《The Cullens Shared Mate》Date, prom, first time, check


Today is the day of Carlisle and I's date. After school, the Cullens are going to drive me to their house and after a little while they will leave so Carlisle and I can have our date alone.

I am currently walking towards Edwards volvo. He is going to drive and Jasper and I is going to ride along. Jasper is having a rough evening. In eighth period a student cut their hand in his class and he about snapped. We was across the school from eachother and I wasn't close enough for him to smell my scent and calm down. Luckily he was strong enough to push the rest of his families blood desires away and consintrate on not killing the student. He quickly excused himself from class and he is beating himself up about it.

When I got in the car Edward was already in the front seat and Jasper was sitting in the back seat. Instead of sitting up front I climb in the back with Jasper.

"Darling what are you doing" Jasper asked.

"Im sitting back here with you today" I told him softly.

He looked so sad and it broke my heart to see him like that. He slowly reached his arms out towards me and did the grabby hands wanting me to come towards him but instead I reached forward and grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him towards me. He gasped lightly as I pulled him so he was basically laying on top of me in the back of Edwards volvo. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly in a way of comfort. His head found its way into my neck where he slowly breathed in my scent.

"There. Lay here and let me shower you with love and affection. Stop beating yourself up about it. Edward already told me what you was thinking. Its not your fault you was in a room full of vampires that also felt the blood lust" I told him sternly.

"I know, I know. Its just, I wish I could control it better. I don't want to accidentally lash out and kill someone. What if I hurt you" Jasper says while his voice begins to crack at the end of the sentence.

"Jasper Whitlock. Listen to me, your not going to hurt me or anyone else. You are strong and I know it. Your working on your control and it is improving a lot" I inform him.

"I would say, laying here like this is very helpful. Your just very distracting" Jasper says and I can feel him visibly smirk against my neck.

I gasp when his lips attach themselves to my neck and he slowly sucks on the piece of skin right below my ear. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips as his lips trailed lower down my neck.

"Hey, what are you two doing back there. Don't make me pull this car over" Edward said from the drivers seat.

Jasper lets out a low chuckle as he brings his lips up to meet mine. We was peacefully making out in the backseat unaware of what was happening around us until the car door opened that I was leaning on and I about fell out until small arms wrapped around my body. My savior, Alice held me up so I couldn't fall. When I am pulled out of the car and stood up straight.

"My savior" I sighed out dramatically and wrapped my arms around Alice and she jumped up so I was holding her.

"Way to kill the mood" Jasper mumbled as he got out of the car.


"Your the ones who was making out in the back of my car and didn't even invite me" Edward butted in.

"You was driving" I retorted.

"Carry me to Rosalies room" Alice said.

I knew she had something planned just by what she was acting. I didn't question her though and I carried her to Rosalies room. You would think going up the stairs while carrying a girl would be a struggle but its really not when the girl your carrying is Alice. When I got to Rosalies room there was no Rosalie in sight. Alice motioned for me to put her down and I did so. She silently grabbed my hand and lead me over to the bed and pushed me down before climbing back on top of my lap.

"Its going to be a struggle not being able to see you this evening" Alice sighed.

"Its not like you haven't went a whole day without seeing me before let alone a evening" I replied with a chuckle.

"I know but we missed you today and this outfit looks sexy on you. You've been a little tease all day" Rosalie said as she suddenly appeared behind me.

"Im only wearing jeans and a tshirt" I said questionably.

"Tight jeans and a tight tshirt and those damn boots" Alice groaned.

"Well someones a little horny" I chuckled.

"Thats for sure" Rosie mumbled as she attached her lips to the back of my neck and Alice attached her lips with mine.

You would think we would get farther than we normally do but I heard the unmistakable sound of Carlisles car outside. He must have just got home from work and that means its time for everyone to leave. They must really like edging me on and leaving me hanging seeing as none of us get farther than a makeout session.

"Well thats our cue to leave my love. Until next time" Rosie said and softly kissed my lips before they both disappeared. Everyone was considerate and understood that Carlisle and I need this date and was sweet enough not to care.

I waited a few seconds before standing up and walking downstairs to find Carlisle.

"Carlisle" I called throughout the empty house.

"Yes my love" he said as he appeared right behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Dammit Carlisle you about gave a heart attack. I should be used to it by now though" I said as I relaxed into one of my loves arms.

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Now lets go we have a date to prepare" Carlisle told me excitedly.

He lead me into the kitchen where pizza making ingrediants was layed out on the counter.

"I figured you would want to make a pizza together. I got all of your favorite toppings and layed everything out" Carlisle told me seemingly shy.

I quickly ran over to him and jumped into his arms while wrapping my legs around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you" I mumbled into his neck.

"Many times sweetheart. And I love you" he mumbles back before sitting me down and ushering me to start on the pizza.

I added the ingredients into a bowl and began to kneed the dough as Carlisle preheated the oven. Yeah I know, he worked so hard. After the dough was mixed together evenly I put it in a bowl with a towel on top so it could rise.

"Well it seems that we have 20 mintues until the dough is ready" Carlisle said mischeviously.


"Yes 20 minutes for us to pick a movie to watch" I said before I bolted to the living room.

We have a rule so when they are chasing me they can't use their vampy speed. But nevertheless, Carlisle still had longer legs than me. Its not like im short either, its just all the Cullens are freakishly tall. Except Alice of course.

"Please, Carlisle, Please" I said as he began to tickle my sides.

When I started to run out of breath was when he stopped tickling me.

"How about we pick out that movie now" Carlisle asks as he stands up like nothing happened.

"I'll get you for that" I puff out as my lungs start up again.

We sit down on the couch and scroll through Amazon Prime to find a movie to buy. We come across The Maze Runner and I immediatly know its the one.

"Stop, Right there, The Maze Runner" I say pointing at the screen.

"The Maze Runner it is, I actually haven't ever watched this movie before" Carlisle said as he bought the movie.

"WHAT" I screeched. Yep I could be a crank. Whoops.

"Go ahead and get The Scorch Trials and Death Cure. I have the books at my house that you will be reading soon" I informed him.

He obliged and ordered the next two movies. After that we ran into the kitchen and Carlisle rolled out the dough and helped me add my favorite toppings to my pizza and we popped it into the oven and ran back to the living room.

"I got your blanket" Carlisle said and handed me my favorite blanket I keep here for sleepovers.

I curled up into his side on the couch and put the blanket overtop the both of us and Carlisle started the movie.

~Time skip~

Im currently munching on my pizza with tears streaming down my face. No matter how many times I watch the movie or read the books, I cry before Chucks death even comes. I mean the tears have already been in my eyes because of Jeff sacraficing himself for Newt, and Albys death. Chucks death always hits the hardest though.

"Whats wrong sweetheart" Carlisle asks me.

"Just wait" I sniffle.

He gives me a confused look before he turns back to the tv. Then Gally comes. He does his whole yelling thing and I kind of feel bad for him but I can't get past the Chuck part. Then Gally pulls the trigger and Mean-Hoe throughs his spear. Then Carlisle sees the blood spot on Chucks shirt.

"WHAT NO. Chuck doesn't deserve this. Don't just stand there, help him" Carlisle yells at the television. If he could be crying he would.

There is a few more minutes until the movie ends.

"That was depressing" Carlisle said slowly.

"I know" I said sadly.

"Well atleast Newts alive, hes my favorite. I like Winston too, and Minho" Carlisle tells me.

Not for long I thought to myself.

I figured it was best not to say anything.

"We still have two more to watch but I have a better idea" I said suggestively while running my hand up his chest.

"Oh do you now" Carlisle said with a smirk.

"Lets go for a walk together" I say excitedly and jump up off the couch.

"You little tease" Carlisle scolded as he stood up and followed after me as I ran towards the front door.

We slipped our shoes on and ran outside and ran through the woods together laughing and playing. Carlisle is such an amazing mate and so carefree and loving. I don't know what I would do without him and my other amazing mates.

"Love its getting late we should probably start heading home. Alice and Rosalie has some pre prom things planned or something like that" Carlisle told me.

I siged knowing the evening with my love was coming to a end. I know so dramatic but its Carlisle so its okay.

"A kiss first" I demanded.

Carlisle chuckled as he leaned down to my height teasingly before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. Once we pulled away I ran around him and jumped on his back and went limp.

"My love. Carry me. I can't feel my legs" I said dramatically.

Carlisle carried me back to the house where the rest of the Cullens was waiting inside.

"I have returned her" Carlisle said as he walked through the door with me on his back.

"Did you have a nice date" Alice asked giddily as we walked towards them. Well Carlisle walked, I rode.

"I don't know, how was it Alice" I asked knowing she already saw it.

"It was amazing. Carlisle you was no help making her pizza and I have decided that whatever movie you was watching seemed good. That spider, octopus, scorpion, robot, thing was kind of scary though" Alice informed us.

"The Maze Runner. Have none of you ever watched the maze runner" I asked in disbelief.

They all shook their head no. Carlisle and I both gasped. I quickly reached around and smacked him on the side of the head.

"You haven't watched it either until I tonight" I scolded.

"Maze runner marathonnnnnn" I sang.

"We have things to do. Face masks, nails, toe nails, body lotions, so much to do and not enough time" Rosalie said.

"Rosie we have tonight and tommorow morning until evening" I told her.

"Like I said not enough time. So we called in backup" Rosie smirked.

"Backups here" I voice sang from the doorway as two figures walked in.

"Lottie" I yelled happily as I crashed into my best friends arms.

"Im here too" Peter piped in from behind her.

"Don't ruin the moment" I whispered.

"Atleast Jasper missed me" Peter sighed as him and Jazz did a bro hug thing.

"Yeah, yeah missed you to Patricia" I told him and gave him hug while he huffed not amused by his new nickname.

"Time for a makeover" Lottie sang as she dragged me up the stairs with Alice and Rosalie following behind.

We did face masks, our nails again, skin care, plucked my eyebrows, and I shaved my legs. Lets just say the night was eventful while all the boys stayed in the living room and complained when we wouldn't let them join us. I then got an idea.

"Pssst. Patricia" I whispered out of my bedroom door at the Cullens home.

"What" Peter appeared and whispered back.

"Come in. We have a suprise" I said and Peter hesitatantly came into the room.

All the girls was confused until their eyes widened with relization as they looked at the nail polish on the bed. We was all done for the night and I feel like Peter needs a makeover.

"Sit down" I ordered and he quickly sat at the rolly chair I placed beside the bed.

"Pick a color" Rosalie ordered as she put all the nail polish in front of him.

"Uh, why" he asked confused.

"Just pick a color Patricia" Lottie groaned and Peter glared at her for using his nickname. Hehe thats gonna stick.

"Umm. That orange looks pretty" He said and pointed to a bright neon orange.

"Yay. Now hold still" Alice said happily as she tossed the nail polish to me.

"Wait what no" Peter said and jumped out of the rolly chair quickly.

"Babe please. Do it for me. You can take it off later I swear" Lottie pleaded with him.

"But, but why" Peter asked.

"We think it will look nice on you and the rest of the guys are babies and won't do it. Your the tough one" I said trying to presuade him.

"Emmett would do it with no questions asked" He countered.

"Just sit down Patricia before I punch you in the throat" Rosalie said and glared at him.

Angry Rosie is hot but scary. Thankfully Peter sat down.

"Now im going to put this on your nails and if you try anything I will tell Jasper you tried to punch me" I said calmy.

Luckily, Peter knows what Jasper is capable of and wasn't going to try anything.

"Why does it feel like that" Peter asked horrified as I put the first stroke on his nail.

"I don't know, it just does" Alice replied.

After I was half way done with his first hand there was a knock at the door.

"Can we come in now" Emmett groaned.

"No" Peter shouted frantically as he tried to stand up but Lottie held him down.

"Thats suspicous" Edward said.

"Thats weird" Jasper added.

"We are coming in" Emmett chimed and the door swung open.

"what the duck" Edward said as he saw me re painting the nail dumbfuck, im sorry, Peter smudged.

"What. Im getting a manequin. Never had one before" Peter asked smugly.

I burst out laughing and had to set the nail polish down.

"You mean a manicure" Carlisle asked as he too walked into the room.

"Yeah that" Peter said and lost all his confidence.

"Oh, oh. Can I do his makeup" Emmett asked excitedly as he ran over to the bed where we was.

"Emmett you don't even now what half the stuff is" Edward told him but I knew otherwise.

"Yeah I do. See, this is primer, concealer, eyeshadow, mascara, foundation, eyeliner, an eye lash curler, blush, lip stick, lip gloss, and this is a beauty blender" Emmett said as he pointed out all the makeup on my vanity.

The boys kind of just looked at him.

"And how do you know this" Jasper asked him.

"When they are doing their makeup I come in and help out. Its like painting on a canvas but its a face" Emmett explained.

"Okay" Carlisle said slowly.

"So can I" Emmett asked.

"I vote yes" Lottie said and everyone agreed except Peter.

"Shut up Patricia the vote has been made. Emmett get what you need" I said.

Suprisingly he didn't fight as Emmett grabbed all his supplies. Peter sat there as Emmett applied all the products to his face pretty well. After Emmett was done Peter stood up and looked at himself in my mirror and whipped around quickly.

"Damn, im looking nice" Peter said as he made faces at us.

The rest of the night was spent hanging out and talking before I eventually got to tired and I eventually passed out.

~Time skip to getting ready for the dance because I am lazy and want to get this done for ya'll~

I went home to get ready for the dance. I wanted to suprise my mates with the look even though the girls have already seen my dress.

My dad is chaperoning for the party so he is going to be there to which is going to be slightly awkward but its also great. He already went to the school to so he could be early. Bella is also going yay. Note to sarcasm. She is mental or something because she still thinks Edward is taking her to prom. And lets just say her outfit is terrible. Alice might have a heartattack. Its literally a simple blue dress that can be worn every day with leggings under it.

Anyways I am doing finishing touches on my hair which is down and curled. My makeup is simple and a more soft look with light purple eyeshadow to match my dress.

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