《The Cullens Shared Mate》Going to their home



It was lunch time and I was dreading it the most. I put my stuff in my locker before walking towards the lunch room. While walking towards the lunch room I feel a arm lay across my shoulders and I look up to see Emmett.

"Are you going to sit with us at lunch" Emmett asks me.

"Are you all actually going to give me a choice" I ask him.

"No" he says casually before leading me into the lunch room towards his table.

"Beth, hey" Alice says suprised that I was sitting with them.

I nod towards her before taking a seat between Emmett and Jasper.

"Okay lets get straight to the point. We cannot explain to you what happened last night in a lunch room full of people so we wanted to ask you if you could come to our house this evening so we could explain everything to you" Rosalie says getting straight to the point.

"Today is my first day working at the hospital so I don't think so" I tell them.

"We already talked to Carlisle he said he will bring you to our house after work and one of us will take you home" Edward says.

"Why would he agree with that" I ask them confused as to why my now boss would drive me to their house.

"Because he is involved with this to" Alice tells me.

I quickly text my dad telling him im going over to the Cullens house after work and they would bring me home. He said it was okay and that he would eat the leftover meatloaf he had from the diner.

"Hey what are we talking about" Bella says pulling a chair up to the table just like yesterday right next to Edward.

"WE are talking about what we are going to have for dinner tonight after Beth gets off work" Rosalie says giving Bella a glare.

"Yeah seriously what do you want to have for dinner we can make almost anything" Alice says.

"I don't mind im not picky" I tell her.

"Why does it matter what she wants for dinner shes cooking for me and Charlie" Bella says calling dad by his name.

"I already texted dad and he said he would warm up the leftover meatloaf from the diner for you and him while I have dinner at the Cullens house" I tell her.

"What no fair why do you get to go over to their house. I have to go too, Charlie won't let you go without me" Bella says thinking she was going too.

"Beth is coming to our house because we actually like her and she is not a bitch. Your not welcome at our home for how you treat Beth and how you acted yesterday" Rosalie said.

"If I can't come, she can't" Bella said.

"Last time I checked you didn't control her. She is old enough to make her own desicions" Jasper says speaking for the first time.

Before Bella could say anything the bell rang and the Cullens and I quickly rushed out of the lunch room away from Bella. She may be my sister but that doesn't mean I have to like her. I grab my stuff from my locker and I hurry to biology class. Yesterday we started a project where we had to choose a partner to do a project with and I chose Edward.

"Hey partner" Edward said as I took a seat.

"Hey" I say back.

We spend the whole class chatting like nothing happened. Even though the Cullen family is a little strange I somehow can't make myself be mad or scared of them.



After biology I went to my favorite class. Medical terminology that went by quickly with Emmett and Edward talking to me.


Gym class. The best class of the day. I love gym class because I get to play games and sometimes I even get to throw balls at people. Today the gym teacher announced that we was playing basketball and it so happens to be one of my best sports. the 11th grade and 12th grade share a gym class so I got stuck with having this class with Bella. Bella sucks at sports.

The team captians was two juniors named Mike and Tyler and two seniors named Kyle and Adam. I was the second to last picked since nobody ever seen me play. I was put on Mikes team while Bella was put on Tylers. While Kyle and Adams team was playing my team stratagized.

My team won yay! I was put as point guard to throw the other teams off and I made a lot of shots.

"Great game Swan" Mike said.

"You are not bad Beth" Jessica said.

I got a lot of compliments just from the basketball game and even got them on my way to the parking lot. I agreed to let Edward and Jasper drive me to the hospital while Emmett, Alice, and Rosalie went home to "prepare" the house.

"I heard you had a good game of basketball in gym today" Edward says leading me towards his volvo.

"Yeah it wasn't a bad game" I tell him.

"I want to play a game against you one day" Emmett called over from Rosalies mercedes-benz.

"You mean lose" I call back laughing.

He scoffs and climbs into Rosalies car. I went to get into the backseat of Edwards car but Jasper quickly stops me.

"No darling you can ride up front" Jasper says being the gentlemen he is.

"Its okay Jaz I will ride in the back, we are just going to the hospital" I tell him opening the door.

"You make it hard for me to be a gentlemen" Jasper says laughing.

I smirk before climbing in the back of the car and the boys get in the front. We chat the whole way to the hospital and they wish me luck when we get there. The offered to walk me in to make sure I got there "safely" and was sad when I told them I was fine since we parked right in front of the hospital.

I walked inside and my intentions was to go to the front desk and ask where to go but a was soon met by Doctor Cullen himself.

"Hello Ms. Swan your right on time" he said walking over to me.

"Im glad im not late on my first day" I tell him.

"Follow me and I will show you how we run things around here and what you will be doing" Carlisle says leading me through a hall.

He showed me where to go when he gave me papers or lab work, where they kept all the medical supplies, and he even put another desk in his office just for me.

"Dr. Cullen you didn't have to give me a whole desk" I tell him astonished that he put a whole desk in his own office for me.

"You will need your own workspace and I have plently of room in my office. And please call me Carlisle" he says while showing me my desk.

"Well thank you Carlisle and you can call me Beth" I tell him testing out my very own rolly chair.


Rolly chairs just hit different. I see that I already have pencils, paper clips, a stapler, pens, and much more supplies I will need during my time at the hospital.

After I showed Beth around the hospital I took her to my office which is know ours and showed her the desk I had put in there for her. I don't think she noticed that on the door I had another sign that said Apprentice Elizabeth Swan beside the sign with my name on it. She was so happy when she saw the desk that it made me happy to know I was the one that made her happy.

She shadowed me that afternoon and was very educated. My patients was more than happy to have her with me and didn't mind that she was a minor. Since she was so young and didn't actually have a medical licences I had to ask my patients permisson to have her in the room with me and nobody had a problem with it.

My little mate was so smart and she actually loved helping people. Now it was time for me to take her to my house because 3 of my kids was not sneaky enough. She got a lot of praise and encouragment from other doctors and nurses including me. She got really happy when our patients encouraged her and told her she was doing a good job. I caught myself staring at her a lot but I quickly played it of so she didn't notice.

I have caught Carlisle staring at me a lot. I mean for some reason I didn't really mind but he did stare a lot. The whole way to his car we talked mainly about the hospital and what I wanted to do with my future but we also talked about other things. When I saw his car I was amazed because it was just as cool as the rest of the Cullens. It was a smooth black mercedes and it was beautiful.

"Wow thats a beautiful car" I told him.

Carlisle being a gentlemen opened the door for me.

"Thank you im glad you like it" he said before shutting the door.

He walked around the car and got in the drivers seat and drove off before he talked again.

"The kids told me you have a car but it hasn't got here yet" Carlisle said glancing over at me.

"Yeah I have a black mustang kind of like Jaspers but cooler" I told him also glancing at him.

"Wow poor Jasper thought his car was the best" Carlisle said laughing.

We chatted the whole car ride without it being awkward. When we pulled up to the Cullens house I was stunned.

"Wow" I say with my mouth slightly open.

"Close your mouth beautiful your going to catch flies" Edward said suddenly standing in front of me making me jump.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he says laughing a bit.

Carlisle and Edward led me into the house where I was met with the rest of the Cullens.

"We are making a lasagna for you" Alice says quickly hugging me.

"Thats great I love lasagna" I tell her hugging her back.

"I think we should quickly get to the matter at hand so we know if your going to run away screaming" Edward says leading me to the living room and setting me down on a couch.

"Im probably not going to do that unless you are serial killers, cannibals, criminals, etc." I tell them.

"Well I don't know how to tell you this or what would be th-" Carlisle starts before Emmett cuts him off.

"Where vampires"


Edward, Alice, and Rosalie was repeatedly smacking Emmett upside the head. I sat there for a couple seconds and really thought about if they was joking. Then it hit me. They are pale, their skin is freezing cold, they never eat, they seem to be everywhere and they get everywhere quickly. They was telling the truth.

"Your not kidding" I say in wonder.

"No we are not but we promise that we will never hurt you. We never hurt people. We live off of a animal diet and we don't hurt humans. But you have to understand that you can't tell anyone" Carlisle says being the calm and collected one.

"Why would you tell me this" I ask them a bit confused as to why they told me if they want to keep themselves a secret.

"Well every vampire has a mate. A person that they are a friend to, they love, and most importantly protect. Some covens of vampires are special and they have a thing called a coven mate. Thats where instead of having your own mate you have to share your mate with your whole coven. Beth, love you are our coven mate. It is very rare and it is only known of only one other coven of having a coven mate" Carlisle explains.

"Im your mate" I say looking at all of them.

"Yes" Alice says tapping her feet worriedly.

"Okay" I tell them letting out a breath.

"Wait your not going to run away screaming" Edward asks confused.

"Oh sorry wait" I tell him before standing up and letting out a breath and inhaling dramatically.

"AHHHHH" I scream at the top of my lungs before bolting towards the door.

I don't run out the door because for some reason I trust and believe them.

"Im not walking all the way home your my ride" I say obviously while sitting back down.

"So your not scared" Jasper asks.

"Are you going to give me a reason to be scared" I said while Will Poultering my eyebrows. That means raising them really high if you don't know.

"No" they all quickly say.

"We just thought you wouldn't except us since we are vampires" Emmett says.

"For some reason I feel like I can't stay away from any of you. I feel like I am attached to you" I tell them about the pull I have been feeling.

"Thats the mating pull darling" Jasper says with his cute half smile.


"The lasagnas done" Alice says jumping up and vampire running to the kitchen.

Alice pulls out a whole lasagna from the oven and places it on the table and cuts it into squares. In a quick flash she has a whole salad prepared.

"Can you guys eat" I ask them curiously.

"No we can't but you can eat the amazing lasagna Alice and I made" Rosalie said while Alice nodded her head quickly.

"I helped to" Edward said offended.

"Edward, you put the water in the pot for the noodles and didn't even put the noodles in the pot or turn the stove on" Rose said rolling her eyes.

Alice and Rosalie practically threw me in the chair and I get the hint and I take a bite from the mouth watering lasagna.

"Its amazing" I breath out and took another bite.

"Im glad we worked hard making sure everything was correct" Alice told me.

"I don't want to feel nosy or anything but how did you become vampires" I ask them taking another bite.

"Well we became vampires after we was bit by a vampire and they injected vampire hurt juice into us aka venom" Emmett says.

"Why don't we tell you our stories" Carlisle says.

"No, that seems like something personal I don't want you to feel like I am forcing you into anything" I tell them quickly.

"Sweetheart you are our mate and we would tell you anything and everything about us" Edward says and looked at me with dreamy eyes.

"Okay" I tell them.

"Well I guess I will start since it kind of started with me" Carlisle says and I nod.

"I was born in 1640 and my father was a pastor. Growing up my father and his friends led hunts to kill witches, vampires, and werewolves claiming to rid the world of evil. Once I got older I took over the hunts even though I didn't really like it. I discovered a coven of vampires living in the sewers and I led a hunt to get rid of them. In the midst of the chaos I got bit and turned into a vampire. When I awake I was to ashamed of myself and scared to go to my father so I fled. I didn't like the idea of hurting people so I hid and stayed away from humans. One day while I was hiding I saw a herd of deer and had a urge so I killed one and drank its blood. I noticed my eyes turning from the normal red to a topaz color. After that I noticed that I didn't have one urge to hurt people so I went out and became a doctor to help people since the blood never bothers me" Carlisle tells me.

I felt so bad so I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

"You have no reason to be ashamed of yourself. You are a amazing doctor and you helped so many people" I tell him before pulling out of the hug and sitting down to listen to the next story.

"Welp I was next. I must ask that you always wash your hands please. I was born in 1901 and in 1918 I was lying in a hospital bed dying from the spanish influenza. My parents had already passed away and before my mom passed she asked Carlisle to save me. Carlisle told me he was getting lonely so he restrained himself and turned me. Ever since then I have always stuck by Carlisles side and I have been a part of his coven. Oh and I can also read minds" Edward tells me and in which I give him a hug.

My hands quickly shoot up to my head.

"Don't worry its really hard to get into your head and I only get bits and pieces of it" he tell me laughing a bit.

"I promise you I will always wash my hands. To think that if Carlisle wasn't so lonely I would have never met you" I tell him and took my seat again.

"I was born in 1915 and I was turned in 1933. I was young and all I wanted was to have a child and that storybook life. To get that I got engaged to the most eligible bachelor around and that was Royce King. He had money and I thought if I married him I could have a child and have that husband that comes home from work and kisses me. One night I was walking home and I saw Royce with some of his friends and they was clearly drunk. He grabbed me and they all raped me there in the street and left me to die. Carlisle found me and changed me thinking I was Edwards mate but I was not. I stuck with Carlisle ever since" Rosalie said and if she could cry she would.

I run to her and I hug her tightly.

"Rosalie you didn't deserve any of that. You deserve to have a child and that perfect life" I tell her and sat down pulling her onto my lap so she could cuddle into my side.

Rosalie may act all tough but she is actually really sweet and soft on the inside.

"I was next hehe. I was also born in 1915 but I wasn't turned until 1935. I was up in the mountains hunting when I was jumped by a bear. I fought the bear with all my might and I was winning" Emmett starts but was cut of by Rosalie.

"You was getting mauled by the bear idiot" she says rolling her eyes.

"Let me have some fun. So I was fighting the bear and it somehow got the upperhand and attacked me. After it was done I was bleeding out and Rosalie found me. She told me that she felt a connection to me which she thought was the mate bond but it was a coven bond. She carried me 100 miles to Carlisle where he changed me and I joined his coven. Ever since then I have stayed by Carlisles side" Emmett tells me.

"For what its worth Em you would have beat the bear on a better day" I tell him giving him a side hug since Rosalie was still on my lap.

"I don't remember my human life but I was turned into a vampire by a unknown vampire and I later ran into Carlisle and I joined his coven. I have the ability to see the future" she tells me and I feel bad.

Before I can say anything Rosalie jumps of my lap and scoops me into her arms and im flashed to the couch in the living room where she sits me down and sits on one side of me with Alice on the other.

"Its okay Alice. I don't really know what to say but im here for you if you need to talk. Its also really cool that you can see the future" I tell her holding her close to my side.

"My story is a little longer than everyone elses. I was born in 1843 and turned in 1863. When I was 17 I left home and joined the confederate army after lying about my age. I later become known as the youngest major in the confederate army, Jasper Whitlock" he started but I cut him off.

"You mean to tell me that you are Jasper Freaking Whitlock" I say astounded.

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