《Harry potter one shots (and smut)》Young remus lupin


"Oh come on moony, talk to her already!" James groaned , Sirius and Peter chuckled while Remus turned a bride red.

"Y-you k-know I can't" he stuttered.

"Why not? At least try moony, I mean if she doesn't want to talk to you , you can always go back to staring at her" Sirius said , of course whilst smirking.

Remus sighed , and ignored his friends.

And he thought to himself , how can I talk to her? She is a brilliant Ravenclaw , she's beautiful , funny , popular , smart and yet she's still modest and kind.

He was absolutely smitten , and his friends could tell at the way he looked at you and how he smiled when you corrected a teacher or one time when you accidentally bumped into him , and immediately started to apologize and he just stood there looking at you , smiling and blushing like an idiot.

At first his friends teased him about it, but then they saw how much he liked you , and they made it their mission to get you two together.

And when you walked into the library you saw your classmates sitting at a table , you smiled at them and sat down to do your homework.

They talked really loud (they probably didn't even notice you could hear everything)

You looked up at Remus who now was blushing even harder, and his friends laughed.

The poor boy looked so flustered, and you giggled.

"You can talk to me Remus , I won't bite" after you said that you simply winked, and all of his friends were chuckling, not because of what you said no, because of the way Remus smiled.

So Remus stood up , and walked over to you , grabbed a chair and sat down next to you.

You whispered something in his ear , and he chuckled slightly, he whispered something back and you giggled , then you kissed his cheek.

(You can imagine what you said , that's up to you)

His friends al watched how their dorky and shy friend , turned into a ladies man.

All because of you!

Oh and btw , you and Remus got into a loving relationship, and stayed together for a long time.


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