't want to talk about it, because the more you seek it. The more it hurts. How long does it take to forget about the one you loved the most?"
Everyone took turns, a song by song. And the shop was filled with laughter and glass clanging together. Thankhun still chose to be the outcast, who kept on picking songs with an annoying beat. But it eventually subsided when he let Pete take the lead. As soon as the liquor hits Pete's mouth, the atmosphere around him turned into a Friday nightclub. He was so gloomy, and the songs that he kept on punching in were too sad as if he was lovelorn.
What's really up with you and Vegas huh, Pete?
"Keep that question aside before this person stops breathing..."
"Give Pete applause!!!" Thankhun said with his eyes drooping from boredom. He then looked at the music queue with anticipation, and his eyes widen when his song appeared on the screen. Thankhun immediately pulled the mic from Pete's hand and nodded to Arm to play the song.
"Can I sing another song, Khun?" Pete took the mic back.
"I've already had enough of your heartbreaking songs Pete! We're here to have fun! Not to be depressed, okay!?" Thankhun said to Pete, before stomping its feet to the beat of the music.
"Just let him be." Kinn said to Pete in apology.
"You already got 10 songs in a row! And any more of that will send me into complete misery. Don't you care about the others? They wanted to hear me sing so badly right now!" Thankhun said confidently.
"Says who?" Ché said, but Thankhun was unfazed. Pete and 'Khun were still holding on to the mic without anyone backing out. Please, someone, take away the mic from these two.
"Alright, that's enough! Your time is up already. It's our turn now." Pol and Arm said, immediately pulled out the mic from Pete and 'Khun's hand then punched in their song. The bastard protested, but Pete only lifted his glass and glugged out the liquor to the rim.
"Kinn, don't you think Pete was acting quiet, weird?" I nudged Kinn's side.
"Uhm... no?"
"What do you mean no?" I asked in disbelief, and I knew Kinn was hiding something from me the way he stared at Pete. As if he was also worried about the latter.
Pete took a deep breath, making Kinn and I pull away a little farther from each other.
"What's up?" I asked Pete.
"I wanna have a girlfriend." Pete suddenly muttered with his head all droopy and messy.
"What?" Kinn and I said in chorus.
"Huh?" Pete furrowed his eyebrows towards us, before continuing what he was trying to say. "I want a girlfriend; I want to get married and start over."
Pete kept on blabbering before shoving another shot of liquor in his mouth.
"You're drunk." I said, reaching for the glass he was holding.
"Who'll get married?" Thankhun overheard our conversation and immediately came in.
"Pete. He said he wanted to get married." Kinn pointed to Pete, who was now seated on the sofa with a lovelorn face.
"That's good! I'll then propose a grand dowry for you! Then who'll you marry? Should I pick my sister-in-law for you?"
"He's the man. He should be putting up a dowry instead."
"Then, who'll be your bride?"
Pete took another shot before replying, "I dunno either." Scrunching his nose up as his face blushed.
These bastards are way too drunk to function. I then pulled out my cigarette and nudged Kinn's side to let him know that I'll be going out for a while. He nodded and I immediately grabbed Pete to tag along, wrapping both of his arms around mine because he was clearly wasted as fuck.
We both made our way to the back, with the tiny veranda to step on. I lit out my cigarette and so as Pete then we both let ourselves get succumbed to the sudden solitude.
"Are you drunk?" I asked Pete, whose eyes were still gloomy and his back against the wall.
"Just a bit tipsy..." He shortly said, breathing the nicotine in and puffing a ball of smoke out. We both walked on eggshells as we tried to exchange little conversations.
"Pete, do you remember the thing that I asked you? Is there anyone else aside from P'Chan who knew the company well?" I said in a query. This has been bothering me for days already. And the more that I dug into it, the more I got curious.
"Why do you wanna know so bad, huh Porsche?" Pete raised an eyebrow, looking at me suspiciously.
"Pete, you know that I trust you a lot. No one knows about this aside from you. Not even my brother, Tem or Jom or even Kinn knows about this."
"Err... I dunno Porsche. I don't want to get myself in trouble again." Pete said kiddingly but a matter of factly.
"Please Pete. You gotta help me." I insisted.
"Do I even have a choice?" Pete sighed, and I smiled.
"Athi-who's addicted to gambling, gave this picture to me." I took out my wallet and pulled the said picture. I handed it to Pete, and the latter only frowned for a moment before turning towards the light for a better view.
"This was Khun Korn when he's still young. And, who's the young boy?" Pete said as he scanned the picture once again.
"It's me."
"You!?" Pete's eyes widened and turned to look at me.
"Yes, it's me." I repeated.
"W-what- Don't tell me you're Khun Korn's other son!? So, you and Khun Kinn are- Oh my God! You screwed your own brother!?"Pete exclaimed, overreacting.
"My parents are right behind Khun Korn, you dumbass!" I said.
"Ow. My bad." Pete scratched his head slightly, "And this is Khun Korn." He added.
"That's why I'm asking for your help. I wanna know what connection Khun Korn has with my parents." The picture sparked my interest, but my uncle's words drew me even further in.
"Why don't you ask Khun Kinn?"
"I was thinking about that too. But I dunno if Kinn's already aware of it. Or if he'll even tell me if he is."
"You should be careful, or you'll end up being manipulated by the main clan too, just like what happened to your parents."
The voice of my uncle echoed inside my head, as I tried to reanalyze everything. I don't even know if this was true or a fucking lie. What I just know now is that I can't trust anyone aside from Pete.
"I think you should at least ask Khun Kinn, Porsche." Pete said in a serious tone.
"I already told you, I can't." I said, puffing the last bits of my cigarettes.
"Would you rather hear it from other people than Khun Kinn instead?"
"I'm not even sure about everything anymore, Pete. But if this is really a lie, do you think Kinn would even bother to tell me the truth?" I stared at Pete's eyes, confused.
"Not to offend you or something, but it seems to me that you don't trust Khun Kinn at all." Pete said, and my gaze immediately landed on his serious eyes. Pete's words made me realize it. This may be hard to accept, but I really don't trust Kinn that much on this matter.
Damn this is giving me a headache! I just wanted some answers for Pete's sake!
"Just let that aside first. If you got something, anything, let me know."
"Most of the bodyguards from ten years ago-both main and minor- were either lost or dead. That's all I know."
"Why?" I quickly turned to Pete.
"I really don't know. But don't you remember when Big snitched on the Main family? He ended up..." Pete stopped talking and made a hand gesture across his neck.
"Pete please, you have to help me." I pressed. I could sense danger, and before we even fell into the trap, I had to find out the truth behind all of this.
"Fine. But you have to help me too." Pete said.
"How?" I frowned.
"I want to have a wife and get married. I want to forget everything that happened and just start over." Pete said with a grave look on his face. I don't know if he's serious or not, but I'll just let him do what he wants to help me.
"And where the hell would I get you a wife?"
"That's your job. You help me find a wife for my future and I'll help you gather information from your past. Deal?" Pete held out his hand in front of me.
[T/N: It's like saying, 'You plan my future, I'll fix your past.']
"Really now Pete?" I asked. Quite puzzled on his predetermination to find a wife.
"Come on Porsche. A deal is a deal."
"Fine. But where would I find you a wife?" I casually grabbed Pete's hand and pushed it down after.
"You got more opportunities to mingle with people. You even got a circle of friends. So, work your magic."
"Wha- but all of my friends are men. Would you like to date someone stupid like them?"
I teased Pete, but the bastard immediately burst my bubble.
"No! I'll date women. And women only!" Pete exclaimed before shaking my hand again and going back into the shop.
I sighed. Because instead of getting help, another problem came over to me. It just shows that Pete really wanted to turn a new leaf. He won't be acting all worked up to get a wife if this was just a small matter. What the fuck did you do to him to be this all worked up, Vegas?
I threw my last cigarette butt on the ground and gave it a light press to put out the fire. My feet were telling me to go in now because any later than this, Kinn will think that I already planted my own tobacco tree.
I was on my way in when suddenly a faint shadow appeared from my peripheral vision as if it was picking something up from the ground. I tried to readjust my position to get a better view of the alley, but it was so dimly lit so everything was blurry.
Suddenly my brain came up with a thought...
Was that really a person? Or a cat? Or... a ghost? Damn if it's just a regular person who's trying to spy on us, I'll immediately grab him. But if it's really a ghost... fuck I'll scream like hell!
"Holy fuc-!"
"What the hell are you still doing there Porsche? Let's go in now." Pete said and immediately pulled my arm to go inside with him.
"You didn't wait for me, you fucking bastard!" I yelled at Pete as soon as we went in.
"Well, I thought you still wanted to think about your life decisions, so I didn't bother you!"
Pete and I were still arguing until we arrived at the table. And then the screaming sound of the ding dong bastard made me completely forget about the shadow behind the pillar.
"Hey, Pete and Porsche! This song is for both of you!" Thankhun cheered.
Damn, I still got a long way to go.
"Porsche! Been a long time!" Tem immediately runs towards us to greet me, along with Jom and some other unfamiliar faces.
"We just got here." I replied shortly.
Damn! Have I gone way long that these bastards have already made new friends? I mean we do share the same faculty, but I don't know any of them.
"Hello Pete, and P'Tae." Tem cheerfully said, but when his gaze landed on Tae, his smile faded. As if he saw a ghost.
"You're not with P'Time, P'Tae?" Jom asked, and Tae immediately frowned.
"Do we always need to be together?" Tae said dismissively.
"Oh! N-no! I just asked. I'm just not used to you being alone that's all." Jom replied, a little shaky.
Tae gave Jom a look before turning to me in annoyance, "So where are we gonna eat?"
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