《The Cullens Shared Mate》Hanging with "The Mutts"
While im sitting in Emmetts jeep jamming to music with them and telling jokes I get a call. When I look at my phone screen I see that it is one of my best friends Jacob Black. I quickly answer it after turning the music down.
J-Jacob Q-Quill P-Paul
J- Hey little Lizzy just wanted to call and ask you when you was gonna come over and hang out with us
Q- Yeah I miss you
J-Give me my phone back
Q-No never. Hey Paul I had that
P-Hey Liz its Paul. Tommorow you are going to come over after school. Everyone misses you and Emily said that she would cook dinner and you can hang out with your favorite brother
Q-Hey im her favorite brother
J-I would say me but we all know its Seth for sure
J- Okay bye Liz
~End Call~
"Was you just talking to the mutts" Edward says after I just notice that he was fuming.
"You are not going over there tommorow we won't let you" Emmett says also seeming mad which is not normal.
"Why they are my friends" I ask a bit offended.
"We can't exactly tell you but your not going over there" Edward said.
"Last time I checked you didn't tell me what I could and Couldn't do. They are my friends and I will go over there tommorow" I say seriously trying to end the conversation.
"No your not" Emmett said.
"We will see about that" I said before jumping out of Emmetts jeep and walking towards the house since we pulled into the driveway.
Emmetts jeep pulls out of the driveway as I walk into the house and I look around to see that nobody is home. After I warm myself up leftover mac and cheese I run up to my bedroom and as expected all the Cullens minus Carlisle was laying around my room.
"Your not going over to the reservation tommorow" Rosalie says with anger evident in her voice.
"Whats so bad about me going to see my friends" I asked them.
"We can't tell you but all we can say is that they are our enemies and our mate is not going over someplace where we can't protect you" Jasper tells me.
"I don't know whats going on but I can tell you none of the boys on the reservation would harm me, they are my friends and I may love you guys but you will not tell me that I can't see my friends" I tell them trying to end the conversation.
"As long as you call us and text us every hour then we will be okay with it" Alice says being the sweet one.
We all agree that if I call them every hour that they won't freak out and they would be okay with me going to the reservation. After a short conversation with every one I quickly get ready for work and I leave after giving them all kisses. At the hospital Carlisle politely voiced his opinion about me going to the rez. He didn't like the idea but he soon agreed to allow me to go under the same conditions as the other Cullens. Work went by quickly and soon I went home and went to bed with all the Cullens cuddling with me minus Carlisle since he still had work.
~Time Skip~
Today I finally get to go see all my friends. I am the closest with Jacob, Seth, Leah, Paul, and Quill but I am also good friends with Jared, Sam, and Embry. I also miss Emily. I run down the stairs in the morning after getting dressed to see Bella and dad sitting at the table eating breakfast.
"Hey Queen I made pancakes like you taught me" my dad said with a happy face.
"Thanks dad they look amazing. After school I am going to go over to the reservation if thats okay" I ask my dad as I put some pancakes and syrup on my plate.
"Its okay are you spending the evening with the rez boys" my dad asks.
"Yeah I won't be home until after dinner since Emily is also making dinner" I told him I told him with a mouth full of pancakes.
"Whos Emily" Bella asked.
"Sam Uleys girlfriend over on the reservation, she is one of my friends. Im going over to hang out with the boys plus Emily and Leah" I tell her.
"I want to come" Bella says wanting to hang out with boys.
"Sorry Isabella I was specifically told not to let you come because nobody there likes you" I tell her honestly after I had a long conversation with Jacob and Paul.
"Dad tell her she has to let me come" Bella whines.
"Sorry Bella, I repsect the Quiluets and if they don't want you on their reservation I can't go against them" Dad tells her.
Bella scoffs and stomps up the stairs towards her bedroom mumbling about how unfair it was. After wishing my dad fairwell and kissing his cheek I go out to my car so I can drive to school to get it over with.
School went by quickly and was very boring without the Cullens there. Once school was over I went to my car and started towards the reservation. On my way to the reservation I call Alice so I can tell her that I am on my way to the rez and that I would be careful. Everyone makes their opinions known but I brush them off and wish them all a good evening before pulling into Jacob Blacks driveway. I see him and the rest of my friends over in the yard beside his house playing around and Emily reading a book.
"Lizzy" Seth shouted as he ran towards me as fast as he could.
"Sethie" I yell back using the nickname I gave him when we was kids.
"I missed you" he said as he smashed into me.
"I missed you too, a lot actually" I told him.
"Yeah what am I dirt" Paul asks.
I pull away from the tight embrace of Seth and I run over to give Paul, Embry, Jacob, Sam, Quill, then Jared a hug and mumbled quick greeting and I missed you too's. When I was done hugging all of them I barelled into Leah and hugged her.
"Sis I missed you so much" I tell her since I have always called her and Emily my sisters and the rez boys my brothers.
"I missed you too sis" she replied.
"I also missed you Sis" I said hugging Emily.
"I missed you too" Emily told me.
After greeting everyone the boys dragged me over so I could play volleyball with them. For boys they loved volleyball. It was me, Seth, Paul, Embry, and Emily against Jared, Jacob, Leah, Quill, and Sam. After a long game of Volleyball my team wins. When it comes to volleyball Seth is a boss.
I quickly remember that I have to text one of the Cullens so I grab my phone and I start texting
R- Thank you for texting we thought we was gonna have to send out a search party
R- Nothing much, me and Alice are making a suprise for you, Edward and Emmett are playing video games, Carlisle and Jasper is in a intense game of chess
R- Everyone said they wouldn't and we all wanted to let you know that we love you
R- Okay bye
"Who was that" I heard a voice say behind me after I put down my phone making me jump.
"One of my friends from school" I tell Jared after I turned around to see that it was him that asked.
"Do I know them, I know a lot of people from your school" Jacob asked curiously.
I thought about if I should lie but they would all know anyways.
"Rosalie Hale" I say immediatly regretting it after seeing their reactions.
"No. You are not being friends with the likes of those people" Jared said angrily.
"What did you just say. Rosalie and the rest of the Cullens are my friends. They are just as much of a friends to me as you guys are. I don't know what it is between you and them but I don't care. They warned me not to come over here and now your telling me not to be their friends. Im tired of it. You are all my friends and nobody is going to tell me what to do" I ranted to them.
"They tried to keep you from us. I don't care you will not see those leeches ever again. They will hurt you" Paul shouted.
"Leeches" I questioned after wondering if they knew what the Cullens were.
"Yes those leeches. You have no idea what they could do to you. They are dangerous Lizzy. Stay away from them" Embry begged.
"I know exactly how dangerous they are. They won't hurt me and how do YOU know how dangerous they are" I shouted at them.
"They told you" Seth questioned.
"Yes, I know that the Cullens are vampires. Now tell me how you know" I said angrily.
"They are not supposed to tell anybody. They are not going to get away with bringing you into this world" Sam said.
The next thing I knew I heard a ripping noise and I turned to see a gigantic wolf in the place where Paul was standing. Jacob pushes me to the side and yells for me to stay back. I looked at one of my best friends in horror as he vilantly shook and eventually ran towards the woods.
"Hes going towards the Cullens place" Jacob said.
"As he should" Sam said.
Sam looked at me quickly before he also shifted into a gigantic wolf along with, Quil, Embry, Jacob, and Jared then they bolted towards the woods.
"They are going to kill the Cullens" Seth told me.
"What no they can't" I cried.
"They broke the treaty. They are not supposed to tell anyone about their kind unless the person is their mate" Leah told me.
"I am their mate. I am their coven mate" I cried out with tears running down my face.
"Oh god" Emily said with wide eyes.
Seth turned into a giant wolf and after Leah told me to get on his back she to shifted into a wolf. Seth bent down and let me jump on his back and he bolted towards the woods faster than I have ever seen. Leah was quick to follow right behind us with Emily on her back. Seth ran through the woods as fast as he could and when we got to the Cullens house the wolves was circling.
"Stop" Emily shouted.
Sam quickly picked up his head and looked at Emily.
"You can't hurt them, Lizzy is their coven mate she is mated to all of them" Emily said.
I heard many growls from the wolves and when I looked towards the house I saw the Cullens standing at one of the giant windows looking at me with wide eyes, probably because I was just sitting on the back of their supposed enemy. After a few seconds the front door of the house opened and Carlisle stood in the shadows.
"I think we have a lot to talk about, if you would like you may come in and we could have a conversation like civil people" Carlisle said being very calm for a situation like this.
The wolves all look at eachother and are very hesitant and while they are doing that I slide off of Seths back and I walk towards the door. Since the wolves are all arguing with eachother I guess through some kind off mind thing I walk through the front door and into Carlisles arms.
"Are you okay love, did they hurt you" Carlisle asks frantically checking me over for injuries.
"No, I am okay they didn't hurt me" I tell him.
By now the whole family is by the door.
"What happened" Alice asks while she hugs me.
"When Rosie texted me Jared asked me who it was. I told them a friend from school and Jacob wanted to know if he knew them since he knows a lot of people from the school. I can't lie to them because they always know so I told them. They tried to tell me to stay away from you guys and they found out I knew what you are and I found out they knew. Paul got really mad and shifted then bolted here with the rest of the pack following minus Seth and Leah who carried me and Emily" I tell them the whole story.
"You was riding on a mutts back, you smell just like him" Rosalie growls.
"Its okay Rosie Seth is nice. Hes just a small bean he didn't even want to come here" I reasure her.
We here a knock at the door and all the Cullens growl. Carlisle walks over to the door and opens it to see all the pack in their human forms looking anxious.
"We would like to accept your invitation to talk" Sam says.
"Then please come in" Carlisle tells them while opening the door wide enough for them to come in but not wide enough so the sunlight came in.
All the Quiluets walk into the house and look around for any signs of danger. The Cullens lead them to the living room where everyone takes a seat. Emmett pulls me down on his lap so I am close to him and they can make sure the pack won't "hurt" me.
"Well we should probably get to the matter at hands. Yes we did tell Beth what we are. We wasn't planning on telling her so soon but after a little mistake she found out sooner than we intended. We love her more than anything in the world and we will do anything in our power to protect her. If I am correct the treaty says we are aloud to tell our mates about us as long as we don't tell them about you. We didn't tell her about your pack, you showed her yourself" Carlisle explains.
"What do you mean by coven mate" Sam questions.
"A coven mate is a very rare. It has only known that one coven in the world has had a coven mate and we was blessed to have one. A coven mate means that one coven shares the same mate and you only get one mate. Beth is our coven mate and we are each mated to her" Carlisle tells them.
"This is ridikulus, I won't allow my best friend to be with leeches like you" Paul says angrily.
"Watch it Lahote, I love each of the Cullens and if you can't except that then we won't be friends" I tell him angrily.
"Think of it this way. Since shes mated to all the Cullens she will be protected and loved. Let her be happy" Seth says being the perfect friend he is.
"We can't take a mate from a person even if the person is a Cullen. I apologize for the trouble we caused today. Liz if you want to learn more about what we are since we kinda through that at you, you can ask anything you want whenever you want. We must get going" Sam says standing up.
"Im going to let you know. If any of you hurt her I will personally shove my foot up your ass" Jacob says.
"Then I will tear you to shreds" Paul adds.
"And ill burn the bodies" Seth adds making everyone look at him shocked.
"What, nobody messes with my bestie" Seth says.
"Forget that. I will do all that myself but I will torture you slowly" Leah says demonically.
"My car is at Jacobs so I kinda have to come back with you" I tell them wondering if they would still want me to come.
"Your obviously coming back with us, I have a whole dinner planned" Emily says.
"Yeah, and we still have games to play and stuff to blow up" Embry said.
"No explosives, you know what happened last time" Sam says remembering the time when me, Embry, and Jared made bombs out of toilet bowl cleaner.
"Fine go ahead outside and wait for me" I tell them and they hesitantly went outside.
"Do you really have to go back" Edward whines.
"They are still my friends and always will be. I will be okay. I love you all" I tell them.
They all untense after I give them kisses. The last person I gave a kiss to was Jasper and he pulled me close.
"Be careful Darling. If you need anything or they do anything you don't like don't hesitate to call" Jasper tells me before he lets me go.
"Wait we have to give you your present" Alice says and disapears.
When she reapears she gives me a small decorated device that I notice as pepper spray.
"We got you pepper spray and decorated the bottle so you we feel more comfortable with you being on the reservation" Rosalie tells me.
"Thank you. I will be sure to use it if I have to. I promise" I tell them before walking outside.
After saying goodbye one last time I slip the pepper spray into my pocket and I walk out the door. When I walked out the door the pack was all waiting still in their human forms.
"Finally done talking to the enemy" Jacob mumbled.
"I don't like a mumbler Jacob" I said to him with a glare.
He quickly shut up and shifted into his wolf form along with a few of the pack members. Emily jumps onto Sams back and Jared tells me to ride on Pauls back. Once I climbed on Pauls back he shot into the woods. We got through the woods quickly and we ended up at Sam and Emilys home where Emily quickly jumped off of Sam and hurried into the house to start dinner. Leah and I quickly followed behing her to help even after she protested multiple times.
After dinner was cooked we all sat around the kitchen or in spots that wasn't taken and talked. Sam explained to me what they was and about the tribal legends. Jacob explained to me the treaty with the Cullens. Paul exspressed how he hated that I was talking to the Cullens let alone mated to them. Soon it was time for me to head home so I said my goodbyes and I went to my car. Seth didn't want me to leave but I had to since I had school the next day.
While driving home I texted Carlisle and I told him that I was heading home and that I was safe. He was very nice and told me to drive safe and that he loved me in which I replied that I loved him too. When I got home Bella and dad was home and I went inside to see them akwardly sitting in the living room.
"Hey dad im home" I tell him happily.
"Hey Queen did you have fun on the reservation" he asks me.
"Yeah we played some volleyball, played games in the woods, had dinner, talked a little bit and I left" I told him.
"Thats good, its getting late you two should probably head to bed you have school tommorow" my dad tells me.
"Goodnight dad/Charlie" me and Bella say.
I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and as expected the Cullens were all waiting for me. Alice and Rosalie picked out my pajamas and they all waited for me to get out of the shower and then I climbed into the middle of the bed curling into them. I went to sleep after having a small conversation about random things.
[What If] ▪ To Love Ru [Dropped]
[Reboot] Rainer Reinhardt was the strongest devilukean to ever exist, but one day, he was kidnapped by the humans in another universe. Forced to fight a war that's not his, Rainer broke free of their control with the Demon King's help. Then he went on a quest of vengeance, uniting the other races to fight against humankind of this world. Eventually, the war came to an end, the human Empire lost, leaving only a few remains which then all fled into the swamps in the North. Rainer, now without anything to do, decided to travel around the world, years passed by, dungeons had been looted, enemies had been killed, in boredom Rainer did a stupid thing that no one other than him would have considered, he chose to die. But due to his soul belonged to another universe, he got rejected by both Heaven and Hell, ending up in nothingness. He thought it was all over, but boy how wrong was he. Watch as the former devilukean Rainer Reinhardt, now known as Yuuki Rito the human dealt with his troubles, which consisted a bunch of beautiful alien girls and... A preverted principal. Author Note : Hi guys, I'm Liam, though my writing name is Just A Normal Guy. Now before you asked, I'd like to say I'm not abandoning Heroes & Villains. It's just that constantly writing a story is very tiring, so as to not bored myself out, I've decided to write another story ! And because I've never written a fanfiction before, I thought 'Why the hell not ?'. That's how this story came to life. As for Heroes & Villains, I'll be taking a break from it until my inspiration comes back (I'm still writing that story). Thank you so much for reading my stories, I hope this story can entertain you in your free time. Ideas, review, critism are always welcome so please, if you see something wrong, please tell me. Thanks again. Link To Heroes & Villains : http://royalroadl.com/fiction/chapter/131261
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