《Harry potter one shots (and smut)》Oliver Wood


"Oh you have never been more wrong" you chuckle as your friend Susan glares at you.

"Well miss know it al , why don't you tell me who is going to win the World Cup then" she says while raising an eyebrow at you.

"Okay listen carefully , Ireland is going to win because they do not only have a good seeker they also have a great keeper and two very quick chasers plus they have an amazing defense"

Despite you're a muggleborn , you knew everything about quidditch.

Susan groans and grabs her books.

"Why are you being such a stubborn pain in the ass" she asks while grabbing her books , and walks out of the library.

"I think you're absolutely right , and absolutely cute" a cute guy with an amazing Scottish accent looks down at you with a cheeky smile.

"Well I know I'm right and you're not so bad yourself" he chuckles .

"I'm Oliver wood, nice to meet you"

"Y/N Y/L/N , nice to meet you to"

You smile at him , bloody hell he is cute.

"So why don't we talk about quidditch some more Y/N"

"Yeah sure , Uhm what's your fave" but he cut you off.

"Not now , on our date Saturday , meet me at the black lake after breakfast" he says with a cheeky smile and he immediately walks off , not leaving you any time to answer.

Not that you would have said no , I mean who could say no to that cute smile.

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